My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C279 Winter Night

C279 Winter Night

0The auction's robbery caused the entire Liu Family Gala to come to an abrupt end as the guests fled in all directions.    


Liu Kangbai was in an extremely bad mood. He even scolded his son, Liu Yun, thinking that Liu Yun had neglected his duty and did not properly supervise his subordinates.    


The one who was even angrier after the incident was Cai Yan. As the bureau chief of the police, the bad guy had actually caused such a thing under her nose. What made her even more depressed was that even though it was a robbery with huge movements, there was no trace of the criminal at all.    


However, after what happened, the sudden disappearance of his sister, Cai Ning, and the sudden departure of Yang Chen allowed Cai Yan to detect a trace of an abnormal aura, but she did not put it in her heart.    


Outside the main entrance of the resort, a few trees under the pine and cypress of the four seasons shone their dim light on two black sedans.    


Lin Ruoxi, who was still dressed in her black silk evening gown beside the flowerbed on the main road, was looking towards the direction of the venue. In the silence of the cold night, she felt a little disappointed.    


Yang Chen suddenly left and didn't say anything else. He just said that he would go take a look at the situation. But after an hour, there were no movements. This made Lin Ruoxi worry that Yang Chen might have met with an accident.    


Lin Ruoxi didn't think that she cared much about him. She just often spent time with someone and had the status of husband and wife. Lin Ruoxi thought that even if they were animals, they should have some deep feelings for each other, not to mention being a living person, it was normal for her to be worried.    


So, somewhat perturbed, Lin Ruoxi decided to wait at the entrance of the resort for almost an hour.    


After all, it was winter. Although it wasn't the coldest time in the southern part of the city yet, Lin Ruoxi's nose was red from the cold. She couldn't help but hug and massage her arms.    


At this moment, Yang Jieyu got out of the long purple Cadillac parked in front and walked over to Lin Ruoxi with a mink fur coat. She held onto a white down coat and gently put it on Lin Ruoxi.    


Lin Ruoxi did not refuse. Although she was surprised that the Yuan Family couple were willing to stay and wait for Yang Chen, she was too embarrassed to ask.    


"Child, you can just make the driver wait for Yang Chen, why are you waiting for him yourself? It's too cold outside. " Yang Jieyu said in heartache.    


Lin Ruoxi pursed her lips into a smile, but because she had been frozen for a long time, her face was stiff and forced, "I also feel cold, how can I let others suffer for me? I brought him here, it's my fault if he doesn't appear at this time."    


"He's a living person, what can happen to him? But you, if a girl keeps freezing like this, she's going to get sick. " Yang Jieyu said tenderly, "Yang Chen is too insensible. How can he abandon you and run away by himself, making you suffer and wait for him?"    


Lin Ruoxi did not respond to this topic. She took the opportunity to ask with some doubt: "Mrs. Yuan, how did you and the Yuan Family Master get to know Yang Chen? I only knew that he and your son got to know each other because of the game. I didn't expect to know the two of you as well."    


After all, they were the number one family in Zhong Hai, Lin Ruoxi's tone was very polite.    


Yang Jieyu seemed to have known that Lin Ruoxi would ask, so she smiled and said, "Ono introduced him to us two. We thought he was a good young man, so we had a few interactions with him. But I haven't known him for long, so he didn't tell you. "    


Lin Ruoxi believed 70% to 80% of it, but she was unhappy with Yang Chen's secrecy. However, after thinking carefully, she did not care about his daily life at all. She could not help but feel dismal inside.    


But it's Miss Lin, when did you get to know Yang Chen? When we got married, my husband and I were very curious, although Yang Chen is not bad, but he doesn't seem to be the type that Miss Lin likes. He looks average and doesn't have any career, so what does Miss Lin like about him? Yang Jieyu asked with some concern.    


Lin Ruoxi was instantly speechless. What did she like about him?    


This question, if asked in reverse, what part of him did she not hate? Maybe she could say one or two, but she liked it — it was a headache.    


After holding it in for a while, Lin Ruoxi said, "Maybe it's because he's rather open-minded. He won't fuss over nothing."    


To put it harshly, he was heartless, just like he was tonight. He could leave if he wanted to!    


Yang Jieyu nodded with a slightly odd expression on her face, not asking any further questions.    


At this moment, Yuan Heewei got out of the car and complained, "Jieyu, Miss Lin, quickly get in the car. I'll wait for Yang Chen. Did he eat the wrong medicine? Why is he out so cold? He didn't report it?"    


"He put his phone in the car." Lin Ruoxi said with a frown.    


"I really admire him." Yuan Heewei was a little angry. He walked to Yang Jieyu's side and whispered in her ear, "This nephew is really worried."    


Yang Jieyu rolled her eyes at her husband, but she also had a deep feeling that from the moment she met Yang Chen, all sorts of exciting things had happened. If it wasn't for the fact that they were born into prestigious clans and had seen great storms before, they really wouldn't have been able to stand it.    


Seeing the intimate actions of Yang Jieyu and her wife, Lin Ruoxi was slightly envious in her heart. A family like theirs, who had lived together for over twenty years, being able to be so intimate with each other, must be very happy …    


Something like an explosion or a robbery. He left her alone, leaving no trace. Lin Ruoxi felt upset. What was she doing? Why was she waiting for him here?    


She was in the midst of a fit of irritation when she heard someone shouting in front of her.    


