Unparalleled Divine Power

C496 The Final Test

C496 The Final Test

0The final test.    


On the way to the heavens, Qin Xiao had cultivated the Grand Profound Sword diagram to perfection in three hundred years, and the Sword Dao to perfection.    


Next, it was time to wholeheartedly cultivate the Dao Art, startling Light.    


In a corner of Yao Jia Village, Manor Lord Yao and Red Soul Heavenly God sat there drinking. The two of them had been sworn brothers since the time of the gods. They had been living and dying together for countless years, and their relationship was extremely deep and irreplaceable.    


"Big brother, it looks like I'm going to lose" Red Soul Heavenly God was rather carefree. He did not feel the slightest bit of regret. "This kid really can surprise me time and time again. In a short period of three hundred years, he actually cultivated the Sword Dao to perfection, grasping a complete Dao. To be able to do this at the level of a god... In the entire God Realm, they are as rare as a phoenix feather or a qilin horn, right?"    


"Furthermore, this kid is only a Third Step Divine Spirit, and he has only lived for five to six thousand years, not even ten thousand years old. This is even considering his accelerated age, but in fact, he hasn't even reached that age yet. This achievement has already surpassed you, big brother. "    


Manor Lord Yao smiled and nodded, "That's right, he has surpassed me. I only mastered the complete Sword Dao when I was still Four Step Heavenly God. At that time, I had already lived for more than ten thousand years, several thousand years more than him. I really don't know how far he will grow if I give him another few thousand years. "    


" That's why I'm certain that he will be able to clear the entire path. I already have a strong feeling that he'll become my junior brother. My master has only accepted five disciples in the past countless years. I do hope that my master will take in more disciples."    


" Haha, if that's the case, then that would be a joyous occasion. No matter what, we can be considered to have formed a good relationship with that kid. Furthermore, his relationship with Little Lian is very good. For us, it's also a good thing." Red Soul Heavenly God said with a smile.    


Manor Lord Yao nodded.    


Red Soul Heavenly God said again, "By the way, big brother, I haven't seen Xue Lian for quite some time. How is she now? This girl has really put in a lot of effort in cultivating for the past three thousand years. Hehe, perhaps Little Lian will also have a chance to go to the Heavenly Court Island for a trial."    


Yao Jia Village shook its head and said with a smile," Little Lian is indeed hardworking, but her talent is still a little lacking. Although she tried her best to master a Supreme Dao, But it's still too late. Whether or not she could master a Supreme Dao depended on her comprehension during the Mortal Spirit period. If he wanted to comprehend it again during the Divine Spirit period... It would be too difficult. Such examples are extremely rare in the God Realm."    


" Don't even think about going to the Heavenly Court Island to undergo the trial. That slot isn't that easy to obtain. I'm not the only one who can shamelessly ask for one from my master, but there's no need for such a thing. "    


"Anyway, I don't have high expectations for Little Lian. As long as she can grow to Four Step Heavenly God, it will be enough. Becoming an Expert is just too difficult. "    


Red Soul Heavenly God nodded his head. That was indeed the case. Becoming a Heavenly God was just too difficult.    


He had worked hard for hundreds of millions of years, but he still hadn't made any progress. In fact, he was well aware that even if he spent his entire life, he still wouldn't be able to become an Expert.    


Yao Xuelian's talent was still much worse than Manor Lord Yao's, and the chances of her becoming an Expert was extremely small.    


Another six hundred years passed. On the way to the heavens, Qin Xiao did not stop cultivating the Dao Art, startling Light. With a strong foundation, it was naturally much easier for him to cultivate this Dao Art.    


Actually, five hundred years ago, Qin Xiao had already entered the sect and cultivated for another five hundred years. Now that Qin Xiao had cultivated this art to seventy percent of Yan Hou, it could be considered that he had basically mastered this art.    


This was a Dao Art used in battle. Its explosive power was extremely terrifying.    


However, the consumption was also quite shocking. Under a full-powered attack, Qin Xiao could only attack ten times.    


In terms of power, this attack was even more powerful than the Mountain River Sword Manual that Qin Xiao used with the Dao of All Creation.    


The one thousand and one hundred years of cultivation had allowed Qin Xiao to master an ultimate skill.    


Retracting his sword, the corner of Qin Xiao's mouth curled into a smile. His gaze shifted to the front of the path, and his battle intent soared. "I have been in the path for more than 3,000 years. I've gained a lot. The Heavenspan Road, worthy of being a universe treasure. It's worthy of being the training holy land that Manor Lord Yao has managed for so many years. "    


"My current strength has increased more than ten times compared to when I first came here. Whether it is in the Dao or the cultivation technique, I have made great progress. "    


" As long as I go out, I should be able to easily break through to the level of a 4th Step God "    


Qin Xiao continued to advance. With his current strength, there was no real threat in front of him.    


After reaching the end of the path, he finally encountered another obstacle. This was the final test.    


A divine god puppet stood in front of Qin Xiao. It was a true divine god, a divine god that couldn't be suppressed at all.    


The divine god puppet said, "As long as you can defeat me, you will be able to pass the level."    


The strength of this puppet wasn't very strong, it was only at the level of a First Step Divine God.    


Logically speaking, with Qin Xiao's strength, he should be able to instantly kill this First Step Divine Puppet.    


If it was in the outside world, he would be able to do it. However, this was the Tongtian Road. Qin Xiao didn't have a trace of Divine Power left in him. His body's strength had been greatly restrained.    


