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C100 A Fierce Battle

C100 A Fierce Battle

0Lin Fei quickly focused his eyes and saw the shadow before him clearly. It was an adult black bear.    


"Oh my god!"    


"There's actually an adult black bear here!"    


At that moment, Lin Fei fell into a state of panic, speechless at himself.    


He truly wanted to curse at his own mouth. Just now, he had just told Lee Fei'er what to do if a beat really appeared. However, he didn't expect thata bear would actually show up now.    


This was far too strange!    


Lin Fei felt that he could really set up a fortune telling stall in the streets in the future.    


"Brother Lin Fei."    


"It's a black bear."    


"We actually came across a black bear. What should we do?"    


Standing closest to Lin Fei, Xi Mengwei noticed the adult black bear on the branch of the banyan tree right after him. She quickly lowered her voice and asked.    


"Don't move!"    


"Don't move even a single inch!"    


"All of you, don't make a sound!"    


Not daring to move his head, Lin Fei warned everyone with a soft voice.    


Bears usually did not have good eyesight or high alertness of their surroundings. Back in his hometown, the old hunters would usually call them blind bears. As long as they did not move, they could basically guarantee their safety.    


Even so, you should not think that running into a bear is a simple matter. Despite its poor eyesight, its hearing and sense of smell are still incredibly sensitive.    


With it being capable of capturing every single movement in its vicinity, it would usually be extremely troublesome to deal with. If one finds themselves being targeted by a bear, they would find it very difficult to escape it.    


At this time, Lee Fei'er and Liu Qing finally noticed the large bear and instantly felt their legs go numb. However, they did not dare to move a single inch or make a single sound.    


Each of them was an intelligent individual in their own respects. Although they had never experienced such a situation, they knew that bears had poor eyesight. As such, none of them could move.    


Everyone held their breath on the limestone boulder, not daring to make any moves. As they stood petrified like statues, their hearts began rising up their throats.    




Lin Fei felt that they were deceiving themselves at this very moment.    


After all...    


They stood no more than twenty meters away from the bear.    


Thus, he did not dare make the assumption that the blind bear had yet to notice their presence.    


At that instant, he regretted lowering his guard even for a moment. It was clear that those Macaws had flown up in alarm because of the black bear's sudden appearance.    




In the next moment, the black bear stood up on the branch of the banyan tree as it looked towards Lin Fei and let out a deafening roar.    


Jumping down from the tree, it created an impact that shook the ground and caused the withered leaves under the tree to scatter in all directions.    




"The black bear is training itself!"    


Lin Fei instantly knew what the black bear was doing. It was training itself.    


This was something that Lin Fei had heard from the old hunters back in his hometown, Qingshan Village.    


In order to toughen the skin on its back and chest, the adult black bear would purposely leap down from the tree and crash down on its chest and back.    


This particular behavior was known as the self-training of the black bear.    




But at this time, Xi Mengwei thought that the bear was about to charge towards them. Thus, she instinctively screamed in fear and prepared to dash away.    


"It's over!"    


Lin Fei had originally intended to warn everyone in a soft voice that they should not move and explain how the bear was not charging towards them.    


But it was already too late!    


After all, Xi Mengwei's scream had provoked the black bear, and it was not rushing towards them.    


"The three of you, stay on the limestone boulder and don't move. Keep that in mind!"    


Without any time to say anything else, Lin Fei jumped down the limestone boulder with the axe in his right hand.    


Instead of running away, he immediately charged at the approaching black bear.    


"Brother Lin Fei, what are you trying to do?"    


"Xiao Fei, do you not care about your life anymore?"    


"Sir, please come back quickly! It's dangerous!"    


Seeing Lin Fei's reckless actions, the three women exclaimed nearly at the same time.    


"All of you, shut up and stay there. Don't move or make any noise!"    


Lin Fei shouted with all his might.    


"Hey, blind bear, your Elder Lin Fei has arrived!"    


Landing on the ground, Lin Fei dashed towards the black bear until he was five meters away. Suddenly stopping in his steps, he swung the bright axe in his hand and shouted at the bear.    


Lin Fei had obviously intended to create a big commotion to lure the black bear away from the direction of the limestone boulder.    


He had once heard from the old hunters in the village that the bears despised it when people called them blind bears. If he were to call the bear before him by that name, he would infuriate it thoroughly.    


At that moment, he wanted to anger the bear and draw him towards his direction, away from the limestone boulder where the three women were hiding.    




Sure enough, the adult black bear instantly stood up and glared at Lin Fei. Beating down on its own chest with its huge paws, it kept letting out heaven-shaking roars from its mouth.    


