Supreme Martial God



0Lin Yue shook his head excitedly: "Chan, this isn't a snake, it's a young dragon! Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragon race was as strong as your Devil Clan! This thing could be used as a spirit pet! The most powerful spirit pet in the world! "    


Hearing that she could not eat, Jin Chan was disappointed, but seeing her brother's excited look, she could only give up.    


Lin Yue carefully reached out with his hand, gently placed the little dragon on his palm and caressed its back.    


The little dragon first scrambled around in an attempt to break free, but when it felt the warmth of the hand, it didn't have any malicious intent. Only then did it slowly become quiet.    


Lin Yue caressed the scales on its body that had yet to grow any longer, causing the young dragon to wave its little tail in a comfortable manner. It rested its head on Lin Yue's palm in satisfaction, and sank into deep sleep.    




Lin Yue let out a light breath, thought for a while, then went to the bamboo forest at the side and made a small basket with bamboo leaves. Inside the basket, he placed the young dragon inside and stored it in the Universe Ring s.    


"Haha!" Chan, with this dragon, big brother will have another strong helper in the future! "We'll be safer!"    


Jin Chan nodded foolishly, but she thought to herself: "It's such a pity that I can't eat it."    


Lin Yue carefully probed around the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda for a few weeks, looking towards the place where the young dragon had crawled out from. The inside of the tower was completely dark, he could not even see anything from his Eye of Asura, and that was where he had the thought of capturing his second pet.    


Leaving the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, Lin Yue returned to the small courtyard that the Master lived in. After sitting for a while, Gao Xuan came over.    


"Master, tomorrow, we will be setting out, to go to Eastern Tang, do you plan to bring a few clan elders with you?"    


Lin Yue shook his head and said, "Right now, the Netherworld has suffered this heavy injury. They have lost a lot of elders and disciples, and the reconstruction is very heavy. The elders all have their own things to do, so there is no need to trouble them."    


Gao Xuan nodded and asked Lin Yue if he needed any other resources.    


Lin Yue thought for a while, then said a few things, which were the spiritual herbs and the bags of Elemental Qi Stone. As a Master, he could concoct some things, but Lin Yue did not ask too much, since he had just become a Master, he did not need to hold back a little.    


When Gao Xuan heard about the few spiritual medicines that he had mentioned, he could not help but be curious, but he did not ask about them in detail.    


Very quickly, as the sky grew dark, elders began arriving one after another to report on their matters. Lin Yue listened to them in detail, and made a general decision in his heart.    


After everyone left, he went to Lee Fengxue's residence and discussed with him for a while. The two of them discussed a few plans and chose a few capable elders as the main force. Then, Lin Yue entrusted the construction of the sect to Lee Fengxue, allowing him and the few capable elders to handle it.    


The night passed without incident, and when Lin Yue woke up from his cultivation, the sky had just begun to brighten.    


After he finished packing up, Gao Xuan also came over. He brought the thing he needed and put it away in the Universe Ring.    


As the two of them were preparing to set off, Lee Fengxue brought six of the more capable elders over to see them off. Lin Yue then chatted with them for a while and encouraged the six elders a little, instructing them to capture and rebuild the mission.    


Lee Fengxue walked forward a step, took off the Purple Cloud Sword, and was about to hand it to Lin Yue, but Lin Yue shook his head, raised the Ink Sword in his hand and lightly said, "I'm already used to the sword Master left to me.    


As for the Netherworld Sword Book, with Lin Yue's current cultivation, he was still far from being qualified to cultivate it, so he let Lee Fengxue keep it in his custody for the time being.    


After finishing his important tasks, Lin Yue turned around and faced the Netherworld Sect Sect Ancestral Hall, bowed deeply, used his hands to support his chest, and bowed silently.    


"Master, disciple will come back to see you again."    


He muttered softly, while Lee Fengxue and the other elders followed his movements, silently bowing to the ancestors.    


Lin Yue told Lee Fengxue and the six elders to busy themselves with their own work. There was no need to send them off, they just followed Gao Xuan, shuttled through the busied Netherworld Sect, and exited the sect.    


Outside the sect, Zheng Wan and Liu Meng were carrying a big bag of food and were talking about something excitedly. Seeing that Lin Yue had come out, Zheng Wan immediately cheered and happily rushed over.    


"Lin Yue, you're finally out!"    


"Boss Lin, please advise Pill Master Zheng. He must carry so many things on his back. We can just buy whatever we need to take. It's not convenient to carry them like this."    


"Shut up! What do you know? "These are all memorable things that make you feel good just by looking at them. You ate so much, so that you won't die of exhaustion even if you carry them on your back!"    


Lin Yue smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked around and asked: "Where is Gao Huai?"    


Zheng Wan once again returned to her sweet smile and said: "He went to notify Xiao Feng to come here. She also went to find a carriage to come here from here to Eastern Tang.    


Lin Yue nodded, and introduced Gao Xuan who was beside him.    


Upon hearing that Gao Xuan was the direct disciple of the Guardian Elder, Liu Meng's eyes instantly opened wide.    


Lin Yue stopped him and reprimanded him coldly: "Even I am not a match for Senior Brother Gao Xuan, just don't disgrace yourself!"    


Liu Meng lowered his head, he did not dare disobey Lin Yue and retreated while shaking his head.    


The few of them descended the mountain and reached the foot of the mountain. A handsome carriage stopped there, and behind the carriage were several fine horses.    




Seeing the person who had descended the mountain, Gao Huai, Xiao Yu, who was standing by the side of the road, immediately stepped forward.    


Lin Yue waved his hand, smiled as he looked at Gao Huai and the others, and said in a low voice: "In the future, you all can still call me Boss Lin. I hope that in your hearts, I am your brothers, and this point will never change."    


Xiao Feng was emotionally moved, and felt very warm in his heart. The feeling Lin Yue gave them was like the feeling of a blood related family member.    


Back then, they had chosen Lin Yue as their boss to a large extent because they couldn't live without a group in the Netherworld Sect.    


But after coming into contact with it, although Lin Yue did not have any cultivation guidance for them, in terms of direction, it had deeply affected their future.    


Even if they did not pass the entrance examination and were chased down the mountain, in the half year that they had left the Netherworld Sect, other than one person, the four of them had stayed put, following Lin Yue's teachings from the beginning. They had worked hard, persevered, fought hard, and used their courage and perseverance to make up for their lack of talent.    


For the past half year, they had risked their lives constantly, pursuing the path of strength and finding spiritual herbs. Even with their talents, they had all broken through to the Martial Master realm!    


Furthermore, due to the harsh environment, their battle with the Demonic Beast, bandits, and small sect's evil forces had caused them to lose their combat power, and was even more so not something ordinary cultivators could compare to.    


Looking at the sky, it was not early anymore, Lin Yue let everyone get on the carriage, then headed towards Eastern Tang.    


In the sky, from the top of the mountain range, a golden morning sun was shining down, covering the land in the early winter.    


Maple red grass and mottled bamboo leaves swayed in the wind. The vast expanse of earth, mountains, rivers, and the firmament extended all the way out. The entire world was filled with fresh vitality.    


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