My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1270 My Mom

C1270 My Mom

0Deep into the night, in the rear courtyard of Yang Family, it was cold and quiet.    


Yang Lieh, who was wearing a military uniform, walked lightly. While humming an ambiguous tune, he walked towards his own house.    


The Yang Family guards and servants who were night watchers at different positions saw that Second Young Master was in this state and it was not even one or two days, so they did not display any surprise.    


Yang Lieh walked to the door and a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes. The lights in the room were turned on, it was obvious that someone was waiting for him inside.    


Yang Lieh pushed the door open. The one sitting inside was Guo Xuehua.    


It was almost two in the morning, and Guo Xuehua seemed ready to go to bed, a thick coat wrapped around her nightgown.    


Seeing Yang Lieh walk in, Guo Xuehua revealed a gentle smile, got up and said, "You're back, mother is thinking that you should come back at this time. Tsk tsk, the smell of alcohol on your body, even if you're a martial artist, you shouldn't drink like this.    


Guo Xuehua continued talking as she turned around and took out a porcelain cup from the thermal insulation box on the table.    


She lifted the lid, and a fragrant scent immediately wafted out.    


"Lieh'er, don't just stand there. Come and drink some chicken soup. Don't you like the soup Mom makes for you the most? Mom put in more ginger slices so you can wake up and feel better."    


Seeing that Guo Xuehua seemed to be talking to herself as she finished cooking the soup, Yang Lieh still stood on the spot and frowned slightly.    


"Mom, what's the matter?" Yang Lieh asked.    


Guo Xuehua was taken aback. "What do you mean 'what's the matter?' I'm waiting for you to drink the soup, foolish child."    


Yang Lieh was still in disbelief, "Just waiting for me to drink the soup?"    


Guo Xuehua shook her head helplessly. "You were annoyed by your father, weren't you? Sigh, Mom isn't like him. She would teach him a lesson all day long. Actually, your dad did it for your own good, so don't mind it too much. "Mom hasn't made soup for you in a while, I just want to wait for you to drink a bowl before sleeping."    


Guo Xuehua pulled Yang Lieh to a seat and sat him down. "Don't think too much. It's almost 2 o'clock. Go take a hot bath after you finish drinking."    


Yang Lieh quietly looked at the bright color chicken soup in his bowl. It was mixed with the fragrance of all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. The hot, wet water vapor was floating on his face and it was extremely warm.    


When he looked up, Guo Xuehua was waiting for him to drink the soup expectantly, but Yang Lieh noticed that his hands were trembling.    


After taking a deep breath, Yang Lieh picked up the spoon and started drinking.    


"How is it? Is the taste alright? Can it be that it has become lighter?" Guo Xuehua asked while smiling from the side.    


Yang Lieh shook his head stiffly, "No, it tastes just right."    


Yang Lieh did not realize that his voice was a bit hoarse.    


"That's good then. Sigh, Mom is really sorry. Last year was too chaotic, too many things happened, your dad and your brother got into a mess with you, and when you came back from Mount Kunlun, Mom wasn't able to accompany you. Lieh'er, don't be mad at Mom!" Guo Xuehua sighed with emotion.    


Yang Lieh continued to drink his soup and nodded slightly.    


Guo Xuehua naturally patted Yang Lieh on the back, "Boy, before marriage, you were always a little rebellious. Mom knows you have a good heart, so you should take it easy in the future. Don't go against your dad and your grandpa. If you had been more obedient and filial, they definitely wouldn't have let you suffer. "    


Yang Lieh felt as if his heart was being squeezed by something. It hurt a lot. His eyes were sore and moist, but he had to endure it.    


The woman beside him would never have imagined that even though she possessed the body of her son, she wasn't his son at all!    


He was the murderer that killed her son! Her blood enemy!    


However, she had poured her love for her son into her own body!    


She was very stupid, very stupid, but it made Yang Lieh unable to laugh at all.    


"What are you daydreaming about? Drink quickly, it's not enough for the kitchen. Your dad and your grandpa are both asleep, so there's no need to worry about suddenly coming to lecture you." Guo Xuehua said with a smile.    


Yang Lieh nodded, and reluctantly twitched his mouth. He asked as if it was an accident, "Mom, are brother and sister-in-law back yet?"    


When Yang Chen was mentioned, Guo Xuehua felt a slight headache as she said, "No, we tried calling him earlier in the afternoon, but we couldn't get through no matter what."    


