Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1483 Rejecting the Ba Family's Help

C1483 Rejecting the Ba Family's Help

0Although Qin Shou had been saved by this old man, he didn't feel any joy from surviving this disaster.    


His heart was filled with a strong sense of sadness. He looked extremely dispirited. His originally dark and bright eyes had lost their original luster at this moment. He looked very gloomy.    


It was as if his world had become completely pitch black.    


The old man looked at Qin Shou's sad face and sighed. He patted Qin Shou's shoulder gently and said, "Child, are you okay?"    


Qin Shou did not move. He looked as if he did not feel anyone patting him. Someone was talking to him!    


The old man saw Qin Shou's indifference and sighed again. "I know your grandfather's death has dealt a great blow to you, but don't worry, we will avenge your grandfather and kill Xue Chen..."    


Qin Shou, who was initially indifferent and his eyes were somewhat scattered, trembled slightly.    


In the next moment, Qin Shou suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man.    


At this moment, Qin Shou's eyes were incomparably red, like a brutal beast. It gave people the feeling of wanting to devour someone.    


"Why? Why is it my grandfather?" Qin Shou roared in a low voice. "Why do you want him to do all this?"    


The old man knew what Qin Shou meant. "We don't want him to do it. We have to do something."    


"Do we have to do it?" Qin Shou roared. "Did someone put a knife on your neck and force you to do it? If you don't do it, they will kill you with one knife."    


The old man knew that Qin Shou had just lost his grandfather, Qin Hantian. He must have felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he didn't show any dissatisfaction or anger in the face of Qin Shou's unfriendly attitude.    


In his opinion, this was completely human nature. It was the most normal thing.    


"You are right. There is really someone holding a knife to our necks!"    


"Is that so?"    


" Your grandfather didn't tell you anything about the Ba Clan, did he? "    


"He did!"    


"But do you know that Martial God has been suppressing the Ba family?"    


"Yes!" "Yes," Qin Shou said. "But what can I do?"    


"Suppression is not killing!"    


"How do you know it's not a kill?" The old man said coldly: "Do you know how many years the Xue Family has suppressed us?"    


"For thousands of years, they have been suppressing us, especially the Meng Family, which has already been wiped out. Damn it even more. " The old man said hatefully, "If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have done the same!"    


"And do you know what secrets are hidden in the Qin Imperial Seal?" The old man said heavily, "Do you know what it means to us as long as we can get the things inside?"    


"For thousands of years, all of us in the Ba clan have been working hard to achieve this goal. You have been separated. " It's all for this day. It's so that you won't be attacked by Martial God. "    


"Otherwise, do you really think your grandfather can become a Unification Stage warrior?"    


"He won't. If Martial God knows about it, he won't be able to tolerate it!" The old man's face was full of hatred, "He can tolerate the existence of a Unification Stage warrior anywhere in the world, but he will never allow our Ba Family to have one!"    


"This has nothing to do with me!" Qin Shou growled. "I have nothing to do with you. My surname is Qin, not Ba. My grandfather is dead now. Are you happy? Are you happy?"    


"The Qin Family was ruined by your bullshit plan. You guys can celebrate now..."    


"Bastard!" The old man's expression changed slightly. "I know that you're feeling bad, but do you know that your grandfather is a genius of our Ba Clan? At the same time, he's also my cousin. Do you think that I'm feeling good now that he's dead?"    


"I'm the same as you. I don't want to see him die, nor do I want to see anything happen to him!"    


The old man took a deep breath and calmed his slightly agitated heart. Then, he spoke again, "He's dead. Our Ba family has suffered heavy losses, and many things can't be as usual..."    


Qin Shou's heart was filled with bitterness when the old man's words sounded in his ears.    


He was not that kind of silly boy who did not know the world, nor was it the first time he stepped into society, nor was it that he did not have a brain.    


The other party seemed to be sad about Qin Hantian's death, but it was actually because of benefits. It was because Qin Hantian was no longer around. Their next plan would receive a huge impact!    


Benefits were all benefits.    


Now that Qin Hantian was dead, the Qin Family would probably be finished. Even if Xue Chen did not kill the Qin Family, the Qin Family would probably be killed by everyone else.    


After all, the Qin Family had developed to such an extent. In the open and in the dark, they had offended countless people, and countless people were waiting for the Qin Family to be finished.    


Now that the Qin Family's end was here, would those people really just stand by and do nothing?    


Qin Shou did not believe it.    


They were in the Wealthy Class. In the middle, Qin Shou knew very well what it meant to be a man walking on a cold day, a monkey scattering when the tree falls!    


