My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C267 Liu Family Gala

C267 Liu Family Gala

0Time passed quickly in the car. In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed.    


Lin Ruoxi drowsily opened her eyes. When she regained consciousness, she suddenly felt that she was leaning on Yang Chen's shoulder.    


He felt a bit weird. The man beside him who didn't move at all to let him use as a pillow gave him a sense of safety that he had never experienced before, Anxin.    


She was tired. How could she have such a ridiculous illusion?    


Lin Ruoxi silently moved her head away from Yang Chen's shoulder and touched her sideburns to make sure that her hair wasn't messed up. She then asked lightly, "How long have I slept for?"    


"About five hours. The banquet is over." Yang Chen said with a smile.    


Lin Ruoxi frowned. She looked at the built-in fine watch in front of the car and confirmed that it was less than an hour later. She turned around and glared at Yang Chen, "Don't be so mischievous. This kind of joke isn't funny at all."    


"You won't let me laugh — I can't cry!" Yang Chen said helplessly.    


Lin Ruoxi ignored him, sitting quietly to the side.    


Yang Chen looked at her for a moment before asking, "Have you had a good rest? You look much better now."    


Lin Ruoxi remained silent. Obviously, she didn't want to bother with Yang Chen.    


Yang Chen had no choice but to give up. The two of them waited quietly until the car entered Biyun Group's vacation area. A variety of bright lights lit up the surroundings.    


Under the cover of the night, a cold wind was blowing. From time to time, patrolling bodyguards in black passed by on both sides of the road. It was obvious that Liu Family placed great importance on this gala.    


After five or six minutes of driving along the spacious road of the resort, the car stopped at a roadside parking space. This road had long since been filled with all sorts of world-class famous cars. Luxury cars like the Audi A8 and the Mercedes-Benz S-Series that seemed extremely luxurious to the commoners appeared in this place, but they seemed so dim and unsightly.    


Yang Chen clearly felt Lin Ruoxi's body stiffen a little, but after taking a deep breath, he immediately calmed down. It could be seen that Lin Ruoxi was also a little distant from this kind of situation.    


"Don't speak any nonsense or run around alone after you get down there. Do you understand?" Lin Ruoxi explained once again.    


Yang Chen smiled bitterly, "I'm not a child."    


"You're much more troublesome than a child." Lin Ruoxi said without any trace of politeness.    


Yang Chen twitched his lips but was unable to say anything. He had been looked down upon.    


At this moment, Li Ming, who was similarly tensed up, seriously ran to the rear door, opened it, and bowed to the side.    


Yang Chen smiled and put his left arm in front of Lin Ruoxi.    


Lin Ruoxi hesitated for a moment. In the end, she knew that she couldn't avoid it. She stretched out her slender arm and hooked Yang Chen's arm.    


Since she had already decided to try to accept this man, she couldn't back down again.    


The black Rolls Royce was not a rare sight, even among the socialites and the rich gathered in the business world. As such, when its owner alighted, many of the guests outside subconsciously looked over.    


Yang Chen was the first to get off the car, this was a completely unfamiliar face, causing all the guests to be stunned, they all looked at each other, using their eyes to ask, which family's young master is this, or is this the son of a high official from the province invited by Liu Family?    


Then, Lin Ruoxi, who was holding Yang Chen's arm, walked out, attracting almost everyone's attention like a powerful magnet. The men's infatuation, the women's jealousy, and all kinds of complicated expressions were indescribable, but the most doubtful was that Lin Ruoxi had not attended such public gatherings before.    


The cold winter air was not diminished by the naked evening dresses of the women, but the women had to pretend not to be affected by it and not tremble.    


Yang Chen felt that it wasn't easy for the women. When he felt the cold wind blowing Lin Ruoxi off the car, she immediately moved closer to him unnoticeably. Yang Chen snickered in his heart, even the icebergs know how cold it is.    


The two of them followed the respectful invitation of the banquet attendant and walked towards the main entrance of the banquet hall. This was a huge three-storey baroque style building with an endless array of Athenian stone pillars.    


When he arrived at the door, he saw a middle-aged man in a black tailcoat, with glossy hair and a moustache. He looked very handsome and had a ruddy complexion. He walked up to Yang Chen with a few other attendants of various ages and smiled at them.    


"I'm flattered, flattered, and flattered. Director Lin actually gave me face by coming to this banquet in person. Welcome, welcome!"    