Therefore, given Qin Xiao's current strength, it wouldn't be easy for him to deal with a Great Perfection Stage Mortal Spirit, let alone a divine puppet.    


Furthermore, Qin Xiao could sense that this divine spirit puppet wasn't simple. He was afraid that even an ordinary Second Step Divine Spirit wouldn't be able to defeat it easily.    


It wasn't an easy task to defeat this divine puppet.    


Qin Xiao's sword moved and lunged forward. His speed was greatly restricted, which was why he was so slow in the eyes of the puppet.    


The puppet swung its sword at Qin Xiao. The power of the Divine Artifact rushed over, causing Qin Xiao to feel uncomfortable all over.    


Powerful divine power gushed out from the sword. The divine power descended and smashed heavily onto Qin Xiao's sword. A terrifying force was unleashed in a mighty manner. It was as if a mountain was crashing down.    


This powerful force couldn't be stopped at all. It sent Qin Xiao flying away. Fortunately, Qin Xiao's defense wasn't restricted. Therefore, this strike didn't hurt him.    


Although it couldn't hurt him, it could still force him to retreat, making it impossible for him to walk past this puppet.    


Qin Xiao couldn't help but frown. "His Divine Power is being suppressed, and the strength of his body is being suppressed. Sure enough, he was feeling very uncomfortable. I'm afraid that the strength I can use right now is at the level of an Emperor Level in the Heavenly Dragon Continent. Facing a puppet that had gone through all kinds of disasters with such strength... The difference between heaven and earth is just too great."    


"Although my Dao is much higher than this puppet's, it's still difficult for me to unleash my true Dao Power without divine energy. It's very difficult to deal with this puppet even with the strength of a single Dao. "    


"Such a test is really not an ordinary one."    


"However, I've walked all the way here, so I didn't pay any attention to being stuck at the final checkpoint. Then let's give it a try and see just how much of a disaster this puppet has experienced."    


Qin Xiao was afraid that he would be at a disadvantage if he went all out.    


Since strength wasn't easy to fight with, he might as well fight with his Dao Power. In terms of the Dao discussion... Qin Xiao naturally had a huge advantage.    


Qin Xiao's sword slashed out once more. The Sword Dao was ever-changing. Qin Xiao followed the changes of the Sword Dao and didn't want to face the puppet head on.    


However, this puppet was a divine being that couldn't be suppressed. In terms of strength and speed... Qin Xiao's control was far from being comparable to this puppet. Therefore, no matter how Qin Xiao changed his sword technique, it was still useless in front of this puppet.    


In addition, the defensive ability of this puppet was already very strong. Therefore, even if Qin Xiao's sword struck this puppet, it wouldn't be able to hurt it.    


It was purely relying on the Sword Dao. * Hong Long...... *    



After more than a hundred rounds of attacks, Qin Xiao had no choice but to retreat temporarily and give up on this path.    


"If the Sword Dao can't do it, then let's take a look at the Grand Profound Sword Chart." Qin Xiao's sword moved and the Dao Power was fully unleashed. The Grand Profound Sword Chart was unleashed to its limit. The perfect Fire Lord attacked with all his strength.    


The power of the Grand Profound Sword Chart was not bad, but it could only force the puppet to take a few steps back. However, it was still unable to defeat the puppet.    


After dozens of rounds, Qin Xiao had no choice but to give up.    


"The Sword Dao and Grand Profound Sword Dao are useless. Fortunately, my body's defense is superior to this puppet's. Even if it really doesn't work, I can still use my body's advantage to rush over. However, this attack seemed a little too weak. If I can defeat the puppet with my strength, then the club will be the best choice."    


Qin Xiao thought in his heart. Although he was continuously defeated, it didn't make him angry.    


In the face of such a situation, it depended on one's combat experience.    


Sometimes, experience was more important than strength in a battle.    


When it was not possible to fight head on, one had to think of other ways.    


The road was dead, and the man was alive.    


After testing the waters, Qin Xiao didn't drag the battle any longer. He attacked with all his strength.    


The Space-time Dao immediately restrained the puppet, and it was bound by the Space-time Dao. The puppet didn't seem to care about it at all. After all, the power of the Space-time Dao was less than a hundred and one times when it wasn't used with Divine Power.    


Qin Xiao unleashed his Boundless Clone. The Dao of All Creations, Mountain River Sword Manual, Grand Profound Sword Diagram, five Elemental Seal and Brilliant Palm were unleashed at the same time, unleashing their strongest attacks in a domineering manner.    


Terrifying destructive forces struck the puppet's body. The puppet was forced to retreat step by step, and was eventually sent flying away.    


Qin Xiao moved his body and passed through the zone, successfully passing the level.    


After walking out of the path, he appeared on a jade square. At this moment, he had actually returned to the place where he had just entered.    


There were already many people gathered here. Many of them had specially come here to wait for Qin Xiao.    


When they saw Qin Xiao come out, numerous gazes were immediately cast over. Some were filled with worship, some were in admiration, and some were filled with respect.    


Two silhouettes descended from the sky, instantly making everyone kneel down and worship him.    


Manor Lord Yao and Red Soul Heavenly God also arrived at the first moment. Red Soul Heavenly God laughed loudly and said with praise." Little friend Qin Xiao, you are truly a man of evil. You have really cleared the level! You are the second person to clear the level after my big brother. Haha, I can't help but admire you. The younger generation will surpass us, and the younger generation will surpass us."    


Manor Lord Yao also smiled and nodded his head to show his approval.    


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