Global Check-in System

C60 Pay the Price

C60 Pay the Price

0The flight was on time.    


2:10 PM!    


Outside Rong City Airport!    


"Wow, Lin Fei. So you're the rich second generation from Rong City. No wonder you're so awesome!"    


Xi Mengwei looked at Lin Fei happily, her eyes full of curiosity. She wanted to know more about his past.    


"Who told you I am the rich second generation from Rong City? This place is very far from my hometown. I come from a remote small mountain village!    


"We still have a long journey ahead of us. Four hours on a bus, an hour on a tractor, an hour on a cow carriage, and an hour on foot!"    


Lin Fei looked at Xi Mengwei.    




Xi Mengwei smiled bitterly.    


"Lin Fei, how are you going back to your hometown? This is obviously an adventure!"    


She pouted. How far did he live really?    


"Hey, little girl, if you don't want to go, it's not too late for you to return. I didn't force you to come with me. Think about it carefully!"    


Lin Fei looked at Xi Mengwei with a smile. He wanted to see her reaction.    


"Humph, you really like to look down on people, don't you? I've had my share of travels you know. I once went on the Annapurna Circuit trek in Nepal!    


"When I was eight years old, I followed my father and finished the journey on foot. Don't even think about leaving me behind!"    


Xi Mengwei snorted and walked out of the airport.    


Lin Fei looked at her back and could not help shaking his head. He smiled helplessly and muttered, "She really is a little wild horse!"    


Actually, although Lin Fei's hometown was far away, it was only a four-hour drive at most. Furthermore, the road to his hometown had been finished. The journey there was no longer as remote and difficult as he had said. Lin Fei had already thought of a way to go home.    


He was only teasing Xi Mengwei earlier. He thought she would get scared by the arduous path ahead, but she proved him wrong. She was unlike those young mistresses he had in his mind.    


"Lin Fei, shouldn't we be going to the bus station? What are we doing here?"    


They were currently standing outside the 4S Mercedes-Benz store in Rong City. Xi Mengwei looked at Lin Fei with a puzzled expression the moment she got out of the car.    


"We're here to buy a car. Do you really want to walk on foot?"    


Lin Fei grinned and walked inside.    


It was afternoon now. When Lin Fei walked into the store, he saw a few car salesmen sitting lazily on the sofa at the door, chatting among themselves.    


"Welcome to the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop!"    


When they saw someone enter the shop, they greeted out of habit.    


Although they all said 'welcome,' when they saw Lin Fei's clothes, they didn't stand up and show much enthusiasm. Instead, they continued to lie there lazily.    


On the contrary, when Xi Mengwei walked in, the eyes of a few male salesmen lit up like bulbs. They started to admire her beauty without any scruples, their eyes scanning her body up and down.    


'Haha, there's nothing different even in a 4S store. The employees here are also snobbish. Do they not train their staff?'    


Lin Fei shook his head and sighed in his heart.    


He did not know whether it was the people's mentality or the society at fault. No matter where he went, people were always so realistic, chasing after materialistic things and judging others on their appearances.    


Lin Fei did not get into an argument with them. He was here to buy a car, not to teach these people how to appreciate others.    


Lin Fei walked straight to the showroom and looked at the cars one by one.    


However, even if Lin Fei could keep his emptions in check, Xi Mengwei could not!    


"Didn't you see someone come in just now? Are you guys blind? Why are you not doing your job?"    


Xi Mengwei pointed at those salesmen's noses and reproached them.    


Although she was usually gentle and kind in front of Lin Fei, she had the personality of a little pepper when facing others, particularly those who irked her.    


After being questioned by Xi Mengwei, the group of salesmen slowly got up. If it wasn't that she was a beauty, they probably wouldn't have paid any attention to her.    


Xi Mengwei was the daughter of a rich family. She had a thousand ways to deal with these people and treat their snobbish attitudes.    


"Forget it. Why am I yelling at you? It will only affect my mood!"    


Xi Mengwei took out her phone and grinned. "I wonder what will happen if I call your Rong City Mercedes-Benz regional sales director and ask him how he trains his employees here?"    


"No, we know we're wrong. We know our attitudes were wrong!"    


When they heard Xi Mengwei's words, the salesmen's faces immediately changed. They quickly surrounded her and apologized to her with fawning smiles on their faces.    


"May I ask which car you want to see? We will help you introduce it in detail and guarantee that you will be fully satisfied!"    


The salesmen kept bowing and apologizing to Xi Mengwei. They did not dare to slight her at all. Who were they kidding? If she really called the director, they might lose their jobs today.    


