World Controlling God

C30 The Combat Examination

C30 The Combat Examination

0The first round of the martial arts competition did not have much to watch. A level five medicinal Martial Disciple against a level five medicinal Martial Disciple did not have any magnificent movements. It only had a reaction speed and brute force confrontation.    


Only when they reached level seven medicinal Martial Disciples and above did the atmosphere at the scene become high. Because there were already quite a number of Ling family disciples who used the Gray-rank Profound Skill, the scene became much more intense.    


Some family medicinal Deacons paid attention to these good seedlings as well. If they discovered disciples with shocking combat talent, then they would obtain even better attention and nurturing in the next year.    


Regarding this kind of competition, the dozen or so people who had reached the Profound Warrior Rank realm had no interest in watching the Martial Disciple rank competition anymore, because they all had the pride and dignity of a Profound Warrior Rank.    


However, there was only one exception.    


Ling Xiao was like a child who had never seen the world before. He took turns strolling around the four big martial arenas, looking at the situation of the competition in the martial arenas. Occasionally, he would sink into deep thought, but not long after, he revealed an understanding expression, as if he had comprehended something.    


Ling Zhi, who was not far away, stared at Ling Xiao's back. He clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to tear Ling Xiao apart alive.    


Ling Tian was also paying attention to Ling Xiao, but the disdain in his eyes became stronger.    


After a round of competition, the most powerful Martial Disciple had been determined. No one expected that the winner would be a woman. She was the granddaughter of Third Elder Ling Yuan, Ling Xue. She had just turned 15 years old and possessed the strength of a Ninth Grade Martial Disciple. With the Gray Level Techniques 'Scattering Flower Hand', she defeated three disciples of the Ling family who were on the same level as her. Her overall ranking had risen to 16, and she was qualified to participate in the Profound Warrior Rank competition. She could also choose to give up.    


The Martial Disciple level competition had just ended, and the Profound Warrior Rank competition was about to begin.    


Ling Xue finally chose to give up on participating in the Profound Warrior Rank competition. Even so, no one mocked or ridiculed her. Everyone thought that this was a wise choice. After all, there was an insurmountable gap between the Martial Disciple level and the Profound Warrior Rank level.    


The Profound Warrior Rank competition was not like the Martial Disciple competition, where the same level was faced with the same level. They chose to draw lots. No matter who the opponent was, they had to face it or give up. Of course, Ling Kuang and Ling Lin, who had already reached the Profound Master Rank realm, were not participating in the Profound Warrior Rank competition. They had already been recognized as the top two. There were only three spots left in the top five. The owners of these three spots would be determined among the other thirteen Profound Warrior Rank warriors.    


As Ling Xue did not participate in the Profound Warrior Rank competition, if the thirteen profound warrior drew lots, there would be one person who would not be a match for her, and that person would be the lucky one. He could directly enter the next round of competition.    


A Ling family Deacon came up with a box with lots drawn, and the thirteen profound warriors came up to draw lots one by one.    


The first one to go up was Ling Tian. After he drew the lot, he did not even look at it and directly handed it to the Deacon. It was as if he could defeat anyone he met. He looked very confident.    


Then, another disciple from the Ling family went up to draw lots.    


When it was almost time for Ling Xiao to go up and draw lots, a person stood beside him.    


A young man wearing a blue martial robe. This young man was not handsome, but he had a good figure. His entire body radiated an aura that no one could ignore. The golden spear on his back was extremely dazzling. One look and one could tell that this sword was not ordinary.    


This person was Ling Xiao's cousin, Ling Li. He had the strength of a high-level profound warrior.    


In Ling Xiao's memories, this big brother only knew how to cultivate. He was the type of person who was silent and cold.    


"Elder brother," Ling Xiao greeted. In his memories, he didn't have any bad relations with this elder brother. Their relationship wasn't deep, but he still wanted to greet him, because this was his cousin.    


The Ling Li nodded faintly, and then said, "Let's go draw lots together.    


Ling Xiao looked at the Ling Li in puzzlement, and then nodded and said, "Alright.    


The Ling Li and Ling Xiao went up to draw lots together, attracting everyone's attention.    


"Look, the people who are training crazily are walking together with the trash.    


"Get lost, Ling Xiao is now a profound warrior.    


"I was wrong. The crazy cultivator is walking with Ling Xiao. Does this mean something?    


"What's so strange about this? He's a brother. This is very normal. Besides, Ling Xiao can cultivate again now. Who knows if he will advance to the profound master realm again? Of course, they have to get along with him.    


The Ling Li and Ling Xiao drew lots at the same time. The Ling Li drew the fifth number, and Ling Xiao became the lucky one among the thirteen. He drew the seventh number and advanced to the next level.    


The Ling Li looked at Ling Xiao and said indifferently, "Your luck is pretty good. You have to pay attention to Ling Hsing." As soon as it finished speaking, the Ling Li and Ling Xiao separated.    


"Ling Hsing?" Ling Xiao was puzzled for a moment. Then he seemed to have thought of something. He smiled indifferently.    


A few disciples of the Ling family who had just advanced to the profound warrior were envious and jealous of Ling Xiao's luck. The others secretly thought that this guy was really lucky. The only signature was actually drawn by him.    


The draw ended. The first round was between number one, Ling Hu, and number thirteen, Ling Guang.    


Ling Hu was nineteen years old and had just entered the high rank profound warrior realm. He cultivated the Gray rank Profound Skill Tiger Art. He specialized in fist techniques and possessed extraordinary power. He was ranked fifth in the last year's competition, and his strength was obvious.    


