My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C338 Pirate

C338 Pirate

0Along with Liu Kangbai's fainting, Liu Yun's explosive performance came to an end on the screen of the venue. The screen went black once again.    


However, the hundreds of guests in the venue couldn't remain silent. They didn't know where the news had come from, but the news of the cruise ship being targeted by a destroyer began to spread in all directions.    


With that, regardless of whether they were men, women, or children, or even those who didn't want to get married, everyone began to ignore the obstruction of the Liu Family and security personnel, rushing out of the banquet hall and onto the top of the cruise ship's deck.    


At this moment, the light sunlight was scattered across the vast ocean. The cold wind was raging and waves were billowing.    


No one knew when Liu Family's cruise ship had slowed down and was proceeding forward slowly, but sure enough, there was a slightly smaller ship following behind it.    


On the silver grey missile destroyer, there was an eye-catching flag fluttering in the wind. From afar, it could be seen that it was a skull flag!    


Some people might never see such an ancient flag once in their lives, but even if they had never seen it before, they would know what it meant — pirates!    


The pirates were also keeping up with the times, robbing and even driving advanced missile destroyers!    


The group of guests looked at the main cannons, warheads and all sorts of missile launchers on the ship. Most of their faces were pale, and their legs and feet were trembling. If any random shell were to land on the boat, it would result in a large number of deaths!    


What was even worse was that their ship was a cruise and they had no defensive measures to counter it. What was even more depressing was that!    


This boat is fucking stopped!    


The guests began to flee. The scene was so chaotic that some began to wonder if they should run to the lifeboat to escape the cruise ship.    


Just then, Liu Kangbai, who had been rescued by a doctor, walked out of the cabin, came to the deck and shouted into a megaphone: "Silence! "Don't panic!"    


Liu Kangbai's face was ashen. He was furious. It was obvious that someone had set this up, and he wasn't an ordinary person.    


To be able to quietly capture Liu Yun and arrange everything so that it would be hard to guard against, even with a pirate ship threatening him. This was no ordinary feat.    


However, Liu Kangbai was someone who had seen a storm before. After pondering for a long time, he knew that he had to calm down. Otherwise, when he was in a mess, the guests would all be running around like headless flies.    


As for Anxin, she was pulled to a corner by her father, Ann Zaihuan. Ann Zaihuan looked nervously at the destroyers behind him and then at Liu Kangbai. He was so depressed that he didn't know what to do.    


Anxin had already taken off her wedding dress. She put on an overcoat and followed him out of the cabin, but she wasn't nervous at all. She was just curious, how did Yang Chen manage to bring a warship over? Isn't this way too exaggerated!    


"Everyone, listen to me! No need to be afraid! Even if it was a pirate ship, there was only one! I have already sent people to contact the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Navy at the Shibuya Bay. As long as they receive the news, they will immediately come to support us! We are in their territorial waters, and they will come to rescue us! At that time, the only way for the pirates would be death! " Liu Kangbai shouted.    


After Liu Kangbai's speech, the guests finally quieted down and nodded their heads. They felt that this made sense. They couldn't just let the pirates wreak havoc in their territorial waters, could they?    


At that moment, a male assistant sent by Liu Kangbai to contact the Japanese Self-Defense Forces ran over. Liu Kangbai laughed and said, "Everyone, look, there's a reply so soon!"    


Unexpectedly, just as Liu Kangbai finished laughing, that man cried and shouted, "Chairman! Chairman! Not good! Our ship, for some reason, is out of the Rock Hunter's Bay and into the open sea! The Japanese Self-Defense Forces scanned the area with their radar and said that this place is not under their jurisdiction! "    




The scene turned chaotic once again as the guests turned pale with fright. The glimmer of hope that had just risen was once again shattered!    


According to international law, being around 22 kilometers away from the mainland was considered a non-territorial sea area. For a island state like Japan, a cruise ship sailing into the high seas was indeed something that could be done in the blink of an eye.    


Entering the high seas, what law is illegal, protection does not protect, it is not clear.    


Liu Kangbai shouted angrily, "Don't tell me they don't even care about humanitarianism!? We met pirates! Pirates! We're wearing hundreds of them under the threat of gunfire! "    


The man said with a sad face, "Chairman, you know that Japanese has been restricted by the United States in military affairs. Without the approval of the Americans, they would not dare to send their troops to the high seas … Furthermore … And we are not Japanese, all of Chinese … Japan said to contact the Chinese navy... "    


"Son of a b * tch, Japanese …" Liu Kangbai cursed a few times, then thought of something and asked: "Where's the captain? Where is the captain? "How did you get the boat into the open sea!?"    


The male assistant said helplessly, "Chairman, I forgot to tell you. I just received news that the captain and the crew members are also missing. They can't be reached …"    


"What!?" Liu Kangbai's footsteps became soft. He was supported by two bodyguards at the back before he couldn't fall. He said with a trembling voice: "That means …"    


"Yes, our ship can't move now …" The male assistant's expression distorted.    


Liu Kangbai widened his eyes as he felt the world spinning around him. He couldn't utter a single word.    


As for the other guests, many of the women began to wail and cry when they heard the news. They shouted that they did not want to die yet, and the degree of chaos was beyond imagination.    


At this moment, the destroyer, which had been silent all this time, sent a voice signal …    


The cruise ship's broadcast suddenly started automatically, and from it came a man's voice. It was in international English, but it was not very fluent.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Do not be surprised to hear this voice. I am the commander of the missile destroyer Hatakaze behind you. My name is Barbott Hussein Ma Qidun, and you may call me Captain Ma Qidun.    


