My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C645 Already Prepared

C645 Already Prepared

0"If I'm not wrong, this is my little mother-in-law?" Yang Chen asked with a grin.    


Liu Qingshan had two women. One was Liu Mingyu's birth mother, and the other was the woman from Yanjing who fought alongside him in the mountains. It was Liu Minghao's birth mother.    


The yellow-clothed woman smiled sweetly and said, "I heard from Qingshan that you are a powerful individual, and as expected, that's the case." You call me 'little mother-in-law' as soon as you see me. Mingyu's mother and I have never shared a position, how did you help us split it? "    


Yang Chen rubbed his nose and thought, "How could I know that you guys are even. I thought one was the principal wife and the other was the concubine."    


Liu Qingshan coldly snorted, "Don't lower yourself to the same level as this brat. He's just a man with a mouth full of nonsense. No matter how nice his words sound, he won't show any mercy."    


Yang Chen rolled his eyes. "I only beat you one subordinate, do you have to keep scolding me like that?"    


"Let me introduce you." Liu Qingshan held the cigar in one hand and the woman's shoulder in the other. He smiled and said, "This is Xu Ying, Minghao's mother. Yu has met her before and called her mother as well.    


Yang Chen hurriedly flattered her, "mother-in-law, it's really a loss for you to marry this man. He's like an old cow eating tender grass!"    


Xu Ying burst into laughter. Liu Qingshan wanted to retort, but it was the same as retorting Xu Ying. He could only stare blankly at the moment.    


After exchanging a few pleasantries, Liu Qingshan said, "Do you know why I called you out today?"    


Yang Chen rolled his eyes, "The one who called me out was you, father-in-law, why are you asking me?"    


Liu Qingshan's mouth twitched, he was too lazy to beat around the bush with Yang Chen, "You also know that I only have one son, Minghao. After all these years of fighting, there has to be a successor. However, Minghao was still young and didn't have much experience. Even if he had the talent in that aspect, it wasn't something that could be done overnight.    


I'm not young anymore. When I went back to Zhong Hai, I originally wanted to expand after joining Red Thorn Society alliance, but I found out that suppressing a local snake with a powerful dragon wasn't an easy task. I plan to leave these things in Minghao's hands and let him finish them. "    


It seemed like, he also knew that the probability of dominating all of China was not high, not to mention that the other provinces all had concealed strength, the countries did not allow their Azure Dragon Society to dominate the entire continent, furthermore, Zhong Hai's Red Thorn Society had always dominated the southern part of the continent.    


Therefore, Liu Qingshan wanted to pave the way for Liu Minghao.    


"Even though you aren't from the underworld, I know that you aren't a normal character. At the very least, Guild Leader Qiangwei will listen to you. How much can Minghao do in the future? I still need your help. I believe that you already have my daughter, and you're not that stingy.    


It just so happens that today our Azure Dragon Society will be opening the Elementary Elders Guild, and all the important people in charge of the hall will be there. I plan to take advantage of the fact that you are currently in the Yanjing to take you to see the important figure in our Azure Dragon Society. If we get to know each other well, in the future, when I am behind the scenes, you can help Minghao. "    


Yang Chen was conflicted. So Liu Qingshan wanted him to protect his brother-in-law. Not to mention that the matter of Liu Minghao causing Zhen Xiu to be bullied by those little girls was still not settled yet, since Azure Dragon Society was one of the powers in Yanjing, how could he still run over here from time to time?    


However, what Liu Qingshan did, to a large extent, wasn't really for himself. Perhaps he felt that since he was the true controller of Red Thorn Society, he should have a lot of weight to help Liu Minghao suppress the powerful factions within the Azure Dragon Society.    


Xu Ying sighed with a sad face, "Qingshan, Minghao is still young. Are you really that heartless to let him work in the guild at such a young age?"    


He is the son of I, Liu Qingshan, since he does not want to go to school, of course I can only walk this path. "Liu Qingshan did not care about the presence of Yang Chen, and squeezed Xu Ying's hand and said:" Wait for me to step down, and then you can let go of your burden. For the rest of my life, I will take you for a walk and accompany you more. "    


Xu Ying smiled bitterly and stopped trying to persuade him otherwise.    


