Global Check-in System

C49 Compete

C49 Compete



Long Jingtao was rendered speechless by Lin Fei's words. He almost couldn't breathe. This guy sure knew how to get on his nerves.    


"Isn't that so?    


"Now I know why Mengwei doesn't like you anymore.    


"With your personality as a scum, how could she take a liking to you!    


"Look at yourself! Where does it look like you've returned from abroad? You don't look like you've graduated from Harvard at all!    


"How would Harvard produce a brainless fellow like you? You're just lowering the standards of the Harvard University!    


"If you really graduated from Harvard, then it only means that you are a disgrace to the Harvard!    


"In a place like this, can your people really attack me? You're in over your head!    


"That's why I said that you are ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"    


Lin Fei didn't give Long Jingtao any chance to catch his breath, launching an attack again. This time, he did not sugarcoat his words at all.    


His every sentence was like a sharp sword stabbing into Long Jingtao's heart. And then he twisted it around, aggravating the wound even more.    


Although Lin Fei's words were not anywhere near pleasant to hear, when they fell into the ears of the people around them, they all felt that it made a lot of sense.    


After all, Long Jingtao's actions just now were indeed not something that a person with high academic qualifications would do.    


In fact, he was no different from a street hooligan. Rather than keeping himself in check, he let his emotions get the better of him, even disregarding the host of this place.    


Even Long Jingtao himself seemed to have suddenly realized this problem.    


After all, he was someone with status. If he continued to be stubborn now, it would only result in him disgracing himself.    


Moreover, with his intelligence, he had only just realized that in a place like Lou Wailou Restaurant, with the presence of Tang Liuyi, there were probably many security guards hiding in the dark.    


Perhaps the butler was only concerned about his reputation, so he didn't let the security guards of Lou Wailou Restaurant out.    


If they really started fighting, not only would he not be able to teach Lin Fei a lesson tonight, he would even break the rules of Lou Wailou Restaurant and offend a powerful person, Tang Tianhai, at the same time. And that was just the butler. What about the even more powerful owner?    


If that was the case, the gains would not make up for the losses. Long Jingtao was naturally not a fool. How could he not know what to do at this moment?    


"Forget it. I'll let you go for the sake of Butler Tang. However, once we leave this place, I'd like to see how you can protect yourself!"    


Long Jingtao waved his hand and called his bodyguards back. He turned around and left, quickly disappearing into a dark path that led to the foot of the mountain.    


Xi Mengwei and Liu Qing were stunned when they saw this scene.    


They really did not expect Lin Fei to easily resolve the danger with just his speech alone. His words were not less powerful than bullets.    


Tang Liuyi also looked at Lin Fei with admiration.    


Although he did not know the man, he had to admit that this man had analyzed the entire situation thoroughly.    


He was right. Dozens of Lou Wailou Restaurant security guards were hiding in the dark. The reason they didn't come out was that they didn't wish to humiliate Young Master Long or hurt his feelings, in hopes that he might think it through and give up.    


But unexpectedly, this young man saw through it with a glance. A person with such wisdom was worthy of being a guest of Heaven Class private room.    


However, just as Long Jingtao disappeared into the dark path with a group of bodyguards, a crisp round of applause came from the Heaven Class private room.    


"What a self-possessed man! You don't change countenance even if Mt Tai collapses right before your eyes.    


"Excellent! Excellent!    


"Hahahaha, young man, you are indeed extraordinary. Your move was marvelous and perfect. It really makes me admire you to the extreme!"    


A figure walked out from the gate of the Heaven Class private room.    


The person was in his early thirties, and he was full of vigor. Although he was wearing a modest expression, it was hard to conceal his overwhelming aura.    


Lin Fei could tell that he was an outstanding person with just a glance.    


"Mr. Lin, this is Bai Shanshui, Mr. Bai!    


"Mr. Bai, this is Lin Fei, the guest you are inviting tonight!"    


Seeing that Bai Shanshui had come out of Heaven Class private room to welcome them, Liu Qing quickly introduced them to each other.    


However, Lin Fei and Bai Shanshui had already recognized each other's identity in their hearts.    


"Hahahaha, Mr. Bai, you flatter me. As long as I didn't make a joke of myself in front of you, I'll be content!"    


Lin Fei replied with a laugh.    


However, there was something implied in his words. As long as Bai Shanshui could read between the lines, he would naturally understand that Lin Fei was saying it to him on purpose.    


Lin Fei was not worried, though. How could someone like Bai Shanshui not understand what he was saying?    


The reason why Lin Fei was so calm and collected just now was because he had two trump cards.    


The first trump card was naturally the Lou Wailou Restaurant. He knew that no one would be allowed to fight in such a high-class place.    


If they couldn't even maintain the order here, then the Restaurant wouldn't have developed to such a stage.    


The second trump card was Bai Shanshui, who had just come out.    


The place of conflict was less than 50 meters away from the Heaven Class private room. It was impossible for Bai Shanshui, who was waiting inside, to miss out the commotion.    


He was a guest invited by Bai Shanshui tonight. If something happened right under his nose and word got out, Bai Shanshui would also be disgraced.    


With these two supports, Lin Fei was confident enough to confront someone like Long Jingtao.    



This was his confidence.    


Actually, when he used the power of Lou Wailou Restaurant to suppress Long Jingtao, he wanted to prove something to Bai Shanshui.    


He knew that Bai Shanshui in the Heaven Class private room would be able to hear everything clearly.    


Unexpectedly, Long Jingtao didn't have a donkey's brain. After he thought about it, he knew how to judge the situation and led his men away.    


If he didn't listen to advice, didn't know how to endure, and insisted on taking action, Lin Fei wouldn't be afraid of such a person.    


But he knew how to endure and judge the situation. This gave Lin Fei a headache. That was why he said such a meaningful sentence to Bai Shanshui now.    


He wanted to express his dissatisfaction and thus borrow the third trump card from Bai Shanshui, his emotions, or rather, his guilt.    


The guy had invited him here, yet such a scene happened. He would want to make it up to Lin Fei.    


Once he could become friends — or even better, brothers — with someone like Bai Shanshui, perhaps even the Long Family had to think twice before messing with him in Mo City.    


After all, there weren't many people in the entire Mo City who could afford to mess with the Landscape Corporation.    


"Haha, you're indeed a straightforward person. I like you! Please come in, bro!"    


Sure enough, Bai Shanshui understood the meaning behind Lin Fei's words. He grinned.    


Lin Fei was obviously blaming him for not coming out in time to stop all of this while quietly watching everything in the pavilion.    


This made him even more curious about Lin Fei, so he quickly showed his greatest sincerity.    


He had sent people to investigate Lin Fei. He was not only the owner of the ten villas in Moon Bay High Class Villa District but also the owner of the ten floors of Global International Financial Center. Apart from that, he also owned the entire Yinhui Building.    


But that was all the information his subordinates could get. They failed to figure out Lin Fei's identity. Even the source of the property purchase funds could only be traced to a mysterious and large secret organization.    


After getting the report, Bai Shanshui didn't feel apprehensive. Instead, he believed that he should befriend someone like him no matter what. Furthermore, he had a deep relationship with the daughter of the Xi family.    


After all, the Landscape Corporation couldn't have the final say in Mo City. Making one or two allies would be of great help to their cause in Mo City in the future.    




Lin Fei also smiled.    


His plan had been a success ever since Bai Shanshui changed his way of addressing him.    


He pulled Xi Mengwei along and strode towards the Heaven Class private room.    


Bai Shanshui and Lin Fei walked side by side. In the first round between the two men, Lin Fei clearly had the upper hand.    


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