The Strongest Tycoon

C1 The loser makes a comeback.

C1 The loser makes a comeback.

0Early in the morning, Mingzhou University was always so quiet.    


Today was the Dragon Boat Festival, and most of the students took the opportunity to sleep late.    


But there were exceptions.    


"Hey, look, a handsome guy."    


"No matter how handsome he is, he is still a scavenger. He will always be a loser."    


"You're talking about Lin Fan. I met him three years ago when he came to school. He's the famous Rubbish Prince, the poorest man in Mingzhou University. Every year, he relies on the scholarship to eat."    


As usual, Lin Fan was inspecting the school's trash cans early in the morning. Every person who saw him talked about him.    


Some despised him, some pitied him, and some hated him. There were also those who deliberately caused him trouble.    


But Lin Fan was already used to it. Even though people around him commented, his expression remained unchanged. Unperturbed, he held out his long clamp, took the water bottle out of the trash, and put it in his backpack.    


For the past three years, he relied on waste collection to support his school expenses. He had met all sorts of people, and if he had let their comments affect his mood, he would not have been able to resist until now, let alone find a girlfriend.    


Thinking about this, Lin Fan smiled slightly.    


That was the thing that made him happiest. After almost half a year of relentless pursuit, Hee Tinetine, who was in the same class as him, finally agreed to become his girlfriend two weeks ago.    


That was also the reason he woke up so early lately - he had just spent 3,000 yuan he had saved from picking up trash to buy a phone for Hee Tinetine. It was a phone with beauty camera function. Now his pockets were empty, so he had to collect more junk before the garbage truck came.    


Unfortunately, the price of junk dropped too much lately. It was not easy to earn this money.    


Lin Fan was a little worried. When he entered school, he chose to specialize in geology. He wasn't learning so well, so he couldn't make money based on his academic knowledge. He also did not want to work as an unskilled worker.    


He wanted to take a look at the talent market tomorrow.    


As he thought about it, he kept wandering around. He searched from the dormitory downstairs to the door of the art department next door and, more or less, picked up half a bag of junk.    


Mingzhou University covered a large area, so after a while, it was like running a mini-marathon. Lin Fan felt his legs weaken. He looked around and found a chair to sit on.    


After resting for a while, he wanted to continue collecting junk. However, when he raised his foot, he inadvertently saw something beside him.    


It was a half-filled bottle of Sprite. It was leaning by the armrest, and the lid was loose. Someone must have left it there.    


Lin Fan hesitated.    


An unclaimed bottle of Sprite could quench his thirst, and the bottle could be sold for thirty cents.    


Should he drink it?    


Of course he wanted to drink it, and it wasn't like he needed to pay for it.    


Lin Fan did not hesitate and picked it up.    


He opened it and drank it in one gulp. Just like this, it was gone.    


He drank more than half of it in two gulps.    


Mingzhou was still hot in the morning in June. This Sprite was just enough to quench his thirst.    


He drank comfortably, narrowing his eyes with pleasure. After all, it was a drink that cost three yuan, worth ten plastic bottles. He usually didn't have that kind of spare money.    


"What are you doing? That's my drink!"    


Suddenly, a slightly shocked shout nearby interrupted Lin Fan's drinking.    


He was stunned for a moment. Still sucking the bottle, he turned his head. He saw a dumbfounded girl in a pleated yellow skirt.    


The atmosphere froze for a moment. Their eyes met, and they were both speechless.    


"I'm sorry, I thought no one wanted it."    


Lin Fan came back to his senses and awkwardly stopped drinking. He tightened the bottle lid and handed it over. "Here you are."    


There was only one sip left in the bottle.    




The girl in the pleated skirt glared at Lin Fan angrily, turned, and left with disgust.    


Lin Fan shrugged and pretended not to see. He opened the lid, drank the rest, and happily put the bottle in his backpack.    


"Lin Fan!"    


Just as he was doing this, a girl jogged over from the left.    


Lin Fan looked up and smiled. "Liu Qian, why are you here?"    


Liu Qian was Lin Fan's classmate. Her family situation was average. She wore an ordinary dress and no makeup, so she didn't look remarkable.    


At the same time, she was Hee Tinetine's best friend. For Lin Fan to be with Hee Tinetine, her discreet help was indispensable. Lin Fan was very grateful to her, so he spoke politely.    


"I have something to tell you."    


Liu Qian's face was red, and she was out of breath. Obviously, she came here in a hurry.    


Under Lin Fan's puzzled gaze, she hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Well, Hee Tinetine asked me to return this to you. She wants to break up with you."    


Liu Qian handed him a phone. It was the one he gave to Hee Tinetine.    


Lin Fan's smile froze on his face.    


"Break up?"    


He looked at Liu Qian with a bitter expression. "Did she say why?"    



