Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C419 The past Is Unbearable to Look Back on

C419 The past Is Unbearable to Look Back on

0A terrible memory suddenly appeared in Xue Chen's mind.    


Unpleasant memories appeared in his mind, causing his face to become hideous, twisted, and painful.    


Xue Chen did not speak in a hurry. Instead, he took out a cigarette from his body and lit it for himself. He took a deep drag and closed his eyes. He spat out the smoke that had been circulating in his lungs from his mouth.    


"Other people learn to walk and talk. It was taught by their parents, but who taught me?" Xue Chen tried his best to calm his voice, but unfortunately, he could not suppress the excitement in his heart. "When others called me a bastard and no one wanted a wild child, where were you?"    


That painful past seemed to appear in front of Xue Chen again, causing an evil aura to slowly emerge from Xue Chen's body.    


"You don't know, right? In everyone's eyes, I'm just a bastard who nobody cares about. I'm a bastard." Xue Chen gritted his teeth and said, "You can't imagine it at all. A four-year-old child was scolded as a bastard. When he was a bastard, his heart was filled with anger. You can't imagine a four year old kid fighting an eight or nine year old kid, can you? "    


Jiang Xuyao heard Xue Chen's words. His face was pale. At this moment, apart from feeling guilty for Xue Chen, there was only guilt left in his heart.    


"They are older than me. I can't beat them. Every time they beat me, I will be beaten to the ground. " Every time I get up from the ground, because I know... I'm a fucking bastard that no one wants. It's all on me, you son of a bitch. Relying on my fist to fight for everything. Otherwise, I can only be bullied! "    


Shen Xuening's heart could not help but tremble.    


A four year old child fighting with an eight or nine year old child, wasn't this clearly courting death?    


However, Xue Chen had to fight, and he couldn't admit defeat. He couldn't lower his head, because he didn't have parents or backing like the other children. He didn't. He had to fight for everything on his own!    


"Besides, my master never helped me do anything. He only told me how others hit you, and he used your fists to fight back!" Xue Chen took a deep breath. "He told me, I'm a man, I'm a man, I can't rely on anyone!    


"Because it was a sign of being a coward, but I was a four year old kid, a four year old kid. " What the hell do I know about men and cowards? "    


"At that time, do you know how much I needed you? Do I really want my father to appear beside me and beat them away?"    


"But you didn't appear. I have to solve everything myself. I have to use my fists to solve it!"    


This was Martial God's way of teaching. This was the childhood Martial God had given Xue Chen. However, Xue Chen had given Xue Chen far more than this.    


"No one wants to play with me. Everyone is isolating me. I don't even have a single friend. All the other children are playing together. Do you know how envious I am?"    


"This kind of envy is useless. Because I can't be envious. I'm different from them. " I'm an abandoned child, an abandoned child that no one wants! " Xue Chen said fiercely, "When I was five years old, my master taught me martial arts!"    


"Do you know what it means for a five-year-old child to take six hours a day?" "I'll tell you what it means," Xue Chen said. "Your legs are swollen. Continue tomorrow."    


"No matter how painful your body is, you can't stop. Otherwise, what awaits you is a stick!" Xue Chen took a deep breath. "I lasted for half a year just like that. For half a year!"    


"Do you know how it feels for a five-year-old to stick his hands into the burning sand like he practices Iron Palm? " Do you know how painful it is? "    


Jiang Xuyao's eyes slowly turned red. He did not expect Martial God to treat his son in such a cruel way.    


At this moment, he wished he could kill Martial God.    


Tears had already rolled down Shen Xuening's eyes. She really could not imagine Xue Chen's childhood like this.    


Other people were in their parents' arms when they were five or six years old. They were all in school, but he did not seem to have them.    


"Every day, my hand will be swollen like a bear paw. But the next day, I have to continue. Other people's hands were white when they were five years old, but mine was calluses!"    


"Other people start school when they are six years old. Do you know where I was when I was six years old?"    


"You don't know!" Xue Chen suddenly roared like a beast. "Let me tell you, I am in the most primitive forest Shennongjia!"    


"After my master threw me there, he left. No matter how much I cried or shouted, he did not turn back. He only told me that I must live here for half a year with my own abilities, or else I will die!" Xue Chen shouted hysterically, "I am f * cking six years old!"    


