My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C794 In Case You Can't Sleep at Night

C794 In Case You Can't Sleep at Night

0It still looked so old-fashioned, so clumsy, and so inconspicuous. However, once one knew of its true value, they could not help but be deeply attracted by its low-key luxury.    


Yang Chen noticed that Lin Ruoxi was looking at her pocket watch in a daze. He smiled and asked, "Now, do you still want to drill a diamond ring?"    


Lin Ruoxi turned around and looked at him accusingly. "Why are you taunting me like that? I'm not studying watches, how could I have known that this old watch would be so valuable?" She continued: "Bai Da Fei Li's handwriting is so small, if I did not look carefully I would not have noticed it at all. If I had known that this watch is a priceless treasure, I would not have casually put it in my bag, and you would not have explained it to me." She continued, "Of course I thought you were just giving me something."    


Yang Chen had a bitter face and said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you I stole it from the Director of the FBI the other day? You didn't even listen to my explanation, and just went into the study and closed the door. You wouldn't believe me no matter what, so what can I do?"    


Lin Ruoxi thought about it and bit her lip. She pouted her lips and said stubbornly, "I don't care, it's your fault anyway. If you were to gift me a gift first, how could I not listen to your explanation? That day, even I was angered to death by you! "    


Yang Chen couldn't do anything about her, so he kept saying "good". Only then, did Lin Ruoxi let out a happy smile.    


Seeing Lin Ruoxi carefully take out two soft tissues and wrap it around her watch as if she wanted to keep it safe, Yang Chen smiled and said: "Don't trouble yourself. This watch is for you. Treat it as a toy and put it in your bag. Just look at the time and date." He continued, "You don't have to store it."    


"How can that be? If I break such an expensive item like this, won't the experts in the collection of watches hate me to death?" Lin Ruoxi frowned.    


Yang Chen shook his head, "Why do you care about that? This is a gift I gave you. Since I gave it to you, you need to use it. The watch is a tool, not an antique. It has life."    


Lin Ruoxi suddenly thought of something. Although she was shy, she asked with great curiosity, "You said last time that you would give me a present. Is this the form?"    


Yang Chen denied it and said, "Don't joke around. If I said the gift was this watch, I wouldn't need to prepare for so long. That gift is still in preparation. I'll definitely let you see it this year. Wife, don't worry. I always keep my word …"    


Lin Ruoxi's heartbeat quickened. What kind of gift would take so long to prepare? Lin Ruoxi hated that the man didn't even let out the slightest bit of information, making her itch in her heart.    


Suddenly, Yang Chen asked, "Aren't you curious why I'm giving you this watch?"    


Lin Ruoxi blankly shook her head. "Is it because it's very expensive?"    


"There are a lot of expensive things, but it's not like we have no money. Why choose an expensive item?" Yang Chen said with a faint smile.    


"Then why …"    


Yang Chen smirked. He stretched out his right hand and slowly placed it on Lin Ruoxi's left hand. He held it gently while Lin Ruoxi held her pocket watch.    


Lin Ruoxi's dainty body slightly shrank, not knowing what the man wanted to do.    


"Although, this watch is not very pretty, even a bit clumsy... However, from the moment it was born, its core had been beating nonstop. Even after almost a hundred years, its appearance was no longer bright or beautiful. However, it was still its original appearance.    


Even if another hundred years passed, regardless of the vicissitudes of life in the world, regardless of the reincarnation of all life and death. This cousin was old, but its most precious core throbbed just like it did now. There wouldn't be the slightest bit of difference … Just like the moment I gave you my watch... "    


The man's voice was like a small stream of water flowing in the car, it was deep and rippling.    


Lin Ruoxi's ears seemed to still be ringing, the regular, tedious "tick-tick-tock" sound of her pocket watch.    


Unknowingly, Lin Ruoxi felt something cool in her eyes. It was the air-conditioned wind blowing on her tears, yet she didn't notice it.    


"Are you moved by my words? Are you not afraid that I might be fooling you? " Yang Chen joked.    


Lin Ruoxi pouted. "You know that I'm very innocent towards such feelings, so don't keep saying these things to make me cry. What if I don't sleep tonight?"    


Within her words, she took off her ice-cold outer shell and somewhat assumed the posture of a little girl, just like that day when she was awkwardly acting like a spoiled child.    


Yang Chen couldn't help but laugh, "Crying will help you clear your tear ducts and remove the filth from your eyes …"    


"You're saying I'm dirty!?" Lin Ruoxi questioned while glaring at the man.    


Yang Chen coughed twice, "I mean, crying is beneficial for other women to become cleaner. For Ruoxi, it's just that her eyes are especially clean. Wife, you don't believe in the mirror, but your eyes are already bright enough!"    


Lin Ruoxi burst into laughter as she listened to the absurd explanation.    


"Do you want to hear about me and that man?" Lin Ruoxi's eyes were full of meaning as she suddenly asked with a smile.    


Yang Chen was puzzled, "Who?"    


"Lee Jianhee."    


Yang Chen hesitated for a moment and asked, "If you tell that story, will you be sad?"    


