Global Check-in System

C228 Grabbing the Gun with His Bare Hands and Starting the Hunting Mode

C228 Grabbing the Gun with His Bare Hands and Starting the Hunting Mode

0According to his memory of the map, the end of this road was an unhardened dirt road, and this dirt road had a huge turn ahead.    


If Lin Fei were to go up in a straight line, he would reach the dirt road ahead of time.    


However, this was a slope that was gradually going up, and there were many thorns along the way. It was not easy to go up directly from here.    


However, this was nothing to Lin Fei.    


With the world-class F1 equations top racer's racing skills, it could also be used on this kind of mountain off-road motorcycle driving.    


That kind of super powerful dynamic vision analysis ability almost made Lin Fei's speed in the dense forest not decrease by much.    


However, the thistles and branches that kept coming at him made him suffer quite a bit. There were many fine cuts on his arm, and there was a burning pain.    


But all of this did not distract Lin Fei at all.    


Compared to this little bit of pain, he was more worried about Sun Yunxi's safety at this moment.    


"I wonder how she is now?"    


Lin Fei kept thinking about this problem in his heart. No one could understand that kind of worry.    


Soon, Lin Fei drove his motorcycle up a 70-degree slope. A dirt road about three meters wide appeared in front of him.    


When Lin Fei arrived at the edge of the dirt road, he could already hear the buzzing sound of the motorcycles in the distance. They were rushing towards this direction at high speed.    


"Haha, I made the right bet!"    


"It seems like I should completely believe the Lucky Card that the system gave me. It is still using its good luck function even now!"    


Lin Fei laughed and began to plan his plan.    


He put the motorcycle on the side of the road and found a place to squat down. He was like a cheetah that was about to hunt at night, waiting quietly.    


He was not worried that his driving skills were not strong enough, but it was not a normal competition. He could not win the competition with his driving skills, because the opponent had a gun.    


At this moment, what he needed to do was to snatch a gun from his opponent.    


He had gun knowledge and gun skills. If he could snatch any gun from his opponent, he would be able to play like a fish in water in this game. Victory would only be a matter of time.    


Lin Fei did not park the mountain off-road motorcycle on the slope. Instead, he chose a high ground on the opposite side of the mountain road, because this place was more conducive to attacking from above.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


After Lin Fei had set up the ambush, less than a minute later, the group of fellows wearing different helmets rode their motorcycles and sped along the mountain road.    


"Hahahaha, that so-called super everyone wouldn't have been scared silly by that gunshot, would they?"    


"It's possible!"    


"No, that's not right. I think it's possible that he was just sent to meet with God by a bullet just now! "    






They kept laughing at Lin Fei as they ran.    


When they were in high spirits, they would pull the guns on their backs and shoot crazily at the dense forest beside the mountain road.    


They made the broken branches and leaves fly in all directions.    


However, they did not know that a certain death god was waiting for an opportunity to make a move, and they would also be getting closer and closer to the abyss of death.    










Lin Fei squatted quietly in the forest. When the four motorcycles passed by, he had been holding back and did not make a move.    




However, when the fifth motorbike rushed over from the road in the distance, Lin Fei was like a hungry tiger, pouncing down from the high ground.    


That's right, he was waiting for this last opponent.    


Because if he pounced on the first motorcycle in front of him, it would attract the attention of all the opponents behind him. The guns in their hands were not for nothing. Lin Fei would very likely attract a dense rain of bullets in an instant.    


If they threw themselves at any of the cars in the middle, Lin Fei could instantly cause a pincer attack from the front and back. The risk would be even greater.    


Only by pouncing on the last car would the risk be the least.    


Although the motorcycle was moving very fast, Lin Fei's pounce was very precise, and all of this was within his calculations.    


His eyes were like a precise computer, calculating all the factors very accurately. Even his own landing point had been accurately calculated.    




The opponent was caught off guard. He only let out an extremely terrified scream and was directly pulled off the motorcycle by Lin Fei, who was flying out.    


Lin Fei, who was also in the air, threw down the slope on the other side of the mountain road and hit the tree trunk of a big tree.    


Lin Fei grabbed a tree branch that he had calculated beforehand. With a slight swing, he completed an incredible posture in the air and landed firmly in front of the opponent.    


Because the motorcycle lost control, it rushed into the dense forest in front of the slope and made a loud noise when it hit the mountain rock.    


"Zzzt! Zzzt!"    



Immediately following that, the sound of rapid braking came from the mountain road in front of them.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Then, a dense rain of bullets came from the road where Lin Fei had pounced on the opponent.    


The bullets flew around the branches and leaves, and the broken branches and leaves even splashed onto Lin Fei's body, but he was not moved at all.    


Because he was already at the bottom of the slope, the bullets could not hit him at all.    




The opponent was still alive, struggling to get up.    


However, he was probably too heavily injured. Just as he tried to get up, he fell back to the ground with a bang. He howled like a pig being slaughtered.    


However, in the next moment, the cry stopped abruptly.    


Because Lin Fei raised his foot and broke his neck with a fierce stomp. Then, he took off the gun that was still hanging on his back.    


He turned around coldly and walked towards the direction where he parked the motorcycle.    


"007007, are you still there?"    


He could still hear his companions calling from afar.    


However, that was all they cared about. Those fellows did not intend to drive back to check on their teammates.    


They only shouted a few times in the distance. After they received no response, they drove on decisively.    


That kind of heartlessness and cold-bloodedness really made Lin Fei realize a kind of extreme evil that was carved into his bones.    


After having a gun, Lin Fei drove the motorcycle up the mountain road again. He looked forward and grinned. He officially started his hunting mode in the dark.    


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