Global Check-in System

C158 Let's Go and See What God Usually Eats

C158 Let's Go and See What God Usually Eats

0"Dear tourists, what we are seeing right in front of us is the famous attraction of Cape of Good Hope in South Africa."    


"Cape of Good Hope is located at the southernmost tip of Africa. Due to the many storms, it is also known as the Cape of Storms."    


"Later, because it means that bypassing this place is a great sailing route to the east, and it is named Cape of Good Hope. In English, it means the Cape of Hope!"    


"In fact, Cape Town is a city that has gradually grown and prospered because of Cape of Good Hope. Therefore, Cape Town is also called the Horn of Sea City!"    


"Some people say that if someone came to South Africa but did not come to Cape Town... It means that he has never been to South Africa before, and some people have come to Cape Town. If he hasn't been to Cape of Good Hope, it means that he has never been to Cape Town. From this, it can be seen that Cape of Good Hope is an important landmark in Cape Town! "    


"En, everyone look over here. The lighthouse on the right side of the hill is the most unique landmark of the Cape of Good Hope."    


Next, the guide arranged by the scenic area started to talk endlessly about the history of Cape of Good Hope, which Lin Fei and the other three were the most proficient at.    


He was a young black man. It was unknown whether he was trying his best to serve Lin Fei and the other VIPs, or he was too nervous.    


Although he talked endlessly, Lin Fei felt that he talked too rigidly. It was as if he was reciting a book. He did not have the enthusiasm, hospitality, and unique sense of humor that the black people had.    


There was an ancient saying in the east, Haste makes waste.    


In fact, sometimes people were like this. They often wanted to succeed in one thing, but the more they wanted to succeed, the more they could not succeed in that matter.    


Lin Fei felt that the current situation of the black counselor in front of him was precisely the meaning of that sentence.    


Although the young black man was in high spirits, the girls did not like to hear this.    


They were all their usual style. No matter where they went, they would take all kinds of selfies and post them on their WeChat Moments. Then, they would post their presence on their WeChat Moments.    


Lin Fei felt that they were the real check-in. Compared to them, this check-in of his seemed more like he was receiving an award.    


Lin Fei was naturally not interested in the black counselor's explanation. He stood at the edge of the fence and looked into the distance at the Cape of Good Hope. He was thinking about what the check-in would get next.    


Although the girls loved to take selfies, they were still a little far away from the Cape of Good Hope. So after taking a selfie for a while, they posted their presence on WeChat Moments and continued to move forward.    


The young man continued to recite by Lin Fei's ear as if he was reciting a book. Lin Fei and the others looked around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but they did not listen to him at all. They just thought he was reciting scriptures by his ear.    


Soon, the black counselor brought Lin Fei and the others through the long and narrow passage at the top of Cape of Good Hope.    


Standing on this corner, Lin Fei spread his arms wide. He truly felt the infinite charm of the horn of the sea, which had become the end of the sky.    




It was probably because there were too many tourists, reaching the peak of the sea, and being stepped on by tourists all year round. The natural environment had been severely damaged, so this place had already been protected.    


The tourists could only stand on a platform 500 meters away from the peak and watch.    


In fact, when they stood there and looked over there, their vision was very good, but Lin Fei had some questions in his mind.    


He had already arrived at Cape of Good Hope. Why hadn't the system's notification sound come to him after the successful check-in?    


"Damn it, this dog system, it can't be that it wants me to reach that point in front of it!"    


Lin Fei thought like this in his mind as he walked around the viewing platform.    


Fifteen minutes later, Lin Fei had walked around the entire platform, but the system in his mind did not even say a fart.    


"Damn it, this dog system really kills people!"    


Lin Fei cursed in his heart. He knew that this matter was most likely the same as what he had analyzed just now.    


He had to reach the point closest to the ocean in order to obtain the check-in.    


This was too similar to the style of this dog system's secretary, who often did not do anything.    


Oh, no, that's not right. Damn it, it was not a human being to begin with!    




Lin Fei thought for a while and looked at the black gold bank card of the Swiss bank. For the sake of the 100 billion USD, he endured it.    


The system's rewards were becoming more and more varied, and they were becoming more and more attractive. Who knew what kind of rewards he would receive next?    


But now, there was a problem. That place was protected. Although there were no special guards there, there were so many tourists there, and they were all looking at him. It was not appropriate for him to go there.    


What should he do!    


"Mr Lin Fei, come here!"    


Lin Fei looked around and was thinking about something when Xi Mengwei ran over happily and asked Lin Fei to take a picture with them.    


Lin Fei's train of thought was interrupted. He could only smile bitterly and follow her. After that, he was thrown around by the three beauties.    


He had to say that women were like this. No matter when, taking pictures was the most important thing to love beauty.    


However, after they had been tossed around for a while, they had a great time taking pictures. They had fun, and they had taken pictures of the scenery they needed to see. They had taken pictures of what they needed to take, and then they had to leave.    


Then, I haven't even used my card yet. I can't come here for nothing!    


Just as Lin Fei was frowning, he suddenly saw a very soft scarf around Lee Fei'er's neck.    


It was also strange that there was suddenly a strong wind here. Furthermore, it was the southeast wind, blowing the hair of the women high up in the air.    


"Haha, the heavens are really helping me!"    


Seeing this scene, Lin Fei suddenly felt that an opportunity had come. Hence, he quietly approached Lee Fei'er and released the scarf around her neck at an extremely fast speed.    


