The Strongest Tycoon

C537 Start

C537 Start

0Due to the existence of ZERO, the entire car was under the surveillance of this artificial intelligence. Any tiny details were under the control of ZERO.    


Therefore, Wang Dong's technical team didn't need to do any extra checks. The condition of the car was very good.    


However, there was one thing that needed to be done. Lin Fan said. "There is no need to check. Let's add some oil to the car first."    


"Okay!" Wang Dong nodded and ran back to tell the staff to drag the refueling equipment over.    


There were two modes to this Velocidragon. The normal mode used during normal times was not easy to deal with. It was just a little more fuel consumption than normal cars.    


However, once it entered the high-speed mode, it would become an oil tiger. After filling up a box of fuel, it would not take long for it to run out.    


Now, the competition was about to begin. The oil in the tank wasn't full. Therefore, Lin Fan asked Wang Dong to fill up the tank first.    


When Lin Fan was ready, Jack was ready too.    


Both cars stopped at the starting line side by side, and the engine roared as it waited for the green light in front of them to light up.    


According to the rules of the competition that they had previously agreed on, the entire competition ground would only run once. Whoever returned to the starting point first would be the winner.    


In the few seconds that they were waiting for the start of the race, Jack, who was parked on Lin Fan's left side, lowered the window and turned his head to look at Lin Fan.    


Killing intent gradually appeared in his eyes. He raised his hand and drew a line across his neck, indicating that he would definitely launch a death attack on Lin Fan later.    


Facing the threat, Lin Fan only smiled indifferently, not caring at all.    


He said softly, "Don't take yourself too seriously. I just said, you want to kill me. You have to catch up to my car!"    


Ever since this Velocidragon supercar was installed with the artificial intelligence, zero, Lin Fan had never personally experienced the feeling of extreme speed.    


He ran at extreme speed twice, and the first time was when Wang Dong was testing the car in this arena.    


The second time was on the Crying Mountain. It was Lee Xiaokang's first actual battle.    


Lin Fan had been an audience for both times, but his own car had not been able to run at full speed. It was a pity for Lin Fan.    


That was why he had wanted to find an opportunity to experience the thrill of drifting in the car, but he had not had the time.    


This time, he had caught up with the accident. For this unexpected competition, Lin Fan could only say that it was just right. Jack had come to ask for a slap in the face.    


"Don't cry when you lose later. I won't slap you in the face, I will only cripple one of your legs!"    


The red lights that were waiting were extinguished one by one. Lin Fan's eyes became sharp.    


He did not look at Jack anymore. He turned around and said to the car, "ZERO, start the high-speed mode. Scan the road conditions and start the countdown!"    


"Yes. Scan the route. Map of the track has been generated. Preheating of the engine has been completed. Prepare for the countdown!"    


At this time, the two cars waiting at the starting line were roaring like giant beasts.    


They were waiting for the moment when they started to sprint.    


The others had already retreated to the outside of the race track and were nervously watching the two sports cars.    


Lin Fan's Weylon 4K was full of streamlined and charming lines. The whole car was full of luxurious and elegant charm, just like a noble young master.    


As for Jack's supercar, its original appearance could no longer be seen. From the outside, it was impossible to tell what kind of sports car it belonged to.    


Because the modifications he made were too thorough, this car of his was like an ancient ferocious beast. It had sharp blades all over its body, making it look very fierce and terrifying.    


It was also by relying on the collision horns and sawteeth that covered the entire body of the car that he was able to smash all the cars of his previous opponents into scrap metal without any scruples.    


As the starting time approached, the spectators unconsciously clenched their fists.    


"Is it possible or not? Jack said just now that this match will not be lenient and that we will fight to the death!"    


"Yeah, it really makes people sweat nervously. This Young Master Lin might really lose his life!"    


"I still don't understand now. Isn't Driving Master Young Master Li? Why didn't he come? Why did Young Master Lin drive the car instead?"    


Until now, these people were still kept in the dark. Of course, Wang Dong and Hee Jun, who knew the truth, would not explain it to these people.    


However, faced with their doubts, Wang Dong still smiled and said, "All of you have underestimated Mr Lin's strength. Let me tell you this, the real owner of this car is Mr Lin. That day on the Crying Chicken Mountain, Young Master Li borrowed Mr Lin's car for the competition."    


"It doesn't mean that the car is Young Master Lin's. Other than the performance of the car, the driver's skills are the most important!"    


"Haha, don't worry. You will know the result in a while." Wang Dong smiled and said. He added in his heart, I hope you are not too surprised.    


After he said that, the indicators waiting for him in the arena were all extinguished.    


In the last second that made people feel suffocated, the red light was extinguished. Then, the green light that started the race a second later finally lit up.    




The two sports cars shot out of the starting line as if they were struck by lightning.    


As the sports car sped forward, the strong wind that it created caused the dust on the track to ripple and gradually spread out.    


The two supercars rushed into the track almost at the same time.    


"Come on, Mr Lin will win!" Wang Dong shouted.    


"Throw Jack behind and eat sh * t!"    


"Charge! We must win!"    


No matter how worried they were before, it all depended on Lin Fan after the competition began.    


What Wang Dong and the drivers of Haizhou could do was to cheer Lin Fan on, even though Lin Fan could not hear them at all.    


"ZERO is not fast enough. Continue to run faster!"    



Lin Fan, who was running in the Weylon Super, was pressed on the seat by the huge inertia and acceleration after he started sprinting from the starting line.    


If it was any other time, the reaction force caused by such fierce acceleration would definitely have caused damage to Lin Fan. However, because of the existence of the suit, most of the force was offset.    


But even so, Lin Fan still felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body. The huge force seemed to want to crush him into meat paste.    


However, this wasn't enough. Although he was fast, Jack's car wasn't slow either. Lin Fan didn't have the advantage of being in the lead, so he endured the pain and ordered Zero to continue speeding up.    


"Life Extinguisher in the normal range, it can be accelerated!"    


ZERO first checked Lin Fan's condition. Within the permitted range, she accepted Lin Fan's order and continued to accelerate.    


As the artificial intelligence and autopilot system installed in the car, zERO had to first observe Lin Fan's physical condition before accepting Lin Fan's order.    


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