Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C91 Subjugating Subjugating Electromaster Saka Mikoto!

C91 Subjugating Subjugating Electromaster Saka Mikoto!

0"Beep! Host opened a diamond Convert Payment and obtained KamijouToma's ability, Imagine Breaker!"    


"Beep! Beep! Host, open a Platinum Convert Payment and obtain KamijouToma's [Female Attraction Body]!"    


"Beep! Beep! Host, open a Golden Convert Payment and obtain a single pass for Certain Magical Index!"    


Imagine Breaker!    


The thing that came out of the diamond Convert Payment made Zhao Shi's heart burn.    


In an instant, Zhao Shi felt that there was some extraordinary power in his right hand.    


"A Imagine Breaker that can wipe out all special existences... Wait, then wouldn't I be the same as KamijouToma, unable to use any special abilities or magic? It can also eliminate all kinds of weak blessings, causing me to be extremely unlucky?"    


"That's not right! The System is also a special existence, it shouldn't be erased!"    


Just as Zhao Shi was lost in his thoughts, the system explained:    


"Beep! Beep! The system's authority is far higher than the Imagine Breaker's ability. The host's idea does not exist. Furthermore, for the sake of the host's interests, the Imagine Breaker had already been modified. The erasing characteristic can be controlled by the host subjectively!"    


Zhao Shi was overjoyed when he heard this.    


This was simply too awesome.    


It was equivalent to taking its essence and removing its dregs!    


Thinking about it carefully, in the original work, the Imagine Breaker was not something that could be wiped out.    


Even Steele's King of Witches couldn't be completely wiped out.    


It was reasonable that the system couldn't be erased.    


As for the system's modification of the Imagine Breaker, Zhao Shi was no longer surprised by it.    


Zhao Shi had already thought that although KamijouToma's Imagine Breaker was exceptionally powerful in a sense, it also had a huge side effect.    


But now, all of these were no longer valid.    


The Imagine Breaker would become his new killing weapon!    


What magic, what superpower, as long as it comes into contact with my right hand, I will kill it all!    


The name of the Imagine Breaker is worthy of its name!    


"This... Female Attraction Body?"    


Zhao Shi thought of the second Platinum Convert Payment and felt powerless to complain.    


"Beep! Beep! The host of KamijouToma's Female Attraction Body will have a higher chance of meeting all kinds of beautiful women, and it will be easier for them to have a good impression of him!"    


Hearing the system prompt, Zhao Shi couldn't help but hold his forehead.    


Opening the Crystal Palace and whatnot did not seem to conform to the core values...    


En... In short, being popular with beauties isn't a bad thing.    


Zhao Shi gladly accepted it.    


As for the last item in his harvest this time, it also filled Zhao Shi with anticipation.    


A single pass for Certain Magical Index!    


This meant that he could choose to enter the Multiverse of Certain Magical Index again.    


If he used the pass for The Fast And The Furious last time, he might be able to obtain a generous reward from the first united.    


Thinking of this, Zhao Shi couldn't wait to open champagne.    


However, he had just fought with Steele and Misaka Mikoto, so he felt a little tired.    


The most important thing now was to quickly use the Family Contract and let Misaka Mikoto come to his side to protect Zhao Meng and the others.    


When he returned home, Zhao Shi took out Misaka Mikoto's Family Contract from the System Space.    


The Family Contract this time was a notebook with a modern feeling. There were electric arcs on the surface and it was obvious that it was not an ordinary item.    


It recorded all kinds of information about Misaka Mikoto.    


On the cover was written Misaka Mikoto's name and her various titles.    


Like "The strongest and invincible Electric Princess," "The trump card of the Tokiwadai," and so on.    


"Beep! Beep! Do you wish to use the Electro Master now? Misaka Mikoto's Family Contract?"    


Zhao Shi chose to confirm.    


"Beep! The summoning was successful. Misaka Mikoto will be by the host's side in the near future!"    


