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C102 Interrogation Between the Three Women

C102 Interrogation Between the Three Women

0Although the three beauties still had lingering fear on their faces, they did not dare to delay at all and quickly climbed up the bluestone to rest.    


They understood that what Lin Fei said was true. If the smell of the inferior black bear spread out, it might attract some ferocious beast.    


After a short reorganization, Lin Fei handed the AK47 in his hand to Liu Qing and continued forward with the three beauties.    


Lin Fei walked at the front with the axe in his hand, and Liu Qing walked at the back with the spear in her hand. They still maintained the previous formation.    


It was already noon, and the road in front of the forest was dangerous. They had to find an ideal place to stay before dark.    


Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to see the East Ascension Sun safely in this dangerous island in the dark.    


The hot sun in the sky shone down, making the forest especially humid and hot.    


Coupled with the huge consumption of physical strength, they were already drenched in sweat. In this kind of stuffy environment, people couldn't help but feel agitated.    


However, perhaps it was because of the stimulation from the black bear earlier that the three beauties were able to stimulate their greatest potential.    


In the following journey, not only did the group not slow down due to the gradual consumption of their physical strength, they also became faster and faster.    


Perhaps it was because they were already used to traveling through the jungle like this.    


Moreover, as they continued to see poisonous insects and snakes, their visual senses had become numb. They were no longer as afraid as they were when they first saw these creatures.    


After the potential of the three beauties was stimulated, the various abilities they displayed shocked Lin Fei.    




The three hours that Lin Fei originally estimated to be a journey, they actually only used an hour to reach it.    


An hour later, they had successfully reached the top of the slope, which was parallel to the cliff by the sea.    


Standing there, they could see the endless blue sea and the edge of the beach.    


"Let's rest here for a while!"    


Lin Fei said to the three beauties.    


Although none of them complained, Lin Fei knew they must be exhausted.    




Their performance was already very good. One should know that these three beauties were all daughters of wealthy families in mainland. They had almost never suffered before.    


However, now that they were stranded on a deserted island, their performance was not any worse than those girls from poor families. In fact, their willpower was even stronger than theirs.    


This point!    


Lin Fei was very surprised!    


In the past, when they were in mainland, everyone was saying that those rich girls were spoiled since childhood and could not bear any hardship.    


In the eyes of the people, they were simply useless.    




Now, Lin Fei felt that this was a huge misunderstanding towards the rich girls.    


People always wore colored glasses and looked at them. Little did he know that their qualities were excellent, but their willpower was even stronger.    


"Xiao Qing!"    


"You will be in charge of guarding the surroundings. I will find a tree and climb up to observe the terrain in front of us!"    


After the three beauties sat down, Lin Fei said to Liu Qing.    


Although there was some height here, in the dense forest, they could not observe the terrain in front of them clearly. Therefore, Lin Fei had to climb to a higher tree in order to observe the terrain ahead.    




Liu Qing held her gun and nodded seriously.    


"I am on that tree. If anything unusual happens, shout for me!"    


Lin Fei looked at her again and reminded her. He looked at Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er again and used his eyes to tell them to rest assured. Then he quickly ran towards the tree.    


This was a huge banyan tree, which was very good for Lin Fei to climb.    


He used to climb trees in his hometown often, not to mention now that he had a special skill.    




Lin Fei took a big stride and directly jumped onto a branch that was more than two meters above the ground.    


After that, he grabbed the branch above him and swung his body up to the top of the tree.    


After a few times, he easily reached the top of the tree. The whole process was as nimble as a squirrel.    




"Mr Lin Fei is so handsome!"    


"Sister Fei'er, has he been a soldier before? Fei'er asked. With his skills, I feel that he is almost as good as a special forces soldier!"    


At this moment, Xi Mengwei, who was not far away from the tree, looked at Lin Fei who was climbing the tree. Her eyes were full of love and she could not help but ask Lee Fei'er who was beside her.    


Perhaps it was because they were too frightened by the black bear earlier, or perhaps it was because they were rushing on their way, but just now they had actually overlooked the scene of Lin Fei bravely fighting the black bear earlier.    


Until now, when they saw Lin Fei climbing the tree, their minds only recalled the scene of Lin Fei bravely fighting the big black bear earlier, and all kinds of inconceivable movements.    




"When we were in college, we were classmates. When he was recruiting, he wanted to participate, but his parents didn't let him. They said he was the only child in his family, and then he gave up! "    


"However, three years after graduating from university, what exactly did he do? I'm not too sure!"    


