My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C386 Water of the Ganges

C386 Water of the Ganges

0Ordinary people would not be able to climb the cliff that was hundreds of feet high. Normally, there would be sentries guarding the cliff, and if they met someone they could pass through, they would use mechanical means to pull them up. However, it was clear that there was no one guarding the cliff today.    


Fortunately, Yang Chen and the other three had extraordinary lightness arts, so they were able to jump onto the cliff with this little difficulty.    


When they arrived at the top of the cliff, they saw that it was a relatively flat piece of land. If one didn't look carefully, it was impossible to detect that there was a hidden ascending and descending mechanism in the corner of the cliff.    


Naturally, no one would destroy this device. After all, even if the enemy were to enter, they would not cut off their own escape routes. Very few people could climb this cliff by relying on their own strength.    


After Yang Chen and co. entered the elevator like device, Cai Ning looked around and found a button. She pressed it and the elevator slowly descended.    


After half a minute or so, the elevator arrived at a hidden depression on the bottom of the cliff. Coincidentally, a thick steel plate extended from the inside of the cliff to the exit of the elevator.    


This place had clearly been designed by many people. If one were to look at it from the outside, it just so happened that there would be some mountains in the way that no one would be able to see the mysteries of this place.    


Following the floor of the steel plate, Yang Chen and the other three looked up and saw an electronic door made of alloy in front of them. The door was open!    


"He has indeed entered." Senior Nun Yun Miao sighed.    


"This isn't the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is that they are all gone." Yu Jizi said.    


Yang Chen suddenly thought of a question, "Have you guys been here before?"    


The three of them shook their heads. Cai Ning said, "If it wasn't for this mission, we wouldn't have known that there would be a hidden aircraft carrier base here."    


Yang Chen pondered for a moment and nodded, "Then let's go in."    


After entering, the four discovered that the passageway alone was over a hundred meters long. It extended straight into the depths of the mountain, and the light within became brighter and brighter. Clearly, there was a large amount of lighting.    


After walking out of a doorway, the view in front of him widened, and suddenly another heavenly passage appeared!    


It was several hundred meters tall and nearly a thousand meters wide. It was all made of reinforced metal, combined with concrete.    


Various high-tech electronic equipment filled the entire space, and the central river design should be the water carrier used to build the aircraft carrier.    


However, what was surprising was that there was no aircraft carrier here!    


"Could it be that the aircraft carrier under construction has already been moved?" Cai Ning muttered to herself. Apparently, she had also noticed the unusual scent.    


If there was a fight going on here, or if it was destroyed everywhere, the four of them felt that it was normal. Right now, the scene was very strange everywhere.    


"Go in and take a look. Someone has obviously been here before." Yu Jizi said.    


The four of them continued on their way. The space was as large as an underground world, not as full of bloodstains and destruction as they had imagined. Instead, it was clean and tidy, with no one around, as if all the workers in the factory had left work.    


"Wait." Yang Chen stopped and looked up at the stage beside him.    


The other three also followed Yang Chen's gaze and looked up. They saw a familiar figure in military uniform sitting on a chair. His body was tied up and he seemed to have fainted.    




Cai Ning exclaimed. That person was the so-called "Great Brahma King", Lin Zhiguo.    


The next moment, dozens of figures suddenly appeared on the empty high platform like a magic trick. They wore a group of different kinds of clothes as they stared at Yang Chen and the other three with a calm and composed posture, mocking them.    


The man in the lead, a pink man with a slightly wizened face, was dressed in a high gold cap with snake stripes, a white robe, and an onyx buddhist orb in one hand. In the other, he held a seemingly ordinary pitcher of black glazed water. He didn't know what was on it.    


"For you to be able to come here, you must have forced my subordinates to retreat one by one. That's good news, but also good news." The man said with a smile that did not reach his eyes.    


Yang Chen looked at the man's dressing and asked with a frown, "You are Great Brahma King?"    


