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C280 A Confrontation

C280 A Confrontation

0"Wow, you're so lucky, you know? You found a piece of Earthfire Crystal!"    


Jaden grabbed Lin Fei's hand and shook it crazily. He looked like he had gone crazy. That kind of excitement and excitement was simply indescribable.    


"Earth Fire Crystal? What is that? Is it very precious?"    


Lin Fei frowned and asked Jiaden.    


"Of course. It is a very high quality diamond called Fire Diamond. It looks like a bright red flame. It is the rarest diamond in the world!"    


Jie Deng could not suppress the excitement in his heart. He explained to Lin Fei while waving his hands and legs.    


"Oh, Fire Diamond. Got it!"    


After hearing Jiedeng's explanation, Lin Fei just nodded his head calmly.    


"Ah, my friend, aren't you excited?"    


Jiedeng looked at Lin Fei's indifferent reaction and immediately spread his hands and asked.    


"En, yes, I am very excited!"    


Lin Fei said to Jiaden with a smile.    


However, Jiedeng felt that this was not the answer he wanted at all. He felt that it was necessary for him to give Lin Fei a deeper explanation.    


"Hey, listen to me. I think you probably don't understand what I mean. The fire diamond you found is even more precious than the purple diamond that the stone gatherer found here last time. Do you understand? "    


"In other words, if his purple diamond is worth eight hundred million US dollars, then your fire diamond is worth at least one billion US dollars, one billion US dollars. Friend, shouldn't you be more excited?"    


Jaden excitedly explained to Lin Fei. He was so excited that he almost jumped up.    


However, Lin Fei just nodded and said calmly, Yes." It's really exciting to have such a harvest from the first stone mining experience!"    


However, his performance was completely different from the answer Jiedeng wanted. Jiedeng even felt that this guy's brain had some problems. Otherwise, he would not be excited about picking up a billion dollars for free.    


However, Jiedeng did not understand that the young man standing in front of him was a billion-dollar giant. A mere billion dollars was just a drop in the bucket for him. Naturally, he would not be excited.    


The reason why he followed him to pick stones was not to make a fortune, but to experience this special profession with him.    


Lin Fei saw that Jaden was a little speechless, so he changed the topic and said to him, "Hey, Jaden, I think we should pick it up first. Otherwise, if we discuss it for a while, it might not be ours."    


Lin Fei had already realized that there seemed to be a lot of people who were coming in their direction. In order to prevent accidents from happening, he felt it was better to pick it up first.    


Otherwise, that thing still had no owner.    


"Right, right!"    


Jaden hurriedly nodded. Then, he took out a professional tool and quickly approached the lava pool that was constantly solidifying. He prepared to pick up the Earth Fire Crystal.    


"Hey, listen to me, buddy. You'd better put that thing down. It doesn't belong to you!"    


However, just as Jaden picked up the Earth Fire Crystal from the lava pool, a very discordant voice suddenly came from not too far away.    


Jaden turned his head to look and saw a tall fellow wearing protective clothing looking at him in an extremely unfriendly manner from the right.    


Beside him, there were five or six strong men wearing protective clothing that were about the same size as him.    


Naturally, Jaden knew this man. His name was Sean, and he was also a stone-gatherer who was active in the volcanoes of the entire Island of Ice.    


However, he couldn't afford to offend this guy, because he had a stone-gatherer gang. That gang's name was Solomon, and it meant that they were from hell.    


Solomon was a big gang in Reykjavik. In fact, it already had some characteristics of underground gangs. However, because of its secrecy, there had never been any evidence or evidence against it. Thus, he continued to exist there.    


Although many people felt that he was illegal, there was no evidence. And Zedeng naturally understood that their backing was definitely not as simple as not having any evidence. Although he was also a person of character, he understood that this was someone he could not afford to offend.    


Therefore, he did not say anything. He only looked at Lin Fei with a vexed expression. Then, he returned the Earth Fire Crystal that he was holding onto to the lava pool.    


"Hahahaha! It seems like you know me, but your performance was very good. I can tell you happily that your actions just now saved your life. Hurry up and thank God, then get lost!"    


Seeing that Zane was very sensible and put down the precious Earth Fire Crystal, he immediately grinned and laughed wildly. Hahaha! It seems that you know me, but your performance was very good. I can tell you happily that your actions just now saved your life. Hurry up and thank God, and then get lost!    


That arrogant and arrogant laughter, even though separated by the protective helmet, made Lin Fei feel an abnormal disgust and disgust.    


Then Lin Fei saw Gedon run towards him with a dispirited face and pull him away. It was as if he was afraid that if he walked a bit slower, the opponent would threaten his life, and he didn't even dare to breathe loudly.    


But Lin Fei grabbed Jiedeng and asked, What?" Hey, Jiedeng, that thing was discovered by me. Why did you run away?"    


In fact, Lin Fei had already understood everything. He only said it to those tall Ottoman people on purpose.    


This precious Earth Fire Crystal was actually not important to him. It was just a billion USD. To him, it was just a small amount of money.    


However, if it was snatched away just like that, he, Lin Fei, would never agree to it. He would never allow such a thing to happen.    


From the beginning, when he first discovered this Earth Fire Crystal, he had never had the idea of secretly taking it or forcefully splitting half of it with Lin Fei. Under the huge temptation of benefits, Jiede was still able to maintain a clear mind. He did not have any excessive thoughts. This kind of kindness touched Lin Fei very much.    


He even felt that giving this Earth Fire Crystal to him would not be a problem at all. However, to be snatched away by someone so forcefully, he was sorry. He, Lin Fei, would definitely not agree.    


However, Lin Fei's loud question shocked Jason. He quickly waved his hand to signal Lin Fei to stop talking. Then he said in a low voice, "I don't have time to explain to you. We can't afford to offend this group of people. Hurry up and leave, or we might lose our lives! "    


"Hahahaha, there's actually a little fool!"    


On the other side, when those few Ottoman heard Lin Fei's words, they immediately burst into laughter.    


Sean also shook his body, then walked towards the Earth Fire Crystal, preparing to directly take away his spoils of war. That arrogant look was simply indescribable with the word arrogant.    


But at this moment, Jaden discovered that Lin Fei, who was in front of him, disappeared from where he stood with a swoosh.    


When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of the lava puddle. He was just separated by a layer of protective gloves and did not use any professional tools. He directly grabbed the Earth Fire Crystal from the high temperature of the lava.    


Then, he said to Sean who was a step slower, "This thing was discovered by me, why doesn't it belong to us!"    



Lin Fei's speed and his action of picking up the Earth Fire Crystal with his bare hands caused everyone's eyeballs to fall to the ground in shock. Especially Sean, who was the closest to Lin Fei, he was completely stunned.    


But then he stared at Lin Fei and sneered, "Humph, you stupid Dongfang. I said that thing doesn't belong to you, so it doesn't belong to you. Do you understand?"    


But Lin Fei also stared at him and said without showing any weakness, "Then you stupid multi-colored bird, I will tell you one thing today. The thing that belongs to me has never been taken away by anyone."    


The two of them were less than five meters away from each other, forming a confrontation.    


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