The Strongest Tycoon

C3 Make a Fortune

C3 Make a Fortune

0‌Lin Fan looked up and saw an energetic old man at the door.    


The old man was about seventy years old. His hair was white, but it was neatly combed, fixed at his temples. He wore a good black suit with a bow tie and a cane in his hand. He looked at Lin Fan with a trace of affection in his eyes.    


Lin Fan was puzzled. He was sure he had never seen this person before, but why did he feel a strange sense of familiarity?    


He could not understand, so he asked, "You are?"    


Manager Qin hurriedly bowed and greeted, "President Lin!"    


"No need to introduce me. You may leave."    


The old man smiled broadly. He went in and let Manager Qin leave. Instead of sitting at the desk, he pulled a chair and sat down next to Lin Fan. "It's only been a dozen years, and you don't recognize me anymore. I'm your father's steward, Lin Huasheng. When you were young, I even held you in my arms!"    


"Lin Huasheng? You are Uncle Huasheng?"    


Lin Fan remembered now. He felt happy to see someone close after so long. "Uncle Huasheng, why are you here?"    


Prestigious families were bound through their blood, but feelings of affection were relatively weak. Lin Huasheng had been Lin Fan's father's steward for twenty-seven years. It wasn't until Lin Fan's parents suddenly suffered misfortune that he resigned and left the family. Lin Fan was one of the few people who really had feelings for him.    


"I am now the CEO of the Citibank branch in Mingzhu City."    


The old man winked at Lin Fan and smiled, seeing him astonished. "Young Master, I know you must wonder why an old man like me suddenly became the CEO of Citibank."    


Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Lin Huasheng was a funny person. Even though he was old, he didn't take things tooseriously. "Uncle Huasheng, I'm really curious. But if it's not convenient for you to say..."    


"Why would it be inconvenient?"    


Lin Huasheng waved his hand. "It was the old master's order. He left me a sum of money and said that the economy was growing too fast and that the depreciation rate was too high. He asked me to help you manage your assets in advance."    


Lin Fan was stunned.    


He always thought that Lin Huasheng had left their family because he wanted to live his own life. Although he could understand this, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart. At that time, he had lost all his family members. Precisely at that painful moment, Lin Huasheng left resolutely. It was a big blow to him.    


But it seemed that reality played a prank on him. Lin Huasheng, who was almost seventy years old back then, left his enviable job as a housekeeper for the sake of his property and engaged in banking and investment services.    


Lin Fan could not imagine how much effort he put into this. All he knew was that from now on, this old man, with a friendly smile, was someone he could not disappoint for the rest of his life.    


He was not a relative. He was more than that.    


"Uncle Huasheng, thank you."    


He said in a low voice.    


Lin Huasheng's smile became even warmer.    


He took no pride in his achievements. He was still as humble and gentle as he had been in the last twenty-seven years. He said, "Young Master has grown up."    


Then he started laughing again. "Young Master, don't blame me for not helping you. I really wanted to help, but I don't dare break the family rules."    


Lin Fan nodded. "I know. By the way, Uncle Huasheng, how much money did they give me?"    


"I think a few tens of billions."    


Lin Huasheng's tone was very light, as if he did not take it seriously. He looked at his watch, stood up, and said to Lin Fan, "We will know the exact amount after seeing it. Young Master, come, I will take you to the vault. It should be all prepared."    


As he said this, he made an inviting gesture and took a half step back. Although he was no longer a butler, he still behaved like one.    


Lin Fan followed him out of the VIP office. They turned a corner and went down a bright corridor.    


After walking for ten minutes, they reached the end of the corridor.    


They went through the sealed metal scanning room and turned another corner. In front of them appeared a huge white metal door.    


"This is a chromatic steel alloy gate. It is puncture-resistant, durable, and can absorb a large amount of impact force. It is the material of choice for international investment and insurance companies."    


Lin Huasheng explained with a smile. He walked to the door and scanned his retina, fingerprints, and palm prints. Then, he took out a key.    


The security officer in charge was following him closely. He pulled out a second key and, combining the two, opened the door.    


