My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1290 Immortality

C1290 Immortality

0Although the name of the Pear Garden Tea House in the southern suburbs of Yanjing sounded quite rustic, it was a place that only high-class people would enter.    


What was different from other high-end clubs was that the Pear Garden Teahouse was simple and fresh. It allowed most politicians and elegant people to come here.    


Ning Guangyao didn't really like this place that was far away from the city center, but he liked the food here.    


As the Prime Minister of the country, Ning Guangyao's food needs to be tried by the guards before it can be used. This has caused many dishes to become cold when placed in front of him.    


The dishes of the Pear Garden teahouse were mostly fresh and delicious cold dishes. This allowed him to not feel uncomfortable just because of the food.    


Sitting in his position, he was far more free than others thought. As a result, he paid special attention to and cherished the few things that he enjoyed.    


However, Ning Guangyao had never felt that his path was wrong. He would only feel that it was a pity if he didn't have someone who held the upper hand.    


For someone at his position, the lives of billions of people would be within his grasp. With billions of humans knowing of his existence, this sense of accomplishment was irresistible to him!    


"Prime Minister, please enjoy your meal." The two waitresses brought the dishes to the table and left with a smile.    


Ning Guangyao sat alone on the rattan table in front of him. There were more than a dozen plates of all kinds of delicacies.    


If this news were to be spread out, the masses would definitely curse out at their leader for his extravagance.    


But what kind of media would dare to write a real report?    


Tough and simple? That's only necessary when acting.    


However, eating alone was somewhat lonely after all.    


Originally, he might have been able to take his wife and eat together with him, or perhaps he might have an only child, and no one would dare to talk too much.    


But now, that woman had already been buried by his own hands, and his only son, who had returned in such a strange way, had aroused his suspicions and made him very dissatisfied.    


All these thoughts flashed through his mind. Ning Guangyao knew that he was not even 50 years old yet. A woman? Descendant? This was none of his business.    


He still had a longer political road ahead of him, and more supreme authority. He had to slowly enjoy it!    


Slowly picking up the chopsticks, Ning Guangyao started to eat slowly.    


And next door, in a private room in the Pear Garden Tea House, Ning Xin and Ning De, the two Ning Family Elders, had no interest in eating.    


Ning Guangyao arranged some incense for them and then ignored them.    


Even though Ning Guangyao had known about the existence of the Ning Family cultivators a long time ago and what kind of deity his clan was, he had never been in the mood to cultivate and pursue that long life.    


If it wasn't for Yang Chen's appearance and a series of incidents involving cultivators, he probably wouldn't have had anything to do with his family.    


Firstly, Ning Guangyao knew that as a disciple of a common family, it was very difficult for him to have the chance to train in the sect. Secondly, Ning Guangyao didn't think that everyone had the talent to achieve results from their training.    


Even if one succeeded in stepping into the God Transformation Stage, with just his abilities alone, most of his life, he could only live in illusions.    


In any case, it was hard for those old guys to escape death at the end. Ning Guangyao felt that his life was more meaningful and exciting than theirs.    


He was halfway through his drink when a knock came from the door.    


Ning Guangyao frowned. He didn't like people disturbing him at this time.    




The people outside did not respond. Instead, they opened the door.    


Ning Guangyao immediately realized that the situation wasn't good because his guards didn't intervene?    


When Ning Guodong, in a well-ironed suit, elegantly entered the door, leading an unfamiliar woman with a gorgeous face by his side, Ning Guangyao's heart unknowingly trembled.    


"Guodong?" Ning Guangyao looked at the woman who had a weird smile on her face. He did not know why, but for the first time, he felt that she was familiar, "Who is she? "What about the guards outside?"    


"Don't worry, they are doing well. One strike was fatal and they died peacefully," the beautiful lady said as she stepped forward.    


"Who the hell are you!?" Ning Guangyao subconsciously tensed up.    


Luo Cuishan wore a red dress with a light brown windbreaker wrapped around her. She looked extremely alluring.    


"Hehe, dear husband, a couple for dozens of years, how come you can't even recognize your wife?"    


Ning Guangyao suddenly stood up and stared with his eyes wide open, "It's you!?"    


Luo Cuishan laughed arrogantly instead. "Hahahaha, you recognized it this time? Ning Guangyao, have you been looking for me for a long time? I didn't expect to see you today, did I? "    


Ning Guodong snorted, "Mom, there's no need to waste time with him. He's already pissing himself."    


"Bastard, you actually teamed up with this damned woman to deal with me!?" Ning Guangyao finally understood the situation. Ning Guodong had indeed come back prepared and was secretly colluding with Luo Cuishan to deal with him!    


It was a pity that he wasn't able to control this strange brat with just a thought.    


