Supreme Martial God



0Deep in the darkness, waves after waves of smelly, dark wind continuously blew past, causing Lin Yue's clothes to flutter incessantly.    


"Where are they? "Don't tell me he was killed by me?"    


In this chaotic world, everything was black and void, and there was nothing that could be used as a reference. Lin Yue also did not know which direction he was walking in, and only instinctively felt that he was walking forward.    




Suddenly, a clear bone cracking sound could be heard in the chilly wind.    


Lin Yue tensed up and immediately looked up. In the darkness, a skeleton had fallen beside a stone and had been blown away by the cold wind for a long time. Its ribs suddenly broke and its entire skeleton collapsed in an instant.    


That was a Netherworld Sect disciple who had been killed by a strange demon. Lin Yue had seen this kind of person several times before.    


Lin Yue heaved a sigh of relief and shook his head. Just as he was about to continue walking, three gloomy bloody eyes suddenly peeked out from behind the gigantic boulder.    


"Unique Devil!"    


Lin Yue was immediately on guard, holding onto his spear tightly, just as he was about to step forward and kill.    


"Big brother …"    


Suddenly, a low call, with a quivering voice, sounded like a lonely infant's voice in Lin Yue's ears.    


"Hmm? Big Brother? "Lin Yue was startled, and his movements stiffened.    


The strange demon slowly moved out from behind the rock.    


Her hair was short and fluffy, and her face was covered with dust and dirt. Her body was small and thin, and she was wrapped in a large gray linen robe. Her movements were extremely clumsy as she moved out of the way.    


"Big brother …"    


The girl stared at Lin Yue's body. Seeing that Lin Yue was not a Green-armoured Unique Devil, the blood red light in his eyes quickly retreated and started to shine with a strong sense of attachment. She opened his arms and walked unsteadily towards Lin Yue.    


This was actually a little girl from Devil Clan!    


If not for the bloody light that shot out from her eyes, Lin Yue would have been able to discern her identity in the Devil Clan.    




Lin Yue frowned as he walked closer step by step, his small hands grabbing onto the hem of his clothes. His small face was brimming with innocent joy, as if the brother she was referring to was her everything.    


"Wuu …" "Crack crack."    


Lin Yue was hesitating on what to do with this little girl, when suddenly, a mournful roar came from the darkness in front of him.    


A burst of ferocious black Devil Qi rumbled from the depths of his knowledge. The originally pitch-black world instantly became even more sinister.    


From within the Devil Qi, one figure after another jumped out and quickly surrounded Lin Yue, preventing him from retreating.    


In the blink of an eye, Lin Yue was surrounded by hundreds of strange demons!    


"Chatterbox …" A strange laughter came from the black fog. Then, a devilish looking man in black armor stepped out of the black fog.    


The instant the humanoid Unique Devil stepped out of the black mist, Lin Yue's heartbeat suddenly sank. His entire body couldn't help but tremble, his chest felt tight, and he felt like he was about to vomit blood.    


"What a powerful devil might!"    


The moment the other party appeared, Lin Yue felt a huge pressure. With this kind of fighting strength, he was definitely not a match for them!    


"Princess Jin Chan, your brother was heavily injured by me and escaped. No one can protect you anymore.    


"Big brother is the strongest!"    


When the little girl saw the human form of the strange demon, her pure eyes immediately filled with dense blood light once again, as she grabbed onto Lin Yue's clothes, and said angrily. In Jin Chan's eyes, his brother was unrivalled under the heavens, and would definitely not be defeated by others.    


"Hehe, little Jin Chan, that's not your big brother, that's just a human reptile. I only need one finger to kill him, he won't be able to protect you!"    


The humanoid monster's sneering expression suddenly disappeared, a red light shot out from its eyes, the Devil Qi around its body fiercely flipped.    




He let out a shrill whistle, and the whole space trembled.    


The strange demon that was surrounding Lin Yue, upon hearing the order, immediately rushed towards the center.    


Jin Chan's small body moved, and quickly climbed onto Lin Yue's back. Her two small hands tightly wrapped around Lin Yue's neck, and encouraged him. "Big brother, do your best!"    


Lin Yue frowned, but before he could think about it, the strange demon had already pounced over.    