Ling Guang, twenty years old, had just entered the Profound Warrior of Intermediate Rank realm. He cultivated the Gray-rank Profound Skill Heavy Saber Art. Last year, with Profound Man of Low Rank's strength, he was ranked tenth. Now that he had broken through again, he thought he could at least rise two ranks. He never thought that he would encounter Ling Hu, who had broken through to the high rank profound warrior realm, right from the start. He secretly cursed his bad luck.    


On the edge of the arena, the patriarch and all of the elders were watching the strongest competition among the younger generation in person.    


After Nineth Elder, Ling Fu, said some rules of the competition, he announced the start of the competition.    


Ling Guang said to Ling Hu, "Please show mercy.    


Ling Hu said politely, "You can start first.    


As soon as Ling Hu finished his words, Ling Guang stomped his foot and dashed out. His movement was extremely fast, like a leopard hunting for its prey that no one could guard against.    


When he was almost in front of Ling Hu, he placed his hand behind his back and pulled out his blade.    


Ling Guang was a direct descendant of the Ling family, and his status was not low. He was using a middle-grade Tier 1 saber. The saber was like a shadow as it slashed towards Ling Hu's head.    


The crowd exclaimed in surprise. No one had expected that Ling Guang would take him by surprise and attack first. Moreover, his speed was very fast, which made people exclaim in admiration.    


The heavy blade that came slashing down from above emitted a cold aura. The other medicinal profound warriors of the same level were likely to be intimidated.    


However, Ling Hu was a rank higher than Ling Guang. He had rich experience facing enemies. He could be seen calmly raising his hands.    


The disciples of the Ling family who had never seen Ling Zhan fight cried out in alarm.    


"He doesn't want his life anymore. He actually dared to take Ling Guang's heavy saber with his bare hands.    


"Maybe he is too proud. He thought that he could win easily just because he was one rank higher than him. It seems like his hands are going to be cut off.    


"What do you know? Don't you see what Ling Hu is wearing? " What an ignorant idiot.    


Ling Hu wasn't an idiot. If he didn't have the confidence to take this strike, he wouldn't dare to use his hands to take Ling Guang's strike. This was because he was wearing his unique weapon, the First High Rank Golden Silk Glove. It was said that it was made from the hide of Second Rank Mountain Piercing Beasts. Low-level weapons couldn't damage it. That was why Ling Hu dared to take this strike with both hands.    


However, Ling Guang seemed to have expected this. The blade that was about to hit Ling Hu suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Ling Hu's neck.    



This change shocked everyone below the stage. The elders on the viewing platform all looked at him with admiration, as if they were very satisfied with Ling Guang's change.    


Ling Hu raised his brows and shouted. Then, he used his left hand to block with a backhand.    


Weapons intersected.    


Under the full force of the heavy blade, Ling Hu took half a step back. His left hand was not damaged at all. It could be seen that his golden silk gloves were indeed extraordinary.    


Ling Guang saw that the saber did not work, so he shouted, "Heavy Saber Shadowless!    


He used his powerful move, and countless blade shadows covered Ling Hu's entire body.    


This was Ling Guang's strongest attack, and the gap between him and Ling Hu was not small. Therefore, he used all his strength from the beginning. He could defeat Ling Hu by surprise while Ling Hu was not serious.    


The disciples of the Ling family at the side of the arena cried out again. Most of the people below the stage were at the Martial Disciple level. It was very good for them to be able to witness a battle between Profound Warrior Rank warriors. At the same time, it also gave them a chance to comprehend and advance a step further.    


Ling Xiao was observing Ling Guang's saber move from the side. He murmured, "This move doesn't look weak, but it's useless. It would be better if it was used with a sword. This move has really lost its true meaning.    


The Ling Li standing at the side glanced at Ling Xiao lightly, then turned back to the stage.    


On the stage, Ling Hu also used a fierce attack to counterattack. His Qi rose. He roared loudly like a tiger roaring in the forest. It was deafening. At the same time, both of his fists turned into fists.    


"Tiger Roaring Forest.    


The shadows of the blade and the shadows of the fists intertwined and produced a series of sounds.    


Ling Guang used his full strength. When he was exhausted, Ling Hu had just used his full strength. He shouted, "You lose!" One punch blocked Ling Guang's heavy blade, and the other punched towards his lower abdomen.    


Ling Guang instantly flew out of the arena like a kite with a broken string.    


Ling Guang fell out of the arena and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Immediately after, two Ling family guards carried Ling Guang down.    


Elder Ling Fu on the stage then announced, "Ling Hu wins!    


"Wow! Big Brother Ling Hu is really powerful!    


"One day, I will be like Big Brother Ling Hu. He is really amazing!    


"Big brother Ling Hu has always been my idol. Not only do I have to be as powerful as him, but I also have to surpass him.    


The disciples who supported Ling Hu cheered for him.    


The disciples of the Ling family who followed the competition were also disciples of the Ling family. Both of them were Profound Man of Low Rank's strength. This competition could be said to be evenly matched. After a fierce competition, both of them ended up losing both sides, and the winner was the one who stood up. However, no matter who won or lost, they could not participate in the next round.    


The disciples of the Ling family below the stage felt their blood boil as they watched this competition. Their eyes were filled with the desire to break through to the Profound Warrior Rank realm as soon as possible.    


The third match had begun. Elder Ling Fu announced, "Ling Zhi and Ling Hsing, come on stage.    


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