"Not home yet? What happened? " Yang Lieh's eyes flashed as he asked.    


Guo Xuehua sighed lightly, "Your brother went to participate in the Lee Family's full moon wine fair today. In the end, he killed the kid sent by the Liang family in Guangdong province! Right now, Commander Liang Shengchuan is already extremely furious, saying that we need to hand over our Yang Family and Lee Family to your brother. "    


Yang Lieh was surprised, "How could this happen? The Liang clan is not someone to be trifled with, so what should we do now? "    


"How would I know the specifics? Your dad and your grandpa won't tell me in detail. They'll send people to contact him, but they won't be able to contact him either." But your brother is not an ordinary person, he'll definitely be fine, I'm not too worried.    


"Your brother often does scary things and is too loose. He took your eldest sister-in-law out for a whole day and still hasn't come back. He probably went out for fun and went crazy for a night, so it's really a headache not being able to contact him." Guo Xuehua sighed.    


A trace of a mocking smile flashed across the corner of Yang Lieh's mouth.    


After Guo Xuehua sighed a few times about Yang Chen, she smiled and asked, "Lieh'er, your brother is already married and has a child. Have you taken a fancy to any girl, so Mom will tell you about it?"    


Yang Lieh was stunned and immediately shook his head, "No."    


"Right!" Guo Xuehua slapped her forehead, "Didn't you like that Lin Hui over at Lin Family? She's actually pretty good, Mom is also familiar with her, but that girl seems to have gone back to Mount Emei to cultivate, and I don't know when she'll be back. How about I contact her grandma?"    


"Mom, there's really no need for that, it's already over," Yang Lieh replied.    


Guo Xuehua regretfully nodded her head, "Alright then, Mom doesn't have any intention of forcing you to get married. You can go home to the army as soon as possible, and Mom is very satisfied. Mom knows you must be blaming Mom for not taking care of you when you were with your brother in Zhong Hai.    


However, Lieh'er, your brother suffered too much when he was young. God helped him come back to your mother alive. Seeing him covered in wounds but pretending to be indifferent, how could your mother not accompany him?    


"You are both my blood and flesh. Mom only hopes that you can be good in the future and not side with anyone. If your brother wants to hurt you, I will fight to the death. I will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing."    


Although Guo Xuehua's tone was soft, it was firm and decisive.    


Yang Lieh felt his mind was in a mess. He felt very upset, but he couldn't vent it out. He felt like he was suffocating.    


The woman in front of him had nothing to do with him, but she had made him feel so upset.    


"Mom, I know, rest early." Yang Lieh forced a smile.    


Only then did Guo Xuehua respond with an "Oh", "Yes, Mom is nagging a lot. Lieh'er, take a shower and go to bed. Mom will go back first."    



After lightly patting Yang Lieh's shoulder, Guo Xuehua walked out of the room with a smile and closed the door.    


After hearing Guo Xuehua walk away, Yang Lieh put down the bowl and spoon in his hand and stood up silently.    


Walking to the window, Yang Lieh looked out at the hazy moonlight. His eyes were red, and the veins were popping out of his forehead.    


The fingers of both hands, because of the excessive force, had their nails embedded into the flesh of the hands.    


However, the silver grey energy constantly healed his body, even absorbing all his blood.    


Yang Lieh's eyes were glistening with tears. A bitter and mocking smile appeared on his lips, as if he was mocking himself as he let out a "hmph" laugh.    


"Mom, haha, my mom is long dead …"    


The blood-colored incident that happened on the full moon wine from the Lee Family had even cast a shadow over many of the Wealthy Families in the Yanjing.    


When a few representatives of the Liang Family's sect rushed to the Yanjing that very night, the matter was pushed to the heart of the matter.    


Early in the morning, the front hall of the Yang Family was already filled with representatives from the Liang Family and the other Yanjing families who were friends with the Liang Family.    


Yang Gongming was sitting calmly on the host's seat. He was facing a group of men who were either in uniform or in suits. There was an expression of righteous indignation on their faces and they seemed to be very calm.    


A bearded general took the lead and spoke loudly: "General Elder Yang, this time I am here to seek justice on behalf of our Commander Liang. Commander Liang is busy with military affairs and cannot head north, but he said it himself, and swore to make your Yang Family hand over the murderer, Yang Chen. Otherwise, the four hundred thousand soldiers of the Liang Family will never compromise on this kind of public atrocity!"    


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