Global Check-in System

C153 Warning

C153 Warning

0Three women stood quietly behind Lin Fei. They silently supported Lin Fei.    


Two minutes later!    


Everyone in the meeting room on the thirtieth floor reached the roof and stood in front of Lin Fei in an orderly manner.    


They probably did not expect that they would come to the roof again on this day, which was not going well.    


"President Lin, everyone is here. You can start now."    


Phyllis walked over and said in a low voice in front of Lin Fei.    




Lin Fei nodded and gestured. Then he looked at everyone and raised his voice and said, "Hello everyone. My name is Lin Fei. I am from Great Yan Empire!"    


"Not long ago, my company acquired West Group by luck, so I was also lucky to become the new chairman of this company."    


"I am very happy to be able to work with everyone. Now, I can be considered to have officially met everyone. I hope that in the following days, my family will be able to get along well!"    


Lin Fei's voice was actually not loud, but because the roof was very quiet, everyone could hear him clearly.    


In the next second, all the shareholders and higher ups of West Group started to applaud and welcome ___.    


After waiting for so long, a new chairman finally came, and he came from the rich and powerful Great Yan Empire in the east.    


Without a doubt, he must be a very capable boss. At this moment, everyone thought that this kind of wait was worth it.    


The applause lasted for a full minute. Even Hollar Ray kept clapping at Lin Fei with a smile on his face.    


But that was all!    


Lin Fei waved his hand, signaling everyone to quiet down, and then said, "En, thank you for your warm welcome to me!"    


"Then, before the official meeting, I want to do a warm-up exercise for everyone. Each person has a hundred push-ups. Let's start now!"    


When Lin Fei said this, he had a smile on his face. His voice was not loud, but when it entered everyone's ears, in an instant, their smiles and longing froze on their faces.    


One hundred push-ups!    


Are you here to make a joke?    


This is called having fun?    


Everyone's gaze instantly gathered on Lin Fei's face.    


Looking at his smiling face, they instantly understood. So this was a smiling tiger!    


He looked amiable and approachable, but in fact, there was a fierce tiger hiding in his bones!    


Such a person was the hardest to deal with!    


These shareholders and the higher-ups were used to living a comfortable life, and most of them were people who liked drinking. Their bodies had long been emptied by alcohol and sex, and they seriously lacked training.    


Some of them had just climbed up two floors from the 30th floor and were still panting heavily.    


If they did another 100 push-ups, wouldn't that be clearly taking their lives?    


Thus, when everyone reacted, the originally quiet roof instantly exploded.    


The shareholders and the upper echelons discussed among themselves. Various emotions began to spread rapidly on the rooftop, quickly infecting everyone on the rooftop.    


In the end, they pointed their spearheads at Lin Fei, thinking that this new chairman was too much.    


During this process, Lin Fei just stood there with a smile on his face. He didn't say anything, but carefully looked at the expressions on each of their faces at this moment.    


He had always thought that at times like this, one could see a person's heart through their facial expressions.    


Because at this moment, their expressions were their real expressions.    


One side discussed animatedly, expressing their dissatisfaction, while the other side smiled and observed quietly. Both sides fell into a stalemate for a moment.    


At this time, vice president Hollar Ray, who had always thought that he was the company's leader, secretly smiled, thinking that his opportunity to win over the hearts of the people had come.    


He felt that this new chairman was simply courting death. He had just arrived and he was already abusing everyone. This was simply pushing the company into his arms. The heavens were really helping him!    


Thus, he, who thought himself very cool, quickly jumped out. He pointed at Lin Fei and scolded loudly, "President Lin, say something unpleasant. We are just employees of the company. Not the employees. Group slaves. You have no right to order us to do this! "    


"This is a society that values human rights. Doing this is completely mistreating the staff. I will be the first to stand up and object!"    


"Besides, the company is a group, they shouldn't have a hierarchy system. Even if we want to do push-ups, as the leader of the company, shouldn't you do it with everyone? "    


After all, Hollar Ray was still the vice president of the company, and he had some supporters within the company.    


In addition, his words were what people wanted. Therefore, the moment he jumped out, many small shareholders immediately jumped out and responded to him.    


"Vice president is right, we should enjoy the rights of freedom and equality!"    


"We are against abuse, we are determined to fight against the management of power!"    


