Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C460 The Annihilation of the Emissary Delegation He Was Confronting the Third-generation Flame Shado

C460 The Annihilation of the Emissary Delegation He Was Confronting the Third-generation Flame Shado

0"Don't be impudent!"    


Hyuga Hiashi, who had witnessed Zhao Shi's miracles, scolded the higher ups of the family.    


The higher ups of the family were stunned. They never thought that Hyuga Hiashi would scold them for an outsider.    


"That's enough! I've had enough!"    


The family's higher ups angrily left the meeting.    


The surrounding people were also somewhat surprised. The usually gentle Hyuga Hiashi was actually so unusual for a young man.    


"Don't take offense."    


Hyuga Hiashi said apologetically to Zhao Shi.    


Zhao Shi looked at Hyuga Hiashi with a strange expression. "Why didn't you clean up the place?"    


"He is an elder of our family. There is no need for us to fall out with him because of this matter." Hyuga Hiashi said.    


Zhao Shi didn't say anything after hearing this.    


"Take me to find the Third generation Hokage."    


Zhao Shi, who had decided to end the battle quickly, said noncommittally.    


After a while.    


Zhao Shi followed Hyuga Hiashi and the people from Hinata family to the meeting room of the third generation.    


He found that the emissary delegation from Raikakure was gathered here, including the higher ups who had left the Hinata Clan's meeting earlier.    


"Master Houkage, please let the Konoha take action quickly!"    


"That's right. This lord from the Hinata Clan told us that they actually want to use twin brothers to replace brother. This is an insult to our Raikakure!"    


"If this continues, the Raikakure will have no choice but to declare war on the Konoha!"    


Hearing the words of the Raikakure's emissary delegation, the faces of the Hinata Clan turned green with anger.    


At this moment, when the emissary delegation saw the Hinata Clan walking over, they also gathered over.    


"Hyuga Hiashi, I never thought that you would dare to appear in front of us. Quickly hang yourself and apologize for your crimes!"    


Upon hearing this, Hyuga Hiashi flew into a rage.    


On one hand, it was because the emissary delegation was arrogant.    


On the other hand, it was the senior of the family who revealed the Hinata Clan's plan to the Raikakure's emissary delegation.    


Sensing Hyuga Hiashi's angry gaze, the higher ups of the Hinata Clan sneered instead.    


It was as if they were saying, You are going to die soon. What can you do to me?    


At this moment, Hyūga Hinata didn't care about her clansmen's dissuasion and ran all the way here.    


When she saw Zhao Shi, she hid behind Zhao Shi, and Zhao Shi protected her.    


"No! I don't want my father to die!"    


There were tears in Hinata's eyes as she shouted emotionally.    


As a young girl, she could only use her own method to protect her father.    


Zhao Shi gently stroked Hinata's little head and comforted her.    


"It's fine. Your father will not die."    


As he spoke, Zhao Shi's gaze coldly swept across the Raikakure's emissary delegation and the upper echelons of the Hinata Clan.    


Sensing Zhao Shi's boldness and aura, the emissary delegation of Raikakure felt stifled. The higher ups of Hinata Clan also felt an inexplicable pressure.    


"What do you mean, kid?! Do you have the right to speak here?!"    


The upper echelons of Hinata Clan bellowed at Zhao Shi.    


"What do you mean?! Let me tell you, I was the one who killed the emissary delegation from the Raikakure. It had nothing to do with the Hinata Clan and the Konoha. If you scram now, I can spare your dog lives!"    


Zhao Shi's expression was indifferent. An invisible force was unleashed from his body, suppressing everyone present.    


"Then I'll kill you first!"    


The higher ups of Hinata Clan roared furiously. They pulled out Ku Wu and charged at Zhao Shi.    


"As a member of Hinata Clan, I don't need the Jyuken, but I need to use Ku Wu. What a useless man!"    


After saying that, Zhao Shi unleashed the One-finger death touch with his mind and pierced through the chest of the higher ups of the Hinata Clan.    




The upper echelons of Hinata Clan had never thought that Zhao Shi would kill them in such a strange way.    


"Kill him!"    


Seeing this, the emissary delegation from Raikakure was both shocked and furious. They all attacked Zhao Shi.    


However, they saw Zhao Shi pointing his finger at them, and killing them in the blink of an eye.    


These emissary delegation from Raikakure didn't even manage to touch Zhao Shi's clothes before they all fell to the ground.    


Zhao Shi stepped on the face of the leader of the emissary delegation from Raikakure. He exerted a slight force on his foot, as if he was going to stomp him to death.    



At this moment, Lei Yin didn't even dare to breathe loudly. He didn't know what kind of Ninjutsu this mysterious young man was using, but he could actually kill someone from a distance.    


Moreover, it seemed like he wasn't from the Konoha. If he killed the people in his village, he would be sentenced to death for betraying the village.    


Hyuga Hiashi opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.    


He didn't expect Zhao Shi to be so ruthless. He easily wiped out the Raikakure and even killed the higher ups of the Hinata Clan.    




The people of the Hinata Clan didn't know what to say.    


The higher ups who were killed were suspected of betraying their families. It would be fine if they didn't die.    


Now that they were all dead, it was naturally impossible for them to fall out with this mysterious man just because of him.    


"I'm begging you, I'm begging you, don't kill me. If you kill me, Raikakure will definitely start a war with the Konoha!"    


The leader of the Raikakure begged bitterly, but he was ruthlessly kicked by Zhao Shi.    


"I have to make it clear that I am not a member of the Konoha. What does killing someone from the Raikakure have to do with the Konoha?"    


At this moment, the door of the Houkage office was opened, and two middle-aged and elderly figures walked out.    


One of them was a middle-aged man. He was wearing a Third generation robe, and he had a smoking pipe in his mouth.    


The other. He was wrapped in bandages and was wearing a robe. His face looked cold.    


Sarutobi Nichizan and Shimura Danzou!    


It didn't make any sense. These were the two people with the highest status in Konoha.    


One. Commanding the dark, a governing root organization.    


"Young man, I wonder who you are, where you came from, and why are you interfering in this matter? I advise you to do it well, and not create trouble for yourself. "    


The Third generation Houkage narrowed its eyes and sized up Zhao Shi.    


He had already seen the corpse on the ground. With this kind of skill, he was afraid that ___ wouldn't lose to him in terms of strength.    


Shimura Danzou's eyes were also cold as he sized up Zhao Shi. He was ready to let his root organization assassinate Zhao Shi at any time.    


"I have no obligation to answer your question, Third generation."    


Facing the Houkage and his assistants, Zhao Shi was calm and composed. He had no intention of being afraid at all.    


Seeing that Zhao Shi dared to contradict the Third generation, Hyuga Hiashi's heart started to race.    


If there was a conflict between the Konoha and Zhao Shi, who should he help?    


Without waiting for the third generation's response, Zhao Shi was the first to speak. "My goal is very simple. I want to expel the ninjas of Raikakure and protect Hyuga Hiashi. I don't care about anything else."    


Hearing this, Hyuga Hiashi looked at Zhao Shi with a grateful gaze.    


It turned out that Zhao Shi had always been protecting him.    


However, Hyuga Hiashi did not know that Zhao Shi was only fulfilling Hinata's wish.    


The Third generation took two deep breaths of the tobacco pipe and just kept sighing.    


"If you don't agree, I will kill him."    


As he spoke, Zhao Shi stomped down hard on the pipe, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard.    


The messenger of Raikakure felt that his skull was going to be crushed by Zhao Shi at any time.    


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