~ Who knows if this time, there are Devil Clan Warriors supervising the battle, but this group of strange demons are much stronger than the ones Lin Yue encountered before. The tyrannical stench is like water in the sky, the strong wind whistled, the strange demons crazily attacked, each attack had more than ten thousand pounds of strength!    




Lin Yue waved his spear, the thick spear swept out like a dragon's tail, attacking a group of people.    


After a few hits, a "Kacha" sound was heard and the sturdy spear was broken into pieces.    


Lin Yue suddenly swung his lance and killed a strange demon that had pierced through his chest.    


The muscles on both his arms tensed up as he pulled out two machetes and slashed left and right with them. The momentum was so powerful that they were like gods of death.    


Sparks flew in every direction as the defensive power of these fiends were simply too astonishing. When the great blades hacked down on their armor, a metallic clang could be heard.    


After killing dozens of strange demons, both his blades had been broken as well.    




A tall, sturdy demon that was far stronger than the other beasts sent a petite Unique Devil in front of him flying with a punch. Its eyes shone with a bloody light, revealing its dense fangs, he roared and rushed towards Lin Yue with a punch.    


This thick arm was covered in layers of armor that glowed with a strange green light. The muscles on its body seemed to be filled with explosive, domineering power.    



In the air, there was a sharp whistling sound, and the entire space trembled and distorted. The fist of the strange demon was close to the strength of a peak 9th Martial Disciple!    


"Thunder Fist!"    


Lin Yue's expression was firm, he took a step forward, and the sounds of fist force surged, as though thunder exploded, the fist force roared, and clashed head on with the strange demon!    




A vast battle qi formed a hurricane. Within ten zhang, the ground was deeply caved in. The devil and human were all blown away by the impact.    


As soon as Lin Yue landed, his legs suddenly expanded and became extremely sturdy. As he walked forward, his body instantly twisted and like a bolt of lightning, he disappeared from his original position.    




The man in human form, who was standing aside, saw this, and was startled. He swept his blood-red eyes across the room, and waved his hand. A red blade qi shot out from his palm, slashing in a certain direction.    




Dozens of meters away, the originally empty space suddenly fluctuated violently for a moment, and then, the disappearing Lin Yue astonishingly appeared from midair. A foot-long groove of blood was cut open on his back by the blade energy, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and staggered before landing.    


But before he could rejoice, Lin Yue gritted his teeth and disappeared from the spot once again. As his figure disappeared, he escaped the encirclement of the strange devils, and in the blink of an eye, he was already a kilometer away.    




The humanoid Unique Devil's face revealed intense astonishment. Even a Martial Master would die from the saber energy he emitted. However, this young man was still able to withstand it!    


"Could he be an Ancient Refinement Realm cultivator? Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to block my saber energy! "Hmph, it must be like this, an ancient Body Refinement Cultivator, a trash with no future!"    


The humanoid Unique Devil put away his shock and revealed a cold smile. Although the physique of an ancient Body Cultivator was strong, without a Genuine Essence, the recovery of his body would be much slower after being injured.    


Lin Yue suffered from heavy injuries after being cut by his blade aura, so he reckoned that he would not be able to recover well within a month.    


"Chase them all!"    


"We cannot let Princess Jin Chan fall into the hands of others. This great merit belongs to us! As long as I get Princess Jin Chan, I can be promoted by the new emperor, and at that time I will also give you a share of the rewards! "    


"Yes!" "Elder Luo Xing!"    


Following Luo Xing's orders, a large amount of Demonic Warriors rushed into the darkness and started to search for Lin Yue who had disappeared.    


Within the Rare Devil Cave, there was chaos and darkness everywhere. It was vast and boundless, to the point where the north, south, and west could not be distinguished at all.    


Lin Yue used his Ghost Step and took five steps in a row, rushing out of the encirclement of the strange demons.    


Using his instincts, he dashed forward. Suddenly, he heard the long howls of strange demons coming from all directions.    


The entire Rare Devil Cave began to emit the sounds of fiendish demons, mournful roars, ferocious roars, and the stench of rotting flesh filled the entire Primal Chaos Zone.    


All sorts of strange demons were converging in Lin Yue's direction. As the devil dragon danced, the vast Four Seas and Devil Clan surged violently towards him!    


This cave that was originally used for training disciples, had already become a land of death!    


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