More importantly, he believed that as long as Ning Xin and Ning De were here, he wouldn't have to worry even if he knew that Luo Cuishan was still alive and might be up to no good.    


But now …    


"What did you do to the two elders? Impossible, you are not their match! " Ning Guangyao asked after taking two steps back.    


"Even if we are not a match for him, it doesn't mean that others are no match for us. Ning Guangyao, you are confident in everything. You are too conceited, so there will always be something that you missed out on." Luo Cuishan slowly walked forward.    


Ning Guangyao swallowed his saliva as his body trembled non-stop. He saw the hysterical anger of revenge in Luo Cuishan's eyes.    


Just when Ning Guangyao was hoping Ning De and Ning Xin would come to his rescue, two miserable screams suddenly came from outside the house!    


Ning Xin and Ning De's figures were bounced back by some force and fell heavily onto the stone floor!    


Yang Lieh slowly walked out of the room with light footsteps. In his hand, he was holding a shiny silver-gray sphere.    


The deterrence of the anti-matter energy made Ning Xin and Ning De extremely afraid. The two of them were at the intermediate stage of Soul Formation, but at this moment, they seemed to be helpless.    



All the other guards and service personnel in the Pear Garden tea house seemed to have been quietly slaughtered. There were no signs of any disturbance at all.    


"Yang Lieh!?" Ning Guangyao was stunned. He couldn't understand how it could be him.    


Yang Lieh turned his head and looked at Ning Guangyao, revealing an evil smile, "Prime Minister Ning, you got the wrong person."    


Ning Guangyao's pupils contracted. When he heard the tone, he suddenly realized, "You're not Yang Lieh, you're... "Wen Tao!?"    


Ning Guangyao cried out involuntarily, "No wonder that reckless Yang Lieh can cause so much trouble. So you are that cripple, that damnable servant. I spared your life before, but today, you used this mother and son pair to harm me instead!"    


Wen Tao shrugged his shoulders, "Prime Minister, you should be grateful to me. You didn't turn into you immediately, but into Yang Lieh. I have been very kind to you. As for mother and son, retribution is what you deserve."    




At this time, Ning Xin and Ning De, who had climbed up from the ground, suddenly mustered their genuine essence's strength. The two of them summoned their respective lower graded Magic Treasures, a Eight Trigrams Copper Mirror and a purplish green flying sword.    


"Oh, you still want to resist?" Wen Tao grinned.    


Ning Xin activated his genuine essence, and a golden pillar of light condensed in the center of the Eight Trigrams bronze mirror. The beam of light gradually became thinner, and vaguely turned into a white-gold beam of light with a high temperature!    


"Blazing Golden Light!"    


Ning Xin roared and the beam of light instantly became a beam of light, piercing through Wen Tao's chest!    


Ning De was not to be outdone. He furiously urged the azure and violet flying sword to slash at Wen Tao's neck, creating a purple shadow!    


Seeing Wen Tao get hurt by the magical equipment, both of them were immediately overjoyed. They felt that they were only blown away by his strange power because they weren't prepared for it.    


Now that he had revealed his treasure, how could he be a match for him?    


But in the next second, the two of them were dumbfounded!    


Wen Tao had a playful smile on his face. The wound on his chest, which had been penetrated by the burning fire, was quickly healed. Other than his damaged clothes, there was no other injury!    


As for the severed neck, after swallowing the azure and violet flying sword, it was pulled out and the wound was restored to its original state!    


"How... How could this be … Impossible! Could it be that he is immortal?! " Ning Xin was shocked.    


Wen Tao looked at the purplish-blue flying sword in his hand with disdain. After clicking his tongue and lamenting twice, a dark silver anti-matter energy surged out from his hand and wrapped around the flying sword!    


Ning De tried his best to control the genuine essence, but he couldn't get the flying sword to return back into his hands!    


Although it was just an ordinary low grade flying sword made from profound iron mixed with Purple Cloud Ink, it was still a magic treasure that could be relied on by someone like him, who was only at the middle stage of the Spirit Transformation realm.    


Seeing the flying sword being taken away by someone else, how could he not be anxious!?    


Seeing Ning De's anxious and pained look, Wen Tao laughed out loud, "It seems like your cultivator's genuine essence power is not that effective? This broken sword of yours, even though it's not tasty, just treat it as an appetizer. I'll eat it first. "    


As he spoke, he disdained the idea for a moment. That flying sword had actually been devoured by the anti-matter energy, turning it into a thread of light that disappeared!    


Ning De and Ning Xin's jaws were about to drop down. This forging treasure needed at least the Nanming Flame, what exactly is that silver-gray energy!? It could actually easily disintegrate a devouring treasure!?    


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