For a moment, more than a dozen shareholders stood beside Hollar Ray, shouting slogans at Lin Fei together!    


Many of the higher ups also stood in support of him.    


However, there were still many people who maintained neutrality, standing there without moving, observing the situation here.    


Seeing that the camp was about to be split up, Lin Fei smiled and said unhurriedly, "Everyone, you are right. I am the leader of the group. I should take the lead!"    


After saying that, he laid on the ground without saying a word. One hand supported the ground and the other hand behind his back. He used a one-handed push-ups position and started to do it first.    


One-handed push-ups!    



This scene shocked everyone to the point that they instantly shut their mouths!    


But this was not the most surprising.    


Because after Lin Fei, the speed at which he performed push-ups with one hand was so fast that his body kept moving up and down, creating afterimages. That kind of speed was so fast that it was hard to count with the naked eye.    


In less than thirty seconds, Lin Fei clapped his hands and stood up while everyone was stunned. His face was not red, but his heart did not beat as he looked at everyone.    


At this moment, although he didn't say anything, his meaning was obvious. "Alright, I'm done. Now, it's your turn!"    


All the shareholders and higher-ups were stunned on the spot, as if they had turned into statues.    


Although they did not train their bodies often, they had seen others do push-ups before!    


Thirty seconds!    


One-handed push-ups!    


One hundred!    


Was this new chairman a member of the special forces?    


Oh, that's not right!    


This was even more ferocious than a member of the Special Forces!    


Even Hollar Ray, who had a bit of momentum just now, had completely lost his momentum now.    


He tried his best to open his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end, he was unable to say anything.    


With his experience, he could basically conclude that this new chairman was definitely not a simple person.    


He did this to give everyone a warning. At this time, he did not want to cause trouble for himself.    


But as the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.    


At this time, there was still a small shareholder who insisted on provoking Lin Fei.    


He was a middle-aged white man in his forties. His eyes were very deep and he was also very tall. He had the typical Western European bloodline.    


He rushed forward and stood in front of Lin Fei. He roared, "What's the meaning of this? I won't do it today. What can you do to me?"    


"Although you are the chairman, you don't have the right to treat everyone like this. This is because you don't have human rights at all!"    


Lin Fei did not even look at him. He turned to Phyllis and said, "Tell him that he can leave now!"    


Phyllis was stunned. Obviously, she did not understand what Lin Fei meant. After hesitating for a moment, she still asked, "President Lin, he is a shareholder of West Group!"    


"So what? How much shares does he have? I will buy them all immediately. In short, I don't care what method you use to make him disappear, or else you will disappear. Make your own choice! "    


Lin Fei said resolutely and decisively. His words did not allow anyone to have the slightest doubt.    


That kind of tough wrist and boldness instantly stunned everyone present.    




Phyllis did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately nodded her head to do the things that Lin Fei arranged.    


Two minutes later, when the shareholder was carried down the stairs by two security guards, he was still roaring about all kinds of threats to Lin Fei.    


Everyone stood on the roof and looked at Lin Fei as if they were facing a devil.    


"I don't care what you think in your hearts, and I don't care what kind of work you used to do, but there is one thing you must understand. When you are my soldiers, you must take my orders!"    


"Do you all understand?"    


Lin Fei looked at everyone and asked.    


"We understand!"    


Everyone answered in unison. This time, even Hollar Ray shouted at the top of his lungs. He was afraid that his voice would not be loud enough to make Lin Fei unhappy.    


"Since you all understand, then hurry up and do it!"    


Lin Fei added.    


As soon as he finished speaking, all the shareholders and higher-ups started to lie on the ground and did push-ups honestly.    


Even Hollar Ray looked at Lin Fei and did not dare to have any other thoughts. He obediently lied on the ground and did his best.    


With Lin Fei's actions towards the small white shareholder just now, at this moment, no one on the roof dared to express their dissatisfaction.    


Half an hour later, everyone was lying on the roof with sweat all over their bodies, breathing heavily.    


They had never trained before, but now they felt that their arms were no longer theirs.    


Looking at these guys who were half dead tired, Lin Fei smiled and nodded, revealing a satisfied smile.    


He could guarantee that this was definitely the most special meeting these guys had ever held in their lives.    


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