"However, Xiao Fei's performance just now was indeed handsome. I will definitely marry him in this lifetime! "    


Lee Fei'er clasped her fingers together and similarly looked in the direction of the big tree where Lin Fei was with infatuation as she said with a firm look in her eyes.    


In terms of infatuation with Lin Fei, she was no less than Xi Mengwei.    




"Indeed, his skills are neat and tidy. At the critical moment, he is calm and composed, and his thoughts are clear!"    


"He has the demeanor of a special forces soldier!"    


"In my eyes, he is a mysterious man!"    


"Sisters, wait for him to come down, we will interrogate him together?"    


Sure enough, Liu Qing was still the one with the most ideas. She held the gun and guarded the surroundings as she spoke to Lee Fei'er and Xi Mengwei.    




Lee Fei'er and Xi Mengwei nodded at the same time and replied at the same time. They both highly agreed with Liu Qing's suggestion.    


It was very obvious!    


On this matter, the three women naturally stood on the same starting line.    


At the top of the tree!    


Lin Fei looked in the direction of the inner island!    


After they passed by this slope, they actually walked into a very long stretch of flat land. They walked along the flat land for about two miles before they arrived at a tall mountain peak.    


The mountain peak blocked Lin Fei's line of sight. At this moment, even if he stood at the top of the tree, he could not see too far.    


Lin Fei estimated that if he climbed to the top of the mountain, he would be able to roughly observe the rough terrain of the island.    


"Girls, let's continue forward. There is a huge mountain ahead. I hope we can reach the top of the mountain before sunset!"    


After observing the terrain, Lin Fei jumped down from the tree and returned to the group. He said to the three beauties.    


But in the next moment!    


He noticed that the three beauties were all staring at him with strange expressions on their faces.    


"Why are all of you staring at me?"    


"Don't tell me there are flowers on my face?"    


Lin Fei looked at the three beauties suspiciously and asked.    


Being stared at by the three beauties at the same time made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't know what the three of them wanted to do.    


"Lin Fei, shouldn't you tell us the truth?"    


At this moment, Liu Qing suddenly asked Lin Fei in a cold voice.    


The three of them had already discussed in private just now. This time, the matter of interrogating Lin Fei would be left to Liu Qing. Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er only helped her by the side to pressure Lin Fei.    


Because Liu Qing's thinking was the calmest and her reaction was the fastest. So in the end, they all decided that she would interrogate him.    


"The truth?"    


"What kind of truth?"    


Lin Fei looked at Liu Qing's cold face and asked in confusion.    




"Lin Fei, you still want to pretend? How long do you want to pretend? Don't you know what we are talking about?"    


Liu Qing coldly snorted and continued.    


At this moment, she even subconsciously moved the AK47 in her hand. Her acting skills were really good, making Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er secretly praise in their hearts.    


At this moment, they felt that it was a pity that Liu Qing did not become an actor.    


But as soon as Liu Qing's voice fell, Lin Fei's face became even more confused.    


"Alright, since you are pretending to be stupid, then I will make it clear for you!"    


"You must not be an ordinary person, because ordinary people would not have such skills!"    


"Furthermore, your shooting posture is very professional. Without years of training, it is impossible for you to reach that level!"    


"So, before the three of us get angry, hurry up and tell us who you are!"    


Although Liu Qing's face was still cold this time, she explained a little more.    


In fact, those two words just now were just a foundation for her to say those words later.    




It was very difficult for a man like Lin Fei to answer their questions honestly.    


When Lin Fei heard this, his heart instantly relaxed!    



He thought that it was a problem? It turned out that these three women were the ones who saw through his skill and wanted to know where he came from.    


Lin Fei was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he frowned and started thinking.    


If it was only Xi Mengwei and Liu Qing, this question would be easier for him to answer but now there was Lee Fei'er who understood his past.    


Therefore, he could not answer this question casually. He had to be careful. After all, the special skills and the matters of the system could not be leaked at all.    


"Well, it's like this. When I was young, there was an old hunter in our village who knew some Kung Fu. I learned from him for a few years, so I have the skills I have now!"    


After thinking for a while, Lin Fei looked at Liu Qing and answered seriously.    


"Hmph, you are still lying to us. Sisters, hit him!"    


Liu Qing coldly snorted but suddenly could not help but laugh and said to Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er.    


She had been acting very hard just now. Now when she saw Lin Fei answer honestly, she could not hold back her laughter.    


At this time, Xi Mengwei and Liu Qing also quickly got up. The three of them laughed together and surrounded Lin Fei, showing an expression of wanting to teach him a good lesson.    


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