With Safer's experience, Zhao Shi would not wait passively this time. Instead, he wanted to take the initiative to attack.    


" Ramsey, use the Sky Eye system to help me find a young girl called Misaka Mikoto. "    


As he spoke, Zhao Shi described Misaka Mikoto's main characteristics.    


Although the result of the search was a little vague, Zhao Shi could still find it after seeing Misaka Mikoto's real body.    


Not long after, Zhao Shi locked onto Misaka Mikoto's location.    


"This is... a flight from Japan? It's right next to the airport!"    


It seemed that even though Misaka Mikoto was his family member, she was still a Japanese.    



Misaka Mikoto had just gotten off the flight and was resting in an inn by the airport.    


Although he did not know how the system did it.    


In short, Misaka Mikoto had already appeared in this world as a living person.    


Just like her two seniors, Ramsey and Safer.    


Without further ado, Zhao Shi directly let Ramsey open the Lykan and bring him to Misaka Mikoto's place.    


If Misaka Mikoto was like Safer, wandering around outside and not taking the initiative to appear, he would not be able to wait.    


In the blink of an eye, Zhao Shi had arrived at the entrance of the inn.    


The inn was Japanese, and it was quite unique. It seemed to be specially used to receive guests from Japan.    


The moment Zhao Shi stepped into the inn, he felt that his Imagine Breaker was a little clumsy.    


"Could it be that there is some magic or some special ability here?"    


Zhao Shi immediately thought of a possibility.    


Imagine Breaker, activate!    


The inn was surrounded by a transparent barrier.    


Under the effect of Zhao Shi's Imagine Breaker, circles of ripples appeared and then disappeared.    


At the same time, in a room in the inn.    


A bearded middle-aged man wearing a Japanese ceremonial robe suddenly woke up from his meditation and opened his eyes.    


"Someone broke my Seal! Just who is it that has such a powerful ability! "    


The shock in the middle-aged priest's eyes could not be hidden.    


His name was Yan Long, and his identity was a Nihon Seal Master. At the same time, he was also a special ability research association, a team leader under the Necessarius.    


This time, he had brought a group of people to Huaxia to carry out a mission.    


"All team members, stay alert. Someone has broken my Seal. I suspect that he has the ability of a group leader at the very least!"    


"What!? A team leader's ability, isn't that even stronger than you, Team Leader Yan Long!"    


"What should we do?"    


Yan Long contacted his team members through his phone.    


"I don't know what his goal is, but now all of us will gather in my room. As long as we work together, even a team leader won't be able to take advantage of us! "    


After saying that, the team members began to move.    


"Misaka Mikoto, we still need to rely on your ability later. Although you are only a team member now, I know your strength..."    


When everyone quickly gathered, Yan Long instructed a female high school student.    


"Please, Misaka!"    


The others also looked at Misaka Mikoto with trustworthy eyes.    


"I just laid three layers of powerful Seal at the door. He should not be able to break it in a short period of time. We should have three minutes."    


Yan Long said with some regret.    


He had just used an extremely precious talisman to set up a powerful Seal in such a short period of time.    


After saying that, Yan Long began to discuss tactics, but he suddenly fell silent.    


Just as the dozen or so team members in the room were confused, Yan Long said in despair:    


"He has already broken the Seal! He should be at the door right now!"    


Before his voice faded, everyone's faces were covered in a layer of shadow.    


They knew about Yan Long's Seal, but it was actually broken so easily...    


"There's no time, let's fight it out with him!" A group member with a fiery temper said angrily.    


As he spoke, he focused his attention. A fireball the size of a basketball actually condensed between his palms.    


"Wait a moment!" Yan Long hurriedly shouted to stop, but it was a little too late.    


This huge fireball was shot out and directly broke through the door that only had a layer of window paper. It charged towards the figure that walked out of the door.    


However, that person gently raised his right hand.    


The aggressive fireball instantly collapsed and dissipated.    


Its only function was to illuminate the man's face.    


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