Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C868 Reincarnation Is Still Fate

C868 Reincarnation Is Still Fate

0Xue Chen and Huo Hongyan had just left this place not long ago. The old man with the goatee came out of the hole with his men!    


But when they came out of the cave, Xue Chen and Huo Hongyan were already nowhere to be seen. No one knew where they were hiding.    


However, the old man with the goatee did not choose to give up.    


Immediately get people to start searching!    


Now that Xue Chen had been shot, others did not know what kind of arrow it was, but he knew it better than anyone.    


When the Gut Piercing and Combination Arrow were separated, it was the Gut Piercing Poison. If the person who had been shot did not have an antidote, he or she would definitely die within twenty-four hours. Even if they found an antidote, they might not be able to survive.    


Because there was harmony behind the intestine!    


The so-called harmony was a kind of strong aphrodisiac that could make people lose their rationality. If one could not find a woman to combine the aphrodisiac, then it would also cause pain and death!    


Of course, some people might say that... Without a woman, one could use five girls!    


But I'm sorry, this kind of poison can only be cured by having sex with women. Otherwise, no matter what method you use, you won't be able to get rid of it.    


It can be said that other than women, there is no cure for this poison.    


Even if you can resist the poison, it is useless against the poison because in a strict sense, it is not considered a kind of poison!    


Now, the people in the seedlings had combined the intestinal poison and the synthetic poison into one. It was a great killing move!    


At this moment, Xue Chen did not know that he had been poisoned. He only knew that the energy in his body seemed to be losing. Not only that, he was also in his lower abdomen at the same time. There was another fire.    


It made him extremely uncomfortable!    


Xue Chen's face was completely gray at this moment. Not only was there not a hint of blood, his breathing seemed to be very rapid. His eyes also slowly turned red.    


Huo Hongyan, who was supporting Xue Chen, saw the changes in Xue Chen. Her face was full of worry. "Xue Chen, how are you?"    


"Let's go, let's go!"    


"No, your shoulder is bleeding. You need to bandage it immediately!" Huo Hongyan said nervously.    


"We don't have time!" Xue Chen said heavily, "Let's get out of here."    


Xue Chen could guess that the people who had given birth to the seedlings would not let them go. They would look for them at all costs.    


They had taken away the White Bone Flower, and had even killed their patriarch. The backyard of their forbidden land was almost completely damaged.    


After a moment, Xue Chen's facial muscles began to twist. Even his body began to tremble uncontrollably at this moment.    


His expression was extremely painful. It felt like he was struggling with something.    


That's right. Xue Chen was indeed struggling!    


At this moment, he could clearly feel that the ball of fire in his lower abdomen had become vigorous. The blood all over his body began to flow uncontrollably.    


Especially when his arm was placed on Huo Hongyan's body, it made Xue Chen feel as if thousands of ants were biting his heart. Not only did he feel uncomfortable, he also felt an itch. In his heart, he was filled with evil thoughts towards Huo Hongyan.    


Very quickly, Xue Chen realized what was going on with him. He took off the arm that was placed on Huo Hongyan's body and pushed Huo Hongyan to the side. "Leave quickly. Don't worry about me. Leave quickly!"    


At this moment, Xue Chen felt his desire slowly devouring his rationality. He could not suppress it at all.    


Xue Chen's sudden change stunned Huo Hongyan. She quickly walked towards Xue Chen and said, "Xue Chen, you..."    


"I told you to leave quickly. Don't worry about me!" Xue Chen's breathing became more and more rapid. "Leave this place and give the antidote to my wife."    


"Xue Chen..."    


I told you to f * ck off! " Xue Chen immediately roared.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's eyes turned even redder. His expression was hideous and scary, like a bloodthirsty beast.    


Facing the murderous Xue Chen, Huo Hongyan did not choose to leave. Instead, she stubbornly looked at Xue Chen and said, "If you want to leave together, you have to stay together!"    


After she finished speaking, Huo Hongyan's eyes were filled with determination as she stared straight at Xue Chen.    


In the next moment, she clearly saw that the painful expression on Xue Chen's face had completely disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by desire and evil.    


After seeing this scene, Huo Hongyan was shocked.    


Before she could recover from her shock, Xue Chen suddenly stretched out his big hand and pulled Huo Hongyan into his arms.    




Huo Hongyan almost instinctively let out a cry of surprise.    


Ignoring Huo Hongyan's cry of surprise, Xue Chen immediately hugged Huo Hongyan tightly in his arms. One of his hands began to tear off Huo Hongyan's clothes non-stop. At the same time, he directly kissed Huo Hongyan's slender white neck!    