Lin Fei's movement was very covert. He could not tell that he deliberately untied the scarf around Lee Fei'er's neck.    


Even Lee Fei'er looked like she only felt that Lin Fei went over to hug her and protect her.    


The wind was very strong!    


In an instant, the wind carried the originally soft scarf and flew towards the outside of the fence, and that direction was precisely the peak of Cape of Good Hope's protection.    


"Ah, not good."    


Lin Fei turned around and deliberately shouted, then took this opportunity to stride over the fence and chase after the scarf.    


This excuse was perfect. As expected, when Lin Fei asked the fence to enter the protected area, all the tourists looked at him, but no one realized that he had broken the rules and entered the natural protection area.    


Because now, everyone was concerned about one thing, and that was whether that person would catch up to the scarf.    


"Xiao Fei, be careful!"    


Even the owner of the scarf, Lee Fei'er, was shouting inside the fence, telling Lin Fei to be careful.    


Actually, she could give up on that scarf!    


Liu Qing and Xi Mengwei also looked at Lin Fei with eager eyes. They quickly chased after the scarf. They were also worried about his safety.    


However, Lin Fei turned a deaf ear to the shouts behind him. He only cared about quickly moving towards the top.    


At this moment, he was thinking about the check-in. He was not thinking about the scarf.    


The distance of 500 meters was not too far. In addition, although this place was protected now, people could reach there in the past, so there was a road there.    


Although this road was blocked by some low weeds, it didn't affect Lin Fei's passage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Fei ran for five hundred meters in one breath.    


Maybe it was because he rushed too fast, Lin Fei almost didn't have time to brake and directly rushed into the sea.    


Looking at the scarf that was flying towards the surface of the sea, Lin Fei could only hold his knees with both hands and breathe heavily. He lowered his head and revealed a depressed expression.    


But at this moment, the system's voice that had no reaction in his mind suddenly sounded.    




"Host, check-in, failed!"    


The system notification rang out in Lin Fei's mind.    


However, this time it was different from the past. This time, the system actually said that Lin Fei's check-in had failed.    


"F * ck you!"    


"I spent a lot of effort and effort to come up with this idea. I deceived everyone and rushed over to the check-in within a hundred meters. In the end, you actually said that my check-in had failed!"    


"You dog system, do you believe me?"    


When Lin Fei heard the feedback from the system in his mind, he immediately felt his blood boiling, and he couldn't help but get angry.    


What the hell was this? It wasn't easy for Lin Fei to show it in front of everyone, but in the end, you failed to get a check-in. You are too detestable!    


However, before Lin Fei could finish his words, the system's explanation sounded once again.    


"Because although the reward for the host was received last time, it still hasn't allowed the company to enter a stable stage of development. It can't be considered to have completely completed the check-in mission, so you can't continue the next check-in mission. You have received the reward! "    




When Lin Fei heard the system's words, he immediately slapped his forehead with his palm.    


"F * ck!"    


"How could I forget about this!"    


At this moment, Lin Fei was in a very bad mood. He really wanted to formalize this dog system!    




He thought about the one hundred million USD and held it in.    


After all, he was now a big shot with a net worth of 100 billion USD. Could he formalize the system for such a small matter?    


The answer was, of course not!    


"Xiao Fei, come back quickly!"    


"That scarf, I didn't really like it. It's fine if you can't catch it. Don't be depressed, come back quickly!"    


At this time, Lee Fei'er saw Lin Fei's hands on his knees, looking at the sea as if he was very depressed. She immediately comforted him loudly from afar.    


"That's right. Mr Lin Fei, come back quickly. Safety is the most important. Older sister Fei'er said that is not important anymore. That scarf is not something she particularly likes. Come back quickly!"    


Xi Mengwei stood by the fence and waved at Lin Fei. She shouted at Lin Fei like a little girl.    


"Come back!"    


"Come back quickly!"    


At this time, other than Lee Fei'er and Xi Mengwei, some enthusiastic tourists also waved at Lin Fei.    


Lin Fei only recovered from his thoughts after they called him.    


Now the scarf had already drifted to the sea far away with the wind. Although the check-in did not succeed, under the eyes of everyone, he no longer had an excuse to stay here.    


Although the check-in didn't succeed this time, it at least confirmed one thing, and that was that this mission spot was indeed at the peak of this Cape of Good Hope.    


"Ai, looks like I can only do it again!"    


Lin Fei heard the continuous shouts behind him, and knew that he couldn't stay here any longer. So he complained, turned around, and revealed a depressed expression, and quickly walked back towards the fence.    


All the tourists looked at Lin Fei with pity. Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er even gave Lin Fei a comforting hug.    



However, Liu Qing looked at Lin Fei and showed a reserved smile that could see through everything.    


Lin Fei was stunned!    


He had to praise in his heart, "This girl is really not easy to deceive. Her intelligence is too high. It seems that his acting skills will need to be improved in the future!"    


What should he do?    


If the check-in failed, Lin Fei wouldn't be able to predict where the next mission spot would be, and he wouldn't be able to send the beauties there in advance.    


However, Lin Fei thought about it and sighed. It was so convenient to take a plane. Since this place was not far from the Europe, he would let them go to the Europe to have some fun. After he settled things here, he could go and meet up with them.    


He thought that was right!    


Therefore, Lin Fei smiled and said, "Girls, let's go. After looking at the horizon and the corner of the sea, let's go to the Table Mountain now and see what God usually eats!"    


Lin Fei's words were spoken in English. His humor instantly made the surrounding tourists laugh and give him thumbs up.    


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