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C44 Everything Depended on the Timing.

C44 Everything Depended on the Timing.

0Lin Fei went down to the cellar and brought out a bottle of red wine. He soon arrived on the deck. Xi Mengwei was looking at the sea from the observation platform in front of the deck with a telescope.    


There were specially made sofas and chairs in the observatory. Lin Fei poured a glass of red wine and walked in front of Xi Mengwei. "Come, Mengwei, drink this glass of wine and forget all your worries.    


"You're so beautiful. Don't let these worries affect your beauty!"    


"Lin Fei, you sound more like a hooligan than a gentleman."    


Xi Mengwei took the wine from Lin Fei and threw a smile at him. Obviously, she was amused by Lin Fei's humor.    


She felt Lin Fei was like a spring breeze. He always gave her a warm and refreshing feeling, reinvigorating her tired emotions.    


As long as she was with him, she would feel happy and content. She would be able to discard all her worries and concerns.    


"Haha, I'm not a hooligan! I'm telling you the truth!"    


Lin Fei frowned. He did not agree with Xi Mengwei's opinion.    


"You're right. Come, Lin Fei, cheers!"    


Xi Mengwei raised her wine glass and clinked it with Lin Fei's. Then, she drank it all in one big swig.    


Lin Fei's eyes showed a trace of surprise. However, he did not say anything, opting to raise his glass and following her action instead.    


"This girl should know that tasting red wine is like tasting life. She needs to relish it bit by bit. With her status, she should know this better than me, right?    


"But it seems that she's really troubled about something. She simply wants to get drunk!"    


Lin Fei silently analyzed in his heart. After all, her actions were really out of place. Adding in the reason she came here in the first place, it looked like she had her fair share of troubles.    


"Come, Lin Fei, fill it up."    


Xi Mengwei handed him the empty glass.    


Lin Fei frowned slightly, but he continued to pour wine for Xi Mengwei. He did not ask any questions, though.    




She downed another glass of wine.    


Refill. Empty.    


In an instant, she drank three whole glasses without a pause in between. For some reason, Lin Fei felt his heart ache when he saw her.    


However, he did not stop her. He knew that there were some emotions that one needed to vent alone. She would have to sort them out on her own.    


So, he just quietly stayed by Xi Mengwei's side. He did not intend to ask her. However, if she was willing to discuss it with him, he was willing to listen. He would not force her against her will.    


He would not give Xi Mengwei any extra pressure.    


After drinking three glasses of wine, she finally started feeling tipsy, her face turning red.    


Suddenly, she began to cry.    


Just when Lin Fei thought Xi Mengwei was going to continue drinking, she suddenly threw herself into his arms and started to cry without caring about her image.    


Lin Fei still didn't say anything. He gently wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. He gave her the widest and steadiest chest and a shoulder to cry on. He was telling her that she could vent all her emotions without feeling shy.    


Xi Mengwei cried for more than ten minutes before she gradually calmed down. She looked at Lin Fei with slightly swollen eyes and said, "Lin Fei, I'm sorry. I lost my composure."    


"Silly girl, your eyes are already so red. Be careful, or you might hurt them. If something happens to them, you won't be beautiful anymore!"    


Lin Fei looked at Xi Mengwei and said with a face full of pain.    


However, Xi Mengwei just smiled at Lin Fei's concerned expression. She only felt warmth from him.    


Lin Fei was like a spring breeze. He always made her feel comfortable and relaxed. Moreover, when she was with him, she did not need to be on guard against anything.    


"Lin Fei, aren't you curious about what happened to me?"    


Xi Mengwei walked down from the observation platform and came to the edge of the deck, blinking her slightly red eyes.    


"What should I be curious about?"    


Lin Fei grinned.    


"You should be curious about me.    


"Aren't you?"    


Xi Mengwei stared at him and asked.    


She felt that Lin Fei was really unfathomable. He had never been too emotional in front of her, always retaining her calm. His attitude shrouded him in another layer of mystery and curiosity. She just couldn't get her mind off of him, also the reason she thought of him in her troubles.    


She felt baffled in her heart. Why was he not curious about a beauty who took the initiative to throw herself into his arms?    


"Why should I be curious about you?"    


Seeing Xi Mengwei ask him the question herself, Lin Fei smiled even more happily.    


In fact, he had been eager to learn more about Xi Mengwei ever since he knew her. It was just that he tried hard to suppress his curiosity and present a calm front.    


He felt that some things should take their natural course. If he acted too anxious, it would only fire back at him.    


All of this required appropriate timing.    


"Lin Fei, you're really strange, you know?    


"A beauty suddenly appeared in front of you, threw herself into your arms, and even forced a kiss on you!    


"You should at least be interested in her background, reasons, and experiences!"    



Xi Mengwei emptied her heart, a deep frown locked into her brows.    


If someone with her looks walked on the busiest street in Mo City, she would attract the attention of countless men. That was a fact.    


However, the man in front of her didn't have the slightest bit of curiosity towards her. This aroused her curiosity instead.    


When Lin Fei saw Xi Mengwei's interest in him, he knew that he had successfully turned the tables. He had been waiting for this moment all this time. It was finally his time to shine.    


Lin Fei did not answer Xi Mengwei's question directly. Instead, he looked at her and pretended to smile mysteriously. "Mengwei, let me tell you a story!    


"In my hometown, there is a kind of fruit tree called jujube tree. It's everywhere in the mountains. Every late summer and early autumn, the hillside would become us children's paradise because the jujube would be maturing.    


"But as you know, the children are all rather impatient. They usually don't wait for the fruits to mature. They are always in a hurry to climb up the tree to pick the jujube and eat them. However, there are many thorns on the tree, so they can't usually pick the fruits. Rather than enjoying the fruits, many children will be injured by the thorns on the tree.    


"However, there is a child who never climbs the tree to pick jujube. He knows that once the fruit matures, he only needs to gently shake the tree trunk and the mature jujube will fall off on their own.    


"That child is me!"    


After Lin Fei finished speaking, he looked meaningfully at Xi Mengwei. He noticed that her gaze towards him had changed from curiosity to admiration.    


With Xi Mengwei's intelligence and EQ, she naturally understood the meaning behind his story.    


Lin Fei paused for a moment. He sincerely stared at her and said, "Mengwei, anyone will be curious, including me.    


"But picking the fruit depends on the timing. If the timing is wrong, we'll be injured. No matter how hard we try, we won't be able to obtain any results. It's all in vain!    


"Therefore, everything depends on the timing. Today, I feel that the time to pluck the fruit has arrived.    


"Come on, Mengwei. You can tell me anything. Tell me all of your unhappy things. If you are willing to share your troubles with me, I'll gladly lend you an ear."    


Lin Fei's words touched Xi Mengwei's heart deeply. She suddenly felt that this man was really different from those rich and noble playboys.    


Not only was he talented, but he was also full of mystery and charisma. He was knowledgeable and gave her a sense of security that she had never felt before.    


This made her initial curiosity to bloom into adoration, and then love.    


Xi Mengwei completely put down all her defenses. She walked over and tightly hugged Lin Fei. She seemed very worried. She was worried that if she did not embrace him tight enough, this man would leave her.    


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