"You don't need to be so hypocritical with me. To put it bluntly, everything is for your own benefit." Qin Shou interrupted him. "And you saved me because I am of no other use to you."    


"What do you mean I saved you just for the sake of benefits? Can't I save you on account of my blood and family?"    


"You better lie to a three-year-old child!" Qin Shou said coldly, "I don't have any feelings for you. Don't you think it's funny that you and I are talking about blood and kinship here?"    


"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. In short, what I said is true!"    


"In that case, I thank you for saving my life!" Qin Shou gritted his teeth and said, "At the same time, the mountains do not turn. We will meet again in the future."    


"What are you going to do?"    


"Get out of here!"    


"Qin Shou, if you leave this place, you will be in danger. Also, the Qin Family is in danger now. Both your uncle and Zhe Tian have been killed by Xue Chen. Although your father is still alive, he is not fit to be the patriarch. Without the courage of a leader, the Qin Family needs you to go back and take charge of the situation. Otherwise, the Qin Family will suffer a calamity."    


"So you saved me because you want me to support the Qin Family and use it as a tool for your benefit." Qin Shou sneered. "Stop dreaming. I will not help you!"    


"Qin Shou, are you not going to take revenge?"    



Qin Shou suddenly fell into silence. At the same time, the scene of Xue Chen cutting off Qin Hantian's head appeared in his mind.    


For a moment, Qin Shou's face was filled with unconcealable pain.    


"Qin Shou, even if you don't take revenge, you can't do it. But don't you care about the Qin Family? That was the work of your grandfather, your great-grandfather, and the others. " Do you really want to watch the Qin Family being destroyed? Do you want to watch them being eaten by the others like prey? " The old man said with a heavy tone.    


What do you want me to do? "    


"Qin Shou, the Qin Family needs you. They need you to go back and take the lead!"    


"How do I choose? Tell me, how do I choose?" Qin Shou asked. Qin Shou said with a ferocious face, "I'm afraid that everyone is treating the Qin Family as a plague. All of them are running away. They are even starting to add insult to injury."    


"I know, but our Ba Family will spare no effort to help you." The old man said confidently, "As long as you go back and stabilize the Qin Family, we will help you with other matters."    




Qin Shou, our Ba family was the richest man in the country thousands of years ago. Now that thousands of years have passed, how much money do you think we will have? " The old man said firmly, "In this world, money can make ghosts grind. What do you think we can't do with money?"    


"If I tell you, I don't have much time left?"    


"What do you mean?" The old man's expression changed slightly.    


Although Qin Hantian did not tell Qin Shou what he had done and the fact that the Qin Family was a Ba family, the Ba family knew Qin Shou was outstanding.    


Now that Qin Shou had said that he did not have much time left, would the Qin Family really give up on him?    


Of course, they could also let the Ba family come, but would the Qin Family care about them?    


After all, in their hearts, they were surnamed Qin. Not the Ba!    


Qin Shou was the only person who was most suitable to control the current Qin Family.    


"We met the master of the manor. Otherwise, how do you think Grandpa and I managed to escape last time? We were the only ones who read it, and he even poisoned us!" Qin Shou said coldly, "It is also an antidote. As long as we don't take it, we will die!"    


"I am under someone else's control. Do you dare to use me?"    


"What?" The old man's expression changed greatly. "Why didn't your grandfather tell me?"    


"Tell you?" Qin Shou snorted coldly. "Is it useful to tell you? If I tell you, you might treat all of us as abandoned and kick us away!"    


"Don't tell me you don't know. Wuqing is an imperial family!"    


"Not everyone in the imperial family is the same as you think."    


"I know, but what I experienced was the Heartless Emperor's family!" Qin Shou said heavily, "All of you are urging us for the sake of benefits. Now you have saved me. Let me tell you, I have been controlled by someone. Why didn't you say that you would help me take control of the Qin Family? Why didn't you say that the Qin Family would return to its former prosperity? "    


"I'm afraid that all of my hard work will end up in someone else's hands!"    


"What poison have you been poisoned with?"    


"If I knew, would I say that I don't have much time left?" Qin Shou said sarcastically, "Alright, don't waste your time on a dying person like me."    


"The Qin Family has the Qin Family's life. It doesn't matter if it's destroyed or you take over. It has nothing to do with me. Now, I just want to be alone."    


"Qin Shou, if you believe me, I will find you the best antidote..."    


Qin Shou ignored him and chose to leave.    


However, at this moment, his back was slender and lonely.    


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