World's Strongest Martial Warrior



0Ripley Waters glared fiercely at Peter. His eyes were on the verge of exploding.    


A while ago, he went to find trouble with Peter, but in the end, Peter annihilated him with a single punch.    


Catherine Waters, his sister, later bought him a Rank-2 pill.    


When he took the pill, he not only recovered from his injuries, but he also advanced to the Body Control Stage in one go!    


Ripley Waters had just emerged from seclusion after the breakthrough when he learned that his elder sister, Catherine Waters, had become Peter's maidservant.    


Ripley Waters was understandably enraged.    


As a result, he rushed violently towards Peter's house without a second thought.    


"Your sister is now my maid. Of course, I can do as I please."    


Peter's mouth twitched, and he said, "Seeing that you are my maid's younger brother, I won't make things difficult for you today. You feel free to leave."    


"Jeff Parker, I want to fight you!"    


Ripley Waters was so angry that his whole body shook. He stared at Peter coldly and said, "If you lose, immediately let go of my sister!"    


Peter said casually, "You are not my match. Go back and practice for eight or ten years."    


"Jeff, don't be conceited!"    


"Thanks to your punch last time, I have broken through to the Body Control Stage!"    


Ripley Waters stared at Peter coldly. "If you are a man, fight me!"    


"I just don't want to waste my time with you."    


Peter said lightly, "Do you know that even your sister is not my match?"    


"This is ludicrous, to say the least. What makes you think you'd be a good match for my sister in battle?"    


"You must have used some kind of trick to dupe my sister!"    


Ripley Waters coldly snorted. "Jeff, cut the crap. Come and compete with me on the training arena!"    


"Ripley Waters, I didn't intend to argue with you because of your sister."    


"But since you insisted on coming here to seek trouble, I'll grant your wish."    


Peter stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Ripley Waters indifferently. "If you want to fight me, then fight me."    


Ripley Waters was stunned for a moment. "Right here?"    


"Yes, right here."    


Peter said casually, "This time, it was you who hit me. I won't attack. If you can beat me back by one step, consider it my loss! "    


Peter's arrogant words immediately caused the surrounding students to explode.    


"F * ck... f * ck... f * ck! Jeff Parker is a tad arrogant."    


"That's correct. Ripley Waters has already advanced to the Body Control Stage, regardless of what happens. It shouldn't be a problem for him to defeat him, no matter how weak he is."    


"Damn! Is this kid truly convinced that he is a genius according to the Fierce Lions milatary ranking?"    


"Don't think you can look down on me like this just because you beat me with a single punch the last time!"    


Ripley's cheeks were flushed with humiliation and rage after hearing Peter's statements that did not put him in high regard.    


"It's not that I'm looking down on you; it's just that you don't have the qualifications to be looked down upon by me, given your lack of strength."    


"Cut the crap. Do you still want to challenge me?"    


"If you want to challenge me, then hurry up and attack. Don't waste my time here."    


Peter curled his lips and said impatiently.    


"Jeff, you asked for it!"    


"I will let you know what kind of price you will have to pay to be so arrogant in front of me!" Ripley Waters roared with a ferocious expression.    


Immediately, his feet stomped on the ground. His body was like a great hawk spreading its wings as he rushed towards Peter.    


Peter's chest was struck by a violent fist force that felt like a tornado.    


In the face of Ripley Waters' thunderbolt fist, Peter remained motionless, his hands behind his back and an apathetic attitude.    


"Does he want to use his body to defend against Ripley Waters's attack?"    


"Fuck, isn't this guy a little too crazy?!"    


He saw that Peter didn't move at all.    


He didn't even use his energy to form a protective barrier around his body.    


All of the students in the area gazed, their eyes wide open. The more surprised they became, the more surprised they became!    


One had to know that Ripley Waters was a genuine Body Controlling Stage warrior right now.    


Even if he was a Congenital Stage warrior, he couldn't withstand Ripley Waters's attack with his body without taking a single step back, right?    




Just as everyone was stunned by Peter's action, a clear sound of impact resounded in the air.    


After that...    



Everyone saw Ripley Waters let out a muffled groan, then he took seven or eight steps back.    


On the other hand, Peter stood firm and maintained a calm demeanor.    


"This... How is this possible!"    


"That punch of Ripley Waters just now, he definitely went easy on me, right?"    


The scene before their eyes instantly caused the countless students watching from the sidelines to be completely stunned!    


They would have never guessed Peter depended on his body to fend off Ripley Waters' assault!    


Of course, this was secondary.    


The most incredible part was that Peter did not back down from this onslaught, and he even sent Ripley Waters flying.    


This guy... Was he really human?    


Such a robust physique was even more potent as a Tier 2 Demonic Beast!    


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