Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C2 Threatening Fu Yudie

C2 Threatening Fu Yudie

0Xue Chen was brought back to the police station by Fu Yudieh in a tragic manner. For a moment, Xue Chen's heart was filled with all kinds of emotions.    


Who the fuck did I offend? Didn't I come to Fengxiang City to marry a wife?    


I was almost killed by a police car. Not only that, but now he was also accused as a fugitive. At this moment, Xue Chen felt that he was even more innocent than Dou'e!    


However, Xue Chen did not have Dou'e's life. Dou'e's injustice touched the heavens. It was June, and snow was falling from the sky. Xue Chen was wrongly accused, and the sky was clear for thousands of miles.    


"What are you looking at? Go in!" Fu Yudieh pulled her face and pushed Xue Chen.    


"Beauty, I am not a fugitive. I..."    


Before Xue Chen could finish his sentence, Fu Yudieh interrupted him. "If you say you are not a fugitive, then so be it. We will talk about it after I have investigated clearly."    


The corner of Xue Chen's mouth twitched violently. It seemed that this woman really did not intend to let him go!    


No wonder people always said that they would rather offend a villain than a woman.    


Didn't they just look at her a few more times? Was there a need for that?    


At this moment, Xue Chen forgot that he still wanted Fu Yudieh to get what she wanted.    


"What are you looking at? Are you not convinced?"    


"Nonsense. I am not a fugitive. You have wronged me. I want to complain about you. I want to complain about you!" Xue Chen clamored.    


Fu Yudieh sneered. "Even if you are not a fugitive, you are still a suspect. You are obstructing the police from handling the case and attempting to extort police officers. In total, it is enough for you to stay in prison for two to three years!"    


Xue Chen's face immediately darkened. He was very dissatisfied with the crimes Fu Yudieh arranged for him. He felt that he was now a scapegoat.    


"Go in. Don't dilly-dally. Otherwise, you will be charged with another crime!" Fu Yudieh pushed Xue Chen again.    


"Go in. Who is afraid of who?" Xue Chen immediately walked into the interrogation room. He looked like he was going to die once he left.    


The interrogation room was very simple. In front of a big desk, there was a very special chair. The back of the chair and the handrail were made of iron. In the middle of the handrail, there was a piece of horizontal wood that could be put down at any time. It was like a baby carriage that was temporarily added to a baby in the mall.    


Even if Xue Chen had never been to the police station, he knew that this chair was for him to sit on. The horizontal bar that was placed down at any time was prepared to prevent the suspect from suddenly exploding.    


Therefore, Xue Chen did not wait for Fu Yudieh to rush him and sat on his exclusive seat.    


Fu Yudieh frowned when she saw Xue Chen sit down. Judging from his clean movements, he must have been in the police station many times in the past. As the so-called old Sparrow of Dongting Lake, he had seen a lot of trouble.    


According to the law, the police had to have at least two policemen present when interrogating a suspect. So when they entered the interrogation room, Fu Yudieh called a policeman downstairs and followed her into the interrogation room.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's pair of eyes could not help but look under the hollow office desk. His gaze fell on Fu Yudieh's beautiful legs. Her long and straight legs were tightly wrapped by black stockings. They went up through the charming curves. In the darkness of the professional skirt, a touch of pure flower color flashed. The sharp-eyed Xue Chen quickly caught a beautiful scene.    


Xue Chen almost burst out laughing. The hot looking policewoman was actually wearing cartoon underwear!    


Fu Yudieh did not know that she was naked. She asked in a cold voice, "Name, address, ID number."    


Xue Chen did not seem to hear Fu Yudieh's question. He kept glancing at the empty desk with a wretched smile on his face.    


Fu Yudieh saw that Xue Chen did not react after she asked the question. She immediately looked up at him.    


When she saw Xue Chen looking under the empty table with a wretched face, it made her anger rise up for no reason. She gritted her teeth and asked, "Is it good?"    


"It looks good..." Just as she said that, Xue Chen suddenly felt a surge of murderous cold air coming at him. The temperature in the room instantly dropped by more than ten degrees. He hurriedly raised his head and looked at Fu Yudieh.    


At this moment, Fu Yudieh suddenly slammed the table and shouted sternly, "You better behave yourself. If you keep looking around, I will dig out your dog eyes!"    




Xue Chen immediately sat up straight when he heard Fu Yudieh's voice. "Xue Chen!"    




Not like you!" Xue Chen said in disdain.    


"Humans are different from me, aren't you?" Fu Yudieh snorted coldly.    


Xue Chen wanted to say something. But considering that he had no choice but to lower his head under the roof, Xue Chen helplessly said, "Male!"    




"I just arrived in Fengxiang City today. I don't have a place to stay yet," Xue Chen said. Xue Chen said helplessly.    


Fu Yudieh thought for a moment. She had met this man at the train station. He should have just arrived. She then asked, "ID number!"    


"Officer, it's not that I don't want to tell you. I really don't remember. It's such a long string. It's not good for me to memorize it. Why should I remember it?" Xue Chen answered honestly.    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Fu Yudieh's face darkened. Her sharp eyes were like ice blades, piercing towards Xue Chen's heart.    


