Supreme Martial God



0Around the cauldron, golden runes gradually appeared one after another. These runes combined to form eighteen Buddha statues, each of them glaring at Lin Yue with anger and solemnness, sitting on the cauldron walls and looking down at him from above.    


A pure and clear golden light shot out from their eyes, shone on Lin Yue's body, and enveloped him within.    


Dozens of rays of light intersected with each other, all different colors of chaos, shining on Lin Yue's body, the boundless heat baked him, causing the Genuine Essence blood in his body to continuously surge out.    


At the bottom of the Demon Refining Cauldron, something shaped like a wooden fish gradually appeared. Above the wooden fish, a small red flame appeared.    


Samadhi True Fire!    


Amongst the countless Fire Elementals, this was an extremely rare type of strange fire, the Samadhi True Fire, one of the ten great Heavenly Flames!    


This kind of flame, could not help but be a powerful attack, and to a Pill Master, it was an irresistible enticement!    


The Samadhi True Fire could help the Pill Master greatly increase the success rate in refining pill, and its quality was also much higher!    


He never thought that the Demon Refining Furnace would actually contain such a precious' Heavenly Flame '!    


Under the grilling of the Samadhi True Fire, the blood that had accumulated at the bottom of the cauldron was quickly vaporized, forming a bloody mist that permeated into the surrounding walls of the cauldron.    


When the gigantic cauldron absorbed Lin Yue's blood, the eighteen Buddha bodies on the cauldron became even brighter. On the Buddha's face, a greedy grin started to appear.    


Upon tasting the pure blood, the lines on their faces became increasingly round. The ancient aura became more lively, as if they had become living creatures!    




Lin Yue let out a painful howl. Because his body was being roasted by the Samsara True Flame, his skin and flesh had begun to shrink.    


"There's actually such a magical equipment in the Netherworld Sect!" Lin Yue's heart was in pain, but he suddenly seemed to understand something.    


These three stages were actually a scam!    


If a disciple were to enter and die inside, then the Genuine Essence would be absorbed and refined by the Demon Refining Cauldron.    


The stronger the disciples that came in, the greater the power that the cauldron had gained!    


What was even more frightening was that the first two stages were only tests, and the third stage was the most vicious and unassailable existence.    


After being heavily suppressed by the first two stages, the disciples who had come to the third stage simply did not have the ability to resist!    


At this point, there was only death!    


Such ruthlessness!    


Lin Yue understood this point, and suddenly felt that inside the Netherworld Sect, it was far more dangerous than he had imagined.    


To be able to set up this enormous cauldron as the third hurdle to prove one's identity, one must be an extremely powerful individual within the Netherworld Sect!    


Lin Yue shook his head and stopped thinking about it.    


At this moment, he didn't have the leeway to deal with the owner of the demonic cauldron. What he needed to do now was to think of a way to escape!    


Lin Yue suddenly raised his head and looked at the white smoke billowing at the mouth of the cauldron. The smoke was flowing and boiling like the firmament, giving people a feeling of vastness.    


"Charge out!"    


Lin Yue fiercely gritted his teeth as he gathered all the energy in his body. He suddenly supported himself with both of his hands on the bottom of the cauldron, and flew towards the mouth of the cauldron.    




The support was extremely powerful, and according to Lin Yue's estimation, he should be able to fly at least eighty to ninety five meters in the air.    


But just when Lin Yue was about to leave the bottom of the cauldron, a force that felt like the arm of a god suddenly came out from the bottom of the cauldron, and forcefully pulled Lin Yue down!    




The giant cauldron trembled a little before calming down again.    


And with this push from Lin Yue, he had already expended all of his accumulated energy. His entire body lay at the bottom of the cauldron in a sorry state, as his entire body was deeply sucked in.    


"Damn it!"    


Lin Yue cursed and finally knew that this Demon Refining Cauldron actually had such a restriction.    


"He was not beaten to death, but was instead refined by a strange furnace as if he was a monster. How f * cking speechless!"    


Lin Yue laughed bitterly and struggled with all his might. At the bottom of the cauldron, the boundless suction power had firmly sucked him in and he could not move an inch.    


"She's even tighter than Ling'er," he muttered to herself. In his mind, she thought about the scene of Chu Ling'er following behind him when she was young. She was like a little fairy, a lively smile forever hanging on her sweet little face.    


"Unfortunately, Lin Yue won't be able to accompany you forever."    


Strong and hot flames continuously burned Lin Yue's body, and streams of green smoke emerged. The speed of his skin cracking was also increasing, and before long, Lin Yue would be refined into dregs.    


