Global Check-in System

C130 The Magical Operation of the System

C130 The Magical Operation of the System

0Lin Fei's words had completely enlightened everyone. The young female boss immediately expressed that from now on, all of their shops had to unite and fight together against the outside world.    


They would unite and fight against those bullies. From now on, they would never pay any protection fee.    


Everyone raised their fists and shouted at the entrance of Masodero Hotel, saying that they would never lower their heads to the evil forces ever again.    


And they really did do what they wanted. With Mahmoud taking the lead, they quickly formed an alliance that the shop owners were against paying protection fees.    


And that young female shop owner was in charge of writing the rules of their alliance organization and the common agreement.    


Yi Mei brought Lin Fei and the three beauties into the two presidential suites in Masodero Hotel.    


The surrounding shop owners were really too enthusiastic. They insisted on giving the local specialties they brought to Lin Fei and letting him take them all.    


Lin Fei could not reject them no matter how hard he tried, so he could only accept them.    


So Lin Fei, Lee Fei'er, Xi Mengwei, Liu Qing and even Yi Mei were full on the way to the presidential suite. Their arms were also full.    


"Mr Lin Fei!"    


"Aren't you a little too outstanding as a man? Why are you so popular wherever you go?"    


At this moment, Xi Mengwei was carrying two full hands of stuff. As she walked, she teased Lin Fei.    


"That's right!"    


"Xiao Fei, why didn't I notice it before?"    


"You are simply too outstanding!"    


Lee Fei'er also echoed.    


"Ah, this man is so outstanding. sir, how can you be so outstanding?"    


Even the usually cold Sister Yu, Liu Qing, also joined Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er in jeering.    


"You guys, really..."    


"Xiao Qing, why did you also learn from the two of them!"    


Lin Fei shook his head at the words of the three beauties and showed a deeply helpless expression.    


Yi Mei was confused because they were communicating in the national language of Great Yan Empire. Although she wanted to understand it, she could not understand a single word.    


They arrived at the presidential suite!    


Lin Fei stayed in one room, while Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Liu Qing stayed in one room!    


"Ding! The check-in has succeeded. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward of 100% shares of the Vatomandry Sapphire Luxury Company!"    


"Next mission spot: Vatomandry on the east coast of Madagascar, First Level Hall of Vatomandry Sapphire Luxury Company!"    


"Please keep your phone smooth. Within ten minutes, there will be people related to you who will contact you!"    


Lin Fei had just walked into the presidential suite when the system notification of successful check-in sounded in his mind.    


Lin Fei quickly threw away the things in his hands and closed the door of the presidential suite.    




"Damn, that's weird. Didn't the system say last time that mission spot is at the front desk of Masodero Hotel?"    


"Why is it that now, when I arrived at the presidential suite, I received a notification that my check-in has succeeded. Is there a delay in the system's check-in, or is there a deviation in the notification?"    


After hearing the system's notification sound, Lin Fei instantly thought of this in his mind.    


Whether it was last night or before, he had tried many places on the front desk on the first floor of the hotel, but the system did not give him a notification that his check-in had succeeded.    


However, as soon as he entered the presidential suite, the check-in had succeeded. Could it be that the system's mission spot had changed?    


"According to the system's judgment, the mission spot in the host last night was in danger, so it was temporarily adjusted to the mission spot!"    


"The notification has been sent to the host's attributes panel. Due to the host not being checked, there was a deviation!"    


"In order to compensate for the host, the system has specially sent out a special reward!"    


"Obtained a chance to draw a special skill. May I ask if the host will immediately draw a reward?"    


However, just as Lin Fei had this thought in his mind, the system's voice sounded in his mind once again.    




What was different from the past was that this time, the system actually apologized to him on its own accord, and even gave him a special skill lucky draw as a reward. This was truly unexpected.    


"F * ck!"    


"There's actually such an operation!"    


"You're really f * cking awesome!"    


Lin Fei could not help but give a thumbs up for the system in his mind. He did not hesitate to give it a thumbs up.    


Because this system was too excellent. It actually had such a magical operation.    


"I'll draw it immediately!"    


Lin Fei said without hesitation.    


Damn it, it would be a waste if he did not draw. He was not a fool, was he? He had always longed for the special reward from the system. Now that he had the chance to get it, he naturally could not let it go!    


The rolling bar of the special skill appeared in Lin Fei's mind in an instant.    


"The system is drawing..."    


The rolling bar quickly rolled in Lin Fei's mind and stopped after a few seconds.    


The system's voice sounded again.    


"Congratulations to host for obtaining a special skill, Super Gem Appraisal Master skill!"    


"The skill is currently being distributed..."    


As the system notification sounded, Lin Fei suddenly felt countless information flooding into his brain.    


Those information were the same when he obtained the special skill in the past few times. It was as if he was forcefully instilling it into his brain.    


After a brief swelling pain in his brain, Lin Fei's whole body returned to normal.    


However, at this moment, his eyes were wide open, and he could no longer calm down.    


Because this system was really becoming more and more powerful now. He had obtained what he wanted!    


