Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C118 The Wolves Became Two

C118 The Wolves Became Two

0Oh, right, not everyone was laughing. There was a person who didn't laugh from the beginning until the end, and his face was still gloomy. He didn't even say a word to Yang Hsingchen. This person was the son of another rich family, Wu Xiangxiang.    


Wu Xiangyuan was more injured than Xianxian, and Xia Xinyuan only lost his left arm. And not only did he lose his right arm, but his right leg was also swallowed by animals. In the future, if he did not use artificial limbs, he would have to use crutches. No wonder his face had always been dark. He didn't have a good expression on his face when it came to Yang Hsingchen, his savior. It was as if Yang Hsingchen was the one who caused his disability.    


Since he had put on a dirty face, Yang Hsingchen naturally wouldn't use his hot face to stick to Yang Hsingchen's cold butt. He might as well treat Yang Hsingchen as air and dry him.    


Everyone drank a bottle of wine and chatted for more than two hours before sleeping to their heart's content.    


The next morning, everyone was woken up by the smell of grilled fish. It turned out that Yang Hsingchen had caught a few big fish in a nearby river. After everyone woke up, they happily started roasting the fish.    


When the sun slowly rose, everyone was full. Then, under Yang Hsingchen's lead, they started to walk back.    


Although Wu Village had a dirty face, Yang Hsingchen did not want to leave him behind. He had to let the villagers take turns to support him.    


He was not the only one who lost his leg in the group. Two other villagers also lost their legs, so the speed of their march was very slow.    


They walked and stopped along the way. They had not walked out of the mountain for a day, so they could only spend the night in the forest again.    


"Little Xiaochen, you've also been tired for the whole day. Go and sleep for a while. We'll take turns guarding. The fire is so big, I believe no wild beast would dare to come." After the big dog enlarged the fire, it said to Yang Hsingchen.    


"Alright, I'll sleep for a while. You guys stay here for a while. I'll help you guys in the second half of the night." Yang Hsingchen had not slept for two days and two nights. He was indeed a little tired. He nodded and did not set up the tent. He climbed onto a big tree in no time. He sat diagonally on a thick branch of a big tree and slowly fell asleep.    


"Bang! Bang!" Suddenly, Yang Hsingchen, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened by two clear gunshots.    


"Where do you want to shoot?" Yang Hsingchen jumped down from the tree with a swoosh.    


"I don't know either. Maybe someone is hunting?" The big dog nervously held the tree stick in his hand.    


"Awoo... Awoo..." The screams of animals came from ahead.    


"Not good, I think someone is hunting. Don't move, let me take a look!"    


"Mr Yang, you have to be careful!" Xia Xinyuan woke up and rubbed his frightened eyes as he shouted. Before he could finish speaking, Yang Hsingchen had already disappeared with a swoosh.    


"Haha, Old Liu, look at this fat tiger. It's definitely going to sell for a good price!" One! The old baldy happily kicked the tiger that was still twitching.    


"Baldie, stop dawdling. We have to quickly drag it away. I heard that the person surnamed Yang is looking for someone in the mountain forest. It will be terrible if he finds out. I heard that all the movements in this mountain always listen to his words. " The tall and thin Old Liu raised his gun and looked around vigilantly.    


"Hmph, if he dares to cut off the path of a man's wealth, I'll f * cking shoot him down as well. It's not like we don't have a murder case in our hands, what's there to be afraid of!"    


" Awoo... Woof... " Suddenly, a howl that sounded like a wolf and a dog sounded out from the underbrush. Then, twenty or so wolves suddenly dashed out from the underbrush.    


"Not good, baldy. We've encountered a pack of wolves!" Old Liu was so frightened that he cried out in alarm.    


"Look at you! It's not like we're holding a fire stick in our hands! What are you afraid of!?" The baldie raised his spear and shot towards a big grey wolf.    


This grey wolf was tall and big. It stood steadily in front of the pack of wolves. One look and one could tell that it was a wolf. As the saying goes, when shooting a person, you shoot the horse first. When capturing a thief, you first capture the king. The old baldy understood these principles.    


The old baldy had been hunting for many years, let alone within the country. He often went overseas to steal. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a sharpshooter. Even though the mountain fog was very thick, the old baldy who wore night vision goggles... He could still clearly see things dozens of meters away. He originally thought that the alpha wolf would definitely fall after this shot, but who knew that the alpha wolf would shake its head at an unbelievable speed. The bullets missed.    


"Awoo... woof..." After the alpha easily dodged the bullet, it actually revealed a very disdainful expression. After that, it jumped around on the spot and made a circle. Then it stood up. It raised one of its claws and waved it in disdain. It was as if he was saying, Baldie, your spear skills are very weak!    


"Awoo... Awoo...    


What made people speechless was that they saw the wolf turn around in circles and wave its front paws. The wolf pack actually also turned around in a circle at the same time, and then stood up and waved its front paws.    


The two poachers were shocked and angry. Old Liu pointed at the pinky wolf and shouted in fear. " It's not good, baldy. Look, this guy's got a collar around his neck. It was said that Ye Zeng, who had been trained by Yang, had a collar on his neck. This alpha wolf definitely understands human language and has a high IQ!"    


" Hmph, so what? Don't you see that among this pack of wolves, it's the only one wearing a collar? As long as we kill it, the rest will run away in fear. " The old baldy hid behind a large tree and once again aimed at the wolf.    


"Alright, then let's kill it together!" Old Liu gritted his teeth and suppressed the fear in his heart. He also aimed his gun at the alpha wolf.    


F * ck, when did the Deadbeat enter the mountain? And it became a alpha wolf? Eh? What about the female wolf that was with him? Yang Hsingchen, who had just run over, was speechless when he saw that the wolf was his Deadbeat comrade.    


Although Deadbeat comrade became more and more shameless the more he drank the spiritual water, his skills were extremely abnormal. Therefore, Yang Hsingchen was not worried at all. He hid behind a big tree and watched the show calmly.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The two poachers started firing crazily at the Deadbeat.    


"Woof! Woof! Woof!" The Deadbeat stood up once again, then quickly twisted its dog body to dodge the bullets while singing loudly like a human.    


If it was singing, then so be it. Dumbass's performance really drove people crazy!    


It was drooling at the two poachers' heads. It was screaming and twisting its waist. It even winked mischievously from time to time to send an autumn wave to the poachers. It looked like a big boss who was dancing square dance with the aunties he liked.    


It looked as wretched as it could be, and it deserved to be beaten up as much as it could!    


The thing that wanted to kill the most was that the pack of wolves actually copied its appearance and stood up. They completely ignored the danger of bullets and started to dance square dance like a model.    


"Hahaha... You stupid thing, you actually brought a bunch of wolves with you! Do you want me to give you the Boundless World as my love?" Yang Hsingchen could not help but laugh loudly as he walked out from behind the big tree.    


"Who?" The two poachers immediately turned their guns to Yang Hsingchen.    


"Yang Hsingchen!" Yang Hsingchen said his name with a smile.    


"Ah? It's you? F * ck, no wonder this pack of wolves is so strange. It turns out that you are the one behind all this. Surnamed Yang, although we are seeking wealth and not life, you shouldn't meddle in other people's business. If you don't want to die, hurry up and chase this pack of strange wolves away. Otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing you!" The baldie gritted his teeth and shouted at Yang Hsingchen.    


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