Great Brahma King was stunned for a moment and then said, "You must be the new Pluto. I never thought that you would be so young. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time."    


"Cut the crap. If you want to fight, then fight!" Senior Nun Yun Miao was furious when she saw Lin Zhiguo tied up there, unconscious. Although he was extremely angry towards Lin Zhiguo, he was still a man that he had married before. Although he had lived in seclusion on the mountain with his granddaughter for so many years, he didn't mention anything about breaking all ties with Lin Zhiguo. It was obvious that Senior Nun Yun Miao had never thought of breaking off their relationship.    


"Humph, you've lost, how can you be so brave?" A cold voice sounded out. It was the black clothed, braided man that stood beside Brahma, the dark sky.    


Senior Nun Yun Miao pointed her long sword at the dark sky, "I let you escape earlier. Now let's see how I'll deal with you!"    


"senior nun, don't be rash. I'm outnumbered by the enemy!" Yu Jizi hurriedly said.    


"So what! If it's something that needs to be fought, then it must be fought! " Senior Nun Yun Miao shouted harshly as she leaped into the air, raising her hand to send a sword qi sweeping towards the group of people.    


However, the shockingly sharp sword Qi of Mount Shu, which could destroy metal and jade, did not cause them to move a step closer.    


Great Brahma King placed the Agate rosary into the water jar and when he threw it out again, the water droplets on the bead scattered and flew towards the sword qi!    


"Wuwuwu …"    


The sharp sound of ghosts wailing and wolves howling suddenly rang out. Those droplets of water actually turned into countless grey skulls, opening their mouths and howling as they bit at the sword aura!    


The sword Qi collided with the ghosts and disappeared. However, the skeletons didn't slow down and instead pounced towards Senior Nun Yun Miao's chest!    


This scene was like a demonic art. Senior Nun Yun Miao was practicing the way of the sword, so how could she have seen such a scene before? Moreover, she was a woman after all, and she was incomparably fearful of ghosts and monsters. She almost became stupefied at that moment!    


"senior nun, move aside!"    


Yu Jizi suddenly appeared in front of Yun Miao. With one hand covering his back, he used his other hand to draw an astral rune in front of him.    


"Kunlun Glyph, Fallen Spirits!"    


Several talismans stuck close to the screaming skulls. The red talismans exploded with a golden light. Before the skulls could launch any attacks, they were forcibly dispersed into the air.    


The Kunlun Sect relied on martial arts, talismans, and alchemy as their strengths. Amongst them, they used talismans to defeat demons and suppress demons, dispelling evil and avoiding disasters. However, they were the nemesis of these two techniques.    


Yang Chen did not expect Yu Jizi to have such a trick, and could not help but think highly of the old Daoist, and said: "If I'm not mistaken, the water in the Nirvana Water Pot is the water of the Ganges. According to the legends, Brahma created life by relying on the waters of the Ganges. The Ganges River was a sacred river in India, and it had been worshiped by Indians since the time of ancient India. Countless Indians committed suicide in the river, and countless dead people sank their bodies directly into the river. "Since ancient times, every drop of water of the Ganges has been filled with a large amount of aura of death. Please be careful, Taoist Master and senior nun."    


"You are quite knowledgeable, Sir Pluto." Great Brahma King didn't get angry when he saw his move was broken. He said with some interest, "The Huaxia Land is indeed filled with hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The soul power I condensed in the holy water of the Ganges was actually resolved so easily."    


"Humph, such insignificant skill. In my opinion, if you are not the so-called Heavenly King, then you are clearly a monstrous genius!" Yu Jizi roared and took out the thousand year peach wood sword from his back. After all, against the power of ghosts, the sword that exorcised evil was more practical.    


"Sky King, let me have a look at this Taoist."    



At this moment, a man with a different appearance stood up and shouted with a voice that sounded like a woman's.    


