Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C168 The Staff Member's Anger

C168 The Staff Member's Anger

0"This is my seat, already in, and now you want me to give it up. At least I should have the right to know what's going on before making a decision. "    


Although the staff member's tone was very aggressive, Zhao Shi tried his best to avoid conflict and argued.    


"Huh, didn't you get the movie tickets for free during the event? What right do you have to know? There are so many things to do. " The staff member scoffed at Zhao Shi.    


In his opinion, Zhao Shi's movie tickets must have been obtained from a lucky draw or some event, and he was not willing to give up his seat. He simply wanted to raise the price on the spot and get more benefits.    


"I'm warning you now, give up your seat and don't be so shameless as to affect others watching a movie."    


The staff member said as if it was a matter of course, and his words faintly opposed Zhao Shi and the other audiences.    


The other audiences, as well as the surrounding audiences who obediently gave up their seats, all looked at Zhao Shi with hostility or disdain.    


The former was because the argument between Zhao Shi and the staff member had indeed disturbed their view.    


The latter had already been promised benefits by the staff, so they naturally stood on the same side.    


"Brother, forget it. It's just a change of scene. You can't twist your arms and legs. Why are you angry with the cinema?" Someone seemed to be advising kindly, but his eyes were clearly blaming Zhao Shi for being meddlesome.    


"What's going on? Are you still going to watch the movie? Are you crazy..." Some people did not know what was going on, and directly turned over the Byakugan to Zhao Shi.    


For a moment, it was as if Zhao Shi was isolated by everyone.    


Seeing this, the corner of the staff member's mouth raised slightly.    


To his superiors, or to Director Fong and Wang Xiaoming, he was extremely weak. He had to take on everything.    


But in front of an ordinary audience, he represented the cinema and the powerful side.    


This feeling of being able to suppress others greatly released the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart.    


In one sentence, this staff member vented his anger on Zhao Shi. Seeing Zhao Shi unhappy, he felt very good!    


"Get lost."    


Seeing the staff member's smug look, Zhao Shi's eyes turned cold. He released a terrifying aura, causing the temperature of the entire theater to drop by several degrees.    


Sensing Zhao Shi's power, the other audience members were slightly stunned.    


When the staff member heard Zhao Shi ask him to get lost, not only did his anger come back, he even lost his mind.    


It was one thing to be bullied in the hands of the person in charge and Director Fong, but did he have to be afraid of an ordinary person?    


His anger numbed the staff member's senses. He grabbed at Zhao Shi.    


Zhao Shi reached out and grabbed the staff member's wrist. He gathered all of his terrifying aura and pressed it against Zhao Shi's body.    


Being directly suppressed by Zhao Shi's aura, no matter how slow the staff member was, he could still feel the difference between friend and foe and the immense pressure.    


He trembled and snatched Zhao Shi's hand. He rushed out as if he was running away.    


"Brother, are you alright?" Zhao Meng was a little worried.    


Zhao Shi gently patted the back of Zhao Meng's hand. "Brother is here. You just need to watch the movie in peace."    


As for the mixed-blood loli, Tang Yawen, at this moment, was completely immersed in the movie. Her eyes lit up slightly and there was a smile on her face. She was very focused and was not affected by the outside world at all!    


"Is the matter settled?"    


The staff had just rushed out of the movie theater when they received an inquiry from the person in charge.    


"There's a person who isn't very cooperative. Brother Hua, give me a few more minutes. I'll settle it immediately!" The staff member with a pale face recalled the scene just now and said while gnashing his teeth in anger.    


He was actually frightened by a young brat. How could that fellow have such a strong pressure?    


Although I'm not willing to admit it, just now I was like facing a general and war god who has been fighting for many years!    


Thinking of this, the staff made a call. To deal with this kind of tough guy, I need help!    


"Big Bear, you two come over here for a bit. There's work to be done."    


Not long after, the staff member brought the two society members, one strong and one thin, to the screening area where Zhao Shi was.    


The two of them looked fierce, their gazes unfriendly, and their attitudes domineering.    


"Who is so bold to cause trouble in our movie theater?" The burly man named Big Bear swaggered about, already starting to stretch his muscles and bones, preparing to teach the staffer a good lesson.    


As for the thin man, he was smiling sinisterly as he stroked a dagger at his waist, ready to unsheathe it at any moment.    


Seeing these two people, the staff was a little afraid. These two were hired thugs by their boss to deal with special situations.    


However, when he thought about how Zhao Shi had been taught a lesson by them and then thrown out, he was actually looking forward to it.    


