Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1522 Let Huo Hongyan Come Back

C1522 Let Huo Hongyan Come Back

0If the other party had only touched the Jiang Family, Xue Chen would at most think that someone was trying to do something to him. Or perhaps it was revenge!    


But now, even Lu Tianci and Loong Yu had suffered as well. It was not just to attack him, but to take revenge on him. It was to break his wings and kill him.    


At the same time, Xue Chen finally understood why the Jiang Family in the capital hadn't informed him about this.    


It seemed like both of them had lost their whereabouts.    


The Long family and Lu Family were probably as anxious as ants on a hot pan right now.    


However, who was it that attacked with such lightning speed and let Jiang Ehuang go? Could it really be Qin Shou?    


Or could it be the Ba Clan?    


Now, Xue Chen knew that the Qin Family was a branch of the Ba Family. Now that Qin Hantian was dead, Qin Rulieh was also killed by him. At the same time, Qin Qiping was also killed by him.    


Currently, the Qin Family was without a leader. Although Qin Shou's father was still alive, he couldn't be put in an important position. Only Qin Shou had high hopes for Qin Hantian when he was alive. At the same time, he had been cultivating him wholeheartedly.    


The Ba family must know this better than anyone. At the same time, they would naturally want to push Qin Shou to the top.    


Could it be that the Ba family wanted to support Qin Shou to the top and establish their power? They wanted to attack the Jiang Family, and at the same time, they wanted to attack Lu Tianci and Loong Yu.    


On the other hand, Qin Shou was powerless to stop all of this. He could only protect Jiang Ehuang and prevent anything from happening to her.    


For a moment, Xue Chen could not help but start guessing in his heart.    


Just as Xue Chen was guessing endlessly, Jiang Ehuang once again opened her mouth and said, "Furthermore, grandfather is currently in the hospital and has been unconscious for a few days."    


When Xue Chen heard this, his expression suddenly changed and his pupils shrank. "What did you say?"    


Jiang Zhanyi was in trouble as well.    


Didn't he have Xuanyuan Yidao to accompany him?    


Moreover, Jiang Zhanyi rarely left the Jiang Family. Could it be that the other party still dared to attack in Jiang Family's Old Residence?    


As a Wealthy Class family, although the Jiang Family had almost been destroyed once, the twenty years of recuperation should have allowed the Jiang Family to catch their breath.    


However, Xue Chen did not know how powerful the Jiang Family's foundation was.    


From the beginning until the end, there had not been any experts in the Jiang Family. They were just like an ordinary family.    


However, Xue Chen knew that the Jiang Family was definitely not an ordinary expert. There were definitely experts in the Jiang Family, but he didn't notice them.    


If someone dared to attack in the Jiang Family's Old Residence, how much courage and influence would it take for them to succeed?    


"I don't know what happened a few days ago, but I suddenly fainted. After I was sent to the hospital, all the doctors were helpless. Even now, they still can't find out the reason..."    


After hearing Jiang Ehuang's words, Xue Chen's face immediately turned gloomy. His eyes were sparkling.    


Someone had actually attacked the old master of the Jiang Family before this.    


If nothing unexpected happened, then someone must have poisoned Jiang Zhanyi in the dark.    


But who exactly was able to poison Jiang Zhanyi without anyone knowing?    


People outside?    


Xue Chen would never believe that the other party could succeed even if he was beaten to death.    


The people of Jiang Family?    


But now, everyone in the Jiang Family was basically crippled, and Jiang Xuxian had even lost his son. It was impossible.    


As for Jiang Xuyang, Xue Chen didn't think he would do that.    


Although Xue Chen didn't have many dealings with Jiang Xuyang, he knew Jiang Xuyang well. Moreover, he had always been on Jiang Xuyao's side. There was almost no chance for him to make a move.    


But who else could it be other than them?    


"Let's go and see the old master first!"    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Jiang Ehuang did not say anything and immediately brought Xue Chen to Jiang Zhanyi's ward.    


In the ward, Xuanyuan Yidao sat quietly on a chair at the side. The entire ward was extremely quiet.    


Jiang Zhanyi was lying on the bed. His wrinkled face looked very pale at this moment, and his chest heaved up and down weakly.    


If it wasn't for the oxygen mask on Jiang Zhanyi's face, he might have died because his breathing was disordered or because he couldn't catch his breath.    


Looking at Jiang Zhanyi who was lying motionlessly on the bed, Xue Chen couldn't help but clench his fists together. His angular face looked even more eerie.    


Although Xue Chen hadn't interacted with Jiang Zhanyi for a long time, Xue Chen could feel that this old man was truly good to him. He considered everything.    


Xue Chen even knew that after he appeared, he had thought of giving the Jiang Family to him.    


Looking at the motionless Jiang Zhanyi, who was like a corpse, Xue Chen couldn't help but recall the first time he saw Jiang Zhanyi and the scenes that followed.    


The memory was like a quick camera in a movie, replaying rapidly in Xue Chen's mind.    


