World's Strongest Martial Warrior

C2052 CHAPTER2052

C2052 CHAPTER2052

0In the depths of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect, in a special area enveloped by the boundless divine might of the Sword Dao.    


This was the place where generations of Sword Dao Divine Kings of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect had transformed their bodies into Dao. It contained the aura of countless Sword Dao Divine Kings, and it was also the holy land in the hearts of everyone in the Vast Heaven Sword Sect.    


This place was a place that ordinary people simply did not have the qualifications to enter at all.    


Although the holy land was only the Dao runes left behind by the previous generations of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect using their bodies to transform into Dao runes, it also had a certain amount of very powerful power.    


Even finding a World God Supremacy was simply unbearable.    




Only people above the elder level of the sect or disciples with extremely monstrous talent could enter and comprehend the Dao runes of the previous generations of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect.    


"This is the Sacred Land of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Outsiders are forbidden to enter."    


Just as Peter Parker appeared outside the Sacred Land of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect, a skinny old man with a hunched back, who looked like he was about to die, also appeared in front of Peter Parker in a ghostly manner.    


Peter Parker looked at the old man in front of him and his gaze could not help becoming slightly focused.    


Although this skinny old man looked like he was in his last years, his aura was stronger than the Violet Heavenly Divine King of the Heavenly Sword Sect.    


He even vaguely felt a trace of danger from this old man.    


This old man was probably at least a Second Heaven Divine King!    


"The Vast Heaven Sword Sect is worthy of being the number one faction in the Eastern Divine Region. Indeed, it's far from what the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect can compare to."    


Peter Parker slowly took a deep breath.    


With a move of his palm, he took out the token that the Violet Heavenly Divine King had given him.    


"Go in."    


The thin old man looked at Peter Parker in surprise, but did not say anything. He disappeared in front of Peter Parker like a ghost once again.    


Peter Parker did not hesitate either. His figure flashed and he entered the Sacred Land of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect.    


Entering the holy land, Peter Parker felt a divine might of the sword pressing down on him from the top of his head.    


Although this divine might of the Sword Dao could easily injure the Venerable World God he was looking for, it was not too much of a pressure for Peter Parker who had surpassed the Venerable Three Star.    


He raised his head and looked up. He was surprised to find that there was an energy sword emitting green light floating a thousand feet above his head.    


The divine might of the Sword Dao he felt came from this green energy sword.    


In front of this green energy sword, there seemed to be an energy sword floating in the air every thousand feet.    


These energy swords all emitted various colors of profound light, and each of them exuded an extremely powerful divine might of the Sword Dao.    


Peter Parker roughly counted and found that there were a total of sixteen of these energy swords.    


The more energy swords ranked at the back, the more powerful the Sword Dao divine might emitted from them.    


Especially the few energy swords in the deepest part of the mountain. Even though they were thousands of meters away, Peter Parker could still feel a terrifying aura.    


"These energy swords should be the Dao runes left behind by generations of Sword Dao Divine Kings of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect who used their bodies to transform into Dao."    


Peter Parker looked at the energy swords in the air and could not help but mutter in a low voice.    


There were a total of sixteen Divine King Realm mighty figures who had fallen in the sect normally and transformed into Dao Runes. This did not include some who had died accidentally or in the great ancient calamity.    


This Vast Heaven Sword Sect was worthy of being a great sect that had been passed down from the ancient era. Its foundation was indeed unfathomable.    


Peter Parker's gaze paused on the first energy sword for a moment, and then he walked in with large strides.    


If his guess was right, the strength of the Dao runes contained in these energy swords should be arranged according to the strength of the ancestors of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect when they were alive. The more energy swords that went in, the stronger the Dao runes contained.    


He had the system with him, so there was no way he could comprehend these Dao runes at all.    


As long as he triggered a hundred times comprehension, he would be able to gain experience points through these Dao runes. Furthermore, the stronger the Dao runes, the more experience points he would receive.    




Peter Parker naturally wouldn't pay attention to the Dao Charm in front of him.    


Peter Parker slowly walked deeper into the valley. Soon, he passed the area of the first energy sword and arrived at the area of the second energy sword.    


The divine might of the sword in this area was slightly stronger than the area of the first energy sword, but it was still limited.    


After that.    


The third, fourth, fifth...    


The divine might of the Sword Dao Peter Parker was facing also became stronger and stronger.    


When it reached the area of the ninth energy sword, the divine might of the Sword Dao in the air finally made Peter Parker feel a great pressure.    


Peter Parker carried the divine might of the ninth energy sword and entered the area of the tenth energy sword.    


At that moment, a terrifying divine might of the sword violently smashed into Peter Parker's heart like a heavy hammer, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.    




Peter Parker violently spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and hurriedly withdrew from the area of the tenth energy sword.    


"What a powerful divine might of the Sword Dao! Looks like the gap between the ninth and tenth energy swords is like a dividing line!"    


Peter Parker wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. There was a trace of seriousness in his eyes as he looked at the tenth energy sword.    


He originally wanted to go to the deepest part to comprehend the Dao runes left behind by the Ninth Heaven Sword Dao God King of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect. Now it seemed like it was virtually impossible.    



Peter Parker shook his head, then sat cross-legged under the ninth energy sword to regulate his breathing for a while and began to comprehend the Dao runes of this energy sword.    


Ten minutes later.    


A system notification sounded in Peter Parker's mind.    


'Ding! You have comprehended the Dao runes of a Level Three Peak Sword Dao God King. Sword Dao World God Source has obtained 30,000,000 x 100 experience points! '"Ding! You have comprehended the Dao runes of a Level Three Peak Sword Dao God King. Sword Dao World God Source has obtained 30,000,000 x 100 experience points!"    




This ninth energy sword was left behind by a peak Level Three Sword Dao God King of the Vast Heaven Sword Sect.    


And the tenth energy sword was probably left behind by at least a fourth-level Divine King powerhouse.    


Looking at the strength of the Sword Dao divine might between the two, the third-level Divine King and the fourth-level Divine King should be an enormous dividing line between the Divine King Realm!    


Peter Parker pondered slightly for a moment before continuing to concentrate on comprehending the Divine King Dao runes on the energy sword.    


The power grasped by the World God Realm was called the power of the World God Realm, and the source of the power of the World God was mainly the source of the World God Realm after the Six Dao Integration of the Heavenly God Realm.    


This origin of the World God not only completely surpassed the power of the world of the Heavenly God Realm, it also allowed the World God Realm to have the ability to open up a complete small world.    


It could be said that.    


World God origin was the foundation of World God Realm cultivation.    


When ordinary Lower World Realm Gods had just broken through, the origin of World Gods in their bodies was only the size of a fist.    


As World Gods increased in their cultivation, the origin of World Gods in their bodies would gradually increase.    


Once he broke through to a Middle Earth Supremacy, the World God origin would use this as the source and turn into a small stream.    


As for the upper Empyreans, the World God origin within their bodies would turn into a vast ocean.    


These three forms of the World God origin were the three great realms of the World God Realm!    


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