Yang Chen was listening on the side and felt that although Liu Qingshan was not very virtuous and was quite sincere to his daughter and children, he was still a bit curious and asked, "Does little mother-in-law also have a position in the gang?"    


Xu Ying smiled, "At first, I was running a bar at Yanjing, but when I met Qingshan, I walked this path. Azure Dragon Society was the foundation I laid with your father-in-law, I was later in charge of some internal affairs, and I am now in charge of some logistics, so I am considered a Hall Master."    


Yang Chen nodded. No wonder that brat Liu Minghao was so restless. His mother wasn't someone who was easy to deal with.    


After driving for almost an hour, they finally arrived at their destination. It was a garden style design resort hotel. It was very clear that the owner's name was "Azure Dragon International Holiday Inn".    


A white three-storey baroque house stood by the lake in the center of the resort hotel.    


Under the welcome of a few waiters, Yang Chen followed behind Liu Qingshan and Xu Ying as they slowly walked into the building's main hall.    


When he went in, he found that it was a building that combined the banquet hall and the grand hall. In the banquet hall, there were already many men in suits and suits, as well as some gorgeous women.    


Not so much a mafia, but a big business doing mafia business.    


When the crowd saw that Liu Qingshan and Xu Ying had arrived, they all came up to greet them. Most of them revealed a respectful expression towards Liu Qingshan; after all, he was the one who established Azure Dragon Society, so his prestige would definitely be sufficient.    


When everyone saw Yang Chen, they were a little confused, but no one went up to ask.    


The moment Liu Qingshan arrived, the elder meeting of the Azure Dragon Society could be held officially. The assembly would be held all day, so it would start in the morning. Everyone entered the Great Hall one after another.    


Liu Qingshan sat properly at the head of the table around a huge oval table. As the president's wife and Hall Master, Xu Ying was to his left. She was obviously the second-in-command in the guild, and her position was much higher than Yang Chen had imagined.    


Yang Chen was hesitating on where to sit down when he saw a man walk over. He said in a gloomy tone, "You can take the seat behind the president."    


Hearing this familiar voice, Yang Chen raised his head and was slightly stunned. Wasn't this fair skinned pretty boy in front of him the Gao Yue that was sent to the police station when he was beaten up by him?    


Logically speaking, Gao Yue should be in jail, why did he come to the Yanjing again? With Cai Yan's character, she would never let the prisoner she captured off the hook so easily!    


At this moment, Liu Qingshan turned his head around and said to Liu Tie in a deep voice. I sent Gao Yue out of jail, and no matter what you've done with him in the past, he's my favorite deputy. Since you've already taught him a lesson, then don't hold on to it. Sit down, there's going to be a meeting. "    


Yang Chen frowned. He didn't expect Liu Qingshan to think of a way to release Gao Yue. He really didn't care about the role of Gao Yue. It was just that Gao Yue had a creepy expression and was clearly full of hostility towards him.    


Xu Ying looked at Gao Yue and then at Yang Chen with a complicated expression but didn't say anything.    


After a while, Liu Qingshan signaled for everyone to quiet down. With a solemn expression, he said slowly: "Today's Board of Patriarchs, I want to announce a few important matters. I'm sure you all have heard about it before coming. But before I say anything important, I'd like to introduce you to a young man. "    


Liu Qingshan turned around and pointed at Yang Chen behind him, signaled Yang Chen to stand for a while, and said: "He is Yang Chen, he is my son-in-law, many brothers should have heard of this name. That's right, Zhong Hai's Red Thorn Society can be said to have a deep relationship with him. "    


At this time, the Hall Master and the Branch Lords started whispering to each other and looked at Yang Chen with a different expression. They were able to come in contact with some secret information, obviously they did not expect that the person behind the Red Thorn Society was such an ordinary young man.    