Lin Ruoxi stood beside Yang Chen and whispered, "This is the Patriarch of Liu Family, and the host of this gala, Liu Kangbai."    


Yang Chen suddenly realized that this must be Liu Yun's father. He probably had a lot of women when he was young.    


As for the other guests who had always been puzzled, when they saw their host, Liu Kangbai, actually went out to greet them personally, they shouted "Director Lin." Thinking about it carefully, most of them also guessed Lin Ruoxi's identity.    


Women with tens of billions of dollars in status in large international companies were much more terrifying than her appearance!    


For a moment, Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi became the center of attention. Many people guessed that Yang Chen was someone on Lin Ruoxi's side. After all, the outside world knew that Lin Ruoxi was not married and had never heard of any contact with the eldest young master.    


"Chairman Liu is too polite. We are just juniors, there is no need to treat us like this." Lin Ruoxi smiled faintly.    


Liu Kangbai quickly waved his hand and said: "You are too heroic, under the rule of Yu Lei Elder President, I said this to you, now that Yu Lei is in Director Lin's hands, Yu Lei has become the hegemon of China's fashion industry, we old guys are all envious of you, going out to welcome you is my respect for successful businessmen."    


Lin Ruoxi didn't say anything else. She merely smiled and nodded her head.    


Liu Kangbai then looked at Yang Chen without batting an eyelid, "I wonder who this is …"    


Without waiting for Yang Chen to speak, Lin Ruoxi said, "It's my husband, Yang Chen."    


Yang Chen turned his head and looked at Lin Ruoxi in surprise. Although he knew that she let him come with her to make their relationship public, he didn't expect her to be so straightforward and calm.    


Liu Kangbai was also stunned for a moment. At the same time, many of the surrounding guests who heard it also revealed shocked expressions. For a moment, Yang Chen had become the focus of envy for everyone.    


Yang Chen embarrassedly touched his nose and said with a smile: "Chairman Liu doesn't know me, but I do know your son."    


Liu Kangbai immediately regained his calm and asked gently, "Mr. Yang knows my son, Liu Yun? Could it be a school friend? "    


"I'm not a school friend, I just met him and had some small conflicts." Yang Chen said lightly and added in his heart, if stealing your daughter-in-law is a small contradiction.    


"Haha, then it means that we'll be friends if we don't fight. Those who come are all guests, please come on in!" Liu Kangbai was an experienced man, and before he could get a handle on Yang Chen, he had chosen not to continue the conversation.    


Lin Ruoxi, on the other hand, looked at Yang Chen doubtfully. She was puzzled as to why Yang Chen had known Liu Yun and had had some conflicts. However, it was not a suitable occasion to ask about such things, so she could only temporarily suppress it.    


When Liu Kangbai saw the two enter the meeting hall, he whispered to a man beside him: "Immediately check that man's resume."    


The man immediately left and Liu Kangbai once again beamed a smile as he went to welcome the other important guests.    


Although the area of the venue was large, it was packed with people. Most of them were famous ladies with many mouths. As the waiters went in and out, what happened outside the door had long since reached the ears of the people inside.    



The news of Yulei International's reclusive young CEO bringing her husband, who was a stranger named Yang Chen to the party, was like a whirlwind that swept across the entire venue. Thus, the moment the two of them entered the room, they felt a large amount of gazes, whether they were intentional or not.    


Lin Ruoxi easily became the focus of everyone's attention. With her black silk evening dress and the cornflower sapphire jewelry, her elegant and refined posture was like a tulip in the night. She was noble and charming, and both men and women found it difficult to resist her sudden charm.    


Yang Chen didn't feel good. He had said that she shouldn't have come, and sure enough, she was seen through.    


Lin Ruoxi, on the other hand, wasn't nervous at all. She seemed to be accustomed to being the brightest color in the crowd. Taking the champagne from the waiter, she walked to the center of the venue with Yang Chen.    


Many of the male entrepreneurs and sons of officials who believed themselves to be successful were jealous and disdainful when they saw Lin Ruoxi holding Yang Chen's hand. In their eyes, this man with poor looks and good looks was definitely not a match for the elite class they were talking about, Lin Ruoxi was still young after all. For a moment she could not see a man's good or bad.    


It had to be said that men sometimes thought crazily. At this moment, they didn't want to think about whether Lin Ruoxi, who could manage a huge business empire, was so stupid as to look down on a man.    


Therefore, a few well-dressed men with high education, a good background, and a rich background walked up to Lin Ruoxi at the same time.    


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