Sensing the sharpness in Fu Yudieh's eyes, Xue Chen hurriedly spoke again. "But I have an ID!"    


As he spoke, Xue Chen's handcuffed hands hurriedly reached into the pockets of his pants.    


After a while, Xue Chen took out a wallet from his pocket.    


Fu Yudieh saw it and immediately stood up from the chair. She walked to Xue Chen and lowered her head to reach out for the wallet. She opened the wallet and saw Xue Chen's ID.    


The moment Fu Yudieh lowered her head, Xue Chen's gaze landed on the deep ravine on Fu Yudieh's chest. The sharp-eyed Xue Chen actually saw her underwear again!    


White lace lace lace?    


Xue Chen did not expect to be wearing cartoon underneath. She was wearing white lace. Was she going on an unrestrained route, or was she going on an innocent route?    


Or was it a combination of unrestrained and pure?    


For a moment, Xue Chen could not help but think of Fu Yudieh wearing a pink cartoon under the white lace ominous sign.    


Fu Yudieh did not pay attention to Xue Chen. After getting Xue Chen's wallet, her eyes fell on Xue Chen's identity card.    



After hearing a laugh, Fu Yudieh came back to her senses. Looking at Xue Chen who looked like a pig brother, the anger that had just been extinguished in Fu Yudieh's heart burned once again.    


Especially when she saw Xue Chen's eyes staring at her chest, Fu Yudieh felt uncomfortable all over her body. She shouted harshly. "Xue Chen, if I find you looking around, I will definitely dig out your eyes and trample on them!"    


"Officer, I don't want to look around either, but we are of the same gender. The opposite sex absorbs each other, you are too beautiful..." Xue Chen began to praise Fu Yudieh.    


In this world, there was no woman who did not like to hear others praise her beauty. Fu Yudieh was no exception. Furthermore, Fu Yudieh also knew how attractive she was to men. Anyone who fell into her hands would not look away. Therefore, after hearing Xue Chen's words, Fu Yudieh's expression turned slightly better.    


Fu Yudieh fiercely glared at Xue Chen as a warning. Then, she walked back to her desk and sat down. Then, she handed the wallet in her hand to another policeman beside her.    


After that, Fu Yudieh looked at Xue Chen again. "Was there a criminal record in the past?"    


"No. I am a good citizen. I have never committed a crime before. Today, I have just arrived in Fengxiang City and was hit by a car. I was handcuffed and then went into the interrogation room. It was as if I was a murderer..."    


Fu Yudieh naturally did not believe Xue Chen's words. She winked at the young policeman who was making a statement beside her. The policeman understood and got up to walk out. He went downstairs to check the computer records.    


Fu Yudieh did not say anything. She just stared at Xue Chen with a sharp gaze that was as sharp as a knife.    


After an unknown amount of time, Fu Yudieh felt that this man in front of her was different from other men. At least, she could not tell what was different. What was worth noting was Xue Chen's eyes. Those eyes were very ancient. It was hard to imagine that a young man's eyes had such an ancient color. It was as if a glance could penetrate the hearts of people, but it was also trying hard to hide its sharpness.    


This man was definitely not simple!    


Fu Yudieh made a conclusion in her heart. It was a very high conclusion.    


At this moment, the police who went out to check the computer records pushed the door open and came in.    


"Did you find anything?" Fu Yudieh looked at the young police officer who walked in and asked.    


The young policeman smiled bitterly. "Captain Fu, this man is innocent."    


"What?" Fu Yudieh looked at the young policeman in front of her in disbelief. "Little Wang, could you be mistaken? How can he be innocent with his current appearance?"    


Xue Chen felt depressed when he heard this. What did he mean by his current appearance? What was wrong with his current appearance?    


Little Wang said with a bitter face, "Captain Fu, this is his information. Take a look and you will know."    


Fu Yudieh took the information and read it carefully. She did not find anything.    


Could it be that it was really like what he said? He did not have any criminal record. Today, he was just a bit unlucky. He almost bumped into her and brought her back to the police station.    


Fu Yudieh was somewhat disappointed. She really hoped that Xue Chen would be able to help her. She was a wanted criminal or an accomplice of the wanted criminal, who happened to run into her, and she made a great contribution, which made the higher ups in the bureau look at her in a new light, and shut up the family who had been against her becoming a police officer, and never again make a fuss about it in front of her.    


Her ideals were very full, but unfortunately, reality was very important.    


Xue Chen had no previous criminal record.    


Just when Fu Yudieh was silent, Xue Chen slowly said, "The police drove into people and framed good people..."    


Every time Xue Chen said something, Fu Yudieh's face turned darker.    




Fu Yudieh fiercely slammed the table. "Don't be so proud of yourself," she said. Even if you don't have a criminal record in the past, in my hands, I will still interrogate you for your crimes! "    


"Alright then. Investigate it. It would be best to find out within forty-eight hours. If you don't find anything after forty-eight hours, remember to give me an explanation. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, then I will publicize this matter. I think the tabloid reporters should be very interested in this news, right?" Xue Chen said with a playful expression.    


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