Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C102 He Was Blind

C102 He Was Blind

0"You bastards! Don't you have any sisters in your own house? Even if you don't have any sisters, you should have a mother, right? "    


Dan Laosan couldn't help but curse as he pushed open the car door and wanted to leave. However, he didn't know how to open the car door. He was so anxious that he shouted at Yang Hsingchen. "Living Bodhisattva, put me down. Anyway, how much life does this old man have? I'll fight them to the death. You and Xiao Ya, run away quickly. "    


"You want to leave? There was no door at all. Kid, if you dare to get off the car, I'll f * cking spank your head off!" The rat-eyed fellow shouted at Yang Hsingchen.    


" Is that so? Why don't you spade it for me to see?" Suddenly, a pistol appeared in Yang Hsingchen's hand.    


Seeing the black gun pointed at him, Mouse Eye was so scared that his body turned soft. He screamed and ran away with the shovel in his hand. Of course he knew that in our Great Heavenly Dynasty, there are only two kinds of people who have guns. One is the White Path, and the other is the underworld. Whether it was the White Society or the underworld, both were enough for him to suffer. It would be strange if he didn't escape. The other three were also frightened to the point of howling. They threw away the guy in their hands and turned around to run.    


Smack! A crisp gunshot broke the restless night. The four guys who had just run a few steps trembled. None of them dared to run.    


"Run! I want to see if you guys run faster or my bullets are faster! Those who don't want to die, stand side by side! " Yang Hsingchen said cooly after getting out of the car.    


"Brother, we were just joking. May I ask who you are?" The rat-eyed guy threw away the shovel and stood in a line, smiling in fear.    


"Hehe, don't worry. I'm not a police officer. I won't arrest you and send you to jail."    


Hearing that Yang Hsingchen wasn't a police officer, the four of them became even more afraid. They all kneeled down, "So it's the big brother on the road! Big brother, it was our brothers who were blind and offended you. Please let us off, we'll move the tree for you right away. "    


Yang Hsingchen did not speak and walked in front of the wretched guy whose front teeth were gone. After two slaps, the guy screamed. He spat out a mouthful of blood with two teeth. He covered his face in fear and begged for mercy with a sobbing voice. " Wuuuu, big brother, you can't hit me anymore. If you hit me again, I won't have any more teeth to eat. "    


"Hmph hmph, since you want to be a shameless person, then you have to do it well. Why do you still need teeth? " After saying that, Yang Hsingchen slapped him again. He directly hit the fellow to the ground, and he was unable to get up for a long time.    


The other three guys were so scared that they were trembling. They kept begging for mercy. But what answered them were a few loud slaps. The three of them covered their swollen mouths and did not dare to fart anymore. Because they realized that the more they begged, the more they got beaten up.    


"What's wrong? Why aren't you making a sound?" Yang Hsingchen shook his wrist and asked coldly.    


"Wuwu..." The four of them covered their faces and shook their heads at the same time.    


"Damn it, since there's nothing else to say, why aren't you paying? Those who don't want to be beaten, quickly take out the money. Each person will have five thousand. If you lose one, I'll beat you to death! "    


"Ah? Brother, our brothers just started two businesses, and the total is only ten thousand yuan. Do you think it can be a little less?" The rat-eyed fellow covered his face and begged for mercy in a low voice.    


"No money? Then we can only get beaten up!" After Yang Hsingchen finished speaking, he gave another round of random kicks to those guys who had no sense of shame.    


As he kicked, he cursed angrily, "Damn it, I told you to not learn properly, to rob, to think about women, to make you have no money..."    


At first, they were crying and begging for mercy. Not long after, two of them fainted from the pain. When the other two families saw that, they thought, Come on, let's pretend to faint too. We don't want to get beaten up again.    


"Mr Yang, forget it, forget it. Don't hit me anymore. If you keep hitting me, I'll kill you. Yeah, yeah, Living Bodhisattva, let them go. " Dan Ya and her daughter ran over and held onto Yang Hsingchen tightly.    


"Alright, I'll spare their lives today. I'll come back in a few days. If I heard that they did not learn well, I will kill them. I don't want to stay in this world and harm others. But don't say it, although this tree in the middle of the road isn't very thick, it's not bad to bring it back and plant it in the backyard."    


After Yang Hsingchen said that, he waved his hand and the big bowl sized tree suddenly disappeared in front of Dan Ya and her daughter.    


The two fellows who pretended to be unconscious actually did not completely close their eyes. They were both half open. Anyway, it was late at night and it was winter, so the two of them thought that no one could see clearly.    


When the two of them saw Yang Hsingchen casually wave his hand, the bowl-sized tree actually disappeared without a reason. But it scared the two of them half to death, and they almost cried out.    


Not only the two of them were incomparably frightened, even Dan Ya and her daughter were also incomparably shocked. They looked like they had seen a ghost as they stared at Yang Hsingchen.    


"Hehe, are you surprised? I once learned a few magic tricks from an old man. If it wasn't for your kindness, you won't let me hurt these four bastards. I would have killed them a long time ago. Hehe, other people kill without seeing blood. I can't even find corpses when I kill people.    


"Forget it, Living Bodhisattva, although you have such brilliant means, I believe that after your lesson, the old man will be able to find their bodies. They will turn evil back to good and give them a chance to be human. " Dan Laosan was really afraid that Yang Hsingchen would kill someone, so he quickly advised him from the side.    


" Alright, I'll listen to you guys today and leave these four people's lives for the time being. When I have time in a few days, I'll come over and take a look. If these guys still refuse to repent, don't blame me for being ruthless!"    


The two fellows who pretended to faint were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe loudly. They waited until Yang Hsingchen left before standing up with sweat all over their bodies.    


It was said that from then on, there had been four good people in this village who were willing to help others. Regardless of whether they were foreigners or locals, as long as they were in trouble, they could find these four people. The four of them were extremely enthusiastic in helping out for free. A few years later, the four of them were evaluated as the best citizens. This was the last words, not mentioning it.    


As for Yang Hsingchen, ever since he had opened his eyes, his vision was even more awesome than night vision, not to mention that his left eye had X-ray vision. Of course, he knew that two of the four guys were pretending to be unconscious. The move and the words he said just now were also intentional. Of course, his goal was to intimidate them.    


The car quickly passed through the small road and drove onto the main road. It didn't take long for them to get on the highway. The night was getting heavier and heavier, and people were getting more and more sleepy. At first, Dan Ya and her daughter would chat with Yang Hsingchen from time to time. As time passed, the two of them were really tired and slowly fell asleep one after another.    


What made Yang Hsingchen feel relieved was that although the father and daughter were very curious about where he had changed the big tree to, they did not ask.    


Of course, even if the two of them asked Yang Hsingchen about it, Yang Hsingchen would not tell them the truth. After all, this was the foundation of his life. Of course, he would not tell anyone about it.    


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