"It's him, the one sitting there. There are two women beside him, one big and one small."    


The staff member said with a gloomy look in his eyes.    


Actually, the reason why he was so against Zhao Shi was also because he was jealous.    


Big Bear was just about to step forward when the thin man stopped him. "Bear, look at that man and that woman. Do you think they look familiar?"    


Big Bear took a closer look at them, and his heart thumped.    


Although he wasn't too sure, the two of them looked very similar to the man and woman he had just met in the elevator.    


The moment that man attacked, he instantly subdued the two of them. His combat power was terrifying, and he still had a mental trauma!    


"It can't be. We met a man and a woman. Right now, it's a man and two women. It shouldn't be!"    


Big Bear pointed at the backs of Zhao Shi and the other two.    



Although Tang Yawen was a little loli, her height was barely enough to show half of her head.    


"Mm..." The thin man nodded, hoping that he was not that unlucky.    


The staff saw the two whispering and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.    


Why did the two people who were so aggressive just now suddenly seem to have wilted and become less fierce? Could it be that it was his misconception?    


After Big Bear and the thin man discussed for a while, the two of them went forward together.    




Putting his hand on Zhao Shi's shoulder, the big bear called out.    


Zhao Shi slowly turned his head and frowned.    


In an instant, the giant bear retracted its hand as if it had been electrocuted. The arrogance on its face instantly turned into panic and fear.    


"It's you guys. Is something the matter?"    


Zhao Shi's eyes turned cold. He was not that friendly towards these two gangsters.    


"No, it's nothing! I got the wrong person, sorry!"    


The bear and the thin man were so scared that they were out of their wits. They actually bowed and apologized.    


This scene stunned the staff.    


Zhao Shi glanced at the staff hiding behind him and roughly understood what was going on. He turned his head and continued watching the movie, not saying a word.    


When Big Bear and the thin man saw this, they hurriedly distanced themselves from Zhao Shi.    


The scene of them being hung and beaten in the elevator was still fresh in their minds, and they didn't want to repeat it.    


"Wait, what are you doing?"    


The staff was dumbfounded. He had never expected this to happen.    


Where was the thug who promised to do things when he was paid? Why did he bow and apologize to someone like two idiots?    


Big Bear glared at the staff member and bared his teeth as he growled, "If you want to die, go yourself. We can't afford to offend this person. We won't do it no matter how much money we give!"    


With that said, he left with the thin man in a hurry, as if he was afraid of getting into trouble.    


The staff member was so frightened by Big Bear's roar that his body trembled. At the same time, he looked at Zhao Shi's position in disbelief.    


These two thugs were actually so afraid of that young man? They, who had always been open-minded about money, actually said such words!    


"Is it settled?"    


Just as the staff was at a loss, the person in charge had already brought Director Fong and Wang Xiaoming over.    


"Brother Hua, it's still those few people who are not cooperating..." The staff member said while sweating profusely.    


The person in charge was furious. "Trash! What use do I have for you!? Tomorrow, go to the Finance Department to get your salary. You're fired! "    


Hearing this, the staff member felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His job had been lost just like that!    


In an instant, his eyes were filled with anger and hatred, but he was quickly suppressed. "Brother Hua! This won't do. It's hard to find a job now. You can't fire me just like that! I'll starve to death if I lose my job! "    


The person in charge didn't waste any time. He waved his hand and asked the person beside him to take him out.    


"Director Fong, Mr. Xiaoming, I beg of you, say something! As long as you say something! Help me beg for mercy!"    


The staff member turned around and begged Director Fong and Wang Xiaoming.    


"Cough cough..."    


The Director Fong and Wang Xiaoming ignored him. Instead, they kept a distance from the person in charge and said somewhat angrily to the person in charge:    


"What's going on? Didn't you say not to make a sound?"    


The person in charge quickly asked someone to drag him down and said apologetically, "I'm sorry. The subordinate's business ability is not up to standard. I'll fire him!"    


At the screening.    


Zhao Shi and the other two were watching the movie with great interest. There were people sitting next to them one after another.    


"Brother, why are people wearing sunglasses when they watch movies now?" Zhao Meng noticed the surroundings and whispered.    


Zhao Shi said in a low voice, "Don't mind so much. It's not polite."    


The few people wearing sunglasses smiled and did not say anything.    


"I hope Director Fong and the others don't mind." The person in charge looked at the few people sitting down and muttered to himself.    


The people sitting near Zhao Shi and the other two were the director, Fong Rou, and the superstar, Wang Xiaoming!    


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