The sudden change caused Huo Hongyan's delicate body to stiffen for a moment. Then, she started to struggle instinctively. "Xue Chen, No, don't do this.    




Xue Chen completely ignored Huo Hongyan's words and tore off Huo Hongyan's shirt. Large patches of snow white skin were completely exposed in the air.    


Huo Hongyan was already thirty-five years old this year. She was ten years older than Xue Chen!    


Most women who were thirty-five years old had already married. After the devastation of marriage and family, they were no longer as youthful and beautiful as women in their early twenties. Their skin would no longer be as smooth as jade due to the erosion of time. Their eyes would have wrinkles and even if they were to put on makeup, it would not be able to hide it. Their lower abdomen would become relaxed after giving birth and even the Saint Lady Peak would loosen up.    


No one was able to remain young forever in the face of time.    


Especially women.    


As the saying goes, women can't live past old age. From this, it can be seen that women's lifespans are generally longer than men's, but they can't resist the destruction of time!    


However, Huo Hongyan was a weirdo. Her skin was as white and flawless as an 18-year-old girl's. There was not a single trace of fishtail on the corner of her eyes. Furthermore, her figure was not the slightest bit out of shape. On the contrary, she was the S type that a woman dreamed of. Coupled with the mature female aura that accumulated from time on her body, her entire person was filled with temptation.    



This point could be seen from Xue Chen's first glance when he saw Huo Hongyan. How powerful was Huo Hongyan's charm?!    


She looked like she was in her twenties and looked like she was in her thirties.    


No matter where this kind of woman was placed, she was definitely a beauty that could make men go crazy for her.    


It could be said that as long as Huo Hongyan wanted to, there was no man who did not want to marry her.    


But it was this kind of beauty that had never touched a man and had never been touched by a man!    


This was the first time she had even had such intimate contact with a man!    


After tearing off Huo Hongyan's clothes, Xue Chen quickly placed Huo Hongyan on the ground and pounced on her like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.    


Luckily, Huo Hongyan had pulled off the sharp arrow from Xue Chen's body. Otherwise, with Xue Chen's pounce, the sharp arrow would definitely pierce through his shoulder!    


"No... No... Xue Chen... Please don't do this..."    


Huo Hongyan already knew what was going to happen after being pressed down by Xue Chen. Tears uncontrollably flowed out of her eyes as she helplessly begged for mercy.    


It was not that she did not want to resist, it was just that she did not want to. It was because she resisted. But at this moment, it was as if Xue Chen had eaten a powerful pill. All of her resistance was useless!    


At this moment, Xue Chen was completely filled with desire. There was only one thought in his mind. That's the woman in front of me, fuck her!    


Facing Huo Hongyan's begging, Xue Chen did not stop at all. On the contrary, his actions became even faster, as if Huo Hongyan's begging provoked him, making him even more excited.    


Perhaps because she knew that begging for mercy was useless, Huo Hongyan wrapped her arms around Xue Chen and rolled to the side.    




The two of them hugged each other and used the downhill road to roll down crazily.    




Suddenly, a small hill in front of them blocked their path.    


At this moment, both Xue Chen and Huo Hongyan were completely cut by the stones or branches on the ground.    


It left wounds on their bodies.    


Suddenly, Huo Hongyan's eyes lit up. She saw a cave hidden behind the grass in front of her. The cave entrance was very small and could only allow one person to enter. Moreover, it was covered by the grass and the leaves of the big trees. If one did not approach it, one would not be able to discover it at all.    


After seeing the cave entrance, Huo Hongyan clenched her teeth. A huge force surged out of her body from an unknown place and pushed Xue Chen away. Then, she ran into the cave.    


Xue Chen smiled sinisterly when he saw this scene. He immediately chased after her.    


Huo Hongyan did not want to run. She knew better than anyone that she could not run and could not run. She would not leave Xue Chen alone.    


Especially now that Xue Chen was still like this, it was even more impossible for her to run away.    


The reason why she went into the cave was because she did not want to see her body exposed in the air. She did not want to see it. Later, someone would find out that they were sitting there making peace!    


Most importantly, if the person who had given birth to the seedlings came looking for them, it was imaginable what would happen to them!    


Xue Chen was chasing into the cave. Huo Hongyan was already lying flat on the ground, looking as if she was letting Xue Chen slaughter her.    


After seeing Huo Hongyan's appearance, Xue Chen did not say anything. He pressed down on Huo Hongyan's body and kissed her crazily.    


Unknowingly, two lines of tears rolled down Huo Hongyan's eyes.    


It was helpless clear tears.    


Everything she had was given by Martial God. Now, she had given everything she had to Martial God's only family.    


It was like a cycle of reincarnation, but also like a fate!    


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