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C47 How Do You Expect Me to Let Go

C47 How Do You Expect Me to Let Go

0"Thank you for your compliment, Lin Fei."    


Xi Mengwei revealed a beautiful smile.    


"I'm not praising you. I'm just telling the truth. There are some things that can't be recovered if they are missing. Your taste is right up my alley!    


"Let's go, Mengwei. Lou Wailou Restaurant is not too far away from here, but there are only about 20 minutes left before 7 o'clock.    


"I have to tell you that safety is the most important thing when driving. Although I don't like to be late, compared to your safety, nothing else is important!"    


Lin Fei looked at the time and seriously advised Xi Mengwei.    




But before he could finish, Xi Mengwei's sports car had already sped up and left a cloud of dust in his face.    


"Haha, Lin Fei, I'm a third-ranked female racer of my age group in Mo City. There's much more for you to learn about me!"    


As the car sped out, Xi Mengwei's voice lingered in the air.    


"Hey, Mengwei, slow down!"    


Lin Fei shouted.    


As he looked at the fading taillights, he could only helplessly shake his head and say, "Haha, this girl is quite wild. She really is a multi-talented woman!"    


Lin Fei's driving skills were not that good, but they were not bad either. He gave it his best, but he did not even see Xi Mengwei's car the whole way.    


"Hey, Lin Fei, your driving's bad, you know!"    


When Lin Fei arrived at the entrance of Lou Wailou Restaurant, Xi Mengwei had already parked her car. She stood there leisurely waiting for him.    


Lin Fei got out of the car. A security guard walked over and took the keys from him to help him park the car.    


One had to admit that the service of a high-class place was really good. Lin Fei was an ordinary person before, so he had never come to such high-end places. He couldn't even if he wanted to do.    


However, he knew how to adapt and learn. After going in and out of these high-end places a few times, he understood their customs pretty well.    


"You're quite wild, but don't do this again next time!"    


After the security guard took the car keys, Lin Fei walked over and rubbed Xi Mengwei's head. His tone was slightly reproachful.    


However, his actions didn't arouse distaste in her heart. Instead, it made Xi Mengwei feel warm.    


"Okay, I promise there won't be a next time!"    


Xi Mengwei obediently nodded as if she knew she made a mistake. Then, she hugged Lin Fei's arm and walked towards the Lou Wailou Restaurant's main gate.    


All her life, other than her father, Lin Fei was the first man to scold her like this.    


But Xi Mengwei, who had just been reprimanded, did not feel unhappy at all; as a matter of fact, she was full of joy.    


The waiter at the door greeted them politely. The two of them quickly stepped into the Lou Wailou Restaurant.    


When Lin Fei saw this place's decoration and furnishing, he felt as if his horizons had been expanded. As he lived the life of the rich, he realized just how miserable his past life was.    


The Lou Wailou Restaurant was indeed worthy of being the most famous restaurant in the entire Mo City. Just the external environment here filled with the charm of the east was enough to make people sigh in admiration. The greenery and water streams soothed the emotions of the guests and provided them with a serene dining environment.    


The Lou Wailou Restaurant was not a large building. Rather, it was a manor that occupied an expansive area. The design was innovative and grand, focusing on spaciousness and open spaces.    


The entire manor was built around a hill.    


The main gate had a unique design, and there were many rockeries and winding paths inside. Every private room here was an independent attic.    


If you sat on the attic at the bottom, you would be able to see through the carved windows halfway up the mountain. At the top, you would be able to see the unique scenery of the building outside. Dining here while gazing outside provided one with a peace of mind.    


It was precisely because of this that the owner had named this place Lou Wailou Restaurant, literally meaning a place out of this world.    


Apart from the environment, the food here was also excellent. The Eastern delicacies would tickle the taste buds of the customers here, giving them another reason to cherish their wealthy life.    


Lou Wailou Restaurant's fame was not only limited to the country alone. It had earned a good reputation in other countries too. Many foreign celebrities would come to Mo City to taste the delicacies here.    


Therefore, the fact that this place could become the most famous eastern-style restaurant in the entire Mo City was not just an empty title. It fully deserved its reputation.    


"Mr. Lin, you're here!"    


After entering the main door, Lin Fei stared at these winding corridors. He did not know where to go. Just as he was in a dilemma, Liu Qing happened to walk out from a path. She quickly walked in front of Lin Fei and greeted him.    


