Peerless Martial God 2

C1526 Qin Yueran's Birthday Banquet!

C1526 Qin Yueran's Birthday Banquet!

0When Captain Lu got up to open the door, he saw a young man in his thirties standing outside. When Lu Zhan saw him, he hurriedly said, "Coach Zhou, you're finally here. Please come in!"    


Coach Zhou did not stand on ceremony. He walked in with a smile on his face. He looked at Lin Feng and asked in surprise, "Lu Zhan, do you already have a guest here?"    


Although he called Lin Feng a guest, there was obvious contempt in his expression. It was no wonder. Lin Feng was only wearing a security uniform. Compared to the man in front of him, it was a bit shabby!    


Lu Zhan quickly whispered in his ear, "Coach Zhou, this is the Lin Feng I mentioned to you. He is a powerful character. I was defeated by him last time!"    


Coach Zhou could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He looked at Lin Feng again and after looking at him for a while, he coughed dryly and shook his head slightly, as if he was a little disappointed!    


Lu Zhan introduced him to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, this is our Special Affairs Department's Coach Zhou Zhengpeng. He can also be considered my teacher. Previously, I said that you are the second spiritual knight I have seen in Jiangnan City, and the other one is him!"    


Lin Feng also stood up and nodded his head. He reached out his hand to show his respect. After all, they were in Lu Zhan's house, so he had to give him some face!    


Coach Zhou politely reached out his hand and shook it, but the moment he shook his hand, he suddenly used a secret method. The strength of his hand was extremely strong, and a strong Genuine Qi surged out from his palm!    


Lin Feng did not want to reveal his strength, but it was extremely dangerous for him to be invaded by the Genuine Qi from the outside, so he instinctively returned the color, and the Yuan Qi in his body was instantly stimulated!    


Coach Zhou let out a muffled groan and withdrew his hand as fast as lightning. His face was pale and cold sweat was dripping down his forehead. He was shocked that the cultivation of the person in front of him was actually higher than his.    


He could not believe it. After all, he was the coach of the Special Affairs Section, and in all these years, he had never seen a cultivator above the level of Spirit Cultivator!    


Lu Zhan naturally saw the battle between the two of them. When he saw that Zhou Zhengpeng had actually lost, Lu Zhan was very surprised. Could it be that this Lin Feng was not just at the Spirit Cultivation Stage?    


"Lu Zhan, let's go. Mayor Qin's secretary has already urged us once. Hurry up!" Coach Zhou had just suffered a loss, so he seemed to be deliberately avoiding it. He said without even sitting down.    


Lu Zhan said a little sheepishly, "I'm not going with you. A small character like me is really not suitable for drinking. You should go by yourself!"    


Lin Feng saw that they seemed to have something to attend, so he stood up and bid them farewell for the second time. Lu Zhan refused and suddenly said, "Lin Feng, why don't you come with me? Mayor Qin's daughter is celebrating her birthday today, and she has invited a lot of people."    


Lin Feng and Zhou Zhengpeng were both stunned, Lin Feng asked in surprise: "I'll go? Hehe, stop joking. You already said that you are a small character, so I'm even less qualified. I'll be leaving now. Goodbye!"    


After saying that, Lin Feng went downstairs without looking back. After he walked out of the gate of the municipal station, he was not in a hurry to take a taxi back to the neighborhood. Lin Feng wanted to take a good stroll around the bustling city center.    


Turning to the left, Lin Feng admired the high-rise buildings as he walked. While Lin Feng was immersed in the scenery, suddenly, an ear-piercing scream came from not far away!    


Lin Feng quickly looked down and was shocked. He saw a red sports car crossing the middle line for some unknown reason and crashing into a pair of children who were passing by!    


Instinctively, Lin Feng jumped forward and reached out his hands to grab the two children. However, the car was already in front of him. It was only half a meter away from his legs and was about to hit him and send him flying!    


Naturally, Lin Feng would not be sent flying. He took a deep breath and jumped up to a height of more than three meters!    


Of course, this was because Lin Feng was holding back his strength. Otherwise, he would have hit the traffic indicator above his head!    


The red jog braked abruptly and stopped where Lin Feng and the two children had been standing. Lin Feng carried the two children and gently landed beside the car!    


The parents of the two children came running from behind, cuddling the crying children, and the door of the sports car opened, and a pair of long legs stretched out, and then a young girl with her hair down came out.    


When the young girl got out of the car, she ran up to the two children with a nervous expression. When she saw that the two children were not injured, she let out a long sigh of relief.    


Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, thinking that this woman was really unreliable when it came to driving, but since the crisis had already been resolved, there was no need for him to continue teasing her. He turned around and left!    


"Hey, wait a moment."    


The young girl called out from behind. Lin Feng turned his head and asked, "Are you calling me?"    


The young girl walked over and looked Lin Feng up and down as she asked: "You're quite amazing. You can actually carry two people and jump so high. Thank you so much for what you did just now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble!"    


