Global Check-in System

C159 The Strange Woman on the Phone

C159 The Strange Woman on the Phone

0In fact, he was on his way to Cape of Good Hope. He needed to pass by the foot of the mountain.    


Therefore, they needed to return to the Table Mountain before they could reach it.    


However, they were all scenic areas, so it was very convenient to take a taxi. Lin Fei directly called a taxi at the entrance of the scenic area and went straight to the Table Mountain.    


Lin Fei also helped the three beauties book three tickets to the Greece's Aegean sea on the way.    


After this place was over, he would directly send them to the airport and let them enjoy themselves in the Europe first.    


Although the check-in system in his mind had not succeeded and he could not predict the next mission spot, Lin Fei estimated that the next mission spot should be in the Europe.    


So he let the three of them go to Europe to have fun. Since the few countries in Europe were not far away, it would be very easy for them to meet up.    


The journey was smooth!    


Lin Fei quickly brought the three beauties to the foot of the mountain.    


They had already seen the scenery of the table mountain from afar when they arrived, so they didn't feel too shocked at this moment.    


In fact, the table mountain wasn't just a mountain, but the general term of a mountain, such as the Lion's Head Mountain, the signal mountain, the Devil's Peak... and so on.    


They rode the cable car to the top of the mountain very quickly. Lin Fei and the other three finally saw the full view of the Table Mountain.    


The mountains here were indeed in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They were majestic and full of greenery. It gave people the feeling that they would be at the top of the mountain and look at the small mountains.    


However, the name of the mountain did not come from the mountain, but from the bay below.    


The top of the mountain here was abnormally flat, as if it was cut by a knife or an axe. There were no large plants on the top of the mountain, only some short shrubs, just like a flat table.    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, as expected of the place called God's Table. It is indeed unique and magnificent!"    


Looking at the beautiful mountain, Lin Fei couldn't help but click his tongue in wonder.    


Standing at the edge of the mountain, one could see the beautiful Cape Town to the north and the unique Cape of Good Hope to the south.    


When the three beauties arrived at this place, they began to wildly clap again. All kinds of shapes, postures, and all kinds of backgrounds.    


Lin Fei, on the other hand, became more calm after watching for a while. After looking at the scenery of this famous mountain and river for a while, he felt that it was just like the famous mountain and river in the mainland.    


The most important thing was that he was worried about the time of the flight, so he was not in the mood to watch the scenery here.    


The plane ticket was two hours later. Although Lin Fei did not care about the money now, his main goal was to send them away in a hurry.    


After waiting for the three beauties to take all kinds of pictures and all kinds of check-ins, Lin Fei started to urge them to go down the mountain, saying that he had urgent matters to attend to in Cape Town City.    


The three beauties naturally knew that Lin Fei was talking about the West Group, so they quickly put away their playful thoughts and followed Lin Fei down the mountain sensibly.    


After going down the mountain, Lin Fei first got into the car, sat in the passenger seat, and said to the taxi driver, "Let's go to the airport!"    


However, the three beautiful girls who had just gotten in the car behind did not hear this. The driver nodded and drove the taxi to the airport.    


"Sir, what are we doing at the airport?"    


In front of the ticket office of Cape Town International Airport, Liu Qing frowned and asked Lin Fei.    


Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er did not say anything, but at this moment their brows were already furrowed. Liu Qing had already asked what they wanted to say.    


"En... Er..."    


This question stumped Lin Fei. Although he had been thinking about this question for a long time, he did not think of how he should answer at this time.    


If he told them the truth, these women would definitely not agree. They would not leave him behind.    


"What should I do?"    


"You are my little apple. I don't care how much I love you..."    


However, just as Lin Fei was at his wits' end and did not know how to trick these women and let them leave Cape Town first, Dlamini's phone suddenly rang.    




Lin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. He was delighted in his heart and had an idea in his heart.    




Lin Fei coughed twice and cleared his throat. He said seriously, "Xiao Qing, Mengwei, Xiao Fei. Since we are all here, I will tell you the truth."    


"You all know that I am going to take over the West Group, but it is not as simple as you think. Yes, I am in big trouble now."    


"The vice president of the West Group, together with all the shareholders and the higher ups of the group, wants to fight against me. They are trying to expel me, an outsider, from the group. They want to take over the entire company. Then, they want to take it for themselves! "    


"But yesterday, a very important person met me. En, it's this Dlamini!"    


As Lin Fei spoke, he used his finger to dial Dlamini's name on the phone and indicated to the three beauties.    


As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, he saw the three beauties preparing to speak at the same time, but he did not give them a chance.    