Yang Chen felt quite awkward. He felt like he was being looked at like an animal for a while, standing up for a bit before immediately sitting down.    


After Liu Qingshan finished his introduction, he continued, "The reason why I asked Yang Chen to participate in this meeting is because I want to announce something. Yang Chen will also be involved."    


Saying this, Liu Qingshan deliberately paused, he scanned everyone in the hall, confirmed that everyone was listening, and then said: "After the period of time I went to Zhong Hai to expand the southern territories, I found that I have been on this road for almost 30 years. I'm not young anymore, many young people are tougher than I thought...    


Therefore, I have decided to officially begin transferring power to my son, Liu Minghao, after this Board of Patriarchs. "    


When he said this, the whole audience burst into an uproar, a few Hall Master s who were nearby hurriedly tried to persuade him: "President, we watched Minghao grow up, he is indeed a material for this path. But he's still young, and is still a child. How could he accept the position of chairman!? "    


Liu Qingshan waved his hand and said, "Of course I won't immediately let Minghao be the president. I will try my best to bring him along and with the support of you good brothers, he will grow up very quickly. As for the safety of the sect after I leave, I plan to have the Red Thorn Society of our alliance help as well … This is also why I let Yang Chen participate in the meeting today.    


Yang Chen is my son-in-law, is Minghao's brother-in-law, he's one of us, that is to say, Red Thorn Society is definitely on our side. "Even if I leave, I believe there won't be any other gangs that would dare to challenge our two gangs, the Azure Dragon and the Redbud."    


Yang Chen, who sat at the back, twitched his mouth. This father-in-law was really bullsh * tty, he didn't even have to make any promises before he caught him in the car. Furthermore, what era was this? He didn't even act as if he was democratic and thought of his own son as the next president? No matter how he thought about it, it didn't seem appropriate at all.    



Sure enough, after the guild leader's crowd clamored for a while, an old man with gray hair raised his hand and said loudly, "Guild leader, I feel that there's something wrong with letting Minghao be the guild leader."    


Liu Qingshan seemed to have not expected that someone would oppose him so openly. His gaze turned cold as he glanced over and asked with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, you're my senior too. If there's anything you want to say, feel free to say it."    


The old man who was addressed as Uncle Zhang took a breath before he said, "I feel that only those who serve the public will be able to be elected. Although Minghao was a good material, he had never really cut it before. Who could guarantee that it would be of great use? Did he really have to wait for several years before he could confirm it? We old guys don't have the time to support a newcomer, so I, Old Zhang, think it's inappropriate. "    


"Uncle Zhang, when I first came to Yanjing, I was just a brat, but with my hand, I used Azure Dragon Society to unify the Yanjing. "Some people grow up far faster than ordinary people. I believe that Uncle Zhang must have had some knowledge about this." Liu Qingshan said with an expressionless face.    


Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Qingshan finished his sentence, another young lady in red chuckled and said: "President, you are a hero of our Azure Dragon Society, so of course we know about it. But that kid Minghao is said to only have a small fight with a few bullies in Zhong Hai. Compared to you, he's way too weak. "    


"That's right, President," another middle-aged man who was combing the boss's hair said with a sinister laugh, "Every single one of our Hall Master s have more ability than a little kid. Why doesn't the president consider us?"    


Liu Qingshan's face darkened. He also realized that this was a trap waiting for him. He thought that his prestige would make everyone feel dissatisfied and agree on the surface.    


If that was the case, even if they did something behind his back, as long as he helped Liu Minghao kill a few times to set an example, he would be able to keep his footing.    


However, he had not expected that so many people would want to fall out with him in public!    


Yang Chen yawned. He knew about the tense atmosphere in the meeting room, but other than feeling bored, he didn't have any other thoughts. To put it bluntly, he would only give Liu Mingyu face if he was the leader.    


At this time, Liu Qingshan laughed out of extreme anger, laughed out loud and slammed the table, "Good, good! It looks like you've all been prepared for this. We've worked together for so many years, we know each other's abilities well. Everyone, do you think that who would be more suitable to succeed me as the guild leader? "    


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