Global Check-in System

C224 He Jumped down

C224 He Jumped down

0Just as Lin Fei took out his phone, he saw an unknown number calling him.    


Just as he was about to answer the call, he saw two men wearing masks come out of two sports cars. The two men shouted at him in English, "Hey, big player, you're great!"    


After saying that, they gave Lin Fei a thumbs up!    


Then, the two of them directly threw down the two supercars and rushed forward on the bridge, jumping into the Times River below.    


And the sirens in the distance became louder and louder.    


It was obvious that these guys were experienced, and what they did was obviously abandoning the car and running away. They were very experienced.    


Although Lin Fei was now a billionaire, he had to admit that these people were really generous to throw away a few million to tens of millions of dollars luxury car just like that.    


He didn't think too much and directly picked up the phone in his hand. On the other side of the phone, that strange voice sounded again.    


"If you don't pick up the phone, you will be surrounded by hundreds of policemen in the next two minutes!"    


"Oh, but luckily you picked up. I almost thought that I was going to lose you, a super big player, but luckily, you have earned yourself precious two minutes."    


"First of all, I have to congratulate you for successfully passing the first stage of the game with excellent results. We will honor our promise and guarantee the safety of your friend!"    


"Because your racing skills are superb, from now on, you have become our super big player and have successfully obtained the qualification to enter the second stage."    


"Now, you have one minute and thirty seconds to climb to the top of the tower bridge and successfully avoid the eyes of the police. After completing this task, I will tell you the content of the second stage on the phone."    


"I have already heard the sound of sirens approaching. My dear super big player, I wish you good luck!"    


The voice hung up the phone after saying that. Lin Fei also quickly put away the phone. He did not say a word throughout the whole process, and the silence was terrifying.    


Almost at the moment he hung up the phone, Lin Fei had already jumped out.    


When he was answering the phone, he had used that period of time to observe how to climb to the top of the tower bridge.    


This kind of building looked very tall, but for the current Lin Fei, climbing up was not difficult at all.    


His speed was extremely fast. When he approached the tower, his feet pushed off the ground at the same time, and with a swoosh, he jumped more than three meters high.    


He grabbed an iron railing with one hand, and with a gentle wave of his hand, he flipped nimbly in the air, and landed steadily on a platform on the second floor.    


He was like a civet cat in the night, climbing nimbly and silently. He only used less than thirty seconds to climb up the tower bridge and stop at the top of the tower on one side of the sports car.    


It was a pity that no one saw his world-class climbing speed. Only the starry sky of London witnessed this scene.    


Even the blond vampire masked man in the abandoned factory in the suburbs could not see him.    


This was because Lin Fei's path of climbing avoided the cameras the entire time.    


Lin Fei sat at the top of the tower, blowing the midnight breeze in London. He also enjoyed the mesmerizing night view around him. Only then did the police cars under the bridge arrive in groups.    


Just as the man on the phone had said, this wave of car racing incident had attracted hundreds of police officers. The lineup was huge.    


At this moment, Lin Fei's phone rang again.    


"Congratulations, you have completed the mission! Now, we have officially entered the second stage, escape from the pagoda bridge!"    


"Below the tip of the tower, there is a small window for ventilation. There is an umbrella bag inside the window. What you need to do now is to take out that umbrella bag. Then you can jump at a low altitude and successfully escape from under the eyes of those policemen."    


"On the other side of the top of the tower where you are, there are two opponents who can fight you in the second stage. If you look over there now, you should be able to see that they are waving at you! "    


Lin Fei turned his head to look. Indeed, he saw two guys wearing special masks waving at him in the dark.    


However, at this time, they had already carried the umbrella on their backs and were ready to jump at any time.    


And these guys really dared to play.    


Even the policemen on the bridge were in their calculations. They were actually attracted here on purpose and unknowingly played a supporting role in the game that they had designed.    


It seemed that these guys were not only bold, but also very intelligent.    


After Lin Fei deliberately paused for a moment, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again.    


"There are three speedboats on the water under the bridge that we have prepared. There is a map on the speedboat. As long as you arrive at the dock marked on the map first, you will pass the second stage. "    


"Of course, if you lose this time, you will receive two beautiful fingers from your friend! So, good luck, my super big player. Based on your performance in the first stage, I believe in you! "    


"I will count down to three. The second stage will officially begin!"    






... ""    


"F * ck you, I don't even have an umbrella backpack!"    


The countdown on the other end of the phone started without any warning. Lin Fei cursed him a thousand times in his heart.    


But it was useless to scold him now.    


Lin Fei had already estimated that this place was about 60 meters away from the water surface under the bridge. With his current physical fitness, jumping in the air was not a problem for him.    


Therefore, before he could count the number of "one," on the other side of the phone, he took a big stride into the sky without hesitation and started to fall straight down.    


To be precise, he only heard "one" from the phone when he was in the air. Then, he made a move to put away the phone.    


His action of jumping into the water without an umbrella directly shocked the two opponents in front of him.    


The two of them looked at the eastern person who was falling freely as if he was in disbelief. They kept repeating a single word.    


"Oh, my god!"    



At this moment, they were so shocked that they forgot they should act.    


"Whoa, someone jumped off the bridge at the top of the tower!"    


It was only when the police on the bridge noticed Lin Fei, who was falling freely in the air, that they cried out in fear. Only then did the two of them recover from their shock.    


They jumped off the top of the tower from the other side and jumped towards the river below.    


"Look, someone else jumped down?"    


"What are they doing? Suicide?"    


"Quick, quick, quick, throw down the lifeboat and save him!"    


The police were still very fast. They did not choose to speak with guns at the first moment. Instead, they quickly went to prepare the lifeboat.    


But when they saw that the person who jumped down from the other side was about to parachute, the entire situation instantly changed.    


The police immediately judged that someone had committed suicide and turned it into a killer forcing someone to jump off the bridge. All the black gun muzzles pointed to the other end of the bridge in an instant.    


(Not finished yet.) )    


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