Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C792 The Curtain Was Pulled Open

C792 The Curtain Was Pulled Open

0Today was a special day for Vienna, and it was the busiest and liveliest day in Vienna.    


All of this was due to the announcement of the successor by the Wittgenstein family.    


Originally, the matter of choosing the successor was the Wittgenstein family's own matter, so there was no need to make such a big fuss.    


However, the current patriarch of the Wittgenstein, Antonio, was now under the control of the three kings. Everything had to be done according to their words.    


Although this had filled Antonio's heart with grievance, he knew that he had to do this. Otherwise, they would definitely kill him.    


At that time, the entire Wittgenstein would be without a leader. It would definitely be a disaster.    


Because if that happened, the Wittgenstein would fall into an internal conflict, and the Wittgenstein would start to decline. This wasn't what Antonio wanted to see. He wanted to rebel against the three kings, and let all the experts of his family come out to defeat the three kings.    


However, the heartless reality gave him a resounding slap in the face. The experts of the Wittgenstein family couldn't defeat the three kings.    


Antonio didn't want to suppress all of the hidden forces of the Wittgenstein, so he could only let them do whatever they wanted.    


Fortunately, the three kings knew that if they forced Antonio into a corner, he might choose to burn everything together. They didn't force him too much. They only asked him to do something for them. At the same time, they promised Antonio a lot of benefits.    


This made Antonio completely give up on resisting and let the three kings order him around.    


At the same time, the three kings did not let Antonio randomly choose an heir. Instead, they recommended Hall to Antonio.    


Antonio was very satisfied with Hall. Besides, he originally had Hall as his successor. He just wanted to see whether Hall, Simone, or anyone else was better. But now, it seemed that he had no other choice.    


However, it didn't matter now. He believed that Hall would be the successor of the Wittgenstein family. It was also a good choice.    


It was under the arrangement of the three kings that all the renowned magnates from all over the world came to the musical capital of Vienna.    


At the same time, it was also because of the arrival of the various magnates that the airport of Vienna fell into an unprecedentedly busy and alert state. From morning to night, the number of commercial airplanes and private airplanes in the airport had exceeded two digits.    


Similarly, from morning onwards, the manor of the Wittgenstein family became very lively. Many luxurious cars drove into the manor of the Wittgenstein family one after another.    


The rooms in the few luxurious villas on the west side of the manor that were used to greet guests had been completely allocated.    


Of course, some of the rooms were also reserved for the most important guests.    


As for whether these guests would stay in the Wittgenstein for the night, This was no longer their concern. All they needed to do was to finish what they needed to do.    


However, Xue Chen was not one of these important guests.    


It was not that Antonio did not value Xue Chen, but the current situation was still there.    


Although he knew that Eternal Night Great Emperor had arrived in Vienna, he did not know if he would appear here, nor did he know what would happen tonight.    


However, Antonio was sure that if Xue Chen came, the entire Wittgenstein manor would be in chaos.    


At the same time, the three kings would definitely make trouble for Xue Chen at this moment, and even use Simone to force him out.    


When the last ray of sunlight entered the horizon, the sky slowly darkened. At the same time, the lights in the manor lit up and dispersed the darkness.    


The spacious parking lot of the Wittgenstein was filled with all kinds of luxury cars.    


The small square in front of the main building in the middle of the manor was brightly lit. The ground was covered with red carpet. Dozens of ancient pillars stood in every corner of the square. The reliefs on them were vivid and lifelike. All of them came from the hands of a master. Four luxurious statues were inlaid with all kinds of gemstones. They were placed in four corners of the square, giving off an extraordinary aura.    


A row of tables covered with white tablecloths were neatly arranged. On the tables were silver tableware that symbolized nobility and all kinds of exquisite food and wine.    


Famous people from all over the world gathered together in groups of three to five, drinking and chatting happily.    


These famous people didn't really want to join the Wittgenstein family in this matter. Because they all knew in their hearts what might happen tonight.    


However, they didn't dare to not come because no one knew if the three kings would attack them or what Eternal Night Great Emperor would do to them.    


Therefore, they could only hope that they were lucky.    


But at the same time, didn't they want to take the opportunity to befriend the Wittgenstein family?    


After all, the Wittgenstein family was the Iron Empire. The background of the family was beyond anyone's imagination.    