I would now like to solemnly publish a circular on why missiles are aimed at your cruise ships today. The reason is actually very simple. There's only one — — Liu Family's father and son pair, who have done something that my respected friend is dissatisfied with.    


Right now, I will give my friends on the cruise ship five minutes to choose between the two. The first choice, you guys can think of a way, and let Liu Family's Mr. Liu Kangbai immediately sail on the cruise ship. That way, the missile that was originally aimed at him won't hit the cruise ship.    


As for the second choice, you can bravely accompany Mr. Liu … Buried together in the sea...    


Oh, right, this is the high seas, where tiger sharks roam frequently. The kind of sharks only need to take two bites out of an adult. If there's a chance, we might be able to see it. Hur Hur. Alright, I've finished. "Five minutes. Countdown begins …"    


Although Ma Qidun's English was not that good, more than half of the people on the cruise could understand it. Many of them revealed a panicked expression after hearing it and glared at Liu Kangbai with extreme hatred.    


Even many of the subordinates and bodyguards of Liu Family were looking at Liu Kangbai strangely.    


As for those who didn't understand English, when they heard their translator, they also started crying for their parents or started cursing. However, the target of the cursing wasn't Ma Qidun, but Liu Kangbai, who brought them such misfortune!    


Liu Kangbai swallowed his saliva. Looking at the strange looks from hundreds of people on the deck, he started to feel weak. He didn't know who Ma Qidun was, nor who his friend was, but it was obvious that all of this was directed at the father and son duo named Liu!    


"Calm down everyone, they are trying to sow discord between us, I am the owner of this ship, I will never abandon everyone and put you in danger. Believe me, I will immediately send people to contact the nearest Chinese navy, they will not dare to randomly fire missiles, they are only scaring us!" Liu Kangbai shouted.    


However, it was obvious that the group of guests on the deck didn't trust him, and the viciousness in their eyes only grew more apparent.    


At this time, Anxin, who had been standing silently in the corner, cleared her throat and suddenly shouted, "It is not a question of you not abandoning us, it is a question of how we should all treat you … For the sake of your deaths, or for your sacrifice, will we live? "    


Liu Kangbai's nerves tensed up, he turned around and pointed at Anxin while cursing, "Stupid girl! Is there anyone who would talk to their elders like that!? Ann Zaihuan! Control your daughter! We are going to be relatives! How can you speak in such a cold and heartless manner!? "    


Unfortunately, Ann Zaihuan had already understood the reality of the situation. Even though he wanted to make a marriage with Liu Family and have someone support him from a big tree to take advantage of him, he was already about to lose his life, so how could he care about all this?    


Therefore, when he saw Liu Kangbai talking to him, Ann Zaihuan immediately turned his head away in fear and closed his eyes, pretending not to hear him!    



Liu Kangbai's heart turned cold, he knew that the situation was urgent, so he hurriedly commanded the bodyguards beside him, "Hurry up and tell all the staff in the command post to hide in the lower deck. That place will be safer for the time being, we'll wait for the rescue troops to come!"    


However, after he said that, the bodyguards and managers all revealed awkward expressions. They remained motionless and did not react at all, as if they did not want to look at Liu Kangbai.    


Liu Kangbai's face was ashen. He finally realized that in the face of death, the hearts that he usually spent money on began to crumble!    


Suddenly, Ma Qidun's voice came from the broadcast, "Dear guests, there's only three minutes left, and our missile has already been sent to the launcher. Oh, I forgot to remind you, this is a nuclear missile, its power is enough to blow up five passenger ships, so when you all bid farewell to this world, there shouldn't be any pain, hehe …"    


The moment this voice was heard, the deck immediately boiled up. Many guests, especially the young men, rushed towards Liu Kangbai without a care for anything else!    


"You old man! Are you going to kill all of us!? "    


"You provoked an enemy and now you're having a wedding? Go and die!"    


"Everyone, hurry up and throw him into the sea!"    


"Don't throw it in the sea! What if he was thrown into the sea and no one could see him!? Throw the lifeboat into the sea for people to see! "    


The group of men started talking one after another, completely ignoring Liu Kangbai's desperate resistance. They shouted loudly and carried Liu Kangbai straight to the nearest lifeboat!    


Several bodyguards and servants of Liu Family did not stop them, and allowed them to do so by default. Seeing Liu Kangbai yell "Help" at them, they subconsciously turned their backs, and many of them even directly took off their work clothes, sneaking into the crowd for fear of being hated by the other guests.    


Liu Kangbai watched himself being thrown into the lifeboat. When the lifeboat's rope was lowered, Liu Kangbai felt like he was thrown into hell …    


"Don't, don't leave me behind …"    


Finally, Liu Kangbai could no longer care about his face. Tears and snot were coming out of his eyes as he wailed. Under the fear, his pants were soaked with liquid...    


In the end, the lifeboat fell into the sea. Liu Kangbai leaned on the bow of the lifeboat and shouted for someone to pull him up, but no one paid any attention to him.    


Suddenly! The cruise ship let out a "wuu wuu" sound as it started moving!    


"Damn it, didn't they say that the captain is missing?"    


Liu Kangbai cursed loudly, but the sound of his curse was also covered by the sound of the whistle.    


The cruise ship moved, setting off enormous waves.    


Liu Kangbai's lifeboat was hit by the waves and was immediately pushed far away from the cruise ship. It became harder and harder to reach!    


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