"You still haven't left? I told you to go back when you were late."    


Lin Ruoxi raised her head and was surprised to see Yang Chen running towards her, all smiles.    


Yang Jieyu and Yuan Heewei also heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Yang Chen return safely.    


Lin Ruoxi said snappily, "Go back first? Do you want to spend the night here? "    


"I can take a taxi." Yang Chen said.    


"This place is at least forty minutes away from where you can fight a taxi. If the newspapers publish tomorrow morning, you would freeze to death and blame me for it, wouldn't I feel wronged?" Lin Ruoxi said.    


Yang Chen thought he could finish the forty minutes journey in five minutes, but he knew he couldn't say it now. He also felt grateful for Lin Ruoxi's willingness to wait for him. No matter the reason, the two of them still had feelings for each other.    


"I was wrong. I forgot the time after walking for a while. I apologize to my wife. Hurry back to the car, don't freeze over." Yang Chen smiled apologetically.    


"No need for you to say anything." Without looking back, Lin Ruoxi slammed the door.    


Yang Jieyu glared at Yang Chen, "Seriously, how can you run around at such a time. Go back and comfort your wife."    


Yang Chen felt a little strange for a senior like Yang Jieyu. He already understood the relationship between the two of them, but for some reason, the two of them didn't point it out. At this moment, after Yang Jieyu's intimate expression, Yang Chen smiled awkwardly, "Got it, thank you for accompanying Ruoxi. You should go back quickly."    


Yuan Heewei patted Yang Chen's shoulder. He hugged Yang Jieyu as they sat back in the car, and the Cadillac drove away.    


Yang Chen returned to the rear seat of the Rolls Royce. Lin Ruoxi, who was beside him, looked out of the window without saying a word, ignoring Yang Chen.    


The driver, Li Ming, didn't dare breathe too loudly. He wisely and quietly drove when he felt the mood of his CEO and superior wasn't right, but he didn't say anything.    


Yang Chen thought about it. In the end, he felt that he should apologize, or else he would probably be in cold war for quite a few days. Thus, he organized the language, preparing to admit his mistake.    


However, before Yang Chen could reply, Yang Chen's phone vibrated.    


Yang Chen picked up the phone in the car and was shocked to see that an unfamiliar number had called his phone more than ten times. However, he didn't pick up because he didn't bring his phone at the party.    


Yang Chen picked up the phone and asked, "May I ask who you are?"    


"Is it Mr. Yang?"    



"Yes." Yang Chen heard the strange man's voice and became anxious.    


"I'm from Zhonghai Mental Hospital, the patient you placed here, do you remember Lin Kun?"    


"Of course." Yang Chen looked at Lin Ruoxi beside him. It had been a long time since he had to pay attention to the crazy Lin Kun. As far as he knew, Lin Ruoxi had never seen him before either. From this, it could be seen that this fellow had failed many times as a human.    


"Something happened to him. A few hours ago, he suddenly became more severe and jumped down from a high place in a deranged manner. As a result, he suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and was unable to rescue him …" The man said.    


Yang Chen's expression froze. It wasn't that he was worried, he just didn't expect this guy to leave the world so suddenly.    


"We called Mr. Zhang Hu, but Mr. Zhang Hu said that you have to decide how to handle this matter, so we called you."    


Yang Chen sighed, "I know, I will go to your place tomorrow to deal with it. Now, follow the procedures, money is not a problem."    


"Okay, if you need anything, you can make this call," the man said and hung up.    


After about an hour, the two of them silently returned to the Dragon View Garden Villa.    


Before they could enter the door, Yang Chen called out to Lin Ruoxi, "I have something to tell you."    


Lin Ruoxi frowned. "If it's what happened just now, there's no need to say anymore. I'm not interested in listening to your explanations."    


"It's your father's business." Yang Chen said seriously.    


Lin Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, as if the word "father" was unfamiliar to her. She looked at Yang Chen coldly and gestured him to continue.    


"I told you before that he was crazy. You didn't ask me which hospital he was in, and I'm sure you didn't see him. I know you hate him, and the harm he does to you is not something that can be done in a few words. I understand how you feel, so I haven't said it before.    


However, just now, someone from the mental hospital called me and told me that he died due to sudden serious illness, mental disorder, and a cerebral hemorrhage after jumping off a building.    


When Lin Ruoxi heard the word "dead", she was obviously pushed back half a step. Her body trembled and her eyes sparkled.    


Yang Chen sighed and said, "No matter what, come with me to the hospital tomorrow. Legally speaking, he is still your father. It would be better for you to personally sign up for the cremation of his body. "    


Lin Ruoxining stood at the door for a long time, then asked in a clear voice, "Actually, I did think about asking you where he is, taking him back to the old house, and sending someone to take care of him for the rest of his life."    


"Put him in the house he won't give you?" Yang Chen asked.    


"That's right. After he went crazy, although I took back the house, I didn't go back. I found out that I was still afraid to go back there, afraid to think of my grandmother, my mother, and all the things that happened in the past." Lin Ruoxi wiped the corner of her eyes and took a deep breath to control her tears.    


"I just didn't expect that he would suddenly leave without waiting for me to make up my mind." Lin Ruoxi smiled bitterly and turned to open the door. "It's Saturday tomorrow. Let's go in the morning."    


"Yes." Yang Chen replied. Looking at the elegant back of the girl who seemed lonely after entering the room, his heart felt heavy.    


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