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C81 Heartfelt Confession

C81 Heartfelt Confession

0The East Ocean Yacht Company was indeed very powerful. Before arriving at the Maldives, Lin Fei had already contacted Liu Wenbin, the salesman.    


Not long after, a phone call came from the Maldives branch of the East Ocean Yacht Company.    


They told Lin Fei what to do. Then, according to the guidance of the East Ocean Yacht Company staff, he parked the yacht at the largest port in the capital, Malé.    


After the yacht docked, professional East Ocean Yacht Company staff warmly received it. They also sent professional shipyard maintenance staff to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the yacht, as well as replenish the fuel and other consumables in the yacht.    


The service provided by the East Ocean Yacht Company was really thorough and thoughtful. It allowed Lin Fei to experience the high-quality life that rich people enjoyed.    


When they left the port and passed customs, Lin Fei suddenly remembered that Liu Qing had come in such a hurry that he was not able to apply for her visas.    


At first he thought that they might have to stay on the yacht for a few more days, so he asked Liu Wenbin to process the visas and send them over.    


Unexpectedly, Liu Qing took out the visas herself.    


This made Lin Fei realize that Liu Qing did not come to be his personal secretary just because of Bai Shanshui. This was clearly planned.    


He didn't say anything. He just quietly looked at her. Their eyes met. At this moment, they understood each other's feelings.    


They were now clear that they adored each other!    


They left the harbor and embarked on their journey in this beautiful place.    


In the city of Malé, passing through the streets of a foreign land, the group of four looked around with incomparable excitement.    


Although it was nighttime, and they couldn't see the coastal scenery so prevalent online, the exotic atmosphere of the city still made them feel the passion of Maldives.    


Following the suggestion of the taxi driver, Lin Fei and the other three went to a popular street market and had a sumptuous meal.    


After that, they rushed to the hotel they had booked in advance.    


When they arrived, it was already 10: 30 in the evening.    


Tired from the journey, the four of them went straight to their rooms to sleep.    


In his bedroom, Lin Fei had just laid down when his butler, Liu Daming, called. He had called to make his report.    


According to the butler, the ten floors of the office building in the Global International Financial Center of Mo City had been rented out, except for the floor that Lin Fei had reserved for himself, and the one that he had given to the Landscape Corporation.    


Liu Daming had transferred all the rent to Lin Fei's account in time, so Lin Fei didn't lack money at all.    


Lin Fei was very satisfied. He transferred another 10 million to Liu Daming and asked him to renovate the 60th floor of the office building. It was to be his personal office.    


After that, Lin Fei arranged for Liu Daming to go to Moon Bay High Class Villa District to process the relevant paperwork and rent out the remaining eight villas under Lin Fei's name as well.    


Since the eight villas were unoccupied anyway, it was better to have them rented out and make some money out of it.    


In this way, Liu Daming could also keep himself busy.    


Lin Fei had planned to rent them out before he left, but because Liu Qing was there at that time, he had overlooked it.    


But now that Liu Qing had come with him, he could only leave this matter to Liu Daming.    


Furthermore, Liu Daming was very competent and loyal. Lin Fei trusted him.    


Liu Daming, who was on the other end of the phone, was completely shocked when he learned that Lin Fei had so many private properties in Moon Bay High Class Villa District.    


He really felt that he had found the right person this time. He swore in his heart that he would spare no efforts to work for Lin Fei and never betray him.    


By this time, Liu Daming had been absolutely loyal to Lin Fei.    


After arranging everything, Lin Fei hung up the phone. Just then, there was a knock on the door.    


"What now? It's already so late."    


Lin Fei muttered. He walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"    


"Sir, it's me."    


Liu Qing's gentle voice came from outside.    


Lin Fei did not think too much when he heard that it was Liu Qing. He immediately opened the door and asked, "Qing, it's so late. Why aren't you asleep yet?"    


However, after he opened the door, his eyes widened. The sight before him caused him to swallow deeply.    


Liu Qing was standing outside the door. She was actually wearing a white silk bathrobe.    


Her hair was still wet. Apparently she had just finished bathing. Under the dim lighting in the corridor, her perfect figure was vividly outlined by the custom-made bathrobe she was wearing.    


Although she usually acted formally in the presence of others, right now, in front of Lin Fei, she had the presence of a demure maiden.    


She was really beautiful, but that wasn't the point. The point was that the bathrobe was tied rather loosely. From where Lin Fei was standing, he could see a very alluring view.    


He could guarantee with his life that Liu Qing was wearing nothing else under that bathrobe.    


Lin Fei was in his prime right now. Facing such temptation, he had difficulty breathing. His heart was beating wildly in his chest.    


"Sir, aren't you going to invite me in?"    


Seeing Lin Fei stand there speechless, Liu Qing gently asked, a finger twirling around her hair.    


"Qing... I..."    


He stuttered, feeling a distinct lack of oxygen in his brain.    


"I'm sure you don't mind me coming in for a drink."    


Before Lin Fei could say anything, she already stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.    


He didn't know what to do. All kinds of wild imagination kept popping up in his mind. He was so nervous that he could not move.    



Further attempts to speak were silenced by a pair of soft lips against his own.    


Liu Qing wrapped her arms around Lin Fei's neck. Their lips moved gently against each other. Lightning sparked where their bodies touched.    


They kissed passionately for a while. When Lin Fei tried to take it a step further, he was pushed away by Liu Qing.    


She took a step back and tightened her bathrobe around her. She looked at him, as her expression became serious.    


"Sir, you're the only man I have ever seen that can make my heart beat this fast. I really like you!"    


"In the future, regardless of whether you accept me or not, I want to always be by your side. You've ruined me for other men! Now I can see nobody but you!"    


After Liu Qing finished speaking, she continued to look at him seriously, as if she wanted to engrave his features into the depths of her heart.    


Only now did he understand that this girl came late at night to bare her true feelings for him.    


It was usually the man who would take the initiative. This girl was indeed extraordinary. She did not want to miss what she truly liked. She was a person with great courage.    


Furthermore, she did not have the intention of forcing him to answer. She was kind enough not to pressure him to commit to anything.    


He looked at her quietly. He thought that she truly had a good heart. It was rare to have such a good friend.    


After she finished speaking, she walked to the table and poured two glasses of red wine. She handed him a glass. She gestured for him to come over and sit by the window. She then continued softly, "Sir, I'm not a person who would take liberties with others. I'm not a shallow girl, you know."    


"I hope you can forgive me for being so rash tonight. You're too outstanding. I don't want to miss such a chance!"    


"Now that you know how I really feel about you, that's enough; I won't say no more. And I promise I won't do anything that might make you feel uncomfortable."    


"As long as you drink a glass of wine and continue spending time with me, I will be content!"    


His respect for her rising, he gave her a toast.    


Liu Qing's expression of love may seem understated, but it was sincere.    


Because there was a saying: If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want is for them to be happy. Even if it's not with you.    


He could not bear to reject a woman with such a combination of beauty, brains and personality.    


At this moment, they were staying in the tallest hotel in Malé. In front of the huge French windows, the entire city could be seen.    


He gently pulled her into his embrace and accompanied her to quietly watch the beautiful night view.    


This kind of quiet and beautiful time calmed his libido. He no longer let his imagination run wild. He didn't want to ruin the moment.    


Just like that, they drank wine, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and chatted. It was not until late at night that Liu Qing got up and reluctantly returned to her room.    


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