It was obvious now that...    


The beat had been completely enraged by Lin Fei!    


After letting out a series of ferocious roars, it suddenly curled up its body. In the next second, it jumped up and pounced towards Lin Fei.    


It leaped into the air shockingly with its giant body and flew towards Lin Fei.    


Not only was the bear extremely strong, but its tongue was even covered in tiny spikes. If he were to get hit by its paw or licked by its tongue, the consequences could only be imagined.    


At that moment, the three beauties stood petrified like statues on the limestone boulder as they witnessed this very scene unfold before their eyes. Their hearts were beating so wildly to the point that they were being pushed up their throats.    


Liu Qing subconsciously raised up the AK-47 in her hand and carefully aimed the muzzle of the rifle at the black bear that leaped aggressively into the air.    


Thinking that this was the critical moment that Lin Fei mentioned previously, she figured that she should decisively pull the trigger now.    


However, even in the face of such a fierce attack from the black bear, Lin Fei revealed a grin. In the next instant, he squatted down and suddenly flew diagonally to the right.    


Although the black bear's jump was astonishing, Lin Fei's shocking action was even more impressive.    


Stepping down on the ground with full force, he jumped diagonally to the right and seemingly flashed three to four meters away.    


At that moment, a green vine the size of an infant's arm just so happened to be hanging down from a tree. One could tell that the vine was exceptionally tough and sturdy with a single glance.    


Lin Fei dashed towards the vine and grabbed it firmly with his left hand.    


On his right hand, he was still holding onto the sharp axe tightly.    


The instant the black bear got close to him, Lin Fei swung the axe in his right hand with all his might at the side of its waist.    




As the cutting-edge of the axe slice through the side of the black bear, the shiny black fur on its waist immediately split apart.    


This could only be accomplished by using the gravity of his body. Then, he grabbed onto the green vine tightly and swung away onto a thick branch of a big tree eight meters away from his initial position.    


That entire process was done smoothly in one go without the slightest bit of sloppiness. Lin Fei appeared as agile as a nimble ape swinging around in its natural habitat.    


Witnessing this ridiculous scene before them, the three beauties hiding on the limestone boulder were completely stunned. They really could not believe what just happened.    




As the black bear's large body smashed heavily onto the forest ground once again, the ferocious impact caused the withered branches and leaves on the ground to scattered in all directions.    


Failing to land its paw strike on Lin Fei, it instead crashed into the trunk of an old tree next to Lin Fei.    


The huge force of its attack left behind a deep imprint on the trunk of the tree as its bark and splinters flew in all directions.    


"Oh my god!"    


"What great strength!"    


Lin Fei was secretly astonished. If he was struck by the black bear's paw, he would have lost his ability to resist instantly. In the worst-case scenario, he would have turned into a cripple.    




At that moment, the muscle between Lin Fei's right thumb and index finger suddenly gave off a feeling of numbness and slight pain.    


Having created a distance from the bear, Lin Fei subconsciously let go of the axe on his right hand and opened up his palm.    


The skin of the black bear was indeed far too tough. When Lin Fei swung his axe in an attempt to slice open its skin, his entire right hand had turned numb from shock.    


At this time, Lin Fei squatted on a tree trunk eight meters away and observed the black bear. Looking carefully, he realized that the axe had only cut off a piece of the black hair on its waist. It did not deal any sort of damage to its skin at all.    


This proved what the old hunter in the village told him. The armor-like skin of the black bear was so strong that even most bullets would not be able to pierce through it.    


"Xiao Qing, don't try to shoot it. The bear's skin is too rough!"    


As Lin Fei's mind spun rapidly, he quickly opened his mouth and warned Liu Qing who was hiding on the limestone boulder in the distance.    


He figured that Liu Qing would definitely look for an opportunity to shoot now that she saw him in danger.    


He was worried that Liu Qing's shot might miss the bear's vital point and draw its attention towards them instead.    


Since he was not at the limestone boulder right now, it would definitely be difficult for him to rush back to save them if the black bear were to turn its attention to the three beauties.    




Meanwhile, Lin Fei's axe attack had completely caused the big guy to go berserk.    


As its enormous body landed down on the ground like a meteor, it stood back up again and let out a series of fearsome roars that reverberated the entire dense forest.    


Without any hesitation, it charged towards the big tree where Lin Fei was standing at. Judging from its flaming eyes, it did not intend to stop until it killed Lin Fei.    





It had already fixed its eyes on Lin Fei.    


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