Peerless Martial God 2

C1506 Entering Hong Meng City!

C1506 Entering Hong Meng City!

0The cultivators of the Eight Directions Battle Realm were actually unable to eliminate them in a short period of time, because these warriors of the Devil Domain were clearly more united, more coordinated, and more well-trained. In the blink of an eye, they had actually killed dozens of cultivators of the Eight Directions Battle Realm!    


As Lin Feng chased after Devil of Eternity, Devil of Eternity actually headed towards the forbidden area of the Eight Directions Battle Realm, the center of the grandmist. Lin Feng could not help but feel a little anxious in his heart. The center of the grandmist was a forbidden area of the Eight Directions Battle Realm, and no one would easily take half a step in!    


If this Devil of Eternity really did escape, would he have to chase after him?    


However, before Lin Feng could make up his mind, Devil of Eternity had already rushed into the grandmist. Lin Feng instinctively stopped in his tracks. He did not dare to take the risk to step into the grandmist. After all, he still had too many things to worry about in the Eight Directions Battle Realm!    


There were so many things that had not been done, and he could not risk taking revenge for what he had done, which would be extremely irresponsible.    


However, after Devil of Eternity entered Hongmeng, he stopped and turned around to look at Lin Feng, who was hesitating, and mocked: "Lin Feng, didn't you want to kill me? Come in! I am a clone of the Heavenly Grade Divine Ancestor, Chi You. I came from the Primordial Chaos, so I can come and go as I pleased. Hehe, but no matter how powerful and arrogant you are, you are still just an Earth-grade Divine Ancestor. In this Eight Directions Battle Realm, you will never be able to break through, hahahaha ..."    


Lin Feng was so angry that he flew into a rage. He immediately waved his palm at Devil of Eternity. This was a palm strike that used all of his strength. All of Lin Feng's divine skills were gathered in this palm strike, and he wanted to kill this Devil of Eternity with a single palm strike!    


However, something strange happened. The palm struck into the Primordial Chaos with endless power. However, as soon as it entered the range of the Primordial Chaos, it disappeared completely. It had no more power!    


Lin Feng was extremely confused, and when the Devil of Eternity saw Lin Feng's expression, he immediately laughed even more arrogantly: "Haha, Lin Feng, you ignorant fool, this Hong Meng is the land of the Heavenly Grade Divine Ancestor. No matter how powerful you are at the peak of the Earth-grade, once you enter this Hong Meng, all of your cultivation will turn into nothingness. Hahahaha ..."    


The more Devil of Eternity spoke, the more pleased he became. He liked to see Lin Feng's current appearance. He didn't like it, but there was nothing he could do. It was simply a great enjoyment!    


Devil of Eternity continued: "Lin Feng, do you think I'm really afraid of you? The reason why I lured you to the center of Hongmeng is actually just a plan. This is called luring the tiger out of the mountain, and the warriors I brought with me are all my clones. I think that I should have already slaughtered all of your Bajiao Domain by now, hahahaha!"    


As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng could not help but shiver. He did not expect that this Devil of Eternity would actually have such a vicious trump card!    


"Devil of Eternity, you vile creature, how dare you set me up? If you have the guts, don't ever leave the center of the universe. As long as you come out, I will tear you to pieces!" Lin Feng was so angry that he cursed loudly, turned around and flew back.    


However, Devil of Eternity behind him laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, Lin Feng, we will never have the chance to meet again. I came from the Primordial Chaos, and I also went from the Primordial Chaos. I have my own free and unfettered destination. Go back and collect your corpse in the Bajiao Domain!"    


With that, Devil of Eternity walked straight into the Primordial Chaos and disappeared!    


Lin Feng turned around and saw that the Devil of Eternity had indeed disappeared. He became even more worried about the Bajiao Domain, so he hurriedly turned around and ran!    


However, when he returned to the Bajiao Domain, all he saw was desolation. The warriors of the Devil Domain had all disappeared, and there were countless casualties on the ground. Some of the survivors were groaning in pain!    


Those who were injured were frantically treating the injured and the injured. It was a scene of grief, and Lin Feng only felt his vision go black, and he almost fell to the ground. Sure enough, it was as Devil of Eternity had said!    


When everyone saw that Lin Feng had returned, they surrounded him like a child without a mother seeing his own mother. Lin Feng grabbed one of the loose men and asked anxiously: "Master, what is going on? What happened?"    


The rogue cultivator had clearly been crying. For someone like him, who was at the level of the Earth-grade Divine Ancestor, he had experienced countless ups and downs in his life. If it wasn't for something really unacceptable, he wouldn't have cried so easily!    


"Lin Feng... Didn't you go after Devil of Eternity? We were tricked by him! "    


Following that, the rogue cultivator recounted what happened after Lin Feng left. The more he narrated, the more shocked he became. Lin Feng's heart was broken!    


At that time, when the warriors of the Devil Domain were surrounded and attacked by the cultivators, something unexpected happened. Hundreds of warriors of the Devil Domain suddenly squeezed together with their backs against each other, and then their bodies emitted a black fog that soared into the sky, and they actually merged together at an extremely fast speed!    