Liu Qian showed a trace of pity. "She asked me to tell you that you are from different worlds. The junk you pick up in a year is not as much as Zhao Qiang's monthly living expenses."    


Lin Fan was silent for a moment. After a while, he let out a bitter laugh. "So it's because of money."    


Lin Fan looked at himself. He once worried that their relationship wouldn't last long. After all, with his habit of picking up trash, she must have heard some rumors.    


He could understand if she could not bear the ridicule of others and wanted to break up. But she chose a playboy because of money.    


Honestly, Lin Fan was quite disappointed with Hee Tinetine when he heard this news.    


Zhao Qiang was very famous at Mingzhou University. He was known as the richest second generation in the art department. His family probably had hundreds of millions of assets. He usually wore all kinds of big brands of clothes and had a GTR car. He often changed girlfriends.    


Such a person was obviously not suitable for a serious relationship. Hee Tinetine was with him only for money.    


Lin Fan initially thought that since Hee Tinetine agreeed to be with him, it was enough to prove that she was not a vain woman. That was why he even prepared a surprise for her. But it seemed that this woman was very good at acting.    


Fine, it was better to know sooner than later. Such a woman was not worth mentioning.    


Thinking about it, he felt a little better. So he looked up and thanked Liu Qian. Then he took the phone and turned to leave.    


"Lin Fan, don't be too sad. I was wrong before. Hee Tinetine is not worth for you to miss her."    


Liu Qian was a kind girl. She felt a little guilty and wanted to comfort Lin Fan.    


"It's not your fault. Go back."    


Lin Fan didn't even turn his head. He waved his hand and left.    


He walked to a bench where no one was around.    


He sat down and looked at the phone in his hand, thinking about all the things that happened in the past.    


Suddenly he felt that it was somewhat boring that things like dating were not realistic without money.    


He was lost in thought.    


Thinking about something, Lin Fan fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a new phone card. He opened it and put in the phone returned by Hee Tinetine.    


The start screen flashed. Then, text messages appeared one after the other.    


"The family committee has confirmed that the family member Lin Fan is 21 years old and is in line with the age of the inheritance. The property will be officially handed over today."    


"Please go to the Citibank branch in the residential area to handle the inheritance within one month of receiving the notification. If you exceed the time limit, by default, you will waive."    


"Since you are a direct descendant of the family and have the right of inheritance, starting today, you can apply for unconditional help from the family, only once. Please note that this opportunity cannot be transferred to any other heir."    


The familiar commanding tone and the old-fashioned style made Lin Fan suddenly feel a little nostalgic. He didn't know how many people in the family remembered him after he left six years ago.    


This was the surprise he had planned to give Hee Tinetine at his birthday party.    


A surprise that would make ordinary people wild with joy.    


Unfortunately, Hee Tinetine will never have this chance.    


Lin Fan was actually not poor. He was just passing the family's trial.    


According to the family rules, all members of the Lin family had to leave the family's protection at the age of fifteen. They had to live independently for six years without any help from the family. During this time, there was no restriction on their way of life. As long as he could survive, he would be able to get 1% of the family property.    


This number didn't seem like much, but the terrifying total amount of the property made its real value so great that it was sensational.    


Lin's Financial Group was a name that was known to everyone in the Forbes charts. It was one of the representative industries of Lin Fan's family. It was hiding in a world that ordinary people could not touch. It controlled the economic direction of the world and played with big and small countries in the palm of its hands. It could easily trigger global economic turmoil.    


In terms of wealth, Lin's Financial Group could buy about one-third of the Earth.    


And now, one percent of it belonged to Lin Fan.    


According to the family rules, this huge amount of wealth could be used for himself or invested. If someone chose to rely on the money to sit around and wait to die for the rest of their lives, no one would object. In fact, there was this type of successor in every generation and there were quite a few of them.    


Therefore, to increase competition within the family and ensure its continuity, the ancestral teachings stated that each direct descendant had the right to register for re-election and compete for the head of the next generation of the family.    


And the criterion of the evaluation was to see who could use the inheritance to create a higher value.    


Lin Fan had considered this when he left the family, but now he lacked interest.    


There were two other direct heirs of his generation, and these two were truly awesome figures. One of them had a large mercenary group in the Middle East. Without using the main force, it could fight evenly with small legion corps. The other was a famous stockbroker genius. He was said to have tricked the family's professional operators. He had the raw shares of all major industries in his hands.    


Lin Fan had no intention of competing with them. His parents died early, and he did not have many acquaintances in the family. He just wanted to be an ordinary person and lead a peaceful and wealthy life. If he were to compete for the position of head of the family... Although it was safe at home, the bullets in the Middle East were deadly.    


Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly stood up and threw all the plastic bottles that he had picked up half the morning into the trash can.    


Then, he walked out of the school.    


The nearest Citibank branch was located in the neighboring city, CBD. He planned to go there now and take possession of the inheritance.    


It was a huge fortune.    


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