World's Strongest Martial Warrior



0Destructive Rebel Life was only a few dozen miles away from Rebel Life City, in the east.    


Peter was very fast along the way. He arrived at Destructive Rebel Life in less than half an hour.    


When he arrived, two members of the Blood Evil Gang in charge of guarding the entrance to the Parker family's medicine garden were in a heated argument.    


"Hehe... This time, we've taken over the Parker family's herb garden. Our Blood Evil Gang is going to be extremely wealthy!"    


"The Parker family is one of Rebel Life City's three large families. They have no intention of abandoning the herb garden. We must exercise caution."    


"Haha... Why are you terrified? Right now, Robert Parker is not a member of the Parker family. Who in the Parker family can stand up to the big boss? Even if they show up, they will simply be committing suicide!"    


As he went towards the Parker family's herb garden, Peter's attitude was frigid.    


"Who are you, kid? What are you doing in this place?"    


"This is the Blood Evil Gang's domain. Get as far away as you can if you know what's good for you!"    


One of the bald men saw Peter and the others walking towards the herb garden at this point, and he couldn't stop himself from yelling.    


"I am the foolish someone you were talking about鈥攖he one going to die." Peter murmured.    


"Are you related to the Parkers?"    


The bald man seemed shocked for a brief while before staring at Peter and sneering dismissively.    


"I didn't think you'd come here all by yourself, kid. I believe you are sick of living!"    


"This herb garden belongs to the Parker family. I'm not sure why I wouldn't dare to come here."    


Peter snorted coldly and hastily stated, "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for you. Tell Danilo Lujan that he needs to come out and meet me!"    


"Who do you think you are, kid? How can you meet our boss so easily?"    


"Get the hell out of here before I am angered!"    


"If you don't, this Destructive Dark Grey Mountains will be your grave!"    


The bald man looked at Peter with contempt, and his demeanor was haughty!    


A simple servant of the Blood Evil Gang dares to act haughtily before me? You have no idea what death is like!"    


Peter's face was solemn. With a movement of his hand, he sucked a leaf from the ground into his palm.    


After that, he pinched and flicked the leaf.    


The leaf sliced across the bald man's neck like a flying dagger as it flew out of his hands. The bald man's body dropped to the earth with a puff as bright crimson blood spilled forth.    


"You, you, you..."    


The surviving members of the Blood Evil Gang were quickly horrified when they saw this scene. Their hair stood on end. Peter gave them a sidelong glance. "If you don't want to die, invite Danilo Lujan to see me right away."    


The members of the Blood Evil Gang immediately felt as if they had been rescued from death. They scrambled and crawled their way to the healing garden.    


A black-clothed man with a scar on his face and a group of others angrily marched out of the herb garden five minutes later.    


"Who is causing trouble in the Blood Evil Gang's territory?"    


A loud voice erupted in Peter and the others' ears before the scarred man arrived.    


"You are the boss of Blood Evil Gang, Danilo Lujan?" Peter asked indifferently to the scar-faced man leading the group.    


"Yes, my name is Danilo Lujan."    


The piercing eyes of Danilo Lujan skimmed across Peter's physique. "Who are you, kid?"    


"It's not necessary for you to know who I am."    


"You merely need to know that this herb garden is not something that your Blood Evil Gang can get their hands on," Peter muttered vaguely.    


"Is there no one else in your Parker family but you, kid? Why did they send such a spoiled brat here?"    


"You haven't even reached adulthood. What gives you the right to say something like this in front of me?"    


"Don't even bring up your name. Even if Thanh Parker shows up, don't even think about reclaiming the herb garden from me!"    


Danilo Lujan couldn't stop laughing when he heard Peter's words.    


Peter's face had become icy. "Danilo Lujan, do you honestly believe no one in the Parker family can stop you?"    


"Isn't that the case?"    


"Apart from Robert Parker, who else in the Parker family has the power to harm me?" Danilo Lujan enquired.    


"Allow me to offer you some advice, kid. Give this herb garden to me faithfully if you know what's good for you."    


"Do you think if you enrage me, I won't kill my way into Rebel Life City and wipe out your Parker family?"    


Danilo Lujan exclaimed, laughing hysterically.    


In Rebel Life City, the one thing that made him terrified of the Parker family was Robert Parker.    


Robert Parker had vanished from the scene.    


The Parker family was merely a soft persimmon to him, which he could knead whenever he pleased!    


"You think too highly of yourself, Danilo Lujan."    


"My father could restrict you back then, but I can still suppress you now!"    


"Do you want my Parker family kicked out of Rebel Life City? Are you worthy?"    



Peter gave Danilo Lujan a frigid gaze. His lifeless, frigid voice resonated around the room.    


"I'll give you five minutes to think about it. Take your soldiers and flee from my sight. Don't make me start a bloodbath!"    


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