As he spoke, Xue Chen reached out his hand and made a six gesture." Let a six year old child live in Shennongjia's primitive forest for half a year. How many can survive? "Do you know how I survived? Do you know how I lived?"    


"I eat roots, I drink dew. I eat anything that can be eaten. I want to eat everything. "I'll drink anything I can or can't, or I'll starve to death!" Xue Chen took a deep breath. He tried his best to control his excited heart. "Not only that, I have to face countless beasts every day. There are wolves, wild boars. There are animals that you might not have seen in your life!"    


Jiang Xuyao's body trembled violently. He was six years old, and Martial God had left him in Shennongjia when Xue Chen was six years old. Martial God had let him live alone!    


"I have to live with wild beasts every day, and I have to be afraid every day. Will I be eaten by something..." Xue Chen gently moved his throat. He paused and continued, "Especially at night. I'm afraid of the dark, but at this time, I'm more afraid when the beasts come, I'm afraid of going to the trees, and I don't dare to sleep. Because I don't know if I'll die here if I fall asleep... "    


"Later, I slowly got used to the life there. I fought with the beasts, ate the flesh with blood, drank the blood of the beasts, skinned them and made clothes for myself..."    


"Half a year later, my master appeared and brought me out of Shennongjia with satisfaction. However, he left me in Changbai Mountain and still let me stay in there for half a year. Do you know that? The danger level of Changbai Mountain and Shennongjia was the same. The weather is different!"    


I want to live there on my own for half a year, or else the result will be the same. Die! "    


"I only have a knife in my hand. It is a piece of clothing made from the skin of a wild beast. I started my life just like that. You can't imagine how I lived because you were eating delicacies, hugging a woman to sleep, and even had a daughter. I'm afraid you have forgotten about me!"    


"I hate, hate, hate why my master is so cruel to me, hate you even more, why did you let me come to this world to suffer!" Xue Chen slowly raised his head and looked at the ceiling. "But since I'm here, I don't want to die. I want to live. I fight with the tiger, race with the blind, fight with the wild boar..."    


Xue Chen's every word was like a knife stabbing into Jiang Xuyao's heart.    


"Half a year has passed. My master has finally appeared again. He found me and brought me out." Xue Chen's voice slowly became calm. "Do you know how happy I was at that time? How happy I was?"    


"I didn't die here. I could finally leave alive, but who knew this was the beginning of the nightmare?"    


"I thought my master would take me home, but who knew that he didn't take me home. Instead, he took me to kill people!" Xue Chen said heavily, "Seven years old. I learned how to kill people when I was seven. Do you know how I felt after the first time I killed someone?"    


"I was scared. I was scared to death, especially when I saw the despair in the other party's eyes. I was even more scared, but my master cut off the other party's head and let me hug it to sleep. Do you know how it feels to hug a dead person's head to sleep? Do you know?"    


Whether it was Shen Xuening or Jiang Ehuang, even Jiang Xuyao could not imagine what it was like to let a seven year old child kill someone. Furthermore, after killing someone, he had to hug the other party's head to sleep.    


It could only be said that it was too cruel.    


"That time, I had nightmares for three consecutive days. I even dreamed that he came to me to ask for my life. I'm so scared. I think there is someone who can protect me and can hug me and say that it is fine. It is just a nightmare. Don't be afraid."    


"But no one said that to me!"    


"Later, I found out that the person I killed was a death row criminal that the incompetent government couldn't catch even after three years!"    


"As for what happened afterwards, I have already forgotten. I only know that from then on, I began to live a day and earn a day. I began to wander in the darkness, and I began to dance on the sickle of death!"    


"Later on, my master sent me abroad and sent me to Afghanistan. There was gold everywhere in Afghanistan, and there were also corpses everywhere in Afghanistan. I wanted to live there. You are a politician. You should know better than me what you want to do to survive in Afghanistan, right?"    


"Kill people?" Jiang Xuyao's voice was trembling.    



"That's right. That's killing people. Only by killing people can one survive. Only by killing people can one survive. If you don't kill people, others will come and kill you." Xue Chen took another deep breath. "I live my life every day. I eat people or people eat me."    


"I live a life of life and death every day. When I almost died there, were you there? " Tell me, where the f * ck are you? "    


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