After a long time, Xue Chen slowly walked towards Jiang Zhanyi.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's legs felt like they weighed thousands of kilograms. Every step he took seemed to have consumed all of his strength.    


Although Xuanyuan Yidao could not see anything, he could hear it.    


The moment Xue Chen lifted his feet, Xuanyuan Yidao asked, "Ehuang, is your brother back?"    


The reason Xuanyuan Yidao knew Jiang Ehuang was here was because he smelled a faint fragrance. He could smell it from the fragrance. It was Jiang Ehuang.    


It could be said that Xuanyuan Yidao could recognize people just by smelling the fragrance.    



"Yes, it's my brother!" Jiang Ehuang looked at Xuanyuan Yidao and said softly.    


As soon as Jiang Ehuang finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yidao immediately said to Xue Chen, "Xue Chen, you must have learned medicine from your uncle. Take your grandfather's pulse and see if he was poisoned. What kind of poison is it?"    


After hearing Xuanyuan Yidao's words, Xue Chen slowly exhaled and said, "Let me take a look."    


While he was talking, Xue Chen walked to the bed and sat down to check Jiang Zhanyi's pulse.    


However, when he was checking Jiang Zhanyi's pulse, Xue Chen took off the oxygen mask on Jiang Zhanyi's face.    


Although it was dangerous, Xue Chen wanted to make the most accurate judgment.    


Seeing Xue Chen take off the oxygen mask on Jiang Zhanyi's face, Jiang Ehuang's heart jumped to her throat. She wanted to say something, but in the end, she swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth.    


She felt that Xue Chen wouldn't take Jiang Zhanyi's life as a joke. Xue Chen must have his reasons for doing so.    


In the next moment, Xue Chen started to check Jiang Zhanyi's pulse.    


As time passed, Jiang Zhanyi's breathing became rapid and disordered. It was as if Jiang Zhanyi would die if he did not take a single breath.    


When Jiang Ehuang saw this scene, her pink fists were slowly clenched together. Not only that, her palms were also covered in cold sweat.    


Xue Chen's brows were tightly knitted together at this moment. It was as if he had encountered something very troublesome.    


Just as Jiang Zhanyi's breathing became more and more chaotic, Xue Chen stopped checking Jiang Zhanyi's pulse. At the same time, he quickly put the oxygen mask on Jiang Zhanyi.    


Only then did Jiang Zhanyi's breathing slowly stabilize.    


Xuanyuan Yidao, who was nervous and expectant, seemed to have noticed that Xue Chen had finished checking Jiang Zhanyi's pulse. He could not help but ask, "How is it?"    


"You must have taken his pulse as well. What do you think it is?"    


Xue Chen was right. As the patriarch of Xuanyuan Family, Xuanyuan Yidao was naturally proficient in some medical skills. He had also checked Jiang Zhanyi's pulse before.    


"It's poison!" Xuanyuan Yidao said heavily, "And it's a kind of poison that has never appeared before."    


"You are right. It is indeed poison. It is just that I am not sure what kind of poison it is. I need to find someone to diagnose it for me."    


As he spoke, a graceful figure involuntarily surfaced in Xue Chen's mind.    


It seemed like he should let her come back.    


"Are you talking about that woman from the Huo Family?" Xuanyuan Yidao immediately asked.    


Xue Chen nodded. "That's right. She is a poison master. I need her to help me see what kind of poison it is."    


Initially, Xue Chen did not want to disturb Huo Hongyan. After all, Huo Hanliu was alone overseas.    


Although it was tempting to take care of Huo Hanliu, he was raised by Huo Hongyan. How could she miss Huo Hanliu and not want to stay by his side?    


Therefore, Xue Chen did not want to disturb Huo Hongyan, but in the current situation, he had no choice but to disturb Huo Hongyan.    


"If we can let her come, then Zhanyi should not be in any danger..." Xuanyuan Yidao said with certainty.    


Huo Hongyan was a poison master and she had Poison Scriptures on her body. She must have done a lot of research over the years.    


If one were to say who was the most detoxified in this world, Then it belongs to Huo Hongyan!    


"She will come, but why did the old man suddenly get poisoned?" Xue Chen frowned and asked, "Who has the chance to poison?"    


"I am also very confused. Who could poison him? And this person must be someone Zhanyi did not guard against at all. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to succeed. At the same time, I will eat whatever Zhanyi eats. Why did he get poisoned? I am fine."    


This was also the most abnormal part.    


One should know that Xuanyuan Yidao's daily life was always with Jiang Zhanyi. However, something happened to Jiang Zhanyi, and nothing happened to him.    


This was not only why Xuanyuan Yidao could not figure it out, but also why Xue Chen could not figure it out.    


The two of them lived and drank together. But one of them had an accident, and the other was safe and sound.    


Was it done by Xuanyuan Yidao?    


Xuanyuan Yidao didn't seem to have any reason to do it, did he?    


Even if Xuanyuan Yidao wanted to do it, he wouldn't wait until now.    


"Has the old master come into contact with anyone else recently?"    




Xuanyuan Yidao seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. His face immediately revealed a stern expression. "I remember..."    


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