"Sir, President Lin, please follow me."    


The officer led them to the place where the safe was stored. Then he motioned to Lin Fan and said, "Mr. Lin, you need to check your retina and fingerprints."    


Lin Fan nodded and followed his instructions. The safe opened immediately with a click.    


The officer in charge took out the information and handed it to Lin Fan.    


Lin Fan waved his hand. "Give it to Uncle Huasheng."    


The officer was stunned for a moment and quickly handed it over.    


Lin Huasheng smiled and glanced at it. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Young Master, the Lin family is a bit stingy."    


The security officer was taken aback. Did President Lin actually call this young man Master? What was going on?    


Lin Fan was very curious. "How much is it?"    


"This property is divided into three categories. One is a general supply, the other is an original industrial stock, and the other is cash."    


Lin Huasheng said, "These include precious metals and precious stones. Each is worth 10 billion RMB, and the cash is also 8.8 billion."    


The officer was shocked. There were more than 20 billion here, so why did he say the Lin family was stingy?    


Lin Fan also could not stay calm. "So much money?"    


"You think that's a lot?"    


Lin Huasheng looked strangely at Lin Fan. "Young Master, don't you know? The old master inherited the same amount as you. That was more than 20 billion 20 years ago."    


Lin Fan was amazed. When he thought about it that way, it really wasn't much. In twenty years, how much had the yuan depreciated? The total amount did not actually change.    


Perhaps seeing that Lin Fan was not satisfied, Lin Huasheng winked at him. "Young Master, it's okay. The family is stingy, but the old master is very generous."    


Lin Fan looked at him. "Uncle Huasheng, what do you mean by that?"    


"Although the inheritance of all members of the Lin family will belong to the family after their death and will be used as starting money for the next generation, if they start their own business and earn their own money, they can control it independently."    


Lin Huasheng smiled broadly. He leaned over and whispered, "Young Master, the old master left you 20 billion."    


"20 billion?"    


Lin Fan was shocked. He remembered that his father was a business genius, so many people openly supported him to become the head of the family. But he would never have thought that his father would save so much money for him.    


"20 billion is the initial amount."    


Lin Huasheng seemed pleased with himself. "All these years, I took the opportunity of working for the Citibank and invested in their VC funds. The amount of money has doubled."    


"Now it is 40 billion."    


He raised four fingers. "I set up a foundation in your name. Occasionally, I do charity work. You can use this money anytime, anywhere."    


Lin Fan was dumbfounded.    


No wonder, no wonder Uncle Huasheng didn't care to start over!    


He did not expect the money left by his father to be even more than what the family gave him!    


28 billion plus 40 billion...    


"In this case, I now have a fortune of 68 billion. That's too much!"    


Lin Fan was excited. 68 billion was equivalent to what the other two achieved after so much effort and in so many years!    


He even felt proud in his heart, "So what if one is a stock genius? So what if the other is a ruthless person?"    


"I'm sorry, I have a father who's stronger than all of you."    


He finally regained his composure. Becoming rich all of a sudden, it was hard to control his feelings.    


"Let's take out some cash first."    


Lin Fan said to Lin Huasheng, "Uncle Huasheng, the other funds will be at your disposal for investment. The profits will be..."    


"Young Master, the old master has paid me in advance."    


Lin Huasheng shook his head and smiled. "The profits are shared. This is the rule."    


"The salary is the salary. Uncle Huasheng, I know you don't lack money, but if you don't take your share of the profit, it means I'm not loyal."    


Lin Fan insisted," Ten percent. You have to take ten percent no matter what. Otherwise, I'll feel bad."    


Lin Huasheng felt warm in his heart. "Alright. Then treat it like I'm borrowing it from you. I'll use it to invest and make more money."    


After withdrawing the money, Lin Huasheng led Lin Fan to the bank entrance.    


Originally, Lin Fan wanted to have a meal with Lin Huasheng. The two of them hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, so they had a lot to talk about.    