Lin Fei quickly said, "That's right. I know that you will not leave me at this critical moment. You all want to stay and help me!"    


"But, listen to me. This Dlamini told me that he can help me because he has a secret account book regarding the West Group's vice president!"    


"This account book contains many illegal accounts about the West Group's vice president. Once it is made public to the public, I will be able to complete the counter-attack at the West Group's shareholder meeting at the last moment!"    


"But, what does this have to do with us coming to the airport now?"    


As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, Lee Fei'er frowned and asked.    


"Of course it has to do with us, Fei'er!"    


"Dlamini is a cautious person. Such an important thing, he naturally would not put it by his side or nearby. Otherwise, if he was discovered, he would face the risk of being killed!"    



"So he put the account book on his wife, so he let his wife go to Greece's Aegean sea for a vacation!"    


"And your current task is to go to Greece's Aegean sea to find Dlamini's wife and bring the account book back."    


"I have booked the plane tickets for the three of you. They will take off one hour later. Due to the sudden incident, I did not have time to discuss it with you."    


"When we were having fun earlier, I did not want to affect your mood, so I did not tell you. However, I can only ask the three of you to take care of the rest."    


As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, he put his hands together and said to the three beauties.    




"Mr Lin Fei, what are you doing? Shouldn't we be obligated to do such a thing?"    


"Don't worry. I'm the best at finding people. My eyes are sharp. Leave this matter to me!"    


When Xi Mengwei heard this, she immediately slapped away the hand that Lin Fei held in front of his chest and patted her own chest to guarantee.    


Her brain was the simplest, so Lin Fei was not worried that his lie could not deceive her.    


What he was most worried about was Liu Qing, the top student of Harvard. Her brain was the most flexible, and she was afraid that it would not be so easy to deceive her.    


As expected, just as this thought flashed across Lin Fei's mind, Liu Qing asked, "Then why don't you let Dlamini go by himself?"    




"At this critical moment, they had already sent people to keep an eye on Dlamini's movements! "    


"So we can only send you guys. Otherwise, it will easily arouse the suspicion of the people in the group!"    


Lin Fei hurriedly waved his hand and explained.    


"Then I will go alone. Let Mengwei and Fei'er stay behind to help you."    


Liu Qing said again.    


"No, this matter is very important. There must not be any mishaps. It is not easy to find someone. The three of you can go together and have more people. The efficiency can also be improved a lot, because I don't have much time left! "    


Lin Fei purposely revealed an anxious expression as he spoke.    


After he finished speaking, without waiting for Liu Qing to refute, Lin Fei directly pushed the three of them into the airport together.    


As he walked, he said, "Quickly go. If we don't go in, the plane won't be able to catch up!"    


"About the address of Madam Dlamini, I will send the exact information to Xiao Qing's phone later. You guys just follow that address to find it!"    


After much deliberation, they finally managed to coax the three beauties onto the plane. Seeing the plane rise on the runway, Lin Fei let out a sigh of relief.    


"Finally coaxed those three ancestors away. Next, it's time for me to deal with my own matters!"    


Lin Fei walked out of the airport with a relaxed expression on his face.    


Now that the three beauties had been sent away by him, he had nothing to worry about by himself anymore. He could shake off his shoulders and do what he needed to do.    




"Damn it!"    


"We've been fooled!"    


Just as the plane took off, Liu Qing, who was on the flight to Greece, suddenly slapped her thigh and said to Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er.    


"Sister Xiao Qing, what was fooled?"    


At this time, Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er who were sitting on both sides of Liu Qing looked at Liu Qing in doubt and asked at the same time.    


"Sir is trying to send us away. Maybe there is no account book at all!"    


"I guess he probably felt that something dangerous will happen next, so he sent us away in advance!"    


Liu Qing looked at Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er and said anxiously.    


"Then... Then what should we do?"    


"The plane has already taken off and this place is still so far from Greece. If we want to come back, I'm afraid it will be at least two days later!"    


Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er became anxious when they heard that.    


But Liu Qing did not have any other ideas at this time. At the moment, she could not even call. It really made her mood extremely terrible in an instant.    


The last three women could only hug tightly together and silently pray for Lin Fei.    




After Lin Fei walked out of the airport, he did not rush to take a taxi back to the downtown area of Cape Town. Instead, he took out his phone and called Dlamini first.    


"I wonder what that guy called me for?"    


Lin Fei muttered to himself and dialed the number.    


"If you want your friend to live, come to the abandoned factory in the northwest of the city. If you dare to call the police or have any other thoughts, I don't need to tell you the consequences!"    


As soon as the call connected, it was not Dlamini's voice, but a strange woman's voice.    


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