World's Strongest Martial Warrior

C17 Chapter seventeen

C17 Chapter seventeen

0David Wells snorted coldly and walked over to the side of the pill furnace, where he proceeded to refine the pill.    


David Wells, a tier-two high-grade alchemist with over ten years of experience in alchemy, had little trouble refining a tier-one low-grade Physical Strength Pill.    


David Wells perfected the first physical strength pill in about fifteen minutes.    


He began refining the second pill immediately after that.    


In the end, he refined seven physical strength pills from the ten sets of ingredients.    


"Now it's your turn, kid."    


After David Wells completed refining, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at Peter provocatively.    


Peter's brow furrowed. "The success rate of a high-grade two alchemist refining a low-grade one strength pill is only 70%?"    


"Try not to be eloquent in front of me, kid. Tell me when you've achieved a 70% success rate "    


David Wells' expression became icy, and he sneered dismissively at Peter.    


Refining pills was a sensitive task, so the success rate was low.    


Thus, David Wells had a 70% success rate!    


When Grade One Pill Masters manufactured a grade 1 pill, the success rate for the vast majority of them was approximately 30%.    


Grade Two Pill Master's success rate in refining grade-1 pills was substantially higher, typically reaching 50% to 60%.    


David Wells refined seven of the ten ingredients in the Physical Strength Pill. To begin with, this was a high success rate.    


Even if the youngster in front of him possessed the strength of a Grade One Pill Master, he wouldn't be able to attain a 70% success rate.    


Peter was too lazy to engage in empty talk with David Wells.    


He moved right up to the furnace and entered the alchemical state.    


[You have started refining the Physical Strength Pill. The system has activated a 100% success rate!]    


Following the sound of the notification in his mind, Peter began refining the Physical Strength Pill skillfully.    


[You have refined a tier 1 physical strength pill. Obtained 1000 * 100 experience!]    


Peter successfully produced the first physical strength pill in ten minutes.    


"Fuck, I never imagined this jerk would be able to refine a Physical Strength Pill!"    


"He has the strength of a Grade One Pill Master at such a young age, which is incredible. This kid is a one-in-a-tenth-of-a-million brilliant alchemist."    


When they witnessed Peter refine the first physical strength pill, some passers-by gasped in surprise.    


In that fashion, Peter kept working on the second pill. Then there's the third, fourth, and last pill, refined.    


[You have refined a tier 1 physical strength pill. Obtained: 1000 * 100 experience!]    


[You have refined a tier 1 physical strength pill. Gained: 1000*100 experience!]    




[You have successfully leveled up to Grade Four Pill Master!]    


Peter finished refining all ten ingredients in about two hours.    


His alchemy class has progressed to the fourth grade as well!    


Peter had developed ten physical strength pills from ten ingredients!    


The success rate had reached a scary 100% without wasting any material!    


"Is it accurate or wrong that 10 sets of elements purified ten medical pills?"    


"I wasn't expecting this brat's alchemy standards to be so high!"    


The spectacle in front of their eyes prompted the surrounding crowd's gaze to drop to the ground in astonishment.    


"Deserving of Sandra King's praise as a pill-refining genius."    


Ewart was astounded by Peter's phenomenal pill success rate. He couldn't help but murmur something in a low tone.    


"No... This is impossible!"    


As he screamed in horror, David Wells' eyes were dull.    


How could the youngster who didn't even have a Pill Master Badge have such a dreadful pill completion rate?    


"Only ten materials were used in the refinement of ten different physical strength pills!    


"Even if it were refined by some Tier 3 alchemists, the success rate might not even approach 100%!"    


"There is no such thing as an impossibility in our universe. It doesn't follow that others won't be able to do it if you can't."    


Peter's lips twisted as he murmured, "Please accept my apologies, David Wells." "My success rate is one hundred percent. This competition is over!"    


"No, I'm a high-level alchemist of Grade Two. How could I possibly lose to a scumbag with no standing like you?"    


The face of David Wells flushed. "You're just lucky. You just so happened to refine every one of the ten ingredients!"    


"Enough! After all, you're a tier two alchemist, Apothecary Wells. When you lose, can't you admit it?"    


Ewart's expression became gloomy.    


"Jeff Parker will be the head alchemist of the Rare Pill Pavilion starting today!"    



"Do you want this youngster to be the head alchemist of the Rare Pill Pavilion, Ewart Sydney?"    


David Wells' visage became melancholy almost instantaneously.    


"Is there a problem?" Ewart asked, looking at him indifferently.    


"You'll have to obtain your father's permission if you want this kid to take my place."    


David Wells let out a snort.    


"That isn't needed!"    


"I am the future successor of the Rare Pill Pavilion. My words represent his words!" Ewart replied, waving his hand.    


"Good, very good!"    


David Wells was so enraged that he burst out laughing.    


"I hope you don't regret it, Ewart!"    


"Even though this child beat me today, he's still only a Grade One Alchemist!"    


"Don't forget, I'm the Rare Pill Pavilion's only Grade Two alchemist!"    


As the sole Grade Two Alchemist in the Rare Pill Pavilion, he manufactured more than half of the pills.    


Ewart wanted this brat to succeed him as a chief alchemist. That was begging for death!    


"You think you're brilliant just because you're an alchemist in second grade?"    


Peter scoffed, and his snobbish tone rang in the room.    


"You don't seem to have accepted your loss yet. So, I will compete with you once more."    


"Grab your skills and refine the highest-quality pill you can. I'm going to make you acknowledge defeat!"    


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