But Lin Huasheng explained that the transfer of assets was not a simple matter, let alone such a large sum of money. After Lin Fan has signed the contract, he still had a lot of things to do before completing the procedures. He had to make the most of his time to complete the inheritance as soon as possible.    


Lin Fan did not insist. The two agreed to have a good meeting in a few days, then parted at the door.    


Unexpectedly, just as Lin Fan came out with his money bag, he bumped into Xu Ya.    


"Mr. Lin, what a coincidence. We meet again."    


Xu Ya had changed into another set of clothes. She wore a waist-length British suit and a short skirt. She had also applied some light makeup. She looked even more distinctive than before.    


She walked out of the car and smiled shyly at Lin Fan. "Did you drive here? If not, let me give you a ride."    


Lin Fan was somewhat speechless.    


"How is this a coincidence? Your skirt is wrinkled, which makes it obvious that you've been waiting a long time, and still, you have the nerve to say it's a coincidence?"    


This was the power of money.    


He thought that compared to Hee Tinetine, Xu Ya's appearance and temperament were even more perfect. Along with her pretense of being young and inexperienced, her charm was greater than Hee Tinetine's.    


But the more it was like this, the more bored Lin Fan felt.    


The value of life could be measured in terms of money, and the foundation of love was also money. But love itself could not be about money.    


Otherwise, it was the same as prostitution.    


"No need, I'll call a car."    


He called Lin Huasheng, and very soon, under Xu Ya's disappointed gaze, a Lincoln Augmented Vehicle stopped in front of Lin Fan.    


"Sir, President Lin ordered us to send you back." The driver got out of the car and took Lin Fan's bag. His tone was respectful.    


Lin Fan nodded. He ignored Xu Ya, who was staring at him with anticipation and got into the car.    


Xu Ya looked at him nostalgically, disappointed that she had missed the opportunity to change her life.    


Then she seemed to think of something and quickly got into the car.    


Lin Fan returned to the dormitory.    


He opened the door and entered. There was no one inside.    


Today was Hee Tinetine's birthday party. Zhao Qiang invited all his classmates, so no one was left in the rooms.    



Of course, Lin Fan was not included among those classmates.    


He didn't want to go there anyway. He knew that Zhao Qiang would surely mock him if he saw him. As for Hee Tinetine, that woman who valued money above all else, not only would she not speak for him, but she would mock him too.    


"Forget it," he thought, "Why bother with such things? He has money now, so why bother with a woman?"    


That was what Lin Fan said to himself. Then he tossed his bag under the bed and lay down, getting ready to sleep.    


Lately, he'd been up early to pick up trash, so he was behind with sleep. Now that he no longer needed to worry about his life, he had to treat himself better.    


Just as he was about to fall asleep, his phone rang suddenly.    


He picked it up to take a look and saw a message on the class group.    


"Brother Qiang is really awesome. Look, our table has Remy Martin worth 1,000 yuan!"    


"We also have Martell Cordon Bleus!"    


The people in the group posted pictures, they were all extremely excited.    


Some students who could not get there felt envious. Everyone was admiring how rich Zhao Qiang was.    


The level of spending in Mingzhou City was not high. Most students had only one or two thousand living expenses per month. When did they ever drink such expensive wine?    


"Where's Brother Qiang? Brother Qiang is too generous!" Someone began flattering him.    


"Brother Qiang went to the Yudu Hotel with Hee Tinetine, hehehe."    


"Wow, watch your words. Lin Fan is in the group too."    


"So what if he is in the group? He is a loser. Why can't we talk about him?"    


"That's right. He picks up trash every day. It's embarrassing for me to be in the same class as him!"    


"Well said!" Zhao Qiang suddenly appeared and sent a red packet with a passcode. "Everyone, grab the red packet. Meantime I'll help Lin Fan take care of his ex-girlfriend!"    


Lin Fan was already furious, and looking at the red packet, he got even angrier.    


Immediately, the passcode messages flooded the screen.    


"Lin Fan is a green-haired turtle."    


"Lin Fan is a green-haired turtle."    


Lin Fan kicked the desk and stood up.    


They had gone too far!    


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