According to the information in his mind, the Super Gem Appraisal Master skill he had obtained could help him accurately identify gemstones, jades, diamonds... and various other types of stones' quality, level, and authenticity.    


It could be said that the current Lin Fei was a master appraiser with many years of experience.    


The system had just notified him that he had obtained the Vatomandry Sapphire Luxury Company, and it had rewarded him with the Super Gem Appraisal Master skill as compensation. Was this the will of the heavens?    


Lin Fei recalled the appraisal ability of the gemstones in his mind and became excited.    


He really wanted to go to Vatomandry as soon as possible.    


When the time came, he would pick a few more sapphires and customize a sapphire necklace for each of the three beauties.    


F * ck!    


That would make the three beauties so moved that they would definitely beg to marry him in the future.    




Thinking of such a beautiful scene, Lin Fei couldn't help but laugh foolishly at himself.    


"Ding! Ding! Ding!"    


At this moment, his phone suddenly rang, interrupting his train of thought and pulling him back to reality.    


Lin Fei picked up his phone to take a look. It was actually a local number in Madagascar, and the location of the number on the phone indicated Vatomandry.    


"Hello, hello!"    


Lin Fei did not hesitate. He knew that it must be someone arranged by the system to be in charge of handing over the reward to him.    


"Hello, are you Lin Fei, Mr. Lin?"    


The call connected, and a fluent voice in English came from the other end of the phone.    


Judging from the voice, it should be a young man who was about the same age as him.    


"En, I am Lin Fei. May I ask who you are?"    


Lin Fei asked.    


"Oh, hello, Mr. Lin!"    


"I am the son of the current chairman of Vatomandry Sapphire Luxury Company, Duram. Thank God, I finally got in touch with you!"    


"It's like this. You bought my father's company on the Internet, but you didn't send anyone to take over the company."    


"I wonder when you plan to come to Vatomandry and take over this company, Mr. Lin?"    


Duram asked on the phone after he finished explaining.    


"About half a month later. In half a month, I will personally come to Vatomandry and complete the handover procedures with you!"    


Lin Fei thought for a while and said over the phone.    




"This is my phone number!"    


"Before you come, give me a call in advance so that I can go to the pier to welcome you in advance. My honorable sir! "    


Duram said politely over the phone.    


His English was very good, and his speaking skills were very similar to Liu Qing, a talented girl. Lin Fei guessed that he should be a top student.    




Lin Fei replied, and then the two hung up.    


Now that everything had been arranged, they were just waiting for the matters here to be settled before heading to the next stop in mission spot. Lin Fei suddenly felt relaxed.    


It was as if everything had returned to the right track before setting off from Mo City.    


Lying on the sofa in the presidential suite, Lin Fei began to size up the furnishings in this room.    


Compared to the presidential suite in his motherland's five-star hotel, the environment here was much worse.    


No wonder. Madagascar was once known as one of the poorest countries in Africa. It wasn't hard to imagine that the economy here wasn't very developed.    





Thinking about it now, this hotel belonged to him. No matter where he went in the world, he could stay in his own house. It was like he was going home. This feeling was really satisfying!    


There were restaurants in the hotel, so he didn't have to worry about food and lodging.    


After these two major problems were solved, he could only relax and play with the three beauties in the upstream of Blaha Island.    


Therefore, Lin Fei decided to bring the three beauties around the island in the afternoon. Anyway, they needed to wait for the express delivery from mainland before they could leave. Next, they would have to tour the entire Blaha Island!    


After having a sumptuous lunch in Masodero Hotel, Lin Fei brought the three beauties out of the hotel's door.    


Mahmoud was very considerate. He even specially prepared two special electric trains for Lin Fei and the others to ride on.    


This was a very popular mode of transportation for traveling on the island. This way, they could stop anytime and anywhere to admire the scenery of any place on the island. It was very convenient.    


There were many shops on the island that were engaged in the business of renting two-wheeled electric cars, and they used this to earn money to make a living.    


Of course, Lin Fei and the other two brand new two-wheeled electric cars were not rented. Mahmoud had specially bought them for them.    


From this, it could be seen that Mahmoud was a very good friend and a very considerate subordinate.    


However, Mahmoud needed to take care of his sick wife, so he could not be their guide. They could only rely on themselves to play.    


Lin Fei rode two electric scooters and brought three devastatingly beautiful women along on the Blaha Island's Linyin Avenue as fast as lightning. There was no need to mention how cool that scene was!    


In short, wherever he went, he attracted envious gazes.    


Although they had traveled the Maldives and were even stranded on a deserted island, they were no longer interested in the scenery of the island.    


However, it had to be said that the scenery of the entire Blaha Island was very charming. In addition, this new mode of driving a two-wheeled electric car together had left them with unforgettable and beautiful memories.    


At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Fei and the three beauties arrived at a beautiful beach.    


According to the locals, this was the best place to view the humpback whale. Although it was close to evening, there were still many tourists here.    


"Hey, Lin Fei, you are a superstar! I'm very happy to see you again."    


Just as Lin Fei stood at the edge of the beach, a figure walked towards him and greeted him warmly.    


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