Xi Mengwei nodded in satisfaction. She pointed at Lin Fei and said, "Go. The one who wants to buy a car is not me but him!"    


"Yes, yes, yes. We will go and serve that gentleman now!"    


The salesmen did not dare to be negligent, immediately running towards Lin Fei.    


However, someone had beaten them to it. By the time the lazy salesmen straightened themselves, a salesman had already walked in front of Lin Fei. He asked politely, "Sir, may I ask which car do you want to buy?"    


This was a young man in his early twenties. He looked shy when he asked Lin Fei.    



Lin Fei could tell at a glance that he was definitely a newcomer. Moreover, he seemed to be the young guy's first customer.    


"Lin Yuan, you can go. We'll serve this customer."    


Before Lin Fei could say anything, the few salesmen, who were threatened by Xi Mengwei, walked to his side. One of the salesmen pointed at the youngster and shooed him off.    


"Alright, Brother Jiang!"    


Lin Yuan nodded and turned around to leave.    


"Hello, sir. I am Meng Jiang, a sales representative. May I ask which car are you interested in?" asked Lin Yuan.    


Meng Jiang looked at Lin Fei respectfully.    


However, the smile on his face was as fake as it could be. It was clearly forced.    


Although Meng Jiang was serving Lin Fei, he didn't want to waste his breath on him. The other salesmen shared his feelings. They wouldn't get anything from attending to him. The guy looked poor!    


However, they were a little afraid of Xi Mengwei, that little pepper, so they obediently served Lin Fei.    


"No need!"    


Lin Fei waved his hand and directly refused him.    


What kind of person was Lin Fei? He was not short of money. There were plenty of Mercedes-Benz 4S shops in Rong City. If he wasn't in a hurry, he could have switched to another showroom.    


"Lin Yuan, can you introduce the car to me?"    


Before Meng Jiang could ask why, Lin Fei pointed at Lin Yuan and invited him over.    


Lin Yuan's surname was Lin, and his attitude was the same. He was willing to give his business to Lin Yuan today.    


After all, buying things should be a comfortable and enjoyable thing. He did not come here to see their shitty expressions.    


He did not need Meng Jiang to serve him forcefully.    


"Sir, are you sure you want him? He has only been here for a month."    


There was a hint of mockery in the depths of Meng Jiang's eyes, but he hid it well in front of Lin Fei.    


"Sir, Brother Jiang is right. I am indeed a newcomer who has just arrived. I am not even an official employee yet!"    


Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment as he stared at Lin Fei.    


"So what if you are new? Who hasn't been a new employee? Everyone starts from somewhere."    


Lin Fei looked at Meng Jiang, his attitude cold.    


Meng Jiang's expression froze. He was rendered speechless by the question.    


"Alright then. Lin Yuan, serve this gentleman."    


Meng Jiang adjusted himself very quickly and called Lin Yuan over.    


However, he was sneering in his heart. "Humph, you can't afford it and still come here to show off. I want to see how you will escape later."    


"Lin Yuan, I want this G55 AMG. You can go and help me with the formalities."    


Just as Meng Jiang turned around with the sneer on his face, he froze on the spot because of Lin Fei's words.    


He swung back around, his eyes filled with intense regret. He had never thought that this ordinary guy would truly buy a car.    


This Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG was worth more than 2.5 million!    




What was he doing earlier? He must have been kicked by a donkey!    


Had he seized the opportunity, he would be able to get tens of thousands just from the commission. But he had missed his chance!    


Normally, it was not easy for him to receive such a huge client who was willing to spend millions. He did not expect that he would encounter one today, but he had not cherished this opportunity.    


The other salesmen were also wallowing in regret. They hated themselves for looking down on others.    


As for the party involved, Lin Yuan was stunned. He felt his mind going blank. He had been here for a month only. He didn't even have a client yet.    


Today, he had mustered up the courage to receive his first customer. And guess what? He hit the jackpot! It made him feel like he was dreaming.    


"Sir, are you sure?"    


Lin Yuan asked in disbelief.    


"What is there to be uncertain about? This is my ID. Take it and get it done. I'm in a hurry. It would be best if it's done within an hour."    


Lin Fei's voice didn't leave any room for doubts.    


In fact, Lin Fei had already made up his mind to buy this Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG before coming here. Since his hometown had many mountainous roads, this off-road vehicle would be perfect.    


Besides, this car had a lot of space. His parents wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Although he was a boy, he had considered all aspects very carefully.    


"Okay, sir, I'll go and help you deal with it right away!"    


After Lin Yuan said that, he took Lin Fei's identity card and rushed backstage to do the paperwork for Lin Fei.    


Meng Jiang and the others were stunned. They had paid the price for looking down on others.    


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