Xue Chen hadn't come here yet because he was waiting for someone. He needed Blank to bring him in when Blank arrived.    


Xue Chen smoked a cigarette and looked at Bodhi Lady. "Be careful when I go in."    


"You should be careful." "I am not their target."    


"At the same time, they must have set up an inescapable net to wait for you inside. If you show up, they will kill you immediately."    


Bodhi Lady was not exaggerating. What she said was the truth.    


The three kings had spent so much effort to kill Xue Chen. If Xue Chen did not show up, they would not mind using Simone's life to threaten him.    


If Xue Chen didn't show up, they would definitely kill him.    


Warning everyone, this was the outcome of being Eternal Night Great Emperor's dog.    


The way the three kings used it could be said to be very gentle.    


Xue Chen chuckled at this. "Without King of Shadow, they won't be able to stir up much trouble."    


"How can I do it?" Bodhi Lady asked.    


Xue Chen did not answer immediately. He thought for a moment and said, "Andar will inform you."    


"Don't move without Andar's notice." Xue Chen stopped smiling and said solemnly, "Do it as soon as Andar gives the order!"    


"But remember, don't kill the people in here if you can!"    


Bodhi Lady was slightly stunned, but she immediately understood what Xue Chen meant. He was worried that he would force all of these people to the side of the three kings.    


"I understand. Don't worry!"    



Xue Chen took a deep breath. "Tell Wuchang what I said."    


Blank came to Xue Chen's side and hugged him. "Great Sovereign, we meet again."    


"Buddy, you look good." Xue Chen hit Blank's chest twice.    


"Of course, Great Sovereign. Let me tell you, Elder Bosh's granddaughter is really good. Especially that scream. Tut, tut, it's so intoxicating...    


Blank seemed to have forgotten about what happened before. His entire body returned to that color.    


Xue Chen was happy to see this.    


"Great Sovereign, why don't I give it to you for fun?"    


"Get lost!" Xue Chen could not help but curse, "Am I the kind of person who wears broken shoes?"    


"Aren't all the women you find in bars broken shoes?"    


Xue Chen really wanted to slap Blank to death.    


"Stop talking nonsense here. Take me to the Wittgenstein family!"    


"Great Sovereign, I'm afraid..." Blank saw that Xue Chen was talking about something serious, so he immediately put away his frivolous side.    


"Don't worry, I've been prepared for this." Xue Chen said confidently.    


Blank didn't ask any more questions. He was ready to take Xue Chen away.    


"Wait a moment. I'll get ready first. I don't want anyone to see me."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Chen went straight to one of the bedrooms.    


After a while, the bedroom door opened again. A man with brown hair, blue pupils, and white skin walked out of it.    


Blank was stunned when he saw this. "You... you are..."    


"Buddy, don't you know me?"    


"Oh, my God, how did you do it?" Blank asked curiously.    


Xue Chen looked like a different person now. He looked like a western man. He looked like a gentleman from top to bottom.    


If he didn't take the initiative to say who he was, then no one would recognize him.    


"Appearance Changing Technique!" Xue Chen said calmly.    


He had only learned martial arts and medical skills from Martial God and Xue Chen. He had also learned some complicated things like appearance changing technique.    


"Praise God. Huaxia is indeed a magical country."    


"Do you want to learn?"    


Blank nodded like a chick pecking at rice.    


"I will teach you how to be a Huaxia person in your next life."    


Blank's face darkened. "Emperor, you..."    


"Alright, stop wasting time. Let's go."    


Xue Chen looked at Bodhi Lady. "Let's go!"    


"Be careful!"    


Xue Chen and Blank left the hotel and headed to the Wittgenstein.    


In the carriage, Blank couldn't help but ask, Emperor, is that woman Bodhi Lady?"    


"What, you want her?"    


Blank shook his head like a rattle drum. "I don't want to die yet."    


Xue Chen chuckled.    


Just as Xue Chen and Blank left the place, Bodhi Lady could no longer sit still. She left the hotel and headed towards the Wittgenstein.    


At the same time, Bodhi Lady also informed Xue Chen's brother, Wuchang!    


The Wittgenstein family was too dangerous right now. They could not just sit here and wait. They wanted to kill the people who were lying in ambush outside first!    


Tonight was destined to be a bloody night for Vienna!    


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