Global Check-in System

C82 The Seaside Villa

C82 The Seaside Villa

0The next day!    


Although Lin Fei and Liu Qing stayed up late last night, he woke up early because he had to go to Sultan Park today.    


For this occasion, he could not bring the three beauties along. He needed to keep it secret.    


After leaving a message with Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Liu Qing on the phone, Lin Fei went downstairs and headed straight for Sultan Park.    


Sultan Park was located next to Mali Mosque. It was originally a part of the Sultan Imperial Palace, but for various reasons, it became a famous park.    


There were all kinds of flowers in the park. It was dotted with fountains and filled with lush greenery. The tranquil atmosphere and sheer beauty made it one of the most splendid places in Malé.    


Since the hotel was located a bit far away from the park, it was already close to eight o'clock when he arrived, even though he woke up early.    


When he arrived at the main gate of the park, there were already many tourists waiting in line.    


Currently, it was not even holiday season. The continued presence of so many tourists solidified its fame worldwide.    


When he walked to the gate, he found that there was still no notification from the system. Therefore, he reckoned that he had to enter the park and reach the area designated for the check-in to successfully complete the mission.    


Hurriedly, he bought a ticket and stood in line. He could only wait in silence.    


Sultan Park was open from eight in the morning to six in the evening. It was not yet eight in the morning, so the park was still closed.    


This check-in would be the first mission after he received the yacht. It would also be his first check-in outside the country. It was the first step in his journey to activate the global check-in system, so he was looking forward to it.    


He didn't know what kind of reward he would receive next.    


Waiting outside the park, the minutes felt like years to him.    


Of course, he wasn't interested in the park at all. His mind was full of thoughts about what kind of special reward the system would give him.    


Finally, the clock struck eight.    


The management staff opened the gate to the park. Tourists from all over the world, led by their respective guides, began to enter the park in an orderly manner.    


Lin Fei followed the crowd and approached the entrance. Finally, after an hour of queuing, he entered the park.    


But before he could appreciate the park's scenery, the system notification rang in his mind.    


"Ding! The check-in is successfully completed. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward. Kanni Island Ocean View Villa set!"    


'What the hell? This system is really a bit of a troublemaker. Isn't it just teasing me!?'    


'You can't succeed in the check-in earlier, you can't succeed in the check-in later, but you made me buy a ticket and line up for an hour. I haven't even had the chance to see the Sultan Park, and then you tell me that the check-in succeeded..."    


Lin Fei started complaining, but before he could finish, he was stunned to silence.    


He just realized that the system had given him a big villa with a sea view this time.    




"System, are you sure that the reward for the check-in is a mansion with a sea view on the coast of Kanni Island?"    


He was so shocked that he couldn't bring himself to complain about the inconvenience he went through.    


If he was in the mainland, this might make sense. But they were in a foreign country now. How could the system give such a reward so casually?    


"Host, the reward for the check-in this time is a villa along the coast of Kanni Island!"    


"This system has powerful functions. It has already integrated its network with the rest of the world. All the rewards are acquired through legal means. Host, you can accept the reward without worry."    


"All relevant documentation regarding the villa will be delivered within ten minutes. Please do not leave your current position.    


"The next check-in location will be the balcony of the villa in the coastal area of Kanni Island."    


The system explained in detail. After announcing the next check-in location, it went quiet.    




"What the hell!"    


"It really gave me a mansion with a sea view for free. This system is simply too awesome!"    


After receiving the confirmation from the system, Lin Fei almost jumped up in excitement.    


Although the reward was just a mansion, don't forget that it was a villa with a sea view!    


The value of this villa was naturally greater than ordinary villas. Moreover, in a major tourist destination like Maldives, the value of such a big villa with a sea view was simply unimaginable.    


Moreover, he had already checked online that the Kanni Island was the most beautiful island in the Maldives, which further increased the value of this villa.    


According to the system, the relevant documentation about this mansion would be sent over very soon. Since he had nothing else to do, he started to wander around the area, inside the Sultan Park.    


The beautiful scenery in the park immediately entered his eyes.    


The park was lush with grass and flowers everywhere. Ancient trees formed a forest, and there were many historical remains. As part of the Sudan imperial palace, the park was so grand and imposing.    


It was amazing that a mere park could attract so many tourists from all over the world. It seemed like this place was indeed worth watching.    


"You're the apple of my eye. I can never get enough of you..."    


Just as he was engrossed in watching, his phone rang.    


He looked at the phone and noticed that it was an international number. Its area code corresponded to the capital of Maldives, Malé. He knew that the person to deliver the system's check-in reward had arrived.    


"Hey! Hello. May I ask if you are Mr. Lin Fei?"    


As soon as the call connected, a voice speaking fluent English was heard.    


Fortunately, Lin Fei had learned English back at school. He could understand it, and even speak a little.    



Judging from the voice, the caller was a man.    


"Hello, yes, I am Lin Fei!"    


Lin Fei answered in awkward English.    


Although he could understand what the caller said, his oral English was not very fluent.    


"Oh, hello, Mr. Lin. I have with me your documentation. I am at the main gate of Sultan Park. Could you raise your hand so that I can find you and pass this over?"    


Although Lin Fei's English was a bit awkward, the caller was able to understand him. Then he continued to ask Lin Fei in fluent English.    




Lin Fei chose to say no more, preferring not to embarrass himself.    


After he finished speaking, he raised his right hand. Then he looked around.    


Soon, he found a young man about 25 years old standing at the entrance of the park. He was waving at Lin Fei. After ending the call, he walked towards Lin Fei.    


He was more than 1.7 meters tall, with dark skin, deep-set eyes, and a handsome, straight nose. He was a typical local from the Maldives. He had a warm smile on his face.    


"Dear Mr. Lin, hello. My name is Lahar. I am the sales consultant of the company that developed the coastal villas in Kanni Island."    


The man quickly ran to Lin Fei and introduced himself enthusiastically.    




Lin Fei smiled politely and shook his hand.    


"Mr. Lin, this is all the paperwork for the mansion you ordered from my company. Would you like to take a look?"    


After shaking hands, Lahar respectfully handed a portfolio to Lin Fei.    


Lin Fei took it and looked inside. It was the real estate documents and other related paperwork about the mansion.    


"Sir, are you from Great Yan Empire?"    


Perhaps sensing Lin Fei's poor English, Lahar asked Lin Fei politely in fluent Eastern language.    


"You can speak my language?"    


Lin Fei's eyes were filled with surprise. He immediately switched to his own language and asked Lahar.    


He could understand English, but it was painful for him to speak. Speaking his native tongue was so much better.    


"Yes, I've been to the Confucius Institute for five years. I've studied the eastern language and can speak it fluently!"    


Lahar grinned at Lin Fei as he explained enthusiastically.    


This was indeed a country famous for its tourism. The people here were very hospitable. Their most enthusiastic smiles were always displayed on their faces.    


"Oh, I see!"    


Lin Fei was also very easy-going.    


Just like that, the two of them seemed to have connected. They started chatting happily with each other.    


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