Super Charge System In City

C17 Socialist Successor

C17 Socialist Successor

0Lingchen thought about this question seriously. How great would it be if he had money?    


Therefore, he could only say, "Let's pay the down payment of about a million yuan for the villa."    


However, Lingchen wasn't in a hurry either.    


"As long as he still wants to touch women and live a normal life, he can only come and beg me. Wool comes from sheep, the Tang family is such a sheep. If I don't push them to their deaths, I won't be called Lingchen."    


Since the activation of the super Top-up System, Lingchen finally realized how much he needed money.    


"Alright, I understand. Sir, please follow me."    


The waiter brought Lingchen to take a look at the model exhibition area and let Lingchen choose a villa.    


"I'll take it from here. It's very close to the river."    


Lingchen chose a villa that was very close to the river.    


After choosing, the waiter let Lingchen take a look at the mansion. Lingchen took a look and found that the mansion was not bad.    


Then it's settled.    


The purchase of the villa went without a hitch. Lingchen paid for the house and signed the contract.    


"Is there anyone living here?" Lingchen asked curiously when he saw that there seemed to be someone living in the mansion.    


"Yes, he seems to be an executive of a large company."    




Lingchen nodded and didn't care too much about it. He didn't even know if he would interact with this neighbor in the future. He was just asking casually this time.    


After signing the contract, the sky had already darkened.    


Lingchen took out his phone and looked at the time, "Is it already past 9? Let's move tomorrow."    


Then he went home.    


The moment Lingchen got out of the taxi, he saw three men wearing suits and sunglasses standing not far from his house. The three of them were constantly looking at his house.    


"This is the man in black?"    


Lingchen was a bit surprised, then he walked over.    


He looked relaxed as he walked behind the three men in black. Suddenly, he asked loudly, "Brothers, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"    




The three bodyguards all screamed out in fear and immediately turned around, only to see Lingchen laughing.    


Seeing the three of them in such a sorry state, Lingchen laughed in his heart. They dared to send such a cowardly Tang Lee here. Aren't they afraid of being human when they come and pigs when they go back?    


Play with them, Lingchen thought to himself.    


It took a lot of effort for the three of them to calm down.    


Then, they looked at Lingchen with an unfriendly expression. Anyone who was suddenly scared would be displeased.    


Therefore, one of them asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"    


Lingchen pondered for two seconds.    


He replied, "The socialist successor!"    




The three bodyguards were speechless and choked on Lingchen's words.    


"Then what are you doing here without sleeping in the middle of the night?" The three bodyguards asked.    


"Beat him up."    


Lingchen spoke with confidence.    


"Beat him up? Beat who up? " The three bodyguards frowned and asked seriously.    


"Lingchen." Lingchen said.    


"Why did you beat him up?" The three bodyguards were shocked and immediately asked. They couldn't help but think, could it be that Lingchen offended someone else besides Tang Lee?    


"Because he's too handsome. I want to beat him up into a pig head."    


Lingchen said bitterly.    


Too cool...    


The three bodyguards were once again speechless.    


This was the first time they had heard of such a reason. They looked at this young man in his early twenties with complicated expressions in their eyes.    


"What are you three doing here?"    


Lingchen said slowly, "The brothel is not here."    


The next moment, he frowned and asked vigilantly, "Are you here to protect Lingchen?"    


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