The man had a stately, handsome face, very light skin, and long, unruly, blue-black hair of an ancient Indian ascetic. He wore a silver band on his head, and the earrings of crescent moons flickered, and around his neck hung a terrifying necklace of skulls that seemed ready to swallow a man at any moment.    


The man's upper body was completely naked, and his lower body was wrapped in a tiger-skin skirt. What was astonishing was that there was a hissing cobra wrapped around his waist!    


Yu Jizi didn't care who it was that stood up. His peach wood sword started to circulate runes as it pierced towards the weird man.    


"Hmph." The man coldly snorted as he opened his purple lips and fiercely exhaled!    




A loud whistling sound came out of the man's mouth, followed by a whirlwind of bluish-purple lightning that spurted out of his mouth!    




Yu Jizi shouted out, but his body was suddenly hit by the electric current and he was forced back in a sorry state!    


Yang Chen and Cai Ningjiao's expressions changed. Cai Ning didn't know what these people were up to, but Yang Chen remembered who the man was and immediately shouted, "Leader, that is one of the three great gods of India, Shiva. He is the ruler of destruction, the ruler of storms and lightning."    


"Hahahaha, this reputed one knows more than that?" Shiva let out a long, sharp howl. He leaped and landed right in front of Yu Jizi.    


Yu Jizi didn't dare to rashly attack even though he was transported to the top. He brandished the Jade Dragon Eight Trigrams Sword and quickly attacked Shiva from left and right.    


The cobra on Shiva's waist suddenly flashed with a red light as it opened its bloody mouth and spat out a bewitching green and purple flame!    


"Taste my World Exterminating Demon Flame!"    


"Such a small trick, how dare you call yourself the God of Annihilation?!" Yu Jizi was furious. After being provoked, the genuine qi on his sword surged. With a wave of his sword, all the green and purple flames were immediately scattered. At the same time, a stream of sword light slashed towards Shiva's neck!    


Shiva didn't dodge. His body bent backwards like an arch bridge, directly dodging the attack at an unimaginable angle.    


"Indian jujitsu?" Yang Chen recognized the technique.    


However, the battle between Yu Jizi and Shiva was not over yet. The other people on the high platform did not want to watch any longer and jumped down along with another five people. They stared at Yang Chen and the other two with hostility.    


The two brothers, Hei Tian and Energetic Morrow, were standing among them. They looked at Senior Nun Yun Miao with cruel smiles on their faces.    


Hei Tian said, "The reason why we didn't use our full strength just now was because it wasn't the right time yet. Now, we'll make you submit to us wholeheartedly."    


Senior Nun Yun Miao laughed coldly, "If you have the ability, just use it." Although she had used up a lot of her genuine qi, the battle in front of her did not scare her.    


At the same time, an extremely seductive woman with a wheat colored skin and an alluring charm appeared in front of Cai Ning.    


This woman had bare feet and a long silver bracelet on her wrist. With just a casual posture, she possessed a charm that could shake all living things. This kind of beauty made people feel unnatural, but they couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck …" The woman looked at the solemn expression on Cai Ning's face and laughed: "I heard that there are Eight Parts in Chinese Iron Brigade, and we, Brahma, also have Eight Parts. I am one of the Eight Parts's Asura, little girl, today I will let big sister exchange a few moves with you."    


In the legends of ancient India, the heavens represented the gods, and the asura represented the devils.    


Within the Asura, the man was extremely ugly, the woman was extremely beautiful, the sky had delicacies, and there were no beauties. The Asura had beauties, but there was no food. As a result, the battles between Empyrean Gods and Fiends were incredibly vicious.    


The woman in front of her was extremely beautiful and called herself an Asura. It was understandable.    


However, to Cai Ning, no matter how beautiful she was, she was still an enemy. Moreover, she was an enemy she couldn't fathom at all. Her opponent's moves seemed unconventional, causing her to feel uneasy.    


Yang Chen looked at the three people beside him. Seeing that there was no danger, he looked straight at the two people in front of him.    


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