"No, it's just that you have the right to know." Lin Ruoxi's gaze softened a little.    


Yang Chen nodded, "It's good that you won't be sad. Just say it."    


Lin Ruoxi slightly recalled, "Actually, you might not be able to tell, in my university, Shen Yaxin was a very close friend of mine. Although she wasn't like Qianni and Yanyan who didn't grow up together, she was still a very close classmate of mine." She continued, "We went to school together, ate together, and studied together under Chris's tutelage.    


At that time, Lee Jianhee was already an influential figure in the school. Originally, he was studying at Cambridge University, but he came to Zhonghai University to learn marketing from Chris.    


All the girls in the school liked him. He was gentle, refined, and had an excellent family background. More importantly, he was very talented. He was valued by Chris as an assistant professor, helping us graduate students to study.    


At that time, he often came into contact with Yaxin and I. At the beginning, he only talked about research, but later, we would go out for a stroll and drink afternoon tea together … "    


Yang Chen chuckled and said, "It seems like your college life is very leisurely. At least, it's much more comfortable compared to working in the dark."    


Lin Ruoxi nodded with nostalgia and continued, "At that time, the school spread that Lee Jianhee liked me, otherwise, he wouldn't be with me forever … Actually, I can also see that Lee Jianhee wants me to be his girlfriend. Occasionally, Lee Jianhee would bring up some sensitive topics, but I pretended that I didn't understand.    


However, at that time, he was really outstanding. In my heart, there were actually people who liked him. Other than the school's closest friend, Shen Yaxin, no one else knew about this … "    


When Yang Chen heard this, he was already very uncomfortable. He muttered: "Secretly in love?"    


"Yes." Lin Ruoxi didn't deny it. She lowered her head and said, "I just have a crush on him. I'm obviously very happy when I'm with him, but I don't dare to show it. I'm afraid he just likes to study with me, even if it's Yaxin he likes, not me.    


For this uneasiness, I especially asked Yaxin, asking her who Lee Jianhee really likes among us. She told me that I would definitely be the one he likes, and also told me not to give up and try to confess as soon as possible …    


Until one day he suddenly told me that he was going back to England and asked if I wanted to go with him. It just so happened that my grandma was in bad health at that time, in her hospital bed. How could I have the heart to think about things like that... Although I was a bit shaken, because I knew that it was my best chance to tell him about my feelings, but …    


"If I also leave, what will Grandma do? Grandma was on the sickbed at that time, and she said that she would give Yu Lei to me. How can I bear to go against her wishes …"    


"So you turned him down?"    


"Yes." Lin Ruoxi laughed blandly, "At that time, I even secretly cried because if it wasn't for Grandmother's serious illness, I might have been able to go with him to England. At least my Yulei International wouldn't need me to take care of so early … But I still had hope, because even if I didn't stay with him for the time being, at least when he went to England, there was still a chance of getting in touch.    


But... I didn't expect the girl he asked before he went to England... Not just me...    



The atmosphere inside the car was very comfortable. Other than Lin Ruoxi's quiet and soft voice, there was also the mechanical sound of the engine …    


Hearing that, Yang Chen no longer needed to continue listening.    


Needless to say, back then, Lee Jianhee had offered the same price to both Lin Ruoxi and Shen Yaxin as if they were buying something. In the end, Lin Ruoxi had refused because of Elder President's illness, whereas Shen Yaxin had readily agreed!    


To Lin Ruoxi, Lee Jianhee's actions were akin to treating her precious crush from when she was young as a joke! Completely trampled without any dignity!    


Shen Yaxin, on the other hand, silently abandoned her sisterhood.    


She knew Lin Ruoxi's secret crush on Lee Jianhee, and she knew Lin Ruoxi's difficulties. However, she had seized the opportunity and entered without even greeting him!    


This was the mark left on Lin Ruoxi's soul by the two attacks. Even today, when Lin Ruoxi saw the couple, her mood was still so unstable.    


Yang Chen took a deep breath and felt that the air in the car was depressing.    


But soon, the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. Yang Chen stretched out his hand and caressed the woman's face, "So that's all it is. There's nothing new at all. I thought my wife was mentally cheated. It seems that I was overthinking."    


Lin Ruoxi asked carefully, "You can't be angry with me, right? That's already a thing of the past …"    


Yang Chen smiled embarrassedly, "How am I qualified to be angry at you? Who hasn't gone through the same thing in the past and hasn't had some of the same muddled years as when they were young. I also know that you have a crush on math teachers." He continued, "Girls are always precocious..."    


"You …" Lin Ruoxi blushed and said angrily, "I told you! You're not allowed to mention my childhood! "    


Yang Chen laughed heartily. He laughed for a long time before he stopped. He heaved a long sigh and turned his head to look at Lin Ruoxi, winking at her.    


"Lin Ruoxi, I don't know what kind of feelings you've experienced since you were young, nor do you know if you've secretly fallen in love with anyone. I don't care about those either." He continued, "I didn't have time to participate in your past, but I don't regret it. I only know that from the day you met me, your present, your future, will all be mine." He continued, "No one can touch it..."    


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