Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

C2036 It vanished like smoke in thin air!

C2036 It vanished like smoke in thin air!

0Ruan Kui and Chu Qianri retaliated almost at the same time, but they were bound by the Poria Deity Steel Wire. Therefore, their retaliation was very simple, it was a crazy Make Mudra, making them think that they wanted to escape and kill them.    


In the end, when they were fighting the Make Mudra, those people believed what they heard. They all moved and killed Chu Qianri and his.    


The life force within their bodies slowly faded away.    


"Brother, I'm sorry to have to say goodbye at this time. I hope that we can reunite when we see you again ?" Chu Qianri said his last sentence and then completely closed his eyes.    


But the blood-red light shining out of Chu Qianye's eyes, was just like that of the Blood Asura, abnormally cold!    


When Gu Chen came to his senses, his long hair had started dancing violently.    




The headband suddenly cracked!    


His hair was fluttering in the wind, and his long black robe was fluttering despite the lack of wind.    


His Eyes God was flashing with madness.    


"All of you, must die. You all must die in the Yellow Springs. You all must die in the place of my brother, my Subordinates!"    


Chu Qianye's Martial Arts Aura started to swell crazily.    


Late stage Divine King Realm, Early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, Middle stage of Divine Emperor Realm, Late stage of the Divine Emperor Realm!    


Instantly, Chu Qianye's Martial arts cultivation increased by three small realms, one extreme realm.    


This scene happened too quickly!    


A hint of panic flashed across Gu Chen's eyes. He didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling when he found out that Chu Qianri and Ruan Kui had been killed by his Subordinates. He immediately retreated backwards, not daring to get any closer to Chu Qianye.    


However, it was already too late for him to retreat.    


Because, Chu Qianye had already appeared in front of him, so even if he wanted to escape, he could not.    


"Scram with me!"    


A shout that sounded like bursts of thunder roared and roared crazily in the sky and earth, while Gu Chen was horrified to see that Chu Qianye had obviously become very abnormal. His aura was already completely out of his control, and was continuing to swell as if his life depended on it!    


That biting cold killing intent made him feel as if he had fallen into an icehouse, all the blood vessels in his body seemed to freeze up at that moment. His face was filled with fear, as he tried to avoid Chu Qianye.    


However, he did not have time to dodge, because Chu Qianye had already attacked!    


It was a very simple move.    


The Shen Yuan in his body suddenly roared out from his body at this moment, and before he could come to his senses, Chu Qianye fiercely punched towards Gu Chen.    




In an instant, Gu Chen was fiercely punched and sent flying.    


His body, with a boom, fiercely smashed a hard bluestone on the ground, forming a huge, deep crater. His entire body had a dirty face, and his face was pale, on the verge of death!    


Chu Qianye didn't even spare him a glance as he continued to flip the Mudra.    


In an instant, a gigantic Mudra suddenly appeared out of nowhere. That gigantic Mudra possessed an extremely terrifying destructive power, and around the gigantic Mudra, there were astonishing patterns.    


Those lines were quite mysterious, and they emitted the aura of the Ancestor.    


Everyone looked at the gigantic Mudra. They couldn't help but feel the pupil shrink.    


"This is the God emperor Seal!"    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Without even looking at it, Chu Qianye waved his hand. The gigantic Mudra suddenly smashed down at Gu Chen, instantly turning him into minced meat!    


A Martial cultivators of the Middle stage of Divine Emperor Realm had fallen in the blink of an eye!    


The scene in front of them happened too quickly. They did not even have time to react, and by the time they could react, everything was already over!    


Gu Chen had directly fallen!    


A pale soul still tried to escape from the pit.    


A cold glint flashed past Chu Qianye's eyes.    


You still want to flee at this time?    






Chu Qianye said softly.    


As he finished speaking, Gu Chen realized to his horror that his body was firmly frozen in mid air. No matter how he struggled, it was useless, as if he was firmly grabbed in mid-air by an invisible giant hand and was unable to struggle free!    


When everyone saw the scene in front of them, the pupil started to shrink.    


"There is a type of Pills that requires a soul to refine. I plan to refine it with your soul, which will require about forty-nine days of refinement, using all sorts of alchemy methods to refine the soul power. You will live a life worse than death, and if you want to die, you will not be able to die. Chu Qianye said lightly.    


Following which, his palm suddenly pressed down towards the void, taking out a Divine instrument and keeping it inside.    


After doing all this, Chu Qianye suddenly raised his head and looked towards the beautiful woman.    


There was not a single ripple in his eyes, but the death lacquer that surged around him caused everyone's expression to change, and they even felt a chill coming from the bottom of their feet.    


The person in front of them, was only a single glance, yet it made them feel incomparable despair. This experience made them feel incomparable despair.    


What kind of person was this? What kind of method was this?    



The Cultivation Level of their Divine King Realm had increased by so much. How could they not be frightened by this?    


And at this moment, the people who had killed Chu Qianri and his men, felt cold air coming from the bottom of their feet.    


Gu Chen was easily killed by Chu Qianye, and these people were no longer his opponents. Right now, their lives no longer belonged to them, but to Chu Qianye.    


Some people could no longer hold back their fear. They sprinted towards the void in the distance, intending to escape.    


However, Chu Qianye revealed a cold smile.    


He raised his hand and a sword shadow flashed out.    




At the same time, he softly said.    




In an instant, the few figures that were trying to escape exploded, forming a mist of blood that fell to the ground like a rain of blood.    


Everyone who saw this bloody scene could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


This sort of slaughter was truly terrifying. Thinking about it, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. After all, they had never seen such a slaughter before!    


When the crowd from the Dragon Gate saw this, they too were shocked.    


So this was Chu Qianye's true strength when he was angry!    


This kind of raise of his had the power to obliterate everything it touched. This was the true Chu Qianye.    


This was the power of the reincarnation of the God emperor. With just a few pointers, countless gods had been reduced to ashes.    


"Now, it's your turn!"    


Chu Qianye stared at Wang Xiangru and beautiful woman, and said coldly.    


However, Wang Xiangru revealed a look of disdain.    


"Ah, profound arts! But unfortunately, your profound arts have a time limit. If I'm not wrong, your profound arts only have three minutes at most. After three minutes, killing you would be as easy as killing a dog. Moreover, the current you isn't my match at all. I can kill you now! " Wang Xiangru said coldly.    


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