After being suppressed by the Martial Soul in the second stage of the seal, the Martial Soul had also fallen into deep sleep. The Genuine Essence was exhausted, its body was severely injured, and it was trapped by a powerful existence like the Demon Refining Cauldron. Lin Yue had completely lost all resistance.    


He powerlessly fell at the bottom of the cauldron and slowly closed his eyes, imagining the immense suction force at the bottom of the cauldron, turning into Ling'er's embrace.    


"If I can die in Ling'er's arms while having Ling'er carry me to sleep, this outcome wouldn't be too bad, right …"    


The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a happy smile. He completely relaxed his body as he attentively felt the illusory embrace.    




When Lin Yue gave up struggling and completely relaxed himself, he suddenly felt something in his body that made him uncomfortable.    


He opened his eyes and looked around, only to see that there were some black grey colored debris scattered at the bottom of the furnace. That seemed to be the remnants of the pill, and was probably what remained of the spirit medicine that the Demon Refining Furnace refined since it was born.    


"The remnants of the pill …"    


Lin Yue shook his head and closed his eyes again.    



"The remnants of the pill!"    


Suddenly, Lin Yue's eyes opened wide again, his pupils shooting out with incomparable excitement! He turned his head again and looked closely at the dark gray objects.    


"The remnants of the pill! It really is the remnants of the pill! "    


After confirming, Lin Yue's entire spirit was shaken, his expression ecstatic.    


"As long as I have the spirit of the pill, my Martial Soul will be able to recover quickly. Once the Martial Soul revives, this Demon Refining Cauldron might not be able to trap me!"    


Lin Yue suppressed the excitement in his heart and used all his strength to pick up a bit of the pill powder and threw it into his mouth.    


It was unknown how many years this powder had existed for. It was extremely dry and had a faint charred smell. When it entered his mouth, it was like he had swallowed a mouthful of sand.    


Lin Yue endured the discomfort in his stomach and chewed on it big mouthfuls. With a crunching sound, he swallowed all of the impurities and herbs that were mixed together.    


The grilling continued, but the Samadhi True Fire did not change. That red flame was like a sinister little snake, constantly devouring Nie Lin Yue's body.    


"Martial Soul, wake up, it's all up to you!"    


Lin Yue's consciousness was about to disappear within this inferno like furnace, his body was sometimes light as a feather, and sometimes heavy as a mountain, this kind of feeling, was already a sign of his soul separating from his body.    


In the midst of the confusion, Lin Yue felt as if he could see the golden Buddha statues around the Demon Refining Furnace, they all left the walls of the cauldron, and flew over with a sinister and evil smile.    


The Samadhi True Fire was even more exuberant, the flames were like a gurgle, trying to squeeze out all the bodies within the cauldron and using them as a tribute to the Buddha!    




Just as Lin Yue's soul was about to be extinguished and his consciousness was about to disappear, the spirit medicine inside his dantian that Lin Yue had swallowed suddenly erupted!    


A stream of heat produced by the spirit medicine turned the tables and rushed into the Divine Mansion!    


The Martial Soul was like a dried up piece of land, being watered by the spring rain of spirit beast energy, it immediately opened its mouth with all its might and fiercely sucked!    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


The Martial Soul gently jumped, and after a little bit of energy was released, it quickly spread around Lin Yue's body.    


Lin Yue suddenly opened his eyes. His originally weak mental state had increased a lot, and his consciousness that was disappearing had also completely awakened.    


"Success!" "The Martial Soul is recovering!" Lin Yue was overjoyed. As long as the Martial Soul recovers, there is hope to break out of this predicament!    


"The remnants of the pill! "It was all due to the remnants of the pill!" Lin Yue looked at the burnt remnants of the Spirit Pill beneath him. Although these things were extremely unpleasant to eat, in his eyes, these things were more delicious than anything else!    


He suddenly held his breath, opened his hands, stuffed the pieces of pill into his mouth, and started to swallow without a care in the world.    


Streams of medicinal power melted in his body, and at first the medicinal power was like a trickle, then it turned into a clear stream, and finally, it became a torrential flood that surged violently as it rapidly flowed along his muscles and veins towards his Divine Mansion Dantian!    


Receiving the nourishment from the medicinal power, the Martial Soul seemed to have recovered its vitality in the blink of an eye. That strong throbbing sound echoed loudly as the majestic soul power activated the power of the blood vessels, allowing Lin Yue's heavy injuries to slowly recover.    


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