Looking at the high heels on the girl's feet, the heels were at least 15 centimeters. With this kind of outfit, it would be strange if nothing happened to her!    


"You're welcome, but you might not be so lucky next time. Can you drive with these shoes?" Lin Feng replied sarcastically.    


Just as the girl was embarrassed by Lin Feng's words, Lin Feng heard an exclamation: "Miss Qin... Lin Feng, you guys... Do you know each other?"    


It was Zhou Zhengpeng and Lu Zhan. They looked at Lin Feng and the young girl who were standing facing them. When the young girl saw Zhou Zhengpeng and Lu Zhan, she immediately smiled and called them uncles.    


It turned out that this unreliable girl driving the car was the daughter of Mayor Qin, Qin Yueran. Zhou Zhengpeng and Lu Zhan were going to celebrate her birthday, but now Lin Feng couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He was directly pushed and dragged into the car!    


Qin Yueran pulled the three of them to the front of a hotel, got out of the car and went straight into the hall. She saw that there were at least thirty tables in the hall, and each table was filled with people.    


"Old Lu, here is a place for you!" As soon as they stopped, someone called out to Lu Zhan and Zhou Zhengpeng. They must have known each other.    


Lin Feng felt a little awkward. In fact, if Lin Feng wanted to escape, it would be very easy. However, at this moment, Qin Yueran walked over and said, "You can sit at the same table as me. We are about the same age."    


Qin Yueran placed Lin Feng on a big table. There were only two people at the table, and when they saw Lin Feng sitting down, they couldn't help but frown. Lin Feng's security uniform was too eye-catching!    


Not long after Lin Feng sat down, a few more people rushed in from outside. As soon as they entered, they sat down at the table where Lin Feng was sitting. When Lin Feng raised his head, he immediately froze!    


Zhang Jingwei, Li Zecheng?!    


Although it had been so long, the two people who had killed Lin Feng were still so glorious. It was as if they had long forgotten about the harm they had done to Lin Feng!    


Lin Feng did not expect such a coincidence. He had been looking for an opportunity to find these two people, but they came to him themselves!    


Being stared at by Lin Feng, Zhang Jingwei's face could not help but turn red. If it was anyone else, she would have been furious, but the security guard in front of her was really handsome, so she did not get angry out of habit.    


But just because she wasn't angry didn't mean others weren't. As her boyfriend, Li Zecheng was a rich second generation who was used to being arrogant. How could anyone dare to look at his girlfriend like that?    


"Hey, where did you get the security guard? What's your name?!" Li Zecheng suppressed his anger and asked. If this wasn't the birthday banquet of the mayor, Miss Da Qian Jin, he would have come up and beaten Lin Feng up!    


There was a saying that even a dog had to look at its master. Although Lin Feng was wearing a shabby security uniform, since he was able to sit at Qin Yueran's banquet and at such an important table, Li Zecheng had no choice but to be careful.    


"Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said unhurriedly, a cold smile flashing across his face!    




Zhang Jingwei's body trembled when she heard the name. The cup she had just picked up slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.    


She looked at the security guard in front of her in fear, and her heart was filled with great fear. Lin Feng... How terrifying was this name!    


Lin Feng, wasn't he the one who was hit to death by Li Zecheng's car more than a year ago? Wasn't he the one who was chasing after him? Could it be that the person in front of him was the one who had already died?    



However, Zhang Jingwei quickly suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and hurriedly pulled Li Zecheng back. In fact, Li Zecheng was also shocked, but he was a man after all. At the same time, he was also a hooligan. He was used to being ruthless, but on the surface, he was very calm!    


The Lin Feng in front of them did not look like the Lin Feng they had killed before. This more or less calmed them down and comforted themselves: "Perhaps it's just that their names are the same. There is no such thing as resurrection from the dead in the world!"    


What they did not know was that the person in front of them was Lin Feng. He had only taken over the soul of Lin Feng, who had the same name and surname. Lin Feng clearly remembered everything that they had done!    


Breaking a glass was not a good sign for a birthday, so the atmosphere was a little awkward.    


"Hello, everyone. Today is Qin Yueran's twentieth birthday. Thank you for attending despite your busy schedule. I would like to thank all of you sincerely. Let me toast all of you first..." Qin Yueran stood on the rostrum in the center of the crowd and raised her glass.    


In an instant, the atmosphere became heated. Everyone said their blessings, and when Lin Feng saw that everyone else had raised their wine glasses, he also stood up and drank it all in one gulp!    


People began to sing happy birthday songs to them. Zhang Jingwei and Li Zecheng had been stealing glances at Lin Feng, as if they wanted to find something wrong with him. Although they were sure that the person in front of them was not the one they had killed, they could not guarantee that it was not someone who knew about it who was testing them!    


When the song was over, the birthday cake was pushed up and the cake was divided among the crowd, and someone shouted, "Miss Qin, I am the owner of the jewelry company that Borey came to, and I brought you a jade chain today, a real deal..."    


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