When the black fog dispersed, it actually turned into another Devil of Eternity, who was over a hundred meters tall. The appearance of the Devil of Eternity immediately created a huge deterrence, and most of the cultivators who were besieging him before were cowards who valued their lives, and all of them fled in all directions!    


This time, Devil of Eternity pounced towards the unspecialized and the others from the Bajiao Domain. The ones who were the first to bear the brunt were Lin Feng's relatives and friends, Qing Huangtian, Nian Lingjiao, Qianjin Caiyue, and the others. All of them had suffered!    


This Devil of Eternity's clone seemed to be targeting Lin Feng's relatives. After pouncing towards them, it did not kill them on the spot. Instead, it used some unknown technique of the Devil Domain to form a strange and huge whirlpool on the flat ground!    


The vortex sucked in Qing Huangtian and the others, as well as many of the people around them. Before the scattered Earth Ancestor and the others could come to their aid, a terrifying explosion occurred in the vortex, instantly killing many cultivators!    




When Lin Feng heard this, he fainted. This kind of blow was too heavy. No matter how strong Lin Feng was, he could not hold on!    


When the scattered people and the others saw that Lin Feng had fainted, they hurriedly helped him pat his chest and back for a long time. Only after a long time did Lin Feng finally wake up!    


Lin Feng cried. He did not expect that his momentary impulse would cause such a serious consequence. The woman he loved had died in vain!    


"Lin Feng, you must hold on. You must take charge of the overall situation in this Bajiao Domain. The Eight Directions Battle Realm has already been plunged into misery and suffering. It is still waiting for you to take charge of the overall situation..." Everyone was trying to persuade Lin Feng, but how could this kind of loss of family be appeased with just a few words?!    


Lin Feng stood up abruptly, wiped his tears, turned around and flew away again. He flew in the direction he came from, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a few flashs. No one knew what Lin Feng was going to do this time!    


When Lin Feng arrived at the center of Hongmeng once again, he only stopped for a moment before gritting his teeth and stepping in without hesitation. This time, he would no longer hesitate. Even if Devil of Eternity fled to the ends of the earth, he would definitely tear him into ten thousand pieces!    


"Devil of Eternity, come out here and fight with me, Lin Feng! I, Lin Feng, am here, what can you do to me? You killed my wife and children, and I, Lin Feng, cannot live under the same sky as you. You can forget about living in this world any longer... Devil of Eternity, come out here and fight with me, Lin Feng..."    


In the midst of the chaos, Lin Feng's voice seemed so small and weak that there was no response at all, let alone the figure of Devil of Eternity!    


After walking for an unknown period of time, Lin Feng was completely exhausted. In the Primordial Chaos, Lin Feng, who was originally an Earth-grade Divine Ancestor, had actually become no different from an ordinary person. Every move he made was filled with pure physical strength, fatigue, and thirst!    


"Devil of Eternity... If you have the guts, come out and fight with me, Lin Feng... " Lin Feng was still persisting, looking around, hoping to see his blood feud with Devil of Eternity. Even if he had to die with him, he had to kill him!    


Just as Lin Feng was about to give up, his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a vast building in the distance, emitting colorful splendor. Lin Feng could not believe his eyes and quickly rubbed them. That's right, it was indeed a palace!    


Lin Feng couldn't help but be extremely excited. Could it be that the Devil of Eternity was hiding in here, or was this his lair?    


Lin Feng walked towards the palace building with great difficulty. However, the further he walked, the greater the resistance. The strange light emitted from the building gave off a strong sense of oppression, causing Lin Feng to consume a lot of strength and determination every time he took a step closer!    


However, Lin Feng did not want to give up. After all, this might be his only chance for revenge. For the sake of the woman he loved, he would never admit defeat!    


If someone was watching from the side, they would see a very strange scene. Lin Feng's figure seemed to have a cloning technique, and with every step he took, he would stop for a long time, leaving a long trail of afterimages behind him as he made a series of coherent poses...    


After an unknown period of time, Lin Feng finally arrived in front of the group of buildings with his powerful willpower. Lin Feng looked at the huge palace that was millions of feet tall and walked straight towards the main entrance!    


Perhaps he would never be able to come out again, but Lin Feng had already made up his mind that he would never give up!    


"Lin Feng... you're finally here..."    


Suddenly, an extremely loud and clear voice rang out, filling the entire Primal Chaos. Lin Feng was shocked. He quickly stopped and looked, only to see two people standing inside the door and staring at him. They were Fu Xi and one or two Heavenly Grade Divine Ancestor!    


"Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to walk into the center of Hongmeng. This is simply impossible. Could it be..." Fu Xi walked forward in confusion and reached out to grab Lin Feng's wrist!    


As soon as he clenched his hand, a look of displeasure appeared on his face. Dao Yi also came up and held Lin Feng's other wrist. Lin Feng looked at them suspiciously, feeling uneasy.    


"You actually have the aura of Devil of Eternity in your body ..."    


"You actually have the aura of Devil of Eternity in your body ..."    



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