She then glanced at Xi Mengwei, who was hugging his arm, and was stunned for a few seconds.    


In terms of looks, Liu Qing had never been second to anyone. However, this girl actually made her feel that she was a little inferior. Women would always compare their looks with others, after all.    




Lin Fei nodded and did not say anything else. It was very obvious that Liu Qing specifically came here to pick him up.    


"And this is?"    


Liu Qing felt that Mr. Bai's banquet tonight must be important. Otherwise, he wouldn't have set it up in the Heaven Class private room, so she couldn't help but ask.    


"Oh, this is a friend of mine, Xi Mengwei!"    


Lin Fei explained.    


"Oh, okay. Please come with me. Mr. Bai has been waiting for a long time."    


Liu Qing did not pry further. Since Lin Fei brought this woman along here, it was obvious that he wanted to take her to the dinner.    


Keeping in mind Lin Fei's status and wealth, she could only say this much. If she spoke any more, she would be stepping out of her bounds.    





Lin Fei pulled Xi Mengwei's soft hand and followed behind Liu Qing, going into a dark path together.    


Xi Mengwei hugged his arm even tighter.    


She did not know what kind of relationship Liu Qing had with Lin Fei and she did not want to know either. However, for some unknown reason, she felt a bit under pressure because of Liu Qing.    


In her circle of rich and wealthy people, she had seen her fair share of beautiful women, but it was her first time meeting a woman with such a refined temperament like Liu Qing.    


If she remained by Lin Fei's side, no one could guarantee what would happen. That was why she was naturally wary and hostile towards Liu Qing. It was like her woman's instinct instructing her to be vigilant and mark her territory.    


Lou Wailou Restaurant covered a massive area; moreover, there were many winding corridors inside. Lin Fei felt he would have gotten lost if he had tried to find the way by himself.    


The Heaven Class private room was located at the top of this small mountain. The philosophy behind this place's design was to build an elegant restaurant that was close to nature. Therefore, there were no vehicles in the entire manor. People could only walk.    


The two of them followed Liu Qing and arrived at the top of the small mountain about ten minutes later.    


There was a flat platform at the top. Four three-story pavilions were situated around the perimeter with a five-story pavilion at the center.    


According to Liu Qing's introduction, the three-story buildings were the four Earth-class private rooms in Lou Wailou Restaurant, while the building at the center was the one and only Heaven Class private room in Lou Wailou Restaurant.    


"This five-story building is a single private room. Such extravagance is befitting the most famous restaurant in Mo City!"    


After listening to Liu Qing's introduction, Lin Fei praised the restaurant in his heart.    


"Mr. Bai is in the Heaven Class private room there!"    


Liu Qing extended her hand to invite the duo inside.    




Lin Fei did not stand on ceremony and directly pulled Xi Mengwei along. They walked towards the center pavilion with large steps.    


"Mengwei? Is that you? What a surprise to see you here!"    


However, Lin Fei had just taken a few steps when a voice suddenly came from the entrance of one of the Earth class rooms to his right.    


Xi Mengwei turned her head toward the voice. She immediately blurted out in surprise, "Long Jingtao..."    


She then lowered her head in embarrassment and subconsciously hugged Lin Fei's arm even tighter.    


After all, although she was not to be blamed for what happened a few days ago, the incident had become a joke for others. Now that they saw each other, she felt very awkward.    


Lin Fei turned his head and saw a man about the same height and age as him. He was handsome and had a noble aura.    


It wasn't out of line. After all, it was normal for people to greet each other if they had a history together.    


However, when the man saw Xi Mengwei tightly hugging the arm of a man he didn't know, his face darkened.    


The man called Long Jingtao flew off the handle. He rushed to Lin Fei's front with red eyes, pointed at his nose, and roared. "I don't care who you are. Let go of Mengwei's hand right now!"    


This sudden change scared Xi Mengwei so much that she hugged Lin Fei's hand even tighter. Even Liu Qing's expression changed drastically.    


Lin Fei had his hands behind his back and looked at Long Jingtao with a calm expression. He did not even blink under his furious assault of words.    


The two of them stared at each other for five seconds. It was as if time had paused at this moment.    


Then, Lin Fei laughed as if nothing had happened. "Hey, mister, please take a good look